• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 2,789 Views, 83 Comments

The MacDash Chronicles - FelixTheBrony

The escapades involving Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash throughout their lives, and the friendship and romance they built during that time.

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More Friendly Faces

More Friendly Faces

“I so totally won that time!” Rainbow exclaimed, patting the wall of the small, white house they were currently waiting at. Applejack glared back, playfully.

“Sure ya did! An' Ah'm tha Princess o' tha Griffins!” She shot back, sarcastically.

“Oh sorry, your majesty, I mean to say I totally kicked your royal behind!” Rainbow argued, just as sarcastically. “So I win, eight to seven!”

“...Best nine outta seventeen?”

“You're on!”

“Nnnope!” Mac interrupted, Fluttershy at his side. He pointed at the mail box outside the house with the name Belle on it. “We're here, so yer race is gonna hafta wait fer a bit.”

Fluttershy smiled, nervously. “...Um. I think you're just as good as each other for what it's worth...” Rainbow sighed, shaking her head.

“I told ya, Flutters, that's not how it works. There can only be one winner!” Fluttershy nodded and smiled bashfully, while Applejack and Mac frowned in confusion.

“Then why did Stalliongrad an' Manehatten tie fer first at tha Equestrian Game's hurdles last year?” Applejack asked, confused, causing Rainbow to look at them and chuckled, a fire in her eyes.

“Well, I guess it's just my contests with only one winner!” Applejack grinned.

“Yeah...Me!” Rainbow flinched and glared at her new friend.

“No way! I totally won!” Mac rolled his eyes and knocked on the door to deliver the letter.

Almost as soon as his hoof hit the door, it swung open and a white Unicorn filly with a slightly frizzy, but curled up violet mane burst out, hugging the surprised colt, as a loud wailing was heard inside.

Fluttershy started to glare at this new pony, after deducting that this one couldn't possibly be a blood relation, hoping that her gaze may cause her to perish in the spot.

“Um...Did we come at a bad time, Rares?” Applejack asked, finally taking notice of the Unicorn who clung to Macintosh like duct tape.

“Please get me out of here! Sweetie Belle won't stop screaming!” Rarity, the filly, exclaimed dramatically, still refusing to let go. “I can't take it anymore!”

“Um...Eeyup?” Mac said, confused. There's that word again...Well, just gunna hafta get used ta it...

“Rarity! Who's at the door?!” A surprisingly chipper voice asked as he made his way towards said door. He revealed himself to be another white Unicorn but with a greyish brown mane and moustache.

I see where she got most of her looks. Rainbow thought to herself, feeling a slight pang of jealousy at seeing the filly embrace her crush. That filly is WAY prettier than I am! And they even live closer together too...Oh who I am I kidding, I never stood a chance at getting him...

Mac glanced up at Hondo Flanks, Rarity's father, and handed him the letter. “Hm...” He mumbled, opening the letter and skim reading it. He then smiled and sighed in relief. “Phew, good old Granny Smith came through for us!” He happily said, turning back into the house. “Go on Pumpkin, go play with your friends!” He said before closing the door, causing the crying to stop.

Applejack turned to Rarity for an explanation. “My father sound proofed the door...” She explained, before a small cough got her attention.

She looked up at Mac as he stared back. “Uh...Think ya can let go now?” He asked, nervously. Rarity blushed slightly, letting go almost immediately, as if she's only just realised what she had done.

“Oh uh...Sorry...” She then looked and saw two new faces with them. One was a yellow and pink filly that was looking at her with utter disdain and the other was a rainbow and blue filly who looked sort of...wistful? No that wasn't the right word.

She glanced back at the two Apple ponies and hid behind Applejack in slight fear of the feral yellow one. “U-um...Who are these two?”

Applejack turned back grinned. “These are two o' mine an' Mac's new friends! Rainbow Dash an'...uh...” Applejack stuttered, having forgotten the other one's name in all the racing. Mac rolled his eyes and finished.

“An' tha other one's Fluttershy.” He then moved to stand next to the two Pegasi, who both seemed a bit wary of Rarity. “Fluttershy, Rainbow, this is our friend Rarity.”

“Uh...Charmed?” Rarity said, questionably, slowly moving out of hiding to greet the two properly.

