• Published 17th Feb 2015
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Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

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Home and Birthdays (UE)

Three days later found me, Silent, the Regent, and my aunt standing in a plaza. Aunt Luna has not lost her Nightmare coloring and eyes yet still maintain her Luna form. She looked rather nice like that in my opinion. I was still sore and bandage but I'll be darn if I appear weak to Luna's ponies. I did have Love's Pain out in case of a second attack. But with today's planned event that should cease. I had a new guard as well since Night Lance was still in the hospital for her wounds. She be out in a day but not up for guard duty yet. She was so down when she learned that. She took her job seriously it seems. Anyway Luna's ponies had been busy and gathered the remaining supporters of my attack and today was judgement day. The thestrals looked on with hush discussions going on at the sight of several of their kind bound to pillars of wood in the middle of the plaza. At a set time Luna stepped forward. “Some of you have greatly disappointed and angered me. I come back after my exile and do see a wondrous city you have built. But the actions and words of some have tainted that.” She points to me and continued. “She is my beloved niece, she has helped me adjust to this time and has not judged my actions. She came here because I asked her and wanted to show her something I am proud of. Instead what to a find? Tribism, hatred, and fear because she is a day pony. Note a term that is only used here not in Equestria proper. Yet unlike many of you she has not judged you for being thestrals. She is a day pony, despite my duties and talents for the Night I AM a day pony. Any attack on my niece is an attack on the crown. Those directly responsible met there end to my niece's blade. Those supporting are here and will be punished.” Luna approached the prisoners and summoned a group of whips and proceeded to flog the prisoners who cried out in pain. After thirty whips Luna stopped. “Not sorry for what I just did, but that I had to do it. Attacks against my family can not go unanswered.” Luna let the guards take them away to be treated. We headed back to the castle.

A couple days later we were getting ready to leave. Several thestrals were coming with to be the core of a Night Guard. Night Lance joining us. She was still bandaged but looked better. She was assigned to guard my flank. She seemed very happy about that. I looked around. “Where's Silent?”

“Right here.” I heated from behind me.

“Ack!” I jumped and glared at the hybrid pony. “Stop doing that!”

“Will try princess.” He said with that Spock like demeanor. I rolled my eyes and got back to readying myself for a long flight. Soon we were outside the mountain Luna no longer looking Nightmarish and fifty three ponies to the air.


Hours later we landed in Canterlot Castle. The thestrals looked around in awe. The place was much different then one thousand year old pictures. Celestia walked up to us as Shining galloped over. “You okay Cadance!? Hooves trimmed, horn shined, wings perfectly cleaned?” He was inspecting me and getting a little too intimate. I booped him on the nose to get him to stop.

“Have to remember that move.” Night commented. I rolled my eyes.

“I am fine Shining, a little sore from a fight.”

“FIGHT!?” Shining nearly screeched. I stared at him deadpan.

“Yes a fight, one I won. I am not your sister Shining, though she has gotten better.” I brushed him aside. He took his job seriously but he does go over board. I observed my aunt’s interact. Celestia observed her sister's changes.

“It is good to see you like this sister.”

“Thank you. I am now ready to resume my duties.” Celestia nodded then looked at the thestrals around us.

“I see you found the thestrals, good I worried about them after that night.”

“Yes, they have survived and thrived. These fifty will form the core of my Night Guard and I will be working on integrating them back into Equestria.” Celestia smiled at that. She then raised her head higher.

“Well come in everypony and eat. You just finished a long journey here.” Ears perked up all over and we followed her to the main dining room and the staff whipped together a buffet meal quickly. The fruits and especially the mangos did not survive. It was cute seeing one thestral mare named Echo dance with a mango in her mouth. I grabbed some food my self and ate and relax.


I was now annoyed at Luna. It seemed she wanted one of her guards assigned to me and of course it was Night Lance. She wasn't a bad mare to say the least but does no pony trust me enough to keep myself safe. One incident in the past ten years! Then there was how Night was with me. Sure she was fun to talk with but I notice how often she looked at my flanks. The past ten years I learned what was the ogle zones for ponies and that was a big one. Despite my tomcoltish nature I know I was still hot in the eyes of most ponies. I have observed Night and she was attractive. Honestly I didn't get my body sometimes. It found stallions attractive and that still annoyed me a bit but it was also attracted to mares. Seriously was the original Cadance bisexual? She was the alicorn of Love so it was possible. Uuuuggghhh! magic and ponies still confused me.

Anyway despite her annoying me right now Aunt Luna's birthday was coming up so I was checking up on my present. I walked into the armory with Shining and Night shadowing me. I approached the blacksmith and greeted him. “Greetings Mr. Fire.” He looked up and his eyes brightened.

“Aaaahhhhhh lassie! Looking good as always.” I gave him a smirk.

“You old flatter you. I wonder what your wife would say if she heard you say that?”

“That I have a fine taste in mare and as I only look and compliment I am safe from her wrath.” I gave out a hearty laugh.

“Oh you got a keeper there Forge Fire.”

“That I do lassie, my greatest treasure not forged by my own hooves. Now then you are here for the project?”

“Indeed, how is it?” He gestured me to follow him and we walked to the back area.

“Luckily it was well maintained so we just needed to spruce it up and do some sharpening. It was well designed and built.” We entered a private area and both Shining and Night went bug eyed at the sight. Though I suspect Night knew more about the items then Shining.

“So, is it ready for tonight?” I asked.

“It's ready right now.” I smiled.

“Bring it to the private dining room under a tarp.” He nodded and we left the armory.

“Where did you get those?” Shining asked me. I smirked at him.

“I found it in their old castle. Took it to Forge Fire to give it some TLC.”


That evening we celebrated Luna's birthday. I had Twilight's friends over and Pinkie in charge of decorations. Luna was happy at the sight of so many ponies at her party. She nearly leaped at the presents. Of course Twilight gave her a book. She then eyed my present under its tarp. “Go ahead aunty. They were too big to wrap.” Luna went over to the tarp magically and revealed my gifts. The largest was a set of black armor with a blade just below the horn hole and a white crescent moon on its side on the chest piece. The second was a wicked size scythe that was so silver it looked white. Luna looked shocked at seeing them before looking at me.

“How Cadance, how did you get these?”

“After I learned of the Crystal Empire and your attempt to free it I went looking for the armor and scythe. Once found had our armorers look them over. They are ready for battle should you ever need them auntie. Go ahead and put them on.” Luna quickly she’s her regalia and put on the armor.

“It's more comfy then I remember.” Luna commented.

“Thank Forge Fire for that.” I replied. She nodded and took the scythe. She stared at it for a minute as we all backed up. She swung the scythe and the thing sang and reflected the light. It was a beautiful sight and Luna put the scythe away and hugged me.

“Thank you niece.”

“You're welcome aunt.”


The party lasted for a couple hours more before ponies started turning in for the night. Though Celestia wanted a word. We were in her chambers when she cast the silence spell. “So, you know of the Crystal Empire.” It wasn't a question.

“I had to reeducate myself after the accident and found some material. Wasn't hard to miss the fact the Crystal Heart matched the one on my butt was a dead give away that I am meant to lead the Empire whenever it returns. Even more likely when you knew your sister would return to take her place by your side. I am not her replacement. I am Amore's replacement.” Celestia nodded.

“Yes you are. Your bloodline leads back to Amore. You are the rightful heir to her throne. I know you will be a good ruler. Even if I don't agree with all your choices.” I smiled at her.

“Can't be a mere puppet ruler. The Empire will be mine to rule. I already got plans. So worry not auntie Celestia.”

“So not upset with me on this Cadance?”

“This no, my destiny after all. But other things maybe.” We then hugged before turning in for the night.