• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 31,567 Views, 7,518 Comments

Epic Rap Battles of MLP - enigmaMystere

a silly little thing the ponies in my head persuaded me to do.

  • ...

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Q&A #2

The lights came up, revealing, instead of the white unicorn from last time, a dark red pegasus. He looked up, grinning. "Welcome to the second Question and Answer of 'Epic Rap Battles of MLP'! My name is Enigma, and I'll be your host this evening!"

A voice came from off-stage. "E, it's ten in the morning."

Enigma scoffed, waving a hoof. "That doesn't mean it's not evening somewhere else, Vi!" He turned towards the camera, smiling softly. "So, the first question is for ... Fluttershy!"

The yellow pegasus slowly walked out, hiding behind her mane. She sat down, glancing at the camera with an expression of anxiety.

The red stallion frowned, his heart aching at the sight. He slowly stood up and walked around the desk to where she was, gently draping a wing over her shoulder, consoling her. "You can do this, 'Shy. Pretend it's just me."

She sat silently for a few moments, looking down at her hooves. Slowly, she nodded, seeming to relax a bit and leaning slightly into his shoulder.

Enigma smiled at her, holding up a card. "Okay, 'Shy, here's your first question."

Fluttershy, if you wrote the Daring Do books, did you get inspiration from the character from Rainbow Dash? Because that would explain their similarities.

- RLYoshi

She blinked, putting a hoof to her chin. " ... well ... if I'm perfectly honest, she did influence the character quite a bit ... but if you're asking if she's the original inspiration ... then I have to say no."

Enigma raised an eyebrow, curious. "Okay, then." He flipped the page. "Next question, then."

For Fluttershy: When you're the announcer for rap battles, how does it make you feel?

- TPurnell18

She tilted her head, thinking a bit. " ... how does it make me feel?" She smiles, her eyes becoming distant. "It's amazing. Knowing that I have a role that is important ... I just can't describe the joy it brings me."

The stallion chuckled softly, shaking his head. "There's one more question, but it's for a few other ponies as well. Is that alright, 'Shy?"

She nodded, hiding behind her mane again.

With one more encouraging hug, he stood up and moved back behind the desk. "For this question, please welcome Twilight, Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Octavia!"

The mares walked in, each one sitting down on one of the chairs provided. They all stared at the mint-green unicorn, who was sitting in an extremely odd way. She pulled a pair of sunglasses out and put them on, ignoring their stares.

Enigma raised an eyebrow at this. Shaking his head, he tried to ignore the odd thoughts the situation gave him. " ...anyways, here's the question!"

And (not sure if this is to[o] much or not) how does Fluttershy pay for her business? Or Twilight, or hay...even Lyra and Bon-Bon...or Octavia for that matter?

- Inferno demon Dash

Fluttershy smiled, nodding at him. "This is rather simple. I write my books, and taking care of animals isn't a business. It's more of a hobby."

The purple unicorn shook her head, smirking slightly. "I get weekly stipends as Celestia's student." She put a hoof to her chin, thinking for a few moments. " ...those come from taxes. Was that enough information?"

Bon-Bon stuck a hoof in her marefriend's mouth, keeping her from speaking. "I support the both of us. She has a hobby of playing in the park, and, while that does bring in a few bits, I still supply the majority of the rent with my candy business."

Octavia blinked, waving her cello bow around, an eyebrow raised. "You're kidding, right?"

The stallion behind the desk smiled nervously, waving off the ponies. "This next question is just for Twilight."

For Twilight: Would you ever challenge one of the Princesses to a rap battle? Even just for sport or possible experimental observation of their mic skills?

- TPurnell18

The studious unicorn blinked, bringing a hoof up to her chin. “I can’t say I’ve ever thought of that.” She waved the hoof, sheepishly smiling. “I wouldn’t dream of challenging the Princesses, especially after their rap battle with Discord!”

Enigma nodded, understanding. “I don’t think I’d want to challenge them, either. They’d probably whip me without even trying.” He turned to the next card. “Lyra! You’re needed back in here!”

The mint green mare trotted onto the stage, passing by Twilight, who was leaving. She smiled at the pegasus stallion, nodding gently. “Hit me, E.”

He frowned, raising an eyebrow. “I was told to never hit mares, so pardon me if I would rather just read the question.”

Question for Lyra: How does it feel to have been in two rap battles against two different ponies?

- RLYoshi

Lyra laughed, smiling widely. “It’s awesome!” She stopped, frowning at a thought. “ ...not to say that I liked being beaten twice... ”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t expect you to. Thank you, Lyra!” He waved his hoof. “The next question is for Pinkie. If you could get her, that’d be-”


“GAH!” A pink ball of curls leaped out of the middle desk drawers, causing Enigma to fall backwards in shock. He stared up at the bubbly pony, eyes wide in surprise. “You... how... ” He facehoofed, sighing in slight annoyance. “Of course. It’s Pinkie.” He holds up the card, reading the question off.

How is Pinkie Pie able to go long periods of the time without breaking down from exhaustion?

- Inferno demon Dash

“That’s easy!” She hopped onto Enigma’s back, pulling a large cinnamon bun out of the desk. “I have treats hidden all over Ponyville, in case of treat emergencies!”

The stallion facehoofed, groaning softly. “ ... Pinkie, just ... just bring Rainbow in here for me, okay?” He looked up at her, surprised that she wasn’t even making him strain to keep standing.

She bounced off of him, grinning widely. “Oki doki loki!”

Enigma groaned once more, pulling a pill bottle from the desk and shaking a capsule out of it, quickly taking it. He smiled at the technicolor pegasus as she walked on stage, casually putting the bottle back into the desk drawer. “Okay, Rainbow, you have one question. Technically, it’s a continuation from Pinkie’s question, but I digress.” He held up the card and began to read it out loud.

Also.....is it possible for Rainbow Dash to beat the Wonderbolts in a race without using a Sonic Rainboom?

- Inferno demon Dash

The speedster scoffed, flaring her wings. “Of course I can! I don’t have to use the Sonic Rainboom to fly fast!” She blinked, looking at the name one who submitted the question. “ ... okay, what the hay is going on?”

“Moving on!” Enigma shooed off the dare-devil, earning a glare for his efforts. “Next is Gilda the Griffon!”

Rainbow left the stage, giving the most even look possible to the griffon who moved to take her seat.

The griffon, however, just looked downcast. Even the quiet thump as she sat down was melancholic. “Ask away, Enigma.”

He smiled brightly, playfully nudging her shoulder. “You finally got my name right. That’s great!”

She glared at him, growling in her ire. “Don’t push it. Just as me the dumb question!”

Nervous, Enigma fumbled for the next card, pulling it out and hoofing it over to the angry griffon. She snatched it from him and started to read it out loud.

What happened with Gilda and Prince Bluebuttblood? What was the fight about i mean?

- runforever101

The card fell from her grip. She didn’t know it, shocked as she was from the question. Slowly, oh so slowly, she turned to the pegasus, a pleading look in her eyes. “Please don’t make me answer this.”

He just shrugged, actually feeling a little sorry for her. “We said we’d answer every question.”

She groaned, holding her head in her talons. “Fine.” She looked up, glaring at the camera with a fury that could burn a cockatrice. “I was forced into an arranged marriage by my father, King Peter, the Griffon.” She rolled her eyes, waving a claw. “Certain circumstances arose, and I knew I didn’t want that feather-brained narcissist as my husband. So I challenged him to a rap battle, which I’d heard about from Fancy Pants. Cool guy, that stallion.”

Enigma smiled, nodding politely. “Yeah, Vi’s dad is really great.” He gently nudged her shoulder, trying to cheer her up. “Aren’t you glad you got that off your chest?”

She growled at him once more, eyes narrowed. “You have your answer leave me alone.” She flew off, leaving the pegasus wondering what he did to upset her.

