• Published 17th Feb 2015
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Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

  • ...

Becoming a Pret...Awesome Pony Princess: Part 2

Cadance splashed water across, letting the cool liquid wash away the last vestiges of sleep, before drying herself off to meet the new day. On her way out of the bathroom, she crossed paths with her full body mirror, and took a look at her reflection.

The last 2 years had flown by, each day learning new magic, fighting skills, politics, or just hanging out with her friends. Now, staring back at her wasn’t the same mare from the accident. Her colour scheme hadn’t changed, she had abandoned the idea of dying anything, but her build was drastically different. She was now the height she would recognise from the show, smaller than Celestia, but larger than all but the biggest stallions. The thin lithe frame was also gone, replaced by a modestly thin one, but with well-toned muscles lying visible just beneath the surface.

Her mane was also different. She hadn't grown it into a long flowing mane, nor did she keep the girly ponytail either. Instead she had a mixture of boyish scruff, not unlike that of Rainbow Dash's, but the back was a short spike ponytail. The look said feminine but strong.

She liked it.

Cadance had been working really hard of late, throwing herself into her studies and fitness regime. It would have continued had Celestia not ordered her to take today off. If she had to take a break, she was going to make it worthwhile. Sadly, Fleur and Sapphire were busy.
Fleur’s modeling carrier had recently taken off, and with it her calendar had started to fill up. Sapphire had also made her break; she had been noticed by a talent scout, and was now preforming as a backup singer for a prominent artist. So they both had less free time, and apparently they both had appointments today.

Well, there was always Twilight. She was about to set off, but remembered that she needed to wear her regalia when she was out in public. Her crown was the same as the show, but she had changed her torc. It was now larger and pronounced, with the key upgrade of a hidden dagger, one for emergency situations. With one last glance at the mirror, she checked that everything was on right, and headed to Twilight's Tower.

* * * * * *

Twilight lived in a sub-annex of the Royal Archive. It was built inside one of the castles older observatory towers, which held the useful, but not critical works; and was more private then the actual archives. It was no surprise that Twilight claimed the place. Thankfully, it was already set up for a live-in librarian. It even had a small laboratory in the basement sections. The castle’s repair crew hadn't been force to go in there too often. (Once every 3 weeks doesn’t count as often, right?). Cadance approached the towers external entrance, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door.

“Twilight, are you in there?”

She got no answer, but her improved hearing allowed her to hear some light snoring. She opened the door and peeked in. There was nothing unusual on the first floor, but as she ascended to the second floor, she was welcomed by the sight of an iconic book fort; it was roughly the size of a bouncy castle, but detailed enough to have slit windows and walls thick enough for the filly to walk on. Twilight had to be home, otherwise Spike would have started taking it down by now.

“Twilight?” She inquired again; her only answer the same snoring as before, now much closer and louder. As she reached the top of the stairs leading up to the second level she saw Spike, in this basket fast asleep, just to the side of the forts main gate. Twilight, however, was not in her bed. It looked like she hadn’t even slept in it. Cadance steeled herself; she was going to have to enter the book fort.

Making her way through the walls of books, she found her target in the central courtyard. It looked like Twilight did an epic study session last night; the poor filly was still at a table, looking like she had fallen asleep after grabbing a stack of books. A stack she was now snuggling like a pillow.

-'Oh, now there's a Kodak moment.'- She summoned her camera, one she had only bought a couple months after her arrival, and took a picture. -'That one is so going into the Adorkable album.'- After the picture was taken, she magic’d it back to her room, and shook Twilight.

“Twilight wake up.” Twilight’s response was nothing more than a groan, and further snuggling of the books. -'How is that even comfortable?'- Clearly Twilight was in a deep sleep; in such a state that there was only one way to wake her up. Cadance got into her authoritarian mindset, and said the hated fail-safe:
“Twilight, you are going to be late.”

The reaction was instantaneous. Twilight launched vertically into the air, where she stayed, hooves flailing wildly, for about five whole seconds.

“LATE! I can't be late! Nononononononononon!” She would have been racing around like mad at this point, but Cadance had her in her magical grip. She floated Twilight over to her, and looked at Twilight with an amused smile. She saw the lights go on in Twilight's eyes. She crossed her hooves, and pouted. “That wasn't very nice Cadance.”

“Sorry Twilight, but sometimes it's the only way to wake you.” She nuzzled her, and put the unicorn down again. “Forgiven?” She asked. Twilight put a hoof to her muzzle, deep in thought.

“You know the price.” Cadance rolled her eyes, smiled, and moved to sit directly opposite Twilight. Dropping for all four hooves, she prepared for the little ritual.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” They intoned together, completing the sunshine dance.

