• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 2,789 Views, 83 Comments

The MacDash Chronicles - FelixTheBrony

The escapades involving Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash throughout their lives, and the friendship and romance they built during that time.

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When Fluttershy Met Angel

When Fluttershy Met Angel

Fluttershy settled down near the edge of the Everfree Forest, close to an abandoned cottage, and finally felt she was far enough away to let her tears out.

She felt betrayed. That was the short answer. Betrayed that her best friend and gone behind her back and stole Lil' Mac right from underneath her. She thought, out of everypony, she could trust her best friend not to do something like that.

But it wasn't like she would do something about it. What could she do? If Lil' Mac wanted to be with her then she had no say in the matter.

She may have been a bit venomous to those she thought were trying to home in on him, but if he wanted to be with them, it was his choice...even if she didn't agree.

Maybe if it had been Twilight or Rarity then she would have taken it a bit less...personally. But Rainbow decided to one; not tell her that she had feelings for him as well, two; go behind her back as if she were some double agent, and three; break her trust.

Fluttershy sighed as ideas were forming in her head. Ideas that seemed way too disgusting to actually go about setting into motion...

...ideas to break them up.

I can't do that! She thought to herself, trying to shake them out. I know I want Lil' Mac, but he obviously doesn't want me! There's little to no point in breaking them up!

She sighed as she rubbed the last of her tears away. There were surprisingly little she had to let out. “Maybe I'm overreacting...” She said to herself, quietly. Almost as if she were afraid she were being spied on. “...besides, she looked so happy with him and I've never seen her that happy before...”

She was about to let it go before she glanced up and noticed that she wasn't alone. Before her stood a tiny little, pure white, baby bunny rabbit who was sniffing her, curiously. “Oh, hi there,” Fluttershy said, surprised at the sudden appearance but delighted at the sight of the adorable creature.

Said rabbit nuzzled his face into her cheek, trying to dry her tear stained cheeks for her, causing her to giggle. “Heehee, aren't you just the cutest little thing!” She cooed, carefully scooping the baby bunny up into her hooves. The bunny seemed to almost smile up at her, his eyes sparkling.

She giggled again and deposited him into her mane, causing him to snuggle into it. “Awe!” She cooed again, smiling brightly and forgetting why she had come out here in the first place.

She, gaining some confidence from having her new little friend, decided to confront Rainbow Dash about this new development between her and Mac. Maybe she ran off before Rainbow even got the chance to tell her. Maybe Rainbow only just started to develop those types of feelings for him and didn't get the chance to tell her.

She smiled again, hoping beyond hope that Rainbow will tell her. Sure it'll hurt, but it would hurt a lot more to know that she was lied to.

The little bunny looked down, questioningly, causing Fluttershy to pause once she noticed him. “Oh! Right, I guess I should fill you in,” Fluttershy said, explaining the whole situation to to the rabbit.

It looked down at her, a confident little smirk playing on his lips as he pointed out the farmhouse and the blue Pegasus who was currently getting her bandage replaced by Granny Smith. “Oh, um...maybe we should talk to her later. She looks awfully busy right now.”

The bunny looked down and frowned, folding his arms in front of him before pointing to the colourful one. “R-really? Right now?”

The bunny nodded, giving her a reassuring smile and pat on the head to indicate that he was here for her. “Well...No, you're right! I need to talk to her now or I may never never work up the nerve again!” She declared to herself out of earshot of the others, before marching up to Rainbow and Granny.

“That wing ya got there seems ta be healin' right quick,” Granny said as she manoeuvred the bobby pin to hold the bandage around her wing in place. “Ah reckon ya can git ta flyin' again by tomorrow evenin', but better make it tha followin' day jus' ta be sure.”

“Thanks Granny, I really appreciate it,” Rainbow replied, glancing at her wing longingly. She couldn't wait to be able to start flying again and to show off her moves to her new friends...especially one friend inparticular.

She blushed as she remembered nuzzling with Lil' Mac earlier, a silly smile spreading on her face. She just felt so happy! She couldn't ever remember being this happy. Even when she got her cutie mark.

She was about to follow Granny Smith inside to join her and the rest of her friends for dinner before she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around and shrunk down a bit when she came face-to-face with Fluttershy. Aw man! I completely forgot about her!

Rainbow noticed her friend's hurt looking eyes and frown and reeled back, expecting to be slapped, punched, kicked or all of the above.

“Can I talk to you, Rainbow? I-in private...” She heard Fluttershy say in her usually quiet voice. Rainbow squinted her eye open and noticed that Fluttershy was also struggling to look her in the eye.

“U-uh...S-sure,” Rainbow responded, glancing at the farm house and noticing that dinner hasn't been served just yet, so they did have a little time. “But let's not stray too far, okay?!” She quickly added, sounding a little panicked, despite herself.

Fluttershy nodded, hearing a positive squeak from her scalp. She smiled to herself, proud to have made it this far. The affectionate nuzzle she got from the baby bunny didn't hurt either.