Shrugging, he turned back to his list. “Okay, so the next one up is ... Featherweight?”

The tan colt flew onto the stage, stopping as he saw Enigma. They stood there, staring at each other for a bit before the young pegasus spoke up. “I’m sorry, Miss. I thought I heard a stallion call me up here.”

His eye twitched slightly as his hoof met his face once more. “I’m a stallion. Don’t ever confuse me for a mare, okay?” When the colt nodded, he sighed, bringing the card to his face. “Here’s your question.”

Question for Featherweight: Why is your voice so deep?

- RLYoshi

The buck-toothed colt blinked, confused by the question. “I suppose I got it from my dad.”

Suddenly, a burly white pegasus flew onto the stage. “Ready to go home, son?”

He smiled, nodding enthusiastically. “Can’t wait! Kool-Aid and grilled cheese for dinner! Plus, I get my allowance!” The larger one gave his son a stick of gum, smirking slightly. The two pegasi flew out, leaving the one behind the desk at a loss for words.

Enigma pouted, resting his head on the desk. “ ... no one pays me in gum ... ” Suddenly, he remembered the camera was rolling. With a cough, he put on his best smile. “Next up is Chrysalis!”

The black changeling queen flew in, staring down at the pegasus, even as she sat down. “Ask me the question, and you won’t be disappointed.”

He nodded, holding up the card for her to see. “Here you go.” She pulled it from his grasp and read it out loud.

In fact, question for Chrysalis: How does it feel to lose a rap battle to a little filly, of all ponies?

- RLYoshi

She frowned, glaring daggers at the card. “She was a tough one, I’ll give her that.” She smirked, narrowing her eyes. “I suppose, next time, I won’t pull my punches.” She turned and stalked out, turning the question card to dust with green flames.

The host snapped out of his stupor, letting his jaw go back in place. “Next up is ... ” He looked at the card, surprised. “ ... just how am I supposed to ... ?” He turned to someone off-stage. “Octavia! Can you go get your new friend? There’s a question here for him!”

“I suppose I can.” The sound of hooves on hardwood floor comes, slowly diminishing as the mare walked off.

Enigma turned back to the camera, smiling. “While we wait, why don’t I answer some of the nonsense questions!” He paused, putting a hoof to his chin. “ ... if any of these wasn’t supposed to be a nonsense question, I apologize.”

Enigma I was wondering if you knew. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Do Penguins have knees?

- Nunchucks

“To that first one, yes, I believe she is somewhere on Earth. This is Equis, though.” He shrugged, smiling kindly. “As for that second one? I believe the bone for the knee is called the ‘patella’. Penguins have those so, technically, I guess they do have knees.” He tossed that question behind him, not noticing that it turned into an origami plane and flew off. “Next question!”

The following question is for everypony/everyone who has ever been in one of the rap battles:

How does it feel to have lost the game?

- RLYoshi

“The only game that I know of is a simulator, and I don’t really know how one would lose at that.” He shrugged once more, tossing that question at the camera, hitting it square in the lens. The view began to tilt upward, but the pegasus was frozen in horror. “OH, S-”

A few minutes later, the screen flickers back to the dark red stallion. He sighs in relief, giving a genuine smile, which, to be honest, is much better than his forced one. “Sorry about that, audience! I didn’t know it would do that!” He coughed, motioning to the faceless figure next to him. “Anyways, Slendermane is here to answer the next question!”

Slendermane, are you stalking Octavia or following her around as a sort of companion[?]

- KErlend

“It’s quite simple, really.” The ponies looked at the tall, faceless pony in shock, surprise not that it could talk, but that it was speaking directly into their minds. “I’m following her as a companion. Anyone who can beat me has my greatest respect.”

Enigma smiled, nodding genially to him. “Thank you for answering that, Slendermane.” He waved him off as he left, turning to his cards once more. “Next up is Octavia!” He squinted at the card, confused. “ ... I think.”

The sophisticated earth pony trot onto the stage, sitting on one of the chairs provided. Before the stallion behind the desk could say anything, she speared the card with a cello bow, effectively ripping it out of his hooves. She held it up and began to read it out loud.

