• Published 13th Jun 2014
  • 22,991 Views, 803 Comments

Prince of the Sun - TornadoBlitz

A young man with surprising leadership skills meets the most important day of his life, his death. Many would expect that to be that however fate has other plans.

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My time will come

It had been a couple weeks since I was born and I was starting to get use to my new life. Well as much as a former young adult human could get used to being in the body of a foal prince in a world run entirely by horses. Over the last couple of weeks, I came to sorely miss the simplest things from my former life; things I never even thought about. One was the ability to walk. Every so often I would try to stand up but my legs were too weak to hold me up for more than a few seconds before I would fall. While Mother, Auntie Luna and Nanny Sunburst would either laugh it off or coo at me for being cute, it was rather disconcerting to think how much I would have to relearn. If anything it would probably be harder for me considering I was now dealing with four legs, not two.

The ability to talk was another thing I was sorely missing. Not that I was a very social person in my old life, but just being able to say “hi” to ponies was something I missed. The nursery that I went to when mother was doing day-court was the palace nursery, where the children of the servants and various workers of the palace played. All of them were older than me so mostly they either cooed at me or just played with others. I longed to just say “hi” back or just be polite to them would mean so much to me. Luckily that wouldn’t be harder to relearn unlike walking.

It wasn’t just that I missed these old abilities I had, it was all the new ones I would have to learn as well. Having a horn meant I would have to learn to control and effectively use magic, having wings meant I would have to learn to fly and just being a prince in a monarchy that was in charge of things conjured up all sorts of horrible lessons I would learn in my head. Dancing through the political minefield that was the nobles, while also maintaining the kind of regal bearing, stature and command that the kings and queens of the medieval age lived and died doing. It was a chilling thought.

But while I thought about these things, another thought came to me.

I am no longer the shift supervisor, nor am I the young man who had no power. I am now Mythic Light, the Prince of Equestria and son of Princess Celestia. I must not make the same mistakes in this new life, I have the chance that people often only can dream and wish about. Not only will I learn all these new skills and be a worthy successor to mother, but I will also outshine her, break free from her shadow and soar. This is my second and last chance, let’s make the most of it.
It was these words that kept me patient, enjoying the luxuries of princedom and the care and attention that others gave me. My time would come, I would make my mark on Equestria but for now I must watch and learn. The patient hunter gets the prey.

As another day rose and after mother fed me, she looked down at me fondly.

“Today is a special day, my little light.” Mother said “It is a special holiday for Equestria and you and I need to get ready for it. This means we need to visit Rarity!”

I beamed up at mother, looking forward to seeing Rarity again. I had learned that it was her that created my crown due to her ability to find gemstones. With that, mother lifted me onto her back and headed for the door.

Mother exited the castle and, with guard escort, headed for the carriage.

“Your highness” A voice went and both mother and I turned to see an older unicorn couple. The male was white with a black mane and the female was red with a sandy mane. Judging by their clothes, a smart suit and a shimmering white dress, they must have been ponies of wealth or prestige.

A couple of the guards came closer, as if preparing to block them from getting any closer to mother.

“There is no need for that.” Mother said firmly to the guards “These are the parents of former minister of magic and close friends of mine. Let them pass.”

The guards nodded and assumed their original positions, always keeping a close eye on the couple.

Wait I thought They are father’s parents? So these are my grandparents.

The unicorn couple moved closer and bowed before mother.

“Your highness,” the male went “I apologize we couldn’t come to you sooner and especially considering how important today is, but this was the soonest date we could get to you.”

“I understand, Azure, it is important that Mythic meets you.” Mother replied before turning to me “Mythic, I would like you to meet your grandparents, Azure Craft and Onyx Sword.”

Onyx came over to me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She reached a hoof out and I let her stroke me.

“Hello there, my precious grandchild.” She said “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

I looked up at her and smiled back.

“Our reason for seeing you, your highness is two-fold.” Grandfather Azure said “One, to finally meet Prince Mythic and secondly, to give him a present.”

A present I thought, wondering what it could be before the he lit his horn and revealed… a large book. While I didn’t think it was interesting, clearly it was worth something considering I looked up and saw mothers shock in her eyes.

“This book…” She said after regaining her senses “Golden sword talked about it numerous times. I thought it was lost when he died.”

“That is what we originally thought,” Grandfather said “However, when we went to his house, we found it hidden in the secret place. If he has talked about it with you, then you know how important this book is to us and our family. The reason we now give this book to Mythic is because with Golden Sword now… departed, this leaves his child… your child, the sole heir to our family’s most treasured possession. It is his right to have this book and we would sleep easier at night, knowing that that the next generation of our family has it.”

I listened intently, looking at the book. Without even looking get a chance to look at what was inside it, I could feel the weight of the legacy it held. It was clear to me that both my grandparents had spent many a night talking about passing it on to me. Well, just like I wouldn’t let father’s legacy down, I wouldn’t let my grandparents or my ancestor’s legacy down.
“Thank you, Azure.” Mother said, taking the book from his spell “I promise you, when Mythic Light is of age, he will keep this book and treasure it, just as you have.”

Grandmother smiled “You have no idea how much those words mean to us, your majesty.” She said “Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. Now, we will not waste anymore of your time. We must be going, thank you again and farewell my grandchild.”

She reached over and nuzzled me before walking off with grandfather.

“Please, take this up to my quarters.” Mother said to one of the guards, who saluted and took the book and walked back to the castle. Mother then started walking with the rest of the guard troop to the carriage. All the while, I couldn’t stop thinking about the book. What was in it? What secrets did it hold? Did father write in it? As these thoughts raced around my head, I had to fight to bring myself under control. Now was not the time to think about that, my time would come when I would read that book but not now. For now, just as I had thought earlier, just sit back, relax and learn. My time will come.

Author's Note:

I hope this goes some way into earning your forgiveness. Let me apologize for letting this story languish for so long, but medical problems, university issues and job commitments kept me from it. Now however, its time for me to get back at the story that I love.

Thanks again for your patience

Tornado Blitz