• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 2,789 Views, 83 Comments

The MacDash Chronicles - FelixTheBrony

The escapades involving Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash throughout their lives, and the friendship and romance they built during that time.

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The Picnic

The Picnic

“And viola!” Rarity exclaimed, motioning Dash to look at the mirror.

Said mirror held the image of a very confused Rainbow Dash, staring at her mane that, for the most part, looked the same. The only difference was that it was brushed, thus looked a bit smoother. “Um, no offence Rares, but I was expecting to look...you know?”

“Like a completely different pony?” She responded, Rainbow nodding in confirmation. “Come on, would you really want to go out in public looking like me? It doesn't seem like you would.”

Rainbow narrowed one of her eyes, taking stock of the eye shadow her new friend wore, as well as the glossy, curls of her mane that spiralled, elegantly, around her neck. It was a look of beauty, elegance and style...

...Not really what she'd wear at all.

So Rainbow shrugged, and gave her a thankful smile. “Well ya got me there, but thanks for getting the knots out. Darn things always manage to find their way in there after a good flight.”

“No problem...”

“Heads up Rares, Mac's on his way up!” Applejack warned, grabbing the alabaster Unicorn and diving under the bed with her.

Rainbow was about to ask why AJ hadn't just used the door like a normal pony before she heard it knocking.

*Knock knock knock* “Rainbow?” *Knock knock knock* “Rainbow?” *Knock knock knock* “Rainbow?”

She took a quick look in the mirror, her eyes holding her usual, confident repertoire behind them. Remember what AJ said! Be yourself, don't let nerves get the better of you and ew, not helping you with that!

With that sorted she opened the door to find Mac standing on the other side with his brow matted down with a little sweat, a picnic basket on his back and a bunch of white lilies in his hoof, that he straight up thrust towards her face in his nerves.

Rainbow stepped back to avoid the flowers being thrown into her and grinned at him. “Whoa there Mac, take a breath. You look a little nervous,” Admittedly, seeing him nervous helped to calm her down a bit.

“Eheh Eeyup,” Mac replied, doing as she said as she took the lilies from him. “Fluttershy said they were ya favourites.”

“She washn't wrong,” She replied, the stem of one of them hanging from her mouth as she plucked one straight out. “They tashte delishious!”

Mac blinked, unsure how to take that. He thought she was going to put them in some water or something. But, then again, she was still happy so he didn't feel the need to complain.

She then plucked one out with her teeth and held it out for him. “Want one?” She asked, between her clenched teeth.

Mac's face lit up, a little redder than usual, as he started glancing down at the ground and away from her lips. “Uh...um...ah...”

Rainbow tilted her head a little, confused on why he was suddenly acting more nervous before she felt the stem in her mouth and froze on the spot. She could even swear she heard AJ retch a little under the bed.

She quickly dragged the stem back and chewed the flower out of existence before she could mess something else up, and picked one out with her hoof this time. “Right, sorry, my bad! You want this one?”

Mac let out a little sigh and nodded, taking the flower and chewing it, enjoying the crisp and slightly spicy and bitter taste to it.

They stood there for a few seconds, just sort of glancing at one another, as if trying to find something to say. That last moment hit Mac in the nerves harder than he thought it would and Rainbow didn't want to say anything else to embarrass him.

Meanwhile Fluttershy had come up to use the rest room and noticed the two awkward, pre-teens just standing there, not doing or saying anything. She cringed sympathetically and quickly coughed to gain their attention. “It's getting a little late, don't you think you should get to the park before it gets dark?”

Mac's eyes widened a little and placed the basket on his back. “Yer right, Granny won't want us gone too long!”

Rainbow saw his worried expression and soon had an idea. “Your right, race ya there!” Before Mac knew what was happening, Rainbow made a dash towards the front door.

He shook out of it a few seconds later and took off after her, grinning competitively. “No way yer faster on tha ground!”

Fluttershy watched after them and shook her head. “And they call me shy.”

“I wonder how this date'll go,” Rarity asked, rhetorically, as she got out from under the bed, Applejack climbing out as well.

Fluttershy, however, didn't expect the the two to suddenly appear behind her and shrieked in surprise, jumping up and clinging to the ceiling like a cat.