The two rounded the corner of the farm house and stood, just out of earshot of the six inside.

They stood like that, staring at each other, expecting one another to speak first.

Fluttershy felt a little tap on her head and sighed, knowing that she'll have to be the first to speak up. “I...um. I saw you and Lil' Mac earlier...”

“Uh...It wasn't what it looked like!” Fluttershy gave Rainbow the stink eye.

“Really? Because it looked like the two of you were nuzzling, romantically,” There was a pause that lasted all of a few seconds as Rainbow collected her thoughts.

“...Okay it was exactly what it looked like...” Rainbow replied, stepping back slightly. “...Look, if you're going to beat me up, do me a favour and avoid the wings?”

Fluttershy's own eyes shot open and she took a step back, mortally offended. “You thought I was going to beat you up?!” She practically shouted, causing Rainbow to flinch back again.

“Um...yeah?” She answered, as if it were obvious. Fluttershy's disbelieving eyes fell to the ground, before raising them back towards Rainbow, a small mist gathering in them.

“Do...d-do you really think th-that low of m-me...?” Rainbows own eyes flew open at that and she tried to say something.

“Well...er...I just...with the looks you were giving the others...I er...”

Fluttershy felt a nuzzle on her scalp and knew she had someone backing her. It gave her the strength to not break down completely. “I-I gave those looks to the others b-because I didn't know them!” She clarified. “They were strangers at that point, Rainbow, I didn't know whether they were nice or not! I know that now, obviously, and I'd never, ever, ever hurt a friend on purpose!”

Rainbow rubbed her forehoof, now feeling very ashamed of herself. She was supposed to know Fluttershy inside out. She trusted the girl, but this whole thing with Lil' Mac just seemed to have been blown way out of proportion. It apparently made her a little paranoid.

“I...I'm sorry, Flutters...” Rainbow finally managed to say, letting her head droop down. “I..I should have told you yesterday that I had feelings for him as well...I just...I didn't want to hurt you...”

Fluttershy, for her part, let Rainbow continue. “I was going to back off! I swear it! You never had much confidence in yourself and I thought that you getting a coltfriend would help! I also thought that it was more likely that he'd like you more, considering that you're way prettier than I am!”

“And it did give you confidence! You'd never glare at anyone before and would always just let ponies push you around! But, from the look in your eye, I saw that you'd stand your ground against anyone that came after Lil' Mac! I...Just kinda assumed that would include me...” Rainbow sighed sadly and looked up at Fluttershy again.

Fluttershy was crying, once more, as she gave the blue Pegasus a hug. “Rainbow! You were going to give up being happy just so I could get a little b-braver?” Fluttershy giggled a bit, confusing Rainbow a bit. “That's one of the silliest things I've ever heard!”


“Rainbow, I don't need a coltfriend for that! You make me feel braver everyday you remain my friend!” She admitted, nuzzling her friend's cheek. “You're the best flyer in our whole school! You could hang out with all of the cool kids! But instead, you decided to stick with me! That gives me the strength to even turn up at school most days!”

She let go of Rainbow and gave her a wide smile. “And now I have even more friends! Sure I don't have a coltfriend, but there's plenty of time to worry about that! And, with all of your help, I might actually build the confidence to talk to the colt I'll like about it.”

She sighed wistfully, giving Rainbow one last smile. “Lil' Mac just wasn't meant for me. So, if you want my blessing, you have it.”

Rainbow stood there, completely shocked by this turn of events. She was sure Fluttershy was going to be angry! So sure of it! But...

Rainbow grinned, almost bouncing with excitement. Feeling like Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush and hugged the butter yellow Pegasus so tightly it almost caused her eyes to pop out. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

She let go, allowing Fluttershy to catch her breath as Rainbow started towards the farmhouse. “You're welcome,” She felt a tap on her hoof and looked down to see the bunny looking up at her, a proud smile on his face. “And thank you, you lil' cutie, I'd have never had talked to her if it wasn't for you, my little guardian angel.”

A thoughtful expression came over her features as the bunny scurried up her tail, over her back and into her mane once more. “I like that. Angel...What do you think?”

The bunny looked down and nodded, smiling lazily. Fluttershy smiled, widely, and squeed. “Well, from here on out, we're a team Angel bunny!”

Author's Note:

I always liked the idea of Angel and Fluttershy having like a ying, yang complex. He's the confidence that she lacks while she's the kindness that he lacks. I don't really like how the show seems to portray him at all.

Anyway I know the climax to the jealous Fluttershy was a little...anti-climactic but that was what I was going for. No matter how jealous she got, she's still the Element of Kindness. She wouldn't throw away her friendship with Rainbow over a colt she knew for a day.

...Now if you guys want to see jealousy in action, wait until later chapters. For now, leave a comment if you spot any grammer or spelling errors as I'd like to be to fix them. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think! :pinkiehappy: