• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 35,174 Views, 2,453 Comments

Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

  • ...

Royal Fun

Cadance had a look of determination as she moved her piece. She set it down at her chosen spot, and held it for a few seconds, before she released it. Prince Dawn eyed the placement and sighed.

After five more minutes of waiting and deep thought, he made his move. Spotting her chance, Cadance could not with hold an evil grin. Moving another one of her pieces, she looked over at Dawn, all smiles. “Check.”

Sighing again, Dawn moved his ‘king’. Thankfully chess did exist in Eqqus; but in Equestia the king and queen are replaced by Prince and Princess. ‘What is with them and doing that?’ She understands that with Celestia's mom still alive, but never seen, she is still Queen; and Tia and Luna are only Princesses - but to replace everything with Prince and Princess? Ponies drive her crazy at times.

A few moves later, and Cadance played her finishing move. “Checkmate.” She stated, and Dawn looked over the board in consternation. Finally, he took his Prince, and laid him on his side.

"You had me beat five minutes in. How did you do that?" Dawn asked. Cadance just smirked.

“When your aunt is none other then Celestia herself you tend to learn things from her. She is a very good chess player.” 'Just on a different board.'

“You have a point, I suppose. A pony that has all the time in the world would gain a lot of skills. Anyway, Princess, we have a concert to go to, before you depart tomorrow.”

“Sounds nice, lead the way.”

Prince Dawn lead them to a fancy amphitheater, adorned with with cloth banners all around the room. The stage setup for a musical concert, with tiered rows of seats, and two pits at the front. They took a VIP booth in the upper deck, one that faced straight on towards the stage. They sat down and waited quietly for the show to start; a few more ponies, and some of the local royalty, soon joined them in the booth. Shining Armour stood guard on the inside of the booth’s door.

A half hour past before the speakers roared to life, a deep and bellowing stallion's voice called out:

“Mares and gentlecolts. I present to you......SAPPHIRE SHORES!” The crowd cheered, stomping hooves thundering. Cadance joined in, as one of her dear friends entered the stage.

“HELLO MY SENNNNSSSAAATIONAL SUPPORTERS!” She spent the next few minutes greeting the fans. Soon after, she started singing, setting off with tracks from her latest album. Cadance sat back, watching and listening with a big smile, as Sapphire sang and danced for the crowd.

After the last song had ended, Sapphire took a bow and the curtains closed in front of her.

“Well that was a delightful show.” Sunny Wave commented as they got up to leave.

“Would you like to meet Sapphire, Sunny?” Cadance asked.

“Would that be okay? Here in Equintopia, we don’t want to look like we are trying to abuse our status, or our connections.” Cadance came closer to the unicorn and winked.

“Trust me on this, and follow me.” Despite the lavish differences each theater uses to try and make themselves stand out, they all have the same basic building layout. With confidence, she walked through multiple doorways before spotting a pony in a suit. He also wore sunglasses inside, and an ear piece. Very ‘secret service’ if ever Cadance's saw it.

“Hey Stern, laying off the donuts?” She saw a slight smile twitch upon the stallion's lips.

“Welcome Princess, go right on in.” The pony stepped aside, and held the door open for her. Cadance walked past with the visiting royalty, into the now open corridor, while Shining nodded to Stern. Further down the corridor, the group reached a door with her friends name on it. She knocked, but opened it anyway, to find her friend by a mirrored desk. She was nude, lacking her stage clothing or other apparel, and her cutie mark area was visable.

“So, what's a two bit singer like you doing in a place like this?”

Sapphire dropped her mane brush, and whirled around, ready to give a verbal lashing to the rude intruder. At least she was until she who it was.

“CANDY my friend!” Sapphire declared, before racing over. The two mares shared a tight hug. “What are you doing here Candy?”

“What? I can't drop in and see my friend on occasion?”

“Of course you can girl, but I meant here; in Eqiuntopia.”

“Doing some chores for my aunt. I think it's a bit of her 'Princess Training' she has planned for me. But enough about that; may I introduce Prince Dawn Light and his wife Sunny Wave.” Sapphire bowed to them both, and she was granted the permission to rise.

Turning back to the royal couple, Cadance explained; “Me and Sapphire have been friends since we were teenagers, so I'm not using princess privilege to be here, only friendship privilege.”

“But I must say Candy, it is an honor to meet the royalty of this fair nation. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but Candy here can definitely show you a good time.”

“Princess Cadance has certainly been interesting guest. Though she has no sense in fashion.”

“Oh don't you start!” Cadance huffed. That got the other mares in the room giggling.

“Oh yes, my friend Cadance her lost her sense of personal fashion in that accident, but not her ability to see good fashion on others. Candy I must thank you again for directing me to Rarity Belle. That mare has such a talent for designing and making outfits. All my costumes are now done by her.”

“Hey, she deserved a chance; and I want the best for all of my friends. Now I'm starving. Would you like to get a bite to eat?”

“Sure, just let me put my disguise on.” Sapphire didn’t give her time to respond, before she tapped a crystal on her hoofband, and magic washed over her. She suddenly took on a blue coat, and had a vanilla mane and tail. And her flanks now bore a cutie mark of circling pink dolphins.

“That is interesting, a way to not worry about being pestered by your fans, correct? But why the dolphin cutie mark?” Sunny wave asked.

“Because that is her actual cutie mark. You notice may not of noticed, but she was a blank flank till she turned it on.” Cadance replied.

“So is this your actual form?” Sunny asked, confused.

“No.” Sapphire answered, with a shake of her head. “I perform in my real form, but I hide my cutie mark. In this disguise I reveal it; not many know what I have, and I like it, but don’t get much chance to ‘wear’ it.”

“I can understand that.” Sunny smiled.

Soon they headed out to find a nice restaurant nearby. Finding a quaint place not far from the event arena, the group sat down and enjoyed a nice meal together; embarrassing stories going around being shared as if among old friends.

“There was this one time Candy made this thing she called a skateboard.” Cadance facehoofed and moaned.

“Oh no, please don't Sapphy.” Sapphire just grinned an continued.

“The thing was just a piece of wood with four wheels. It might have worked if she stayed on four hooves but no Candy wanted to stand on two. She quickly lost control and ended up crashing straight into a cabbage stand.” Cadance's facehoof upgraded to a double.

“I had to pay for the damages again, and he declared he was moving out Canterlot.” Commented through her hooves.

“Oh how did Princess Celestia take it?” Dawn asked.

“She thought it was funny as hay and sad she missed it.” The three other ponies laughed at Cadance's expense. “And with all the incidents I have with him, it might be easier to have him on royal pay roll.” The laughed doubled, and Shining patted Cadance on the back.

* * * * * *

The next day found the five heading towards the train station. Turns out Sapphire was taking the same train back as Cadance and Shining. The Prince wanted send his new friends off personally, so he and Sunny were with them on the platform of the the station.

“Hey Sapphy, have you ever lost luggage on your trips?” Cadance asked.

“Well no, I would hate to lose any of my costumes.” Cadance rolled her eyes.

“Why?” Sapphire was confused until Shining explained what had happened when they arrived in Overusedpuns. Sapphire laughed at that. Before the embarrassment could continue, they all noticed a crowd forming up ahead. Curious, they all got closer and found a Saddle Arabian stallion on a platform.


“You want us to overthrow the royalty!?” Somepony in the crown shouted.

“Only if necessary. We of the Brotherhood hope that the royalty will see the light and disband themselves. Please join us and help us see Can's vision come to fruition. ONE VISION, ONE PURPOSE! PEACE THROUGH POWER!”

It was then Cadance looked around and saw red and black signs. They all read;




Then she spooted the symbol for this group, displayed on each sign. It was a black background, on which sat a red triangle surrounding a red scorpion tail.

They didn't stay long after that, and Cadance urged Dawn to be watchful of that group. Dawn said he would watch them, but couldn’t do anything else; they hadn't broken any laws yet. As the train left the station, Cadance hoped for the best, but Equintopia's future didn't seem so bright anymore.