Rainbow shook her jealous thoughts to the back of her head and gave the pony a pleasant smile. She seemed friendly enough and, if she was Mac's friend, that's good enough for her. “Good to meet ya!”

Rarity was slightly relieved to see that Rainbow Dash seemed friendly, but Fluttershy still seemed...angry? For what though? I haven't done anything!

“Hello...” Fluttershy said, plainly, shuffling slightly closer to Mac. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her.

Wow girl, it's our first day here! Try not ta kill anyone!

“So where d'ya want to go?” Rainbow asked, trying to break the silence.

“Ah know! We can take ya on a tour of Ponyville!” Applejack cheered, throwing one hoof around Fluttershy and the other around Rainbow. “It's ya first time here an' all!”

“Um...Tha chores...” Mac interrupted, remembering that they still have to go and clean the debris up from the orchard. Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Ah'm sure they'll still be there after a couple o' hours Mac! Besides, Granny gave us a bit o' spendin' money, so she musta known we'd be away fer a while.” Mac was about to argue back before he saw the truth in her words.

Besides... He thought to himself, glancing at Rainbow Dash. Ah haven't had a day off in a while an' Ah wanna git ta know mah friends a little better.

“That's tha spirit Mac!” Applejack cheered, seeing him nod in acceptance. “Let's go! We can go see Town Hall first!”

As the group started walking, he noticed Rainbow come up besides him. He smiled to himself as he felt her presence. Good choice me...Good choice...

“So when'd ya git yer Cutie Mark, Rares?!” Applejack asked, only now just noticing that her friend had three blue diamonds adorning her flank. Rarity looked back at her mark and smiled.

“Well I got it yesterday. My horn started to direct me somewhere and I followed it to the top of a hill...cliff...Something...”

“Wow, you need to work on your vocabulary...” Fluttershy let out, snarky, surprising Applejack a little. Rarity rose her own eyebrow at that, but shrugged it off.

“Yes well, after that I saw I had been taken to a giant rock! Naturally, I initially thought that my horn was on the fritz again, until a saw an explosion of colour in the sky and the rock cracked open and revealed a whole bunch of gems of different colours and varieties! I used them for the costumes in the school play and my Cutie Mark revealed itself in all it's fabulous beauty!”

“Wait...An explosion o' colour? That's tha same thin' Ah followed home. That's when Ah realised that mah home an' family are tha things Ah care about tha most and Ah got mah cutie mark!” Applejack exclaimed, smiling. “Quite a coincidence!”

“...That's how I got my cutie mark as well...” Fluttershy admitted, motioning her head to a group of birds who flew above them. “The explosion scared the animals and I had to calm them down, that's when mine showed up...”

She then motioned to Rainbow Dash, who was in a discussion with Mac about something. “And Rainbow Dash was the one who made the explosion by creating a Sonic Rainboom...”

“...So it seems we may all be connected...” Rarity muttered loudly enough for them all to hear. “Perhaps it is destiny that we have all met each other! Like we'll all be part of some prophecy and we'll have to save the world from evil!” She declare, causing Fluttershy and Applejack to glance at each other out of the corner of their eyes...

...Before bursting out laughing.

“Hahahahaha! That's tha most ridiculous thin' Ah've evah heard in mah life!” Applejack chuckled, trying to contain them before they became too much.

“Heeheehee...What's this evil being going to be called? Nightmare Moon?!” Fluttershy giggled, thinking of the funniest name she could think of.

“No! No! Maybe Discord!” Applejack joined in. “After all! There is a statue of him in the Canterlot Gardens! Maybe it'll come to life!”

Rarity huffed and turned away from them. “I was just having fun with the idea! No need to make a mockery of me!”

“Yeah there is!” Applejack continued, jabbing her friend, lightly, in the ribs. “C'mon, Rares! Ya gotta admit, what ya said was kinda stupid!”

“Well...” She muttered, a small giggle accidently escaping her lips. “I guess it was a little silly...” She continued before she started laughing as well.

Further back, Mac glanced at them and rose an eyebrow. “Um...Did we miss tha joke?” Rainbow looked up and shrugged.

“I don't know, but don't change the subject! How could you think Supercolt is better than Spidercolt?!” Mac sighed.

“Spidercolt was good until Spidercolt 3 came out! Ah do not like tha fact we only see Poison fer about ten minutes!”

“Oh and what of the great 'travel back in time to save his marefriend' bogus!” Rainbow argued. “At least the first Spidercolt didn't have any cop out parts to save his partner!”

“Oh, an' we're jus' gonna look over tha goofy Grey Goblin here?” Mac replied, before grinning. “Just wait until Colt of Steel comes out! That movie will be great!”

“I don't know about that...” She grinned. “I still think The Amazing Spidercolt will be better...”

“That's not comin' out fer another year! Colt of Steel shows this weekend! Ah can't wait a whole year ta debate...” He sighed, before suddenly getting a bit nervous. “Um...Hey, Rainbow...”

“Yeah?” She replied, looking up at his, noticing his slight shift in demeanour. “What's up, Mac?”

“Ah was just...Well...Did ya maybe wanna see tha movie with me?” Mac asked, suddenly feeling like one of the silliest ponies in the world for doing this. “...As friends?”

Rainbow flinched a bit when he added that last part and held back a sigh of disdain. Damn...Well, what did I expect? We only just met yesterday. “Uh, sure! Sounds like fun!” Rainbow replied with false positiveness. I could have at least fooled myself a bit if he didn't add that last part...

“Cool...Hey look, that's Town Hall ahead!” He announced, pointing out the building in the distance. “C'mon, we might make it in time ta see tha Mayor!”

“An' this is Sugarcube Corner!” Applejack announced to the two Pegasi as they entered the large, gingerbread house like structure. “This is where Mr and Mrs Cake work ta create lots o' tasty cakes an' pies an' tarts an' all kinds o' sweet desserts!” She continued, bumping into an Orange Earth Pony stallion.

He looked down and smiled. “Oh hello there Applejack!” Carrot Cake greeted, brightly, putting a tray of brownies on the counter. “Sorry about the mess, we're training a new apprentice...”

“Somepony finally answered your 'help wanted' sign?” Rarity asked. Carrot nodded.

“Yes! She used to work on a quarry with her family, but she decided to come and work for us because, apparently, rocks aren't very fun or colourful.” He answered, looking at the clock. “And you should be able to meet her now since it's lunch time and all. Pinkie!”

Suddenly, out of the kitchen, burst a bright pink filly with a darker pink mane and baby blue eyes, three balloons adorning her flank. Her eyes lit up as she spotted the group of ponies and she bounced towards them, each leap sending her about four feet into the air, much to their amazement.

“Hi! I'm Pinkamina Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie for short, I'm new in town so I don't have any friends yet, so I hope we all get to be great friends! I like having friends, they're really friendly...Even though I haven't really had a friend before, unless you count my sisters, Inkie, Blinkie and Maude! But their family, so does it count? Huh? Does it?!” She asked, pressing her face directly against Big Mac's, causing him to flinch and step back.

“Um...Eeyup?” He shrugged, hoping that answer was sufficient enough. Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at the pink pony, not un-noticed by Rainbow who nudged her friend in the ribs.

“Great!” Pinkie cheered, bouncing back and landing on the table next to Mr Cake, who smiled, tiredly at her.

“She's a bit of a hoofful, but her cooking skills speak for themselves...” He said, collapsing into the chair behind him. “Now I'm going to take a quick nap, feel free to take the rest of the day off Pinkie...”

“Woohoo!” She cheered, bouncing towards the group. “So what're we doing?”

“W-well...” Applejack started, trying to figure out how they managed to get roped into hanging out with this new pony. “...We were going on a tour o' Ponyville...Ah guess you can tag along since ya new here too an' all.”

“Hooray! Let's go, friendios!” She declared, bouncing outside before pausing, looking thoughtful.

“Um...Everything alright, Dear?” She turned to face Rarity.

“How long has this text been here?”

“Text?” Mac asked, looking around. “What text?”

“WAGH!” Pinkie yelped, tripping over the last line of dialogue. “Watch what you're doing, random words describing what we're doing at this very moment!” Pinkie finished, turning her head up and bouncing away, a huge grin spread across her lips.

The group faced each other, question marks popping up over all of their heads.

“Um...What the heck is wrong with that filly?!” Rainbow finally asked.