• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 2,789 Views, 83 Comments

The MacDash Chronicles - FelixTheBrony

The escapades involving Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash throughout their lives, and the friendship and romance they built during that time.

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Author's Note:

Well I should mention I'm trying a new writing format that Captain Unstoppable had suggested. So:
Italics and speech marks means a character is shouting.
Italics alone are a characters thoughts.
Thanks in advance for giving this story a read and I hope you enjoy it :)


“Fluttershy!!” A rainbow maned, cyan coated filly called out as she swept over the trees of the forest below her. It was getting dark and nopony had seen hide nor hair of the gangly yellow Pegasus.

The filly searching was more commonly known as Rainbow Dash, and she was searching for her friend Fluttershy, who had fallen from the clouds and towards the Earth below...At least, that's what the other ponies in the crowd said.

She was quite annoyed with their nonchalance as they said that. Why didn't they care enough to try to catch her? Or at least call some adults to help? Why did it fall to her? Even Gilda wouldn't help!

She grunted as she dove and scanned the trees a little more astutely, noticing that they appeared to hold some red fruit of some kind. She wasn't quite sure as she'd never really seen the ground below before. Her family had always been high flyers and never knew anything else.

Guess I'm the first to see this. She thought to herself, grinning a bit. Just something she could brag about later. Maybe she'd see some of the monsters or the native Earth Ponies or something.

No! You remember what dad said! The Earth below is dangerous! Just find Fluttershy and get back to camp! She shook the thought from her head and continued in her search.

“Fluttershy! Where are you?!” She called, hoping for some kind of response. But alas, even if she was heard, the yellow Pegasus wasn't capable of giving much of a holler back. She was just so damn quiet!

“Flutters!” She continued, not noticing the trees becoming a bit darker, nor the sky becoming more gloomy as she dove into the tree canopy. She looked around herself, trying to find a speck of pink or yellow amongst the greyscale of colours around her.

“How can it be so hard to find a bright pink and yellow pony in all this...black?” She said, finally looking at her surroundings. “OK...This is spooky...”

“AAHHHHHHH!!” She heard a familiar voice scream in the distance. Rainbow immediately took off towards the direction of the scream.

“Fluttershy! Don't worry I'm coming!” Rainbow announced, breaking out of the trees and into a clearing and in front of the gangly yellow filly known as Fluttershy, trembling against one of the surrounding trees.

“Fluttershy! Are you okay?!” She peeked up at her rainbow friend, feebly, and pointing behind her.

“Run!” Before Rainbow could register what her friend meant, she felt herself getting knocked over and spun up to face Fluttershy's attacker.

She recognised it from one of her dad's books. It was a four legged beast whose whole body composed of wood, a set of piercing green eyes, glowing menacingly at it's prey.

“A timberwolf...” She whispered to herself, fearfully, trying to kick the beast away...

...but a pint-sized filly had no chance against the weight of a full-grown timberwolf, but the kick annoyed it enough to start thrashing it's paws at her, causing her wing to dislocate.

“AAAAHHHHH!” She screamed in pain as her wing was bent in a way that it certainly wasn't supposed to be bent. Tears started to fall as the beast brought it's muzzle down towards her throat.

Fluttershy saw this and gathered as much breath as she could. “Help us! Somepony! Anypony!” She screamed, the fur under her eyes matted down from her fearful tears.

A red furred, blonde maned Earth Pony colt wandered through the orchards, almost completely lost. Work just didn't feel the same without his little sister Applejack there by his side as he bucked the apples while she caught them in a basket on her head.

He paused for a second to stop a tear coming out of his eye. Darn it AJ, why didn't ya just wait an' let me help ya? Why do ya gotta be so stubborn?! He sniffed and continued on his sweep of the orchards, making sure that there weren't any overhanging branches that'd be struck by the coming storm.

With that thought, he looked up and noticed some of the Pegasi starting to put together the black clouds, ready to release their rain, wind and thunder. Reckon it'll be a big storm tonight. Wouldn't wanna be caught in that...

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard a scream in the distance. In panic, he took off towards the sound, noticing that he was now on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Gosh darn it! Who'd be silly enough to be here right now?!

He shook the thought from his head and reached towards his back, grabbing a hold of his lasso ready and rushing into the forest, making sure to dig his hooves into the ground every so often to create a little trail to follow later.

He ran along the forest floor, having no real sense of direction, not helped by the fact that he didn't know where he was going...until he heard another scream. This one sounding a little bit different from the other, but regardless he continued on towards the noise.

He was suddenly aware of a clearing and could see a cyan filly being pinned to the ground by a timberwolf, whose maw was slowly going towards her neck.

