• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 2,789 Views, 83 Comments

The MacDash Chronicles - FelixTheBrony

The escapades involving Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash throughout their lives, and the friendship and romance they built during that time.

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Rainbow's Biggest Fan

Rainbow's Biggest Fan

Rainbow Dash giddily bounced on her hooves in front of the door to the farm house in the early morning, her wings buzzing in her excitement, now allowing her full reign of her flight abilities. She had to love the Pegasi racial, accelerated healing factor!

Due to Pegasi having hallow, light and fragile bones, they needed something other than flight to compensate for them. The accelerated healing factor allows Pegasi to heal physical injuries at three times the speed to that of any other species. (Head cannon for me!)

The reason for her excitement was that Lil' Mac had asked her for a date later today and she had eagerly agreed, still not quite believing her luck. She had gushed about it to Applejack, who had found it quite amusing to find her friend so excited about a simple little picnic in the local park.

But AJ had seen how much this meant to the cyan filly and just listened to her rambling. Allowing her to gush, not noticing that their conversation had been overheard.

Fluttershy and her new companion, Angel Bunny, stood next to Rainbow, wiping the sleep out of her eyes. “Rainbow, I know you're excited, but did you have to wake up so early?” She asked, indicating to the horizon of dark orange and a star spotted sky. “The Sun's not even up yet.”

Rainbow turned and settled down on her hooves, blushing. “Sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to wake you and...uh...Angel up, but I'm just so excited!” Fluttershy shook her head of the residual jealousy that she felt bubbling up at her words.

Even if Fluttershy was okay with Mac and Rainbow being together, it didn't mean she was on board 100%. She was still a tinsy bit disappointed that the only nice colt she had ever met was almost immediately taken off the market, so to speak. But she was trying her hardest not to have any negative feelings towards her friend...

...Besides, one disturbing dream about it was enough for her and she made a note to get her mother to call one of those talking Doctors for her.

They both suddenly heard the door open and turned in alarm to find Lil' Mac up and at 'em, smiling brightly at the pair. “Mornin' girls,” He greeted them, giving the pair a friend nuzzle on the cheek.

Fluttershy squealed, cutely, and turned away, causing Angel to jolt awake from his little nap and glance down at his new friend, a little peeved. Rainbow just smiled widely and returned the nuzzle with a giggle.

“Morning Lil' Mac. I hope we didn't wake you up,” She replied, looking a little sheepish as she pulled away.

“Eenope,” He answered, before blushing and coughing to hide his embarrassment of, once again, making up a new word and making himself look a little silly. “Ah mean, no ya didn't. Ah usually git up early ta feed tha chicken, pigs an' other animals.”

“Ooh! Can I help?!” Fluttershy volunteered, immediately, after hearing the part about animals. “Animals are my special talent, after all, and I'd like to meet some of the ones that I didn't get to meet in the forest.”

“Only if ya wanna, Ah ain't gonna force ya,” Mac replied, but didn't receive any type of rejection from her. He then turned to Rainbow, who had taken to hovering off the ground a good five feet up. “You wanna help feed tha animals with us, Rainbow?”

“Huh?” Rainbow responded, looking down at him. “Uh yeah, sure, just let me get my morning flight patterns out of the way first!” She declared, before she turned and shot up at high speed, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Mac's eyes widened in wonder as he shot forward into the more open ground and craned his neck up to see. Fluttershy just remained on the porch, not trusting herself to be alone while sitting next to Lil' Mac. She knew that Rainbow Dash tends to be a little oblivious to the rest of the world when she's doing her flight routines and didn't want her...'less subtle' side out.

Rainbow closed hers eyes as she felt the wind rush through her mane, spinning around in mid air in a corkscrew motion, leaving behind a twirling rainbow contrail for all observers to see.

Mac's eyes sparkled as he followed her every movement, not wanting to miss even a single second of the extravagant sky dance that she was preforming for him and Fluttershy. His smiled brightened further when she came up and in a wide arc, making it seem like an actual rainbow had appeared in the presence of the rising sun.

She stayed in the air with a proud smirk on her face, smug in the knowledge that her little hiccup hadn't affected her flight capabilities.

She then descended to the ground as fast as she could, only just now noticing the round of applause that Lil' Mac and Fluttershy were giving her.

She smirked, proudly, and bowed to her 'fans' as she descended. “Thank you! Thank you! I try,” She said before pausing mid-bow in thought. She then grinned in realisation. “Ah who am I kidding, there's no try about it!”

“Ah'll say, that was one o' tha most amazin' things Ah've ever seen!” Lil' Mac praised, approaching the filly as she dropped onto her hooves...

...as soon as she did though, she gave out a startled yelp before she tripped over and fell onto her side.

“Rainbow!” Her friends cried, rushing towards her as she groaned and sat up. “Are you okay?”

“Ah I'm fine,” She waved them off, blushing in embarrassment, rubbing the back of her head. “Landing on the ground here is a lot different to landing on the ground in Cloudsdale. Less squishy,” She replied, pressing her hoof against the dirt of the Earth in front of her, only for it to maintain it's form.

“Yeah, I noticed that too,” Fluttershy muttered, also pawing at the ground in front of her. Lil' Mac just sat there, his eyebrow up and his eyes puzzled.

Ah kinda wish Ah knew what a cloud felt like now, He thought to himself, staring at one floating by his homestead, obviously one that had yet to be taken care of by the weather team after yesterday's partial cloudy day. Then Ah might know what this difference is.

“Ah well, what doesn't kill ya, hurts like heck!...Or something along those lines,” Rainbow shrugged, bouncing to stand by her newly appointed coltfriend. “To the animals!”

The three, after about an hour of getting all of the animals fed and cleaning out the chicken coop (Rainbow being mere moral support for that particular chore) they noticed a pair of ponies leaving Granny Smith, who was waving at them cheerfully.

“Who was that Granny?” Lil' Mac asked, approaching his grandmother who appeared to be holding onto a foal in her hooves.

“That was some o' ya Mah an' Pa's old friends. They're goin' on their second honeymoon so we'll be lookin' after their little bundle o' joy for tha week,” Granny explained, noticing the little foal looking around.

Granny smiled at Fluttershy's shining eyes at the mention of another foal, Mac and Rainbow looking curious as well. “Alright y'all, say hello ta little Scootaloo,” She said, revealing the filly to them.

She was an orange furred Pegasus filly with a purple mane and wide open, purple eyes.

She looked at the three before her eyes locked onto to Rainbow Dash and her little brain, surprisingly, made the connection to the pretty colours she saw from her crib this morning.

She squealed, happily, and buzzed her tiny wings, latching herself around Rainbow's neck. “Pwetty!” She giggled, hugging the surprised filly tightly.

“Awe!” Fluttershy gushed, looking over the interaction with great interest. “She's so precious!”

“Ah think she likes ya, Rainbow,” Lil' Mac teased, using his hoof to support the baby and keep her up when her little wings finally gave up.

“Uh...Thanks?” She said, looking down at the baby in confusion. “Um...When do ya think she'll let go?”

“Oh sorry, Hun, let me get her,” Granny replied, lifting the filly off of Rainbow and back into her own hooves. Scootaloo, however, kept reaching out, trying to get another hug.

“No! No! No!” She protested, twisting and turning in Granny Smith's grip to hug the 'Pwetty Pony' again. Rainbow shuffled her hooves, feeling a little guilty. Besides, it did feel nice having the foal hug her.

“Uh, actually, can you put her on my back? I can carry her better that way,” She asked Granny, hopefully. Granny just grinned and put the foal onto Rainbow's back, who cheered and snuggled her face into the back of Rainbow's mane. Rainbow smiled and smiled even further when little further when Lil' Mac stood next to her.

Granny had already gone inside by the time this happened and Fluttershy made to follow, hoping to get some food for her and Angel. She glanced back, noticing Rainbow with the little foal snuggled up on her back, Mac standing a little taller at her side. “Awe...”

Mac glanced at Rainbow's blushing face as she looked at the foal, then to him, then the foal before her thoughts became a little clearer to him. His face paled a little and he nudged her to move. “Okay, one step at a time hey Rainbow?”

“...I will teach this filly to fly someday!”

Author's Note:

I know this chapter was a little silly, but I just wanted a little light hearted chapter and an excuse to have the Cutie Mark Foals in it! :pinkiecrazy: Hooray!

Anyway, as usual I hope you enjoyed what you read and Thanks for reading it! :pinkiehappy: