• Published 13th Jun 2014
  • 22,991 Views, 803 Comments

Prince of the Sun - TornadoBlitz

A young man with surprising leadership skills meets the most important day of his life, his death. Many would expect that to be that however fate has other plans.

  • ...

I am Mythic Light!

I was calming down after another magic spasm, my third in the last week. Mother had placed me in my crib and as I slowly fell asleep, I could hear mother’s and auntie Luna’s voices.

“I'm worried about these spasms, Luna.” Mother said “Of course spasms like this happen to all unicorn foals but the frequency has me worried.”

“Well that might be an unfair comparison, Celestia.” Auntie Luna said “Mythic is an alicorn and apart from us, Equestria has never seen such a phenomenon. Your little one’s magic is already stronger than that of newborn and toddler unicorns. Who knows how many spasms he may have before his magic settles.

Mother sighed “You're right Luna. What Mythic needs right now is to be surrounded by the ponies that care for him. Like any unicorn parents we need to ride this out."

“I just wish there was some way we could help him more than that.” Luna said “If only I could remember how we were raised or how we dealt with this, but for the life of me I cannot remember. I feel so useless.”

“Luna, you are a wonderful Aunt to Mythic. Once he is more grown, I bet he will seek you out for comfort and wisdom as much as myself. Do not beat yourself up about not remembering, it was so long ago that I can't remember it myself. Even if we could remember, I doubt it would help Mythic much, there is no uniform way of getting a unicorn through their spasms, so all we can do is help Mythic ride this out.”

I heard a deep sigh of resgination come from both of them and I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. I was causing all these issues and I didn't know how to do stop them.

Why can't I control this magic?! I internally yelled Faust, what am I doing wrong?

Just then, Mother entered the room with her maternal smile and lay next to me, rocking the crib slowly with her wing.

“Sweet dreams, little prince.” She said before kissing me on my forehead. As my eyes shut, all I could think about was what am I doing wrong and how could I fix it.

I opened my eyes to see the same turquoise coloured realm were I met Faust. I looked around but couldn't see the goddess anywhere, but something felt different about this visit to her realm. I stood up, confused at two things. One, where was Faust and two, why was I standing so high up?

I looked down and saw, to my shock, that I was in my human body. My hearted started racing as I saw my former body, all normal and not in a mangled mess from the crash.

What does this mean? I thought Have I already failed? Is Faust going to send me to earth and into my grave? No, she said I had a whole life to live and I haven't done anything to fail her yet. What the hell is going on?

I kept hoping that Faust would show up and explain what's going on, but minutes on top of minutes passed and the realm was deathly silent. With no other ideas, I did the only thing I could think.

“Faust!” I yelled “Hello? Anyone? Somebody please help me! What’s going on?”

From above a door materialised in the air before landing some distance in front of me. Faced with no other options, I slowly walked towards the door.

What are you afraid of? Went an ethereal sounding voice and I looked around, searching for the source but found nothing. Now, constantly looking over my shoulder, I continued my way to the door. The ethereal voice kept talking:

What keeps you from accepting your fate?

Do you fear yourself?

What does a dead man have to fear?

The questions kept coming, the voice had no malice behind it but I felt a chill run up my spine with each question. Finally, I reached the door and pulled it open, only to be blinded by an incredible light.

When the light subsided, I looked inside the room and was shocked by what I saw. The room was split in half, like two seperate rooms had been fused together. One side was my old bedroom, painted light blue and decorated minimalistically with white furniture. On the walls and on shelves were pictures and items I had collected from various times in my life. My eyes were immediately drawn to the statuette from the film festival and the red armband from the rainforest.

The other half of the room was a nursery, coloured yellow and white. The furniture was made for an infant and there was only one picture in there. A picture of mother with me on her back from the Summer Sun Celebration.

Why are you so afraid? A familiar ethereal voice went and my heart rate spiked.

“Whose there?” I said and then, rising out the crib was a small white foal. It turned to face me and I recognised it immediately.

“You are…” Mythic Light said “Well the foal side of you anyway.”

I backed up, unable to comprehend what I was seeing. How could Mythic Light be looking at me when I am Mythic Light?

“Don’t be scared.” Mythic Light said jumping out of the cradle “I’m not gonna hurt you because I am you.”