Adrenaline fuelled into his little body as he pushed it to it's limits, clenching his rope in his teeth and bursting into the clearing just as another scream for help echoed across the area.

Before the timberwolf knew what was going on, the red colt had skidded to a halt, turned round and slammed his back hooves into the barked monster's face, an applebuck that'd make his pappy proud.

The beast was thrown off the filly and landed a few feet away, quickly getting back to it's feet.

Fluttershy and Rainbow looked up and saw the red colt stand in front of them, protectively, starting to turn his neck around, spinning the lasso around in the air. The wolf growled and started to charge forwards.

In response, the colt flicked his neck forward, sending the rope sailing towards the barked beast, wrapping around it's four paws, before he pulled his neck back causing the rope to tighten and snapping it's legs together.

In surprise, the wolf fell to the ground, skidding across the ground in time for the colt to turn and kick it again, releasing it from the rope and leaving it on the ground, whimpering slightly.

The colt growled, causing the creature to look up, scared. “Go on! Get!” He snarled, to which the timberwolf to run away with it's tail between it's legs.

The two fillies glanced at each other, before gazing at their hero before them. He turned back and he immediately dropped his aggressive stance and took on a more concerned look.

“Are y'all okay?” He asked, his voice surprisingly deep for a colt his age. Rainbow was about to reply before she cried out in pain and passed out.

The other two were at her side in an instant, looking over her form in fear. “Her wing!” Fluttershy yelped, pointing out the appendage. The colt nodded and nudged his nose under the cyan filly, sliding her onto his back.

“We should go ta mah place so mah Granny can take a look at her...” Fluttershy looked up at the sky, apprehensively.

“I-I don't know...Maybe we should wait here for someone...”

“No offence Miss, but yer friend looks really hurt an' needs help now. Besides, nopony'll find us in tha Everfree Forest in tha air an' there's a storm comin' too.” He said, pointing towards one of the forest openings. “Now jus' follow me, Ah made a trail back.”

“Oh...Okay...If you think that's best...” She replied, following him, but struggling to keep up with his fast pace.

The colt noticed and stopped, scooping the other filly up and depositing her on his back too, much to her surprise. “It'll be much faster if'n Ah just carry tha both of ya.”

Fluttershy blushed slightly, tightening her grip as the three of them exited the Everfree. Turns out they weren't that far from the exit. “Th-thank y-you...sir...”

He smiled back, helping the pink maned filly feel at ease. “Ma name's Lil' Macintosh.”

Lil' Mac rushed towards the farm house in the centre of the orchards as rain started to pour from the sky. He then, as soon as he made it to the front door, knocked urgently hoping that his Granny will answer quickly.

He allowed the shivering yellow filly off his back, making sure the cyan one remained stationary as the door opened, revealing a wrinkly old green mare with a grey mane. “It's 'bout time ya got back Mackie, what took ya?”

That's when she noticed the two Pegasi with him and gave him an odd look. “Who's this wit' ya?”

“Ah found 'em in tha Everfree Forest an' tha one on mah back was injured. It was 'bout ta start stormin' so Ah thought we'd be able ta let them stay here. Please, Granny Smith?” Granny gave the nervous yellow mare a toothy grin and motioned for them to follow her.

“Of course, Dearie, nopony should be out in this storm. C'mon in.” Mac walked in, depositing the cyan filly on the sofa, looking at her wing in worry, Fluttershy not too far behind.

“Th-thank you very m-much...You're v-v-very nice...” Fluttershy mumbled out, to which the two smiled.

“Not a problem...” Granny Smith said, ushering them aside to look at the injured wing herself. “Hmm...Alright, it's not broken, just dislocated. Ah'll have it fixed up in a jiffy.” She said, laying a hoof on her back and gently gripping the base of the appendage.

Then, in one quick motion, she forced the wing up and slotted the bone back into place. However that woke up the unconscious pony, who started to scream in agony.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!” She screamed, her wings snapping to her sides protectively. She looked around wildly, trying to deem where she was and how she got here.

“Don't ya worry now, Dear, Ah was just setting yer bone back in place. It should be fine in a little bit. Still gotta bandage it up.” Granny said, Mac approaching with the first aid kit.

Rainbow relaxed a bit when she saw Fluttershy besides the red colt who saved their lives. “Where a-are we?”

“Why yer at Sweet Apple Acres! Ah'm Granny Smith, an' that there's mah eldest grandson, Lil' Macintosh!”

Mac smiled at her bashfully and that's when their eyes met. Green and magenta eyes locked onto each other as the world around them seemed to melt away. Wow...She's awful pretty...

Man who is this guy? He looks so cool! Rainbow broke eye contact, trying to fight the red off her cheeks. “Uh, cool...The name's Rainbow Dash, flyer extraordinare.”

“Um...I'm Fluttershy...” The yellow filly said, before a very soft sneeze came out of her. Granny chuckled and stood up.

“Well Ah reckon y'all are cold. How's about Ah fetch some hot cocoa an' y'all can tell me how ya met mah grandson?” The two fillies smiled and nodded while Mac just stayed silent, an unseen red blush on his cheeks.

What made him blush like that? Sure she was pretty, but there were lots of pretty fillies! Well this one, Rainbow Dash, seemed to put them to shame in his opinion, just by how unique she looked. Her rainbow coloured mane, her cyan coat. It was a colour scheme that just reminded him of a bright and clear day. It made him feel happy.

He shook his head and walked towards the kitchen before the filly that caught his interest called his name causing him to pause. “Hey Lil' Mac?”

He turned his head back to see her looking at him, giving him a genuine smile. “Thanks for saving our lives.”

He smiled back, trying to think of something to say...And for some reason he said. “Eeyup.” His eyes widened a bit and he hurried into the kitchen, pretty embarrassed by that. What in tarnation?! Why would Ah say that?! That's not even a word!

Rainbow Dash continued to watch where he left, feeling the red start to rise to her cheeks before she suppressed it. He even has a catchphrase like a superhero! That's! So! Awesome!

Fluttershy looked up at her, tilting her head to the side. “Um...Rainbow?” The cyan filly looked down at her shy friend and smiled.

“It's good to see ya, Flutters. I'm glad you're okay.” She said, giving the yellow filly a quick hug. Before Fluttershy could think to return it, she pulled away nervously. “Um...Don't tell anyone about that, alright...Got a reputation to maintain and all.”

Fluttershy smiled brightly and winked. “Okay...” She then hopped up and sat next to her. “So what do you think of them?”

“Well...They're really nice...Even though we're complete strangers. That's just...I don't know...” Fluttershy smiled, turning towards the area where they left.

“I know. And Lil' Macintosh is so much nicer than the other kids in Flight Camp.” Rainbow smiled.

“Yeah. Hoops and those other meanie heads could learn a thing or two from him.” She agreed, causing the two to giggle...Well, Fluttershy giggled, Rainbow chuckled. Rainbow Dash did NOT giggle.

After a couple of seconds, Rainbow nudged her friend. “So what do you think of them?” Fluttershy rubbed her forehoof with the other, nervously.

“Well. Granny Smith is very nice and...Well...” She hid behind her mane and mumbled out the last of her sentence. Rainbow sighed and leaned in to listen to her more clearly.

“What was that?” Fluttershy sighed back, feeling embarrassed about what she was going to say next.

“Um...I think Lil' Mac is cute...” Rainbow recoiled a bit, before relaxing a bit.

Well of course she thought that! She told herself as she let a silence fall between her and her friend. He is pretty cute and he saved our lives! If that's not enough to sweep a filly off her hooves, what is?!

She then folded her hooves, hoping her disappointment didn't show on her face. It's not like I need anything like that anyway! I'm Rainbow Dash! I don't have time for mushy stuff like that!

She sighed sadly and glanced back towards Fluttershy who was twiddling her hooves, nervously. Besides...Fluttershy is way prettier than me...He'd probably take more interest in her than me anyway...

“...So Lil' Mac took down a timberwolf, eh?” Granny asked, grinning proudly. Rainbow and Fluttershy had just retold the story of Mac's daring rescue.

The old green mare wrapped a hoof around her eldest grandson and hugged him close. “Ah see yer pappy's rope tricks came in handy, eh Mackie?” Mac blushed slightly, but nodded sheepishly.

“Aw it ain't that impressive. Just doin' tha right thing.”

“You took down a timberwolf twice your size and saved both our lives!” Rainbow exclaimed, panicking when she almost spilt her drink on Fluttershy. She managed to catch it in time to finish her comment. “That's pretty impressive, right Flutters?”

Fluttershy squeaked slightly when she was asked a question, but managed to respond. “U-um...Right...Thank you Lil' Mac...”

He smiled back, sheepishly. “It weren't nothin', jus' doin' what mah pappy woulda done.”

Granny smiled as she observed the three children. It was good to see Lil' Macintosh make some friends. It was the perfect thing to take his mind off of his sister leaving.

She glanced outside and grimaced as the storm appeared to get worse. “Ah think y'all better stay here fer tha night, ya can't fly in a storm like this...”

The two nodded, obediently, but began to worry. How long were they going to be here?! Rainbow can't fly with an injured wing and Fluttershy...Well she could barely fly as it is, never mind with a filly on her back.

“Ah'll git dinner started, Mac could you be a Dear an' fetch Applebloom outta her crib fer me?” Lil' Mac saluted and trotted upstairs. The two rose an eyebrow at the old green mare as they followed her to the kitchen.

“Who's Applebloom?” Granny gave Rainbow a smile.

“She's Mac's baby sister.” Fluttershy gasped, excitedly.

“A foal!” She squealed in excitement. Rainbow just shook her head at her friend. Fluttershy was just a sucker for cute things.

“Peek-a-boo!” Fluttershy said, softly as she suddenly removed her hooves from her eyes.

Applebloom, the 1 year old filly, giggled in her high chair, reaching out with a hoof to try and grab at some of Fluttershy's long pink mane. “Oh you are just the cutest!” She continued, poking at her chubby cheeks, causing her to giggle further.

Mac gave a smile at his sister's happiness from his position on the sofa next to Rainbow Dash. Granny had gone to sleep on her rocking chair off to the side after they had eaten. Then he remembered his other sister and how she now wouldn't be here to see the baby grow up and sighed.

This caught Rainbow's attention and she turned to give him a quizzical look. “Something on your mind Big Guy?”

He looked back, surprised. “Um...Ah'm not particularly big...”

“You are compared to me.” Rainbow said, motioning with her hooves and showing that she was, in fact, at least a head shorter than him. “But no question dodging, is something wrong?”

He thought about it for a bit before figuring that he could confide in this filly. He didn't know why, but he felt he could trust her. She seemed like a...loyal kind of friend. She had to be if she had spent an hour looking for the yellow filly who was now playing 'where's Fluttershy?' with Applebloom.

“Well...It's just that Ah have another sister too...About yer age, give or take. But she didn't wanna stay on tha farm an' went ta live with mah Aunt an' Uncle Orange in Manehatten...” He sighed again while Rainbow looked at him, sympathetically. “...Ah jus' miss her a lot...”

“Hey don't you worry about it! It's not like you'll never see her again!” He was startled by her confident reply but he had to admit, it made him feel better. “And you could write to her too! I'm sure she misses you just as much!”

“Ah sure hope so...” He said, smiling slightly before he heard a little yawn from the yellow foal. He looked over and trotted up to Fluttershy and Applebloom. “Ah think somepony's ready fer bed~” He said, playfully, picking the foal up and sat her on his back.

The foal nuzzled herself onto his back, smiling contently. He looked towards Fluttershy, apologetically. “Sorry Miss Fluttershy, foal's gotta sleep.” She smiled back, shyly, rubbing her forehoof with the other.

“O-okay...Goodnight Bloomy...” Applebloom nuzzled in further, much to Mac's amusement as he trotted upstairs.

Fluttershy had a big, goofy grin on her face as she sat next to Rainbow. “First I meet a bunch of cute little animals, then I get my cutie mark and now I met an adorable little foal!” Rainbow grinned back.

“Yeah. Minus falling from the clouds and nearly getting savaged by a timberwolf, I reckon this has been a good day, huh?” She mentioned, showing off her flank to her friend. “You're not the only one with their cutie mark though, check mine out!”

The white cloud with a tricoloured lightning bolt was depicted on her flank while Fluttershy's showed three pink butterflies. “Wow...We got our cutie marks at the same time...”

“Yeah I know, that's awesome!” She noticed Mac come back and motioned him over. “Hey Mac, wanna hear the story on our cutie marks?”

Mac seemed a bit confused at the sudden question, before shrugging with a smile on his face. “Oh, sure. Why not?”

Fluttershy twiddled her hooves, hiding behind her pink mane. “W-well...W-when I fell from Cloudsdale, I l-landed on a bunch of butterflies. Then all these other animals came out to greet me! There were bunnies and raccoons and birds and mice and so many other cute little critters...”

“Sounds like you had a lotta fun then.” Mac said, imagining the scene being described to him. Fluttershy nodded, blushing a bit at having him so interested. He and Rainbow were paying her their full attention and it was a little intimidating, but she managed to finish.

“Oh it was...Then there was a loud bang and a bunch of colours washed over the sky, scaring all the animals into little hiding holes and burrows...” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, sheepishly, as Fluttershy continued. “...So I managed to persuade them to come out again and then it just appeared! My cutie mark!”

“Sounds ta me like ya got a special inclination towards those critters...” Mac mentioned, off handedly, smiling a bit. “Takes a special kind of pony to connect with them. Animals ain't usually so trustin'.”

