• Published 13th Jun 2014
  • 22,991 Views, 803 Comments

Prince of the Sun - TornadoBlitz

A young man with surprising leadership skills meets the most important day of his life, his death. Many would expect that to be that however fate has other plans.

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At the Gala Part 1

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I am deeply sorry. I cannot believe it has been 7 months since I last wrote a chapter. You all have shown great compassion and patience in the past but this was crossing a line I shouldn't have crossed. I have a a**hole to you all and all I can ask is that you can forgive me for this stupidly long wait.

Times have been difficult for me, at work and at home. I found myself in situations I never wanted to be in and all I wanted was to just close off everything, for a period of time I stopped writing for everything I did. Now that my life is finally calm and it is now a new year, I consider this the best chance I have at continuing the story that you all and I love so deeply. It is time for the sun to rise and this time to stay up.

Updates to the story will be coming every 2 weeks from now on. That is my new years resolution to you all. I thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy my latest chapter.

Kindest Regards
Tornado Blitz

“Hold still, little prince.” Sunbeam said, keeping my wings still as she scrubbed them “The Gala is this evening and you must look your best.”

I pouted, it wasn't my fault that the brush tickled when it passed through my feathers. I was in the royal bathing chambers as myself, Mother and Auntie Luna were being prepared for what the servants had called the biggest event of the year. The Grand Galloping Gala.

From what I heard from the hushed whispers of the servants and what the fellow ponies in the daycare had said to each other, this was the biggest social event of Equestria. Bigger than The Ascot, bigger than The Summer Sun Celebration, there was no event like it.

As such the servants had been working themselves hard for weeks getting everything ready. When it came to today, they seemed particularly excited and after catching glimpses of the hard work they had put into the event, I couldn't blame them, I was like that whenever I completed hard and time consuming tasks in the old world.

So here I was, trying to remain still while the servants groomed me, which was becoming increasingly hard to do considering how ticklish my wings were. A pegasus maid came over to help Sunbeam.

“If I may,” She said, taking the brush from Sunbeam and gently continuing the work. The tickling stopped and I was able to hold myself still, “You see, Sunbeam, pegasi wings are incredibly sensitive to washing techniques such as this, even full grown pegasi have trouble with it. It’s even worse for foals as even simply touching them with your own hoofs can cause reactions.”

I wished I could thank the maid for her work. The wing sensitivity was a huge pain for me, but I guessed that this was the price I paid for being able to fly. Soon, after I was sure every hair in my mane was checked twice to be perfectly in place, the preparations were finally made.

“Ready for this, my little light?” Mother asked and we started walking together towards to grand hall. I was happy that I was able to walk alongside mother for this event, though I had to walk many more steps to keep up with mother’s and Auntie Luna’s elegant stride. Both of the were the picture of regal elegance. Mother’s dress connected to her regalia and was a mixture of white and yellow with purple jewels hanging of the cape. Auntie Luna was wearing a purple dress with clouds and stars and a yellow trim and hem. All three of us were wearing our crowns and I mentally prepared myself for what would be the biggest test yet for me.

I may be a foal but every eye in the room will be on me and mother, especially greedy nobles wanting a chance to get ahead. Well, I would not let that happen. I will not make mother look weak or make me look unfit to succeed her. This will be my moment.

As we approached the hall, trumpets started playing.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts,” An announcer said, “May I present the Royal Family of Equestria.”

All the ponies assembled began looking up the staircase, awaiting our arrival.

“Presenting, her royal highness, the Princess of the Night and joint ruler of Equestria, Luna.”

Auntie Luna walked down the stairs to a round of applause from the ponies in attendance, she waved and nodded towards the ponies.

“Presenting, her royal highness, the Princess of the Sun and joint ruler of Equestria, Celestia and his royal highness, the Prince of the Sun and recognised heir to the throne of Equestria, Mythic Light.”

Following mother, I walked down the stairs to applause from the crowd. Following mother and Auntie Luna’s example as I best I could, I nodded to the others, not without eliciting some cooing looks from the crowd. Fleur de lis was in the crowd and I saw her blow a kiss in my direction.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts,” Mother said “I welcome you, once again, to the Grand Galloping Gala. On this night, ponies of all walks of life come together to share stories, have fun and remind ourselves that for all the darkness in this world, there is always light and friendship if we look for it.”

The ponies all clapped before dispersing to their own conversations as music started playing. From that moment on, I stayed by mother’s side as she greeted guests. I kept to myself as ponies greeted mother, nodding like my mother when they addressed me and while it was painfully dull, I vowed that I would stay by mother. Then some ponies who caught my eye came up to mother.

3 unicorns approached mother wearing white cloaks. Alone it wasn’t too interesting but the symbol on the cloaks made me double take. The symbol of the 12 pointed star with a scepter and sword crossing over it. That same symbol was on the front of my families book.

“Thank you for inviting us, Princess Celestia.” The front pony said, a purple unicorn with black raven mane. Her smooth voice for some reason sent a chill up my spine.

“You are welcome, Amethyst. I hope your research is going well.” Mother said, smiling.

“Some of the more ancient rituals of magic are harder to decipher but we are making progress. However, that is not our purpose tonight.” Amethyst said before kneeling down to me. “Greetings to you, my prince. It is truly an honour to finally meet you. I am Amethyst Arcana, I along with my fellows once worked for your father.”

I stood there, wide-eyed. These ponies worked with dad on magic? That was amazing and I wished I could ask them what he was like.

“It is truly a wonderful sight to see Golden Sword’s legacy continue. Maybe one day you will become a research in the ancient ways like he was.”
“Oh not him as well…” Mother groaned, “I’m sorry Amethyst, but I’ve had two students and my foal’s father completely obsessed with studying magic. There is more to life then reading books.”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I completely understand, your highness.” Amethyst said “I just extend the invitation to him. Should he grow and wish to learn, the guild and I would gladly accept him.”

“I will keep that in mind, Amethyst. Enjoy the party.” Mother said and with that Amethyst and her cohorts bowed before walking away. I felt mother’s hoof pull me closer.

“I don’t know what I do if you became like Twilight… No, I will not allow that to happen, I will make sure of it… Oh hello Twilight, how has Ponyville been?”

I had no clue about what mother was talking about but the incredulous look on Twilight’s face told that it was clearly an experience that was funnier in hindsight.

That Amethyst pony though. She knew my father and clearly continued his work of understanding magic with great passion. Maybe she knew some things that even mother didn’t know about dad. Either way, She still gave me chills for some reason, I would have to watch out for her in the future.

The night however was still young and there were plenty more ponies to meet and greet. It made me wonder who else I would meet tonight.


Off to the side in the shadows, a chimera like creature was observing Princess Celestia and Mythic light.

“Ah, so that’s the human soul that was brought over into this realm.” It said, “I think it’s time that the little prince and I met.”