“Okay, now that that is done, go and get washed up. We’re heading to Donut Joe's for breakfast, and then out to make a day in the city.”

“But what about my studies?” Twilight whined. Cadance had been expecting that response, and looked down at her.

“Are they assignments from Celestia?”

“Nooo, but..”

“But nothing missy. You can't spend all your life studying. You need to take a look at the world around you from time to time. These books aren't going anywhere.” Twilight was about to continue to argue, but Cadance summoned a box of matches, lifted one out, and lit it. The sheer terror in Twilight's eyes said she understood what that meant.

“Y-you wouldn't?”

“Yes I would.” Twilight sighed and lowered her head.

“That's low Cadance.”

“I only do it because I care dearly for you. Now go wash up. Today will be fun!” They left not long after, leaving Spike still sleeping. That dragon could sleep through the end of the 1812 overture, WITH CANNONS. Twilight left a note for when he woke up.

* * * * * *

Breakfast at Donut Joe's was as good as ever, and Twilight had certainly cheered up, even after being forced to shelve her studies.

Sadly, the high spirits wouldn't last. As the two were walking down the street chatting, a big unicorn stallion stepped in front of them.

“Hey baby, why don't you dump the kid and you and me can have some real fun.”

'Is this guy for real?' Cadance thought.

-(It must be noted at this time, that Cadance isn’t as widely recognised in Equestria as Princess Celestia is. Having never been on a state tour, or even left Canterlot much since her ascendance, she isn’t known by the majority of the nation’s citizens; even then, only by the name Mi Amore Cadenza. This stallion is either not from / new to Canterlot, and has to be particularly dense not to recognize an alicorn. It should also be noted, that Cadance has seen fit to block any attempt at the formation of a set of personal guards, born out of both a sense of macho pride, thinking she can protect herself, as well as not wanting anyone else to get hurt on her behalf).-

“Not interested.” She tried to get passed him, but he moved to block her way again.

“Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm great at mutual pleasure. So come on, come back to my place.”

“Again, no, now move.” She tried passing him again, but he put a hoof on her shoulder. She glared at him, and his smile was gone.

“Now you see here missy. You and I are going to have some fun together. So ditch the kid.”

“GET YOUR HOOF OFF ME NOW!” Cadance forced through gritted teeth. He merely sneered at her.

“Make me.”

-‘Well he asked for it.’-

“Twilight, take note. This is how to deal with those who don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’.”

Cadance powered up her magic, and an aura soon engulfed the stallion. His horn flared as he tried to fight it off, but she overwhelmed him with her far more powerful alicorn magic. She lifted him up on his hind legs, so it looked like he was standing like a human, giving her clear view of her intended target. She faced away from him, aimed, and bucked. As she made contact, she heard a deep crunching sound, followed by a scream so high in pitch it was almost inaudible. As she dropped him, she bucked him again, aiming higher. The screaming turning to whistling as he flew through the air. He stopped with a resounding crash, causing a nearby stallion to scream. “My cabbages!”

Cadance looked behind her, and she was greeted by the sight of the idiot sprawled in the ruins of a cabbage cart, completely unconscious. She summoned a small bag of bits, enough to cover the cost of the cart and produce, and then some, and gave it to the owner of said cart.

“Sorry about the mess.”

The stallion accepted the bits and walked back to Twilight. Twilight quickly looked up, floating a notepad and quill back to her saddlebags.- 'She actually made notes. She's so adorkable.'-

“Um Cadance, wasn't that a little harsh?”

“No Twilight, it wasn't. I gave him plenty of warning, and he ignored it. The worst thing to do Twilight is back down. If they feel if they can walk over me, they will try it with everything and everypony. Equestria has enjoyed the lasting peace we have is because the other countries know that Aunty will do what she says, from agreements to warnings. Peace through strength Twilight, that is the key. We prefer to live peacefully with our neighbors, but we must always defend our ideals and those we have sworn to protect.” Twilight looked a little depressed.

“But I'm just a little filly. What could I do?”

'More then you know.' Cadance thought. Aloud she said. “Twilight, you might not be able to do much now, but in the future you can make a difference.” Cadance had an idea pop up in her head. “Why don't I talk to Gleaming, and maybe get you started on some basic self defense.”

“You think that would be a good idea?” Cadance nodded.

“If I had had training earlier, I might have dodged those pipes that hit me a couple years ago.” That seemed to comfort Twilight, so they walked on.

* * * * * *

Hours later, the sun was on its downward journey when Cadance and Twilight returned to the castle. A guard stallion at the gate informed Cadance that her aunt wanted to see her in the northeast ballroom. Thinking nothing of it, Cadance just shrugged, and went there as requested, Twilight following closely. Canterlot Castle had three ballrooms in total; and the one they were heading for was the smallest, located in the higher levels of the castle. She opened the doors on arrival, but found the room wasn’t illuminated, nor the curtains drawn open, leaving the whole room surprisingly dark.

“Aunty, are you here?” She voiced into the darkness. Receiving nought, she ventured into the black. Suddenly, the curtains were pulled open, and a multitude of voices cried out:


She and Twilight jumped. Before she knew what was going on, she was hug tackled by Fleur and Sapphire. Looking around the room, she spotted her aunt, Fleur’s boyfriend Fancy Pants (Took her a month to stop giggling at that name), Gleaming Shield, Shining Armor, Spike, Twilight Velvet, and Night Light, and a few over palace staff Cadance knew well. There was party streamers and balloons everywhere; causing Cadance to look around for a certain Pink Party Pony.

“What's going on?” Cadance asked, causing her aunt to giggle, and a surprisingly large amount of bits to change hooves amongst the group.

“Why, you surely haven’t forgotten Cadance? It’s you're birthday, my dear niece. Happy Birthday Cadance.”

It took Cadance moment for everything to straighten out. Then she facehoofed. It was CADANCE's birthday today. She had been so busy with her studies she had forgotten. Plus, this is only the second time it has come around since she had been here/lost her memory, so she is allowed some latitude. “Are you okay, Cadance?” Celestia asked with concern.

“Yes, I just realized it IS my birthday. Thank you all for coming. Now let's get this party started!” With that, she got her birthday party going.

The party got underway, and before long, the cake was brought out. After the candles were blown out, she was given presents to open. Celestia had surprised everypony with her gift; a new blade. She had decided that since Cadance insisted on wearing one, she should have one fit for her station, and had commissioned a beautiful sword. The hilt was gilded in gold, white and pink, not unlike her mane, and her cutie mark was emblazoned on both sides. She put it back in it's sheath. Twilight had gotten her another book on magic. It took all of her will power not to sigh at that. -'At least her heart is in the right spot.'-

After she had opened all her gifts, and thanked everypony, she moved to a table with her cake and drink, and sat down next to Gleaming.

“Well this party is going well, -Gleaming nodded-, but who chose the music?”

“I did, it's some of my little sister's work. What do you think?”

“I like it, it’s certainly better then any classical stuff everypony around this castle tends to listen to.” That got a chuckle from the older mare.

“Well I'll let Vinyl know you liked her work. Would you believe her best friend is into classical. It has got to be the oddest friendship I have ever seen.”

“I would actually. I believe your sister has got a bright future ahead for her.” Cadance eyed Twilight across the room, with Spike riding on her back. She was talking with ponies for once, who weren’t family or her aunt. She took another bite of the cake, enjoying the treat and the fact that Twilight was becoming a bit more outgoing. She asserted herself and was making good friends.

-'Yup, a good SECOND 16th birthday.'-

* * * * * *

For the first time in her new life, Cadance welcomed the next morning with a smile on her face. After a great birthday party the night before, she was in too good of a mood. She had even started singing.

“T to the W, I L G H T, and ain't no other pony troll it down like me- I'm Twilightlicious!” She even did a small dance as she continue to sing Twilightlicious till she was done with her shower. Afterwards, she headed to breakfast, but surprised to find that her aunt was not there. She looked out the window, and sure enough, the sun was up. So if her aunt hadn't overslept, where was she? As for Twilight’s absence, it probably meant she was likely studying again, so no biggie there. She decided to check for her aunty, slightly concerned. She checked the kitchen, seeing if she had sneaked into the cake pantry again, but no dice. Out of local areas to check, she decided to check her aunts bedroom. A quick teleport spell, and she was there.

It. Was. CHAOS. The mare who ran the country with a cool and level head, was currently running around the room at a pace that could trouble Rainbow Dash. Scrolls flew this way and that, books and small knickknacks skidded out of the mare’s way; even the bed had not survived. Cadance had to admit it was scary, seeing the alicorn of the Sun acting a like Twilight.

-'IF her mane starts fraying and she gets that creepy smile, I'm running to Ponyville.'-

“Aunty, what's going on?” Celestia glanced her way, and skidded to a halt, her golden shoes causing sparks on the stone floor.

“Oh Cadance. Well, I just got word that our ambassador to Gryphonia has died in a carriage crash, on the way to attend an important ceremony for their kingdom. Nopony else but me knows what needs to be done, or the etiquette to follow, so I have to race out and be there. Otherwise it would be a great insult to them, harming our relations with them.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Celestia eyed through various floating document before replying.

“No. Thank you, but I don't think so. Oh horseapples, I’ve got to cancel court today.”

“Maybe I can stand in for you.” Celestia looked at her with a bit of surprised.

“Are you sure?” Cadance rolled her eyes.

“You have been training me for politics for the last two years, I should be able to handle court for a bit while you're away. It would be unfair for your little ponies that have taken time to come here, for you to up and close court on such short notice. This crown on my head isn’t just for show, is it?”

“No, you’re right. Huuuh, are you sure you want to do this.”

“Please, let me show our ponies that I'm not like Blueblood.” She and the arrogant prick have butted heads a lot the past couple years. Thankfully, she has managed to confirmed that he and Celestia aren't blood related, and that his position is only due to being part of the Platinum bloodline, rather than having actual power.

“Very well Cadance. Roll Scroll will be there to assist you with anything.”

“Nice. Well, need help packing?”

“No, thank you, you will need your strength for court.” The grin on her face made Cadance worry, but her mind was side tracked by a growl from her stomach, she she finally went to get breakfast.

* * * * * *

Celestia usually had court after lunch, so Cadance had her combat and magical training moved up. To make for a smooth transition, Cadance was prompt in making it to the throne room after her lunch. She sat down on the large throne, and the nice comfy cushion she found on it.

“Comfortable chair.” She said to herself. She then noticed a button, one that is only visible to somepony sitting in the seat. Curious, she pushed it, and the cushion began to vibrate. “Oh you devious pony. A massaging cushion, nice!” The side door opened, and a earth pony mare walked out. She had lavender fur, and an orange mane and tail. She walked up to the throne and bowed.

“Princess, I am Roll Scroll. Princess Celestia's personal secretary.”

“A pleasure to meet you Miss Scroll. Now, shall we get this show on the road?”

“Yes your highness.” Miss Scroll then motioned towards a guard stallion at the end of the hall. The large doors opened, and the guard shouted out:

“Day Court is now officially open, with her Royal Highness Princess Mi Amore Cadenza presiding in place of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.”

“It's CADANCE.” She fumed to Roll Scroll. “Have them get that right.” A pegasus mare approached the throne, preventing Roll from saying anything. “What has brought you to the throne my little pony.” Cadance said in a kind voice.

“Your highness, I am Thundercloud from the town of Sun's Peak. We've been trying to expand our town, but Cloudsdale has repeatedly held back any shipment that will allow us to do so.” Cadance frowned at the sound of that. She looked to Roll

“Roll Find out why that is going on.” Cadance returned her gaze to Thundercloud. “Did they ever give you a reason for the delay?”

“Only that the resources were needed elsewhere, your grace.”

“This will be looked into, even if I have to do it personality.” She saw Thundercloud's eyes brighten, then she bowed.

“Thank you Princess.” She turned and left, leaving Cadance to her thoughts. -'This won't be so bad.'-

* * * * * *

'Oh God, this is bad.' Cadance thought as she leaned against one side of the throne. A noble had been droning on about something regarding the economics of Equestira. While she has helped many good ponies, there were SO many frivolous issues that came up that caused her to facehoof. –‘So that explains the look on auntie’s face earlier.’-

“So that's why I think we should raise taxes to pay for this grand pool.” Cadance lifted her head up from her hoof.

“Wait a minute. You just spent ten minutes to tell me you want bits from our subjects for a POOL!?”

“Well, yes?”

“Is this pool for public use?”

“Well no but...”

“I have heard enough.” She got down from the throne, and picked the mare up in her magic, taking her towards the line of waiting ponies, where upon she address them all:
“This mare wanted to raised taxes, in order to pay for a private pool, even though she has plenty of bits of her own to build it. She has wasted not only the time of the crown, but yours as well. I will now show you what I do to those who waste my time like this.”
She open a nearby window with her magic, lined the floating mare up with it. She then turned around, and positioned her rear hooves against the mares flank. In one quick movement, she pistoned her rear legs to full extension, giving the mare an almighty shove, propelling her screaming out through the open window. The crowd heard a loud but muffled splat. “Anymore requests of that caliber will get the same treatment.”

Court went on as normal from then, with only two more ponies suffered the same fate. Heck one of them even did a wilhelm scream. After those examples court was so much better. She could totally do this now.

Author's Note:

Forgot to add this in the inital post. This is what the stallion sounded like after Cadance bucked him.