Ok, quite simply I am extremely confused with 'Tavi and Scratches little "quests."

I know Vinyl's is over but I still have no idea what happened there, with the other universes and stuff

As for 'Tavi, I don't know if it's because I've been struggling to keep up with my fics at the moment, but I don't even remember how this started, or what the hell is going on with the stage it is at at the moment, please help my confusion?

- muffinflavouredcake

She stared blankly at the camera, a single graceful eyebrow raised. “Putting a question mark at the end of a sentence does not automatically make it a question.” She sighed, inspecting one of her mythril bows as she spoke. “Vinyl had been sent to different dimensions by our universe’s weeping pegasi. Before you go complaining about how that’s not ‘how weeping angels work’, these are weeping pegasi. Completely different, and made by Discord.” She lowered her bow and looked directly into the camera once more, her gaze even. “I started on my quest to rescue Dinky. In case you had forgotten, Queen Chrysalis foalnapped her and took her place.” She flicked her bow, sending the card into the air. Another flick of her bow, and the card was instantly shredded. “I believe that those questions are now answered.”

Enigma stared at the pile of paper as the mare left. He shook himself out of his stupor (yet again), rubbing the back of his head. “A-anyways, I believe the next one up is Vinyl.”

The disk jockey walked onstage, smiling brightly. “‘Sup, E?” They bumped hooves as she sat. “So, what’s the first question?” She leaned over, reading the card along with her friend.

What kind of phone does Vinyl have?

- Fierce Feline

She grinned, pulling out her cell phone. “I don’t think you have a phone like this one. It's a touch-screen with arcano- and feather-compatibility, and it's got unlimited internet access - from across dimensions! Not only that, but I can get games and schematics from Earth and use them over here!” She paused, a small frown replacing her jovial expression. She placed the phone on the desk, muttering to herself. “Still don’t know how to build the 'Crescent Rose' ... ” She grabbed the card and tore it in half with her magic, tossing them over her shoulder. "What's next, E?"

Question to Vinyl: You okay? You should think multi-universe-travel isn't the healthiest thing to do.

- Jolly Roger

Vinyl just laughed, shaking her head. "I'm perfectly fine, dude! Aside from the awkward landing. Who knew books were so hard?" She rubbed her back, wincing slightly. "But enough about that." She tossed the card away, looking at the next card. "Hey, E, this one seems to be for both of us."

Will you do a rap [battle] like when ERB did [for the] end of season 1. Only it would be you vs [Vinyl].

Oh, and another question for you and Vinly. Are you guys secretly dating?

- raybony

Vinyl blushed brightly, hiding the card before Enigma could read the second part. "I don't know. I don't think there'd be a reason for E and I to fight! Next question!"

The stallion blinked, moving to glance at the card behind her back. "But that one seemed to have more written on it."

"I said next question!" She snatched the next card, hurriedly reading it out loud.

For Vinyl and Enigma: You two should definitely hook up. I see the magic between you two... Why not give it a shot?

- TPurnell18

With that, Vinyl froze. Enigma, however, just looked at the card with confusion on his face. "I'm not a unicorn. What do you mean by that?" He paused, thinking for a few moments before realization dawned on him. "Oh! No, Vi and I are good friends, nothing more! Besides, even though I tease her, I know she doesn't really feel that way about me! Right, Vi?" He turned to her, smiling brightly.

The unicorn just sat there, a small trickle of blood coming out one nostril. " ... E ... and I ... ?" She fainted, her whole face red.

Enigma blinked, confused. He shrugged, turning to the camera. "See? The idea's so ludicrous, it overloaded her brain!" He grabbed the next card and read it, knowing that his best friend would be fine.

Ay yo. Was the battle between Gilda and Blueballs-- sorry, BlueBLOOD with a cameo by you based on the ERB Romney vs. Obama with a cameo by Abe Lincoln?

