• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 35,174 Views, 2,453 Comments

Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

  • ...

Night Affairs Part 1

It was well into night when Cadance and Shining got home. After bidding him a farewell at the barracks she headed for the Castle proper. Once she got inside things at first seemed normal, but soon she noticed that all of the guards were missing. Her magic activated, forming a grip on her concealed dagger in readiness.

“AH my dear niece you have returned!” Cadance looked in the direction the voice came from, only to find darkness. Then, as if forming from the shadows herself, her aunt Luna swirled into being. Luna was known for her theatrics, but this time she wore a face that was a little too close to ‘Party of One’ Pinkie Pie. The manic grin was there, but her eyes weren't drifting; that was the only difference. Before Cadance could act further Luna pounced on her and they teleported. Blinking away the afterimage from the spell, Cadance looked around, trying to figure out where she had been taken. It took her a second, but she realised that they were in Luna's quarters, and that they weren’t alone. Just inside the door there stood a male pegasus, blue maned with white fur, and a small tuft of fur on his ears, showing some thestral heritage in him.

“Who's this?” Cadance asked, pointing a hoof at the guard. “He’s not one I recognise.”

“Ah that is my new personal Guard, Silent Night. He is the first of a new Night Guard Tia is forming.”

“Oh, I hope you have a say in the matter aunty.”

“Oh, I do, but he volunteered. Now, since you are here we can finally play.”

“Oh?” Cadance glanced down and saw a table set in the middle of the room, on which was laid a world map, and several model units. It instantly reminded her of the game Risk, which caused her to smile. “Bring it on.”

* * * * *

Cadance yawned as she walked to the dining room. She had been up late, locked in a battle with Luna and Silent Knight. That stallion was well named, he barely said a thing all night, and most of what he did was only in connection to the game. It was still fun, but it was now around noon and this was her first meal of the day. She was yawning again, eyes closed and head raised, when she hit something that squeaked, and fell to the floor. Cadance groaned and soon a female voice spoke out.

“Oh Princess Cadenza I am so sorry!” Cadance shook of her yawn found a foal with light blue fur, cyan mane with a bit of light purple in it. Oddly the foal was wearing an outfit that looked like guard armor.

“It's okay little one. I wasn't watching where I was going. But a filly like you shouldn't be in this section.”

“I'M NO FILLY I'm Fun sized.” The filly then saluted. “Warrant Officer Azurite your highness, I'm assigned to pony Resources your Highness.”

“Nice story filly.” Azurite pouted and Cadance admitted it was adorable. Then she summoned a scroll.

“These are my transfer orders.” The mare held out a scroll and Cadance took the time to read it. She found that the papers bore the right seals, and noted her service history. It covered an incident on the night Luna can back; a riot in the city, leading to the then city guard having to use lethal force to save her partner. It also stated that the guard requested to do something different, and that she had in fact been assigned to the castle.

“My apologies, Warrant Officer. I shall enjoy seeing you around the castle. Please, return to your duties.” The mare took her scroll and saluted, before going on her way.

* * * *

Cadance shortly arrived at the Dining Room, only to find a pouting Luna, while Celestia smiled and sipped her tea. “Morning Aunty, Aunty.” She greeted, nodding to them in turn.

“Afternoon actually Cadance, but considering you helped entertained Luna last night I can see why. Though her mood right now is very ‘pouty’.”

“Well she did lose last night's game.” Cadance replied. “She came close, I have to say.”

“Oh? How strange. Usually the only pony that beats her at strategy games is me, though even that is rare.”

“I think it's the fact her guard Silent Knight did better than her.” She said with a smirk.

“OOOHHH!?” Celestia had a very interested look.

“Oh yes, I just barely squeaked out a win last night. Aunty Luna's last desperate attack turned it to my favor. But that is not even the worst of it. The stallion barely said a word, and I challenged Luna to get more the three words out of him that didn't have to deal with the game. In the end he only said two words, 'You lose.'” Celestia started laughing as Luna faceplanted on the table.

It took a couple minutes for Celestia to calm down. “So how did your trip to Equintopia go?” Her aunt asked.

“Overall quite well. Dawn Light was a very good host. I have what trade deals they wish to make.” She summoned and hoofed over the scrolls. “Also, I hope these are approved, a group is forming there that is giving me a bad vibe.”

“Well I'll look it over with my advisors. But it sounds like a successful mission. I knew you could do it.” Celestia replied. I rolled my eyes and continued my meal.

* * * * *

A few weeks later Cadance was out flying with Luna and Silent Night, long after the sun had gone down. The stallion did protest to this action, two princesses leaving the castle with but one guard, but Luna was determined and secretive. After a long flight, they finally landed on concealed flat pad, hidden amongst the tall mountain range that acts as a border between Equestria and the Frozen North.