AJ shot forward and looked up at her. “Sorry 'bout that, Flutters, didn't mean ta scare ya!”

Fluttershy sighed in relief and flapped her wings to make her descent back to the ground a little gentler. “What were you two doing under the bed?”

“Hiding,” Rarity said, as if that explained everything.

Before Fluttershy could inquire about her odd answer, Pinkie burst out from the bathroom beside her, causing her to jump. “Hey guys! I saw Mac and Rainbow run out the house just now and I don't know what's going on but we're going to go spy on them now, okay? Great, I'll get you to the park and then I'll get Twilight and Spike!”

Before they could question how Pinkie got into the bathroom, who Spike was or how to get Fluttershy off the ceiling again, she grabbed them all and raced out in a blur.

“...At least I don't need to pee anymore.”

The little race to the park ended with Rainbow dancing a little victory dance at the entrance. The sun still in the air in the early afternoon. “Oh yeah! I won! And the crowd goes wild!” She cheered. “I'm awesome, fast, tough...”

“Modest?” Lil Mac asked, grinning at how cute she was acting right now. Rainbow shrugged.

“Yeah, that too,” She answered, before moving to stand next to him. “Want a race to the playground?”

“Ah was kinda thinkin' we'd eat first, considerin' that Ah can barely hear ya over mah stomach,” He explained, grinning.

Despite the fact that it was a very silly joke, Rainbow still giggled a little. Whether it was due to the elation of actually being on a date with Lil Mac or the slight loss of breath from the running, she wasn't sure. She did not giggle...normally!

“Sure big guy, I'm pretty hungry too!” She explained, as they made their way over to the shade of a tree near the centre of the park, not noticing a pink blur with streaks of white, yellow and orange enter the shrubbery in a neighbouring collection of trees, before leaving again.

As the two set up a white and red, chequered blanket to keep the two from having to sit on the dirt, the pink blur came back with a streak of purple with some green in the mix too.

Afterwards Lil Mac set down the basket and then looked around. “Huh? That's strange.”

Rainbow looked up from spreading out a little crease in the blanket with a questioning look in her eyes. “What's strange?”

Mac looked around for a second before shrugging. “Ah nothing, just thought Ah heard somethin'.”

In the shrub, Twilight looked up from feeding a little, baby dragon in her hooves, a little puzzled. “Um...Hi girls, what are we...”

Pinkie quickly silenced her with a hoof and pointed to look behind her. Twilight glanced back to see Lil Mac and Rainbow lying down on the blanket, Lil Mac taking things out of said basket to lay before them. “You took me to watch two ponies eating?”

“Twilight! They're on a date!” Pinkie stressed quietly, motioning to the rest of the gang. “We were going to spy on them and I thought I'd invite you too!”

“No Pinkie, you were going to spy on them, the rest of us might of needed to go to the little fillies room,” Fluttershy replied, a little annoyed by the situation.

“...You don't look need to go to the bathroom,” Rarity pointed out, to which Fluttershy blushed madly and looked down, hiding behind her mane.


“Ah don't think we need ta hear this,” Applejack reasoned, poking a hole in the bushes so she could see what was going on.

The two were eating quietly for a little, focused on filling their empty bellies, occasionally stealing glances at one another. Where Rainbow was delighted to find that she wasn't the only one who seemed to eat like a slob. As proved by Mac forgoing his fork in favour of ploughing his face into his salad in a way that would make most farm animals blush. Not going to be outdone, Rainbow decided to try to match his bad table manners with her own, causing him to grin back.

In the bushes, Rarity was cringing slightly at the sight. Twilight was doing pretty much the same thing, Fluttershy and Pinkie were looking mostly bored and Applejack appeared to be keeping a close eye on the two.

“Oh heavens! That's certainly not how one is supposed to act on a date!” Rarity muttered to herself, forcefully, adding this scene to her 'not to be done, ever!' file.

“Of course not! That'd be ridiculously rude,” Twilight agreed before a small burp left Spike's mouth and she looked at the baby dragon, smiling. “Aw, who's a good boy!”

“Twilight! That's a dragon, not a dog!” Fluttershy stressed, looking down at the cute little lizard in front of her. “And he's the most adorable little boy I've ever seen!”

