• Published 13th Jun 2014
  • 22,991 Views, 803 Comments

Prince of the Sun - TornadoBlitz

A young man with surprising leadership skills meets the most important day of his life, his death. Many would expect that to be that however fate has other plans.

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A quiet moment with Mother

Dear Princess Celestia,

I wish I could provide you with more information regarding the incident however I currently have nothing new to tell you. My top shamans and enchanters are working over every detail to find any clue about the missing mages. Please know that when I when they find something, you’ll be immediately informed.

I do hope that the friendship between our two countries can remain strong and healthy despite this incident. The bond we share is something that my citizens and I treasure highly and we don’t wish to jeopardise that under any circumstances. I believe you are that Ponies and Zebras are stronger together rather than divided.

On a happier note, we wish congratulations on the birth of your foal. We hope that Prince Mythic Light grows healthy and strong under your care. We also, at your discretion, would like to invite you and the prince to the plains so he can see our culture.

I hope to hear from you soon,
Yours Sincerely
Amaziah, Ruler of the Plains

Celestia re-read the letter twice, sighing. She had hoped that new details would come from Amaziah about Golden Sword, but still nothing to report. Perhaps Amaziah does know something and doesn’t want to reveal because he’s afraid of her response?

Celestia shook her head. No, she could allow herself to think like that. Amaziah was many things, but a liar was not one of them. Nor would she break off Equestria’s relationship with Zebrica. Ponies and Zebras were better together than divided.

“Not good news?” A voice went and Celestia to see Luna in the doorway.

“Nothing new yet, Luna.” Celestia replied, lifting the letter over to her sister. “I do not blame Amaziah, there are ancient magics at work on the plains that not even the Zebras understand. I am willing to be patient and work with them to bring back Golden Sword and the others.”

“Well one good thing came from this