“What I am about to show you two must not be revealed to anypony. Not even my sister knows of this place.”

“I won't, I promise, but why keep it such a secret?” Cadance asked.

“You will see my dear niece.” Luna answered.

“I will be silent on this your highness.” Silent answered drawing a smirk from Cadance. Luna nodded and traced her hoof in a crescent moon shape against the mountain. A low grumbling sound echoed through the mountain tops, and a large portion of the rock face slid away, revealing a passageway.

“Follow me.” Luna said and they did so and entered the passage. While it was dark at first a few paces within, they found a hallway lit with magic crystals. Luna led them on through the hallway. After a couple minutes at a slight downward slant, the hallway opened up to a large cavern. A cavern filled with buildings and ponies. The ponies had dark coats, bat like wings, slit eyes and tufts on the ears like Silent.

“Thestrals.” Cadance stated and Luna nodded. Before more could be said they were surrounded by guards.

“Halt! You are trespassing......” Whatever the guard was saying was lost to history as he looked at Luna. “Sovereign?” He asked, dropping into a low bow.

“Yes, it is I Princess Luna, your Sovereign.” Luna said as she stepped forward. “I know I don’t look quite like those here would remember me. I am glad to see you are still here; I was worried about you whenever I was in my right mind, and I have finally had the strength to go and seek out you.”

“And those with you?” The guard leader asked.

“This is my niece Princess Cadance.” Luna said with a gesture of her wing, before using her other wing to point at the stallion. “And this is Silent Knight, my Guard.” The guards muttered among each other, and Cadance overheard the mentioned of Silent’s ears, and the name of Knight. Cadance leaned over to him.

“Seems you are making an impression, Silent.”

“Indeed.” He responded.

‘What? Is this guy Teal’c from Stargate?’ Cadance mentally asked. ‘He just needs that single eyebrow raise thing.’ She groused as she stared at him. And he raised a single eyebrow.

‘YUP!’ She mentally threw her hooves in the air, her brain deciding to walk away.

“Well this is a time of rejoicing, our Sovereign has returned! Please follow us.” The guards took to the air and Luna's group followed. Cadance gazed over the city. She saw curving pathways among the stone houses of various sizes and designs. There was a large market area where she saw thestrals bartering for food or other items. Soon she saw a massive castle in the center. It was a true castle; walls, keeps, the whole shebang. This was meant to defend the residence of this city. They landed on one of the balconies and were escorted in. The same gems lit this place as in the entry way from the mountain side. They walked till they got to the throne room. There she saw two thrones; one far larger than the other. The smaller of the two was occupied by a thestral mare, her features and body showing her advanced age.

“Regent, our Sovereign has returned.” He stepped to the side to reveal Luna's group.

“She looks different then the paintings show.' The regent stated.

“That happens when an alicorn exhausts almost all of their magic, Regent. I know some books depict me and my sister in this state.” The regent was silent for a minute before responding.

“True, true. I remember seeing some books with those depictions in it. So my Sovereign, what is your plan for us?”

“To re-establish myself with you all, and to start reuniting you with the rest of Equestria.” Luna stated.

“But they would abuse and torment us!” A guard shouted.

“They would not. Times have changed.” Luna answered calmly.

“But they banished you away! We even feared they killed you – that’s why we fled here.” The guard responded.

“What happened 1000 years ago was a series of mistakes, some made by my sister and others by myself, and we both paid in our own ways. Some might have thought to harm you; they are a minority, and I know my sister never would. As you can see Silent Knight here is of your blood, a line long lived outside of this bastion. He volunteered to be my guard. And this is my niece, who has been working hard to update me to the modern world, and has been very supportive to me since my return.” Cadance nodded.

“Nothing to say for yourself, Princess?” The Regent asked.

“Only that I figured out my aunt was returning, and that Princess Celestia made grave mistakes, some that lead to Princess Luna's mistakes. What my Aunt Celestia wants now, as she has from the beginning, is a chance to heal old woulds. Between her and her sister. And between you and the rest of Equestria.”

“So she knows of our location!?” A Guard responds.

“She does not. She knows you exist but not where you are. Aunt Luna didn't tell us where we were heading so this was a surprise to me and likely Silent.” Luna nodded.

“I came to see..... to hope you had survived. I am very happy you have. I want this rift to be fully healed. It will take time and it won't be easy. But I Luna, Princess of Equestria, Alicorn of the Night, and Your Sovereign swear to lead you out of the shadows and be with your cousin tribes once again.” Luna said with a very determined look, and Cadance couldn't help but smile as her aunt seemed to regain some of her lost confidence.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Anzel for use of his characters. This is not canon to his stories but a what if.