Fluttershy blushed a bit, but the grin that spread across her face showed her true happiness from his comment. He thinks I'm special! She squealed silently.

Rainbow turned and picked up where Fluttershy finished. “Well I got mine during a race with some of the ponies who were bullying Flutters here!”

Mac nodded. “Good, Ah don't like bullies an' it's always good ta see them put in their place!” Rainbow grinned and pumped her hoof in the air.

“Amen to that! Well, during the race I was going so fast that I actually broke the sound barrier and created a sonic rainboom!” Fluttershy gasped in disbelief while Mac just settled for looking amazed.

“R-really!” Fluttershy said, smiling. Rainbow grinned.

“Yup...Not that anypony believes me...” She sighed, flopped to the side, away from Fluttershy. “Everypony was watching one of the meanie heads at the time so they completely missed it! They just thought it was a weather factory malfunction!”

“Hey don't worry, I believe you...” Fluttershy said, resting a hoof on her shoulder. Mac scanned her face and smiled to her.

“Ah believe ya too.” Rainbow looked at him in disbelief. He hadn't seen her, yet he was just going to take her word for it?

Sensing her disbelief, he explained. “Well us ponies from tha Apple family take pride in our honesty an' we can pick out a liar from miles away. An' yer as far away from lyin' as you can get.”

Rainbow grinned, sitting up in pride. “Finally! Somepony else believes me!” Mac started smiling, sheepishly.

“It helps that Ah saw tha colours too...It was awfully pretty...” He mention, blushing. But his red coat managed to hide that very well.

Rainbow's cyan coat was doing a much worse job of doing the same thing, so she settled for breaking eye contact to try and conceal it with her hoof.

Fluttershy glanced at Mac's flank, saw the green apple half and grew curious. “Say Lil' Mac, what does your cutie mark mean...If you don't mind me asking...” She said, losing confidence as she asked.

Lil' Mac looked at his flank with a sense of pride. “Course I don't mind, after all. Y'all told me yer cutie mark stories, it's only fair Ah tell ya mine.” He said, before turning back to the two, getting their attention.

“Well...It started a little bit after mah pappy passed away...” Mac felt a slight pang, but managed not to show it. “Mah mama passed earlier so that just left me, Granny, Applebloom and Applejack left...”

The two looked sympathetic after they heard that his parents were no longer with him, but he managed to carry on. “After that, all tha farm work and takin' care of us fell onta Granny Smith...” He turned and smiled fondly at his Grandmother. “Course she was gettin' on a bit an' weren't able ta handle it on her own...”

He turned back and grinned sheepishly. “So Ah decided ta drop outta school ta help out at tha farm full time. Ah took ma pappy's old yoke here...” He said, motioning to the brown yoke that seemed much too big for him. “...an' Ah started doin' tha plowin', applebuckin', feedin' tha animals, repairin' damages, sellin' foods at tha market an' just about anythin' else that needed doin'.”

“Granny tried makin' me go back ta school, but Ah refused. Ah already knew al tha fancy mathematics ta keep tha banks an' everypony happy, so Ah never really needed ta go fer anythin' else...After about a week of doin' all that an' not stoppin' mah cutie mark appeared...” He said, looking at his flank again. “Ah don't really know what it means, but Ah don't care. Ah wouldn't trade what Ah do fer anythin'!”

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at him in awe. There was a love for one's family, but this was something else! The sheer loyalty that this 14 year old colt showed for this farm, the dedication he showed in making sure it stayed afloat, the sacrifices he made to make his Grandmother's life a little bit easier! It was inspiring, to say the least.

He let out a yawn and stood up. “Welp, it's getting' pretty late, we should be headin' ta bed. Ah gotta get up early to clean the debris from around tha farm. Ya know, branches an' such...”

“I could help if you want?” Rainbow found herself volunteering, almost impulsively. Fluttershy looked shock before shaking out of it and saying something along the same lines.

“Me too. After all, it'd only be fair after everything you've done for us.” Mac found himself blushing, turning his head away in embarrassment.

“Aw shucks, ya don't owe me nuthin'. Ah was just doin' what mah pappy woulda done.”

“We insist!” Fluttershy pressed, feeling slightly more confident than usual. “It's the least we could do...”

Mac scratched the back of his neck before sighing when he saw the two starting to give him the lost puppy eyed look. Aww shucks, Ah can't so no ta those faces!

“Well, if yer sure. Just let me know if'n ya wanna stop, Ah won't hold it against ya...” He said, stifling another yawn. “...now let me show ya ta tha spare bedroom. Ah hope ya don't mind sharing...”

With those last words, all the ponies found themselves in their beds for the night to sleep until the morning came.