“This can't be real.” I said, shakily “You are not real, this is all just a dream.”

“Looking at one’s self can be really scary when you don't like what you see.” Mythic said “Must be really scary considering what’s happening with you.”

“What are you saying?” I asked.

“It’s simple…” Mythic said “You are not Mythic Light. You look like him and you speak like him but that doesn't make you him.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed “What gives you the right to say that?”

“Well the answer lies in the questions I asked you. You claim to have accepted your new role in the universe but you and I know the truth. There is a massive part of you struggling to accept the reality. You cannot accept the fact you died that day.”

I gulped and my heart rate accelerated.

“That's not true. I stammered “The old me is dead and the only thing left is…”

Mythic Light screamed before his wings stretched out and he flapped down. He launched into the air while the resulting air wave pushed me backwards onto my behind.

“DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!” Mythic roared, with the authority I thought only Faust could use “If you truly accepted your new role then why are you so scared? Why do you think your magic spasms are so scary and frequent? It's because your mind and soul are constantly at war with each other about what you believe is right and what's actually right!”

After he finished he took a deep breath and landed on the ground. I sat there, in complete fear. The being facing me was Mythic Light and he was correct about everything. I was scared and had been since my arrival.

“I’m sorry” Mythic said, looking like a child who was being punished by his mother “It's just, you know it's true and I want to understand why. Please answer my question this time. Why are you so afraid of me and what is your new life?”

I felt tears prick my eyes as I slowly stood up. For the first time in what felt like ages, I could finally get what was in my chest off.

“You want to know why I'm scared?” I asked “It’s because of all that.” I pointed towards the adult half of the room. “Everything I ever said and did. All I learned and achieved is there. My finest moments of my old life. I didn't have the best start or the best life, but it was my life damnit and I made what I could of it. Now, if I accept you, accept Mythic Light as my new life… it will be like that was all for naught. Like it never happened… Like I shouldn't have bothered.

I sank to my knees, tears running down my face. I couldn't hide anymore, I couldn't make excuses anymore. I felt something rub against me and saw Mythic Light rubbing his head against my body.

“Thank you for being honest.” Mythic said, comfortingly. “But you know that's not the case. Faust chose you, chose us, for this role because of those very achievements and those memories. How you fought from the bottom of the world to make something of yourself. Especially considering what happened between you and your mother…”

I recoiled slightly. I didn't like talking about my original mother, for reasons I wanted to keep properly buried.

“...But that's why you love Celestia so much.” Mythic said. “Celestia is the mother you wish you had originally. She's a completely different species to what we were originally and yet you love her so.”

I nodded.

“Also, look at this..” Mythic said pointing at the picture of the summer celebration. “You created that picture. You were happy and decided to keep it here. It is your memory, just like everything in this room is. You can keep all the memories of your life and accept your life here. After all, everyone believes you'll be a great prince one day.”

Suddenly images of Celestia, Luna, Twilight and her friends, Cadance and Shining Armour, Fancy and Fleur de lis appeared. They were smiling at me and I felt… happiness and self assurance. For the first time, I stopped saying my old life was over and started believing it.

As I smiled, the nursery started to overtake the adult room. The room became a full nursery but the trophies and pictures of my old life, remained in place.

“Thank you.” I said “Thank you showing me this.”

“Of course!” Mythic said “Now speak along with me. I am Mythic Light…”

“First born son of Celestia and Prince of the sun.” I continued before joined together.

“We came to be at one of our mother’s lowest points and gave her light. One day, as we grow up, we will produce a light so bright, it will be legendary.”

A bright light encompassed both Mythic and I and when I opened my eyes again, I was back in my foal body, but it felt different from before. It truly felt like it was my body, it felt like the true home of my mind and soul. Above I saw Faust with a motherly smile on face. I raised my wings and bowed deeply to her.

“You have done well… Mythic Light, Prince of Equestria” She said “Now go, go and become what you are meant to be.”

I nodded and closed my eyes. No more doubt and no more pain. I am Mythic Light!

Author's Note:

I'm Back!!!!!

Sorry this took so long, life had to be annoying and screw up my time. But I'm back now and here's my latest chapter. Inspired by Thistlewick's ideas.

Thanks for sticking with the story. You guys rock!!