- TPurnell18

"Actually, no." He grabbed the phone with a wing, pulling it over to himself. He manipulated it with ease, navigating to YouTube and pulling up the video. "If I'm not mistaken, the line count per turn was sixteen, twelve, two, two, two, two, one, one and eight. The rap battle between Gilda and Blueblood wasn't even close to that." He blinked, a thought occurring to him. " ... if you meant my part, then I suppose that might be a maybe. I'm not entirely sure where that train of thought came from, as I was half-asleep when I wrote that." He rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly smiling. "A-anyways, next question!"

Do you plan on doing any more tribute rap battles?

- journcy

He rubbed his chin, contemplating. “I’m not really sure. I suppose I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.” He shrugged. “Who knows? Another tribute rap battle may be closer than you think.” He flipped it over the desk, making sure not to fling it too hard.

The pegasus just shifted through the last few cards, frowning slightly. "These questions were already answered in the story." He shrugged, chuckling a bit. "Well, we did say we'd answer all the questions sent in." He held up the first of the extraneous entries.

My question is for you [E]nigma. If you are making this story and [Vinyl] helps you out in some occasions, does that mean that we may see you on the actual story or even rap battling?

- raybony

He laughed, shaking his head. "If you weren't paying attention for the last few chapters, then yes, I will, and have, been in the story." He tossed it over his shoulder. "Next question!"

What number of Doctor Who references have you placed throughout the story?

- Sphye

Enigma brought a hoof to his chin, frowning in concentration. “I honestly can’t remember. I’d say at least three: once in Ditzy/Derpy’s rap battle, once with the weeping pegasi and then with the fob watch.” He glanced around, wondering where he could toss this card. Seeing a petal falling from the ceiling, his first thought was ‘Where did that even come from?’ His second thought led to him throwing the card at it, missing entirely and embedding it in the wall, letting the rose petal land gracefully on the guest’s seat. He blinked, then shrugged. “Forgot to compensate for the A/C’s breeze. Next!”

My question for absolutely anypony in the Q&A:

"What the Hell ever happened to the weeping pegasi in Vinyl's basement?! We still haven't received the promised explanation! Unless I completely missed something........ Love your work, love you, love you all, GOOD NIGHT!"

I'm seriously sorry for constantly posing that question. Don't know why but it's still bugging the hell out of me.

- The Republican Brony

Enigma rubbed the back of his head, feeling slightly nervous. " ... yeah, I had a run-in with them last chapter... they're still in the basement ... " He threw the card off-stage.

“My leg!"

He winced, calling out to the injured party. "Sorry about that, Gilda!" He quickly held up the last card, embarrassed. " ... oh, wait, this is my grocery list." He smiled brightly at the camera, waving his hoof. "That's all, and thank you all again for sending in the questions! Have a nice day!" He turned around and started singing to himself, oblivious to the fact that the cameras were still rolling.

If happy ever after did exist,
I would still be holding you like this.
All those fairytales are full of it.
One more stupid love song, I'll be sick.

Enigma paused, looking offstage. "...the camera's still rolling?" He stared for a few moments before sheepishly grinning, slowly backing off the stage.

Thanks to xXsilverliningXx and Jolly Roger for editing!

So, it has been decided that the bonus chapter is after the next results chapter. For now, I hope you enjoy this chapter, as the next rap battle is still a work in progress.

Also, I'm working on a prologue (of sorts) to this story. It details exactly how Enigma came to meet some of the characters. As well as a few others. It will mostly be used to give my headcanon for a bunch of characters. I would like help writing it, though, and if you'd like to help with it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

And I decided someone else was more suited to write 'Octavia's Adventures'. Though that's not the name it's going to go by. Anyways, SuperChaosKG is going to be taking over that story for me. I just can't write adventure stories.

Yes, Enigma really is that dense. I have trouble reading other's emotions, as well. I blame myself.

I have to go, now. I need to work on a persuasive speech asking people to accept bronies, and I'm still stumped on how to do that (who knew an assignment could be so precise?).

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~

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