Spike looked up at her and spat a small, harmless, green ember at her, giggling. Fluttershy laughed when it hit her nose, leaving a warm feeling in it's wake.

“Shh! They might hear us!” Pinkie suddenly stressed, pointing back out. “I think they're about to start talking!”

Indeed, the two little ponies had finished with their meals and were now just letting the food digest. “So what do you do for fun?” Rainbow asked, causing Mac to grin at her, teasingly.

“That's a little random, isn't it?”

“Ah, gotta start somewhere,” She shrugged in response. Mac nodded and looked up into the sky in thought.

“Well...AJ and I play with our hoopity hoop,” Rainbow blinked, confused as to what a hoopity hoop was. As if anticipating it though, he explained. “It's a ring that we swing around on our hooves, barrels and tails. The trick is to time our movements to keep it, well, moving...” He scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. “Ah guess it does seem kinda lame...”

“Not at all, as long as you're having fun!” Rainbow replied, grinning. “Me, I like to race and show everyone how awesome I am!”

“Modest too,” Mac grinned, causing her to wave the comment off again.

“Yeah, modest too,” She then sat and smiled a little more. “But watching Wonderbolt shows with my parents is awesome too! And someday, I'm gonna be a Wonderbolt and make mom and dad proud of me!” She continued, staring up at the sky, longingly. “I mean, doing what I love and getting paid for it too, what could be more awesome than that?!”

“Not much Ah imagine,” Lil Mac answered, staring up at the sky with her. “So...What're yer parents like?”

“Huh? Who's asking random questions now?” Rainbow asked, grinning.

Mac smiled back, before a strange look overcame his features. A look of...longing. “Well...Ah it's nothin', forget Ah asked.”

Rainbow rose an eyebrow in concern, grabbing a hold of his red hoof in her cyan one. “C'mon, you can tell me.”

“You'll laugh.”

“Promise I won't.”


“Yup! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a needle in my eye!” She chanted, not noticing a certain pink friend of her's in the bushes, mentioning something about 'modifications'.

“...Well, it's just been a little while since...Since Mah ma an' pa passed...Ah just, maybe, forgot what it felt like a little...” He admitted, Rainbow cringing a little with sympathy.

“Ah jeez, sorry, I shouldn't of mentioned my folks, that was kinda insensitive of me,” Rainbow rambled, mentally kicking herself for her little slip up. You knew this! You knew this and you still brought it up!

“Aw shucks, Ah ain't offended or nuthin, Sugarcube,” Lil Mac reassured her, squeezing her hoof back. “Ya shouldn't have ta tiptoe around these things with me. Ah made mah peace an' it ain't all bad. Ah still got AJ, Bloomy and Granny. An' Ah got friends like you and Fluttershy too.”

Rainbow flinched a little at being called a friend but, for now, she doesn't mind so much. After all, he probably only said it because he's still nervous about saying fillyfriend. Besides, by the end of the month, she was sure he'd start calling her his special somepony...

...and if not, well she'd have to try again next year!

“Well, they're pretty laid back when it comes to the whole 'parenting' thing. They pretty much let me get away with most things. So long as I don't bully anyone or get arrested,” She shrugged. “But I know they have my back when things get tough. It's nice to have them around, I guess.” She ended, letting the quiet parade around them for a little bit afterwards.

Sensing the silence was going on a little longer than normal, Mac decided a new question was in order. “So...Captain Equestria or Iron Mare?”

“Oh Iron Mare, for sure!” Rainbow rebuked, causing Mac to shake his head.

“Wrong answer, Cap all tha way!” He grinned back, before going into a little song. “When Captain Equestria throws his mighty shield~! All those who oppose his shield must yield~!”

Rainbow hid a little chuckle at Mac's little song, thinking the song was a bit strange. “Unless you're a plane, or some ice~!”

Mac gave her comical glare. “Alright you asked fer it," He patted her on the shoulder. "Yer it!” He declared, taking off towards the playground. Rainbow shook out of her stupor long enough to give chase, grinning at him.

“Oh you are going down!”

“Okay guys, maybe we should leave before they actually catch us,” Twilight stressed, bouncing baby Spike in her hooves a little, causing him to giggle. “Little Spike isn't adept at being subtle.”

“...What she said,” Fluttershy agreed, though not really sure of the meaning to some of the words Twilight said. Pinkie sighed, her mane drooping a little.

“Aw! But I thought we were having fun!”

“Tell ya what, Pinkie, how's about Ah ask Granny if'n you an' Twilight can come round fer a sleepover tomorrow. Spike can even play with Applebloom an' tha other girls,” Applejack appeased her, motioning to Twilight and her baby dragon.

Pinkie let out a loud gasp, suspending herself in the air for a few seconds, before diving out of the bush and towards Sugarcube Corner.

Rainbow sighed a little as she remained suspended in the air while Mac sat on the other end of the see-saw. “I told you this wouldn't work!”

“It was worth a try,” Mac replied, getting off the see-saw, letting his end rise up gently, allowing Rainbow to descend slowly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and made her way over to the swings. “Ah don't worry about it, let's have a quick go on the swings before heading off!”

Mac grinned and made his way over to Rainbow, who sat in the seat, her back hooves dangling over the edge of the seat, ready to start pushing herself. He then got behind her and placed a hoof onto her back, gently pushing her forward.

Rainbow was a little startled, having not expected to be pushed, but smiled a little with a small blush. It felt...nice to have someone do this for her. To give up their fun so that she could have a little more. Plus, he could probably push her much higher than she could get herself.

“Higher!” Rainbow laughed as her eye line just cleared over Mac's head. Mac smiled at her cute noises and proceeded to obey her wishes, putting a little more force into his pushes, hearing a loud 'Wee!' as a reward for his efforts. Seeing her this happy filled his heart with pride. He was proud he could make her this happy which, in turn, made him happy.

They continued this little cycle, Mac continued to push while Rainbow smiled and laughed, she gave of a particularly cute squeal when she cleared the top of the swing set completely, until the sun began to signal it's descent into the horizon, signalling that it was time to head back for dinner.

Rainbow was a little disappointed that she had to get off the swings, but she did so in true Rainbow Dash fashion. By waiting until she was as high as she could go, leaped off and flapped her wings to glide down to the ground, commando rolling and ending in a pose with her hoof pumped in the air.

Mac dived out of the way of the empty swing threatening to take out his teeth and made his way over to Rainbow, grinning. “Nice moves.”

She smiled back. “Thanks, been working on that since...just now!”

They made their way over to where they had left the picnic supplies and packed it all away, heading back to the farm.

When they did get back, the sun was about halfway set and the dinner bell was ringing. “Soups on, everypony!” They heard Applejack yell outside where Rarity and Fluttershy were talking and feeding the chickens.

Lil Mac sighed as his date had now officially come to a close and turned to face Rainbow, only for a pair of lips to hit his cheek. “Thanks for today Mac, I had a really good time!” She told him, laying her head against his shoulder. “Think we could do this again?”

Mac blinked, as if only just registering what just happened before he shook out of it an grinned, widely. “Eeyup!”

Author's Note:

Sorry if this seems rushed, I aen't gotten alot of sleep and this sitting on my laptop, half-finished, wasn't helping. But I should be able to move this a little into the future within the next couple of chapters. Like Rainbow getting her job as the weather manager, or celebrating a birthday or something.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I'm sorry I left you guys for so long. University has taken up alot of my time. :raritydespair: I will try and get updates out sooner though.

Again, if you spot a mistake or something, please let me know so I can fix them and stay cool, my friends, stay cool! :rainbowdetermined2:

Comments ( 8 )

Awh! So cute! I hope we see more! :pinkiehappy:

Yas, so cute

You think those moves are cool "now" Mac? Wait until she gets older. :rainbowwild:

Need more pony cuteness

Im liking these macdash chapters.:raritywink::rainbowdetermined2: i hope there will be another chapters. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: will you make some chapters? Please.!:raritystarry::raritystarry:

please tell me the story is just sleeping I can ignore the smell of death if its just sleeping

Anyways, I assume this fic is dead at this point, but what the hay. I'll throw it on the tracking list. Some stories have updated after longer hiatuses, after all.

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