• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 35,174 Views, 2,453 Comments

Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

  • ...

Face Off

I stared at the OG Cadance for a minute as she stares back. Neither of us saying a thing. I then moved to a chair and collapsed on it rubbing my head. “Why can’t things be simple?”

“Because life isn’t simple. Aunty Tia taught me that.” I grumble in response and close my eyes trying take stock of everything. I heard Cadenza's hooves clipping about as I did. Then they stop. “Happy Tree Friends?” My eyes go open and look in her direction and saw her going through a door labeled Happy Tree Friends.

“WAIT! DON’T GO IN….” The door shuts. “…there.” I got up and went to the door as. It slammed open and a shivering pale white Cadenza came out. I closed the door and picked her up and returned to the seat scratching an ear. She soon stopped shivering and have a light moan from it. I smirk and kept it up as color slowly returned to Cadenza's fur. Then I worked on her frazzled mane, summoning a comb I began to comb her mane. She leaned against me for a minute before pulling away looking at me confused.

“Why are you being nice to me? Before you seemed to hate my guts.”

“I don’t hate you. I hate the situation. We have to deal with this as it’s clear the Elements of Harmony want this so unlikely it can be undone so we both need to live with this. But how?”

“With compromise. First we need to see what happens when we wake up. Then wing it from there.” Cadenza thought for a bit.

“Sounds reasonable.” She then looked up at me and focused on my breasts. “What are these?” She patted one. It felt good.

“Those are breasts, they are like your teats.”

“Odd placement.”

“Not really, biped forms this is the norm. And makes a sexual pleasure zone.” Her eyes go wide.

“Oooohhhhh!” Before either of us could say or do anything else their sleep was over. Their eyes opened and by instinct I yawned and stretched.

‘Seems you are in control Dave.’

“Seems so, and call me Cadance. I'll call you Cadenza.”

‘Fair enough.’ I did my usual morning routine. And headed to breakfast. Both my aunts were there.

“Good morning Cadance.” Celestia greeted me with.

“Good morning Aunty Tia, Aunty Luna.” Luna mumbled something took a banana and ate the peel not the banana. Odd and a bit amusing but in her defense she looked dead tired.

“Busy night Luna?” I asked. She responded with cursing Discord in a colorful way. Old polish cursing was very entertaining.

“Cadance, I want you to go on a tour to reasure our ponies that things are back to normal.”

“As normal as are around here.” I quip and Tia gives me a deadpan look with I reply with an impish grin. Cadenza laughing in my head. Tia just shook her head in response but I detected a slight smiled on her muzzle.

After breakfast I worked to preparing the tour. Their would be five of us, me, Shining, Lance, and two pegasi to pull my carriage. So we needed supplies for all of that. After lunch they took off for Fillydelphia. I engaged in small talk with Lance and Shining and felt Cadenza checking Lance out.

‘Like what you see?’ I mentally ask her.

‘Oh yes, toned while still feminine and that exotic look.’

‘Well don’t get too aroused. Can’t have a proper sex time in this carriage.’

‘Says you.’


‘Pot calling kettle.’

‘Please, you are more pervy then me.’


* * * * * *

We soon arrived at Fillydelphia and soon I began walking the streets greeting the various ponies. I saw many smiles and thankfully no foal kissing needed. I felt the love and happiness raise around me. It felt good to feel that.

‘Was that always a thing?’ I asked

‘Only since becoming an alicorn. Before that I had to read body language to gage a pony’s feelings.’ That was interesting. She gave me insights on the various ponies we met. She helped me spot a conpony trying to swindle me. We headed for a hotel where we will be staying for the night. I checked on the carriage guards and they were settling into their room fine. I headed to my suite which had had all to myself..well technically. Cadenza didn’t count in that. After unpacking some stuff we headed down to he restaurant for dinner. At a large table we relaxed and had fun.

“So Shining was in the mares locker room with a bunch of mares glaring at him and with a sheepish look she explains. ‘My shield did its job a little too well.’ Hoping it would placate the mares. It didn’t.”

“So that’s why I saw him running that day.” I commented. Causing new bouts of laughter from Lance and the two guards who were mares while Shining was trying to hide.

“ Yeah it was kind of fun chasing him around the castle. Eyeing is plot.” His raised up at that and is was soon blushing hard. I laughed hard at the sight. When I calmed down I looked at the mares.

“So, how did you two get this gig?”

“Princess Celestia asked for volunteers and we both took it.”


“We like you princess, you aren’t like those stuffy nobles not seem unreachable like Princess Celestia.”


‘Aaaawwww that is so sweet. A nice harem building.’

‘Oh come on! I am not harem building!’

‘Oh really? I check out the room labeled as R34. Found A LOT of interesting things. Especially on our aunts and Twilight and her friends.’

‘Just stuff I looked up in my previous life. I have my hooves full dealing with Tia shipping me and Shining and Lance having interest in me. Adding two more is just too much.’

‘I think you underestimate yourself. I bet you will succeed. You made everypony think you are me.’

‘Well the fact I was brain damaged helped there.’

‘You sell yourself short. You still rule as me. And with me around you can do even better. We are partners, now and forever.’ I internally winced at that. ‘Hey I felt that, what's up?’

‘I just feel like a puppet. I know what can happen and fulfill it my own way. Now you are here and I feel like a tool.’

‘YOU ARE NO TOOL! What you are is your own self. With our situation compromises will be made by both of us. We are a team. Maybe a recently new one but still a team. We just need to get to know each other and work it out.’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Trust me, you will see.’ I mentally shrugged and listened as her mare guards introduce themselves as Wing Blast and Air Razor. Been in the guard for five years and had no real event of note they have done besides occasionally pulling Celestia’s carriage. This will be an interesting tour.

After dinner we headed for our rooms and I had mine all to myself. It was the large Princess Suite. Figures they gave me that. After a bit of a clean up I headed to bed.

My eyes opened to the same hybrid place I saw last time. I look around and saw Cadenza emerge from a room.

“Welcome back.”

“Guess we don't exactly dream anymore.”

“Or this is our dream.”

“Huh?” I was confused.

“This is our dream. Something that we and our share. Our space where we can be equals and not be suppressed by the other. Where we can be us.” I thought on that for a minute.

“You disagree?”

“No..I think you are right. But Luna can see dreams. She could come here and see us.”

“We will deal with that when it happens. Meanwhile should we explore our home?”

“Sounds good.” The two of us then explored this dream home. It was as large as a castle. Parts clearly from Canterlot. Parts were of Dave’s home. When they looked out the balcony it was not Canterlot they saw bit a small village.

“Ooohhh! The village I was being raised in till I got this horn!”

“Looks cozy.” I commented.

“It was.” Cadenza said whimsically. I tilted my head slightly.

“You miss it?” I asked.

“A bit. But I can do so much good in Canterlot with Auntie. We can do so much good.”

“You really want to make this work?”

“Yeah, neither of us truly wanted this but this is what we have. You seem like a nice pony. I can get use to sharing my life with you. Hey! We are kinda like a married couple.”

“Uuugghhh!” I face palmed and heard her chuckled. I gave her a glare in response. It made her full out laugh. Then I smirked and booped her muzzle. She stopped laughing and scrunched her muzzle. She looked so confused.

“What was that?”


“Seriously what is that.”


“Quit it.”


“Stop it!”

“Boop.” I said as I did it again with a smile.

“RRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!” She pounced tackled me and I respond with the dreaded use of fingers.


Her screams of rage soon turned into screams of laughter as I tickled her barrel. Her wings unable to block my hands. After about five minutes the begged me to stop.

“Do you give up?” I ask her as I don't stop.

“YES! YES,PLEASE!” Hearing her plea and stop. I laid at my side and smirked at her. After panting a bit she looked at me and pouted. It was so cute. It cause me to chuckle. She glared for a minute then smirked and joined me in my laughter.

We laughed for a couple of minutes.

“See, we can make this work. Just like any couple it takes compromise.”

“You are rather chill with me.”

“You did have to comfort me after I went into….that place. You could have pointed and laughed bit instead you calmed me down and comforted me. Means you are good at your core so I can accept this. But why Happy Tree Friends for a title?”

“Its part of the joke. Looks like a nice innocent show then BAM! You get the dark humor of the show revealed.”

“But why make that?” I shrug.

“It just the way humans are. Would wish that on anybody for real? For the most part no. There are evils and sick people out there but the fact the show is fiction allows us to enjoy it. Granted it’s not for everyone. Ask next time. I'll respect your private areas on return.”

“I have nothing to hide from you. You are my…” She paused as I give her a look. “ My partner in this. I trust you, maybe in time you can trust me more.”

"We will see."

“Good, let’s seal this with a kiss.” She leaned in to kiss me and I found myself on my bed, back in pony form.

‘Aw poo, the moment ruined.’

“Seriously what is with you. You would be practically making out with yourself.”

‘But you are really me in that area and you do have an exotic form. I do you easy.’ I shake my head.

“You are such a pervert.” She just laughed at that as I started the day.

Comments ( 122 )

Pervert is as Pervert does! :trollestia:

And as a Grammer Nazi there are A Lot of errors here still. Have you not found a willing editor yet?

Have you asked if any are willing to be your editor?

Ok this chapter misled me. I thought this was when Dave as Cadance would be facing off with Chrysalis to stop her own kidnapping. You got me author well played. But as she is doing that tour we should encounter Chrysalis soon i look forward to that epic fight, since you stated this Cadance has very little feelings for Shining Armour. Plus you made this Cadance actively work out both body and magic so when Chrysalis shows up she's in for a fight

I wrote a blog to see if any takers will step up to the challenge. I do enjoy your stories and only want to see that you get the help to keep posting more. :raritywink:

Couple of errors but overall a good chapter. Glad to see this back.

‘Aaaawwww that is so sweet. A nice harem building.’

please no

“We will deal with that when it happens. Meanwhile should we explore our home?”

Shouldn't be too difficult just tell the truth.
One of you is the Cadance from before the accident, and the other is the Cadance from after the accident.

And Discord revived Pre-accident Cadance in an effort to mess with Post-accident Cadance, but you're both making it work :moustache:

One of the thing I was thinking of is Cadence looking for a duplication spell but finding it requires you to mentally multi task two or more bodies which for here would be great but others would be baffled by her Ease.

Im glad I desired to Reread the story to get full context before getting to the chapter

“Yeah, neither of us truly wanted this but this is what we have. You seem like a nice pony. I can get use to sharing my life with you. Hey! We are kinda like a married couple.”

I smell shenanigans...

dont forget magic is mostly mental so it could be possible for one of them to fight physicly while the other is dedicated to using magic to pull off things they wouldnent be able to do normaly in the heat of battle

yeah, from a being that can literally create anything he wants.

Tia just shook her head in response but I detected a slight smile on her muzzle.

Something that we and our share.

After about five minutes she begged me to stop.

Oh cool! I literally looked this up like yesterday for any new chapters

“Not really, biped forms this is the norm. And makes a sexual pleasure zone.” Her eyes go wide.

Either for bipeds or like this makes sense for this

“As normal as are around here.” I quip and Tia gives me a deadpan look with I reply with an impish grin. Cadenza laughing in my head. Tia just shook her head in response but I detected a slight smiled on her muzzle.

I think your missing something here

I headed to my suite which had had all to myself..well technically. Cadenza didn’t count in that. After unpacking some stuff we headed down to he restaurant for dinner. At a large table we relaxed and had fun.

Had had?

‘Trust me, you will see.’ I mentally shrugged and listened as her mare guards introduce themselves as Wing Blast and Air Razor. Been in the guard for five years and had no real event of note they have done besides occasionally pulling Celestia’s carriage. This will be an interesting tour.

I'm a bit confused

“Sounds reasonable.” She then looked up at me and focused on my breasts. “What are these?” She patted one. It felt good.

“Those are breasts, they are like your teats.”

“Odd placement.”

“Not really, biped forms this is the norm. And makes a sexual pleasure zone.” Her eyes go wide.

AKA: Erogenous zones.:ajsmug:

‘Pot calling kettle.’

Same colour!

“Happy Tree Friends?” My eyes go open and look in her direction and saw her going through a door labeled Happy Tree Friends.

aaand fuck you, I had finally repressed those memories and now I remember, I REMEMBER EVERYTHING! god damn that was fucked up

“Busy night Luna?” I asked. She responded with cursing Discord in a colorful way. Old polish cursing was very entertaining.

I believe you meant Old Ponish.

fun times are a hoof.
a grate chapter.

Oh Happy Tree Friends, I remember showing that to my mother and instantly learning where I got my dark sense of humor from.

What the heck happened to this story? It was one of my favorites, the last good chapter IMO was before 2021.

Well aside from the numerous grammar and spelling mistakes, it's the story. Why the switch from the amazon warrior princess aspect to this?

Oh that is still there. There will be more. This is the end of an arc. Just wait till she has the Empire

This situation feels, 8 dunno, wrong. If she was going to come back why would New Cadance even be there still, or even necessary? It just kinda feels intrusive that now there's the "real her" in her head that she has to make room for when it's been her own life and body for years and years.

she wasn't goign to be back. this is Discord's mokey wrech thing that no one would predict.

There's the pregnancy that will be imminent in a few decades, or so. As much as Dave might understand the need for him to do his "duty", there could still be his own personality that would reject Shining. Thus, perhaps Cadance 1.0 will be needed to help him through it all.

Chapter is called Face Off and there was no sign of Optimus Prime collecting faces. What a shame.

Oh, so sad. I do recall it was such an awesome picture. No wonder Celestia worked so hard to up her game in that prank war. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I'm not getting that reference, either.
I could see Nicholas Cage and John Travolta making cameos, but how does Optimus Prime fit in here?? :rainbowhuh:

I may be showing my age here but I do remember an old Transformers comic book from the late ‘80s early ‘90s where someone was capturing various Autobots and Decepticons and mounting their faces on the walls inside a warehouse/fortress. Not sure if that is the reference intended.

so does this mean Cadenza knows about best foal/future sister in law that is Twilight Sparkle?

Also Chrystalis

she is learning. Dave took that role. Dave is aware but Cadenza is not of Chrysalis.

yeah, sorry i mean 'Does Cadenza know about Chrysalis and changelings?"

Come to think of it, it's mildly surprising Luna hasn't dreamwalked in yet. Wonder if she's just never thought to check in...

Aye. But, with the exception of a single story, they've finished everything they've set out to accomplish.

“Not really, biped forms this is the norm. And makes a sexual pleasure zone.” Her eyes go wide.

in a bipedal

Her screams of rage soon turned into screams of laughter as I tickled her barrel. Her wings unable to block my hands. After about five minutes the begged me to stop.


Magnificent partnership. Guess the truth follows.
Faust view on this would be interessting. Since Cadance has two minds and souls now... Can she kick mental attacker ass twice as hard? Or are Alicorn imune by default?


Now i will never get that out of my head...
Sombra was less cruel than that! ... ... ... :rainbowlaugh:

Now I can die content, knowing my work was successful. :trollestia:

You are evil... I like you :pinkiesmile:

I do not know where you may have heard these claims but as a member of the United Nations Space Comand, Office of Naval Intelligence, section 3; I am ordering you to cease and desist emediatly with these outrageous and completely unfounded aligations. The UNSC and ONI have never imprisoned anyone in a moon nor have they erased anybody from history. All you need to do is continue to pay your taxes and forget this silly little insignificant notion you somehow got in your head.
The UNSC thanks you for your patriatism and wishes you a wonderful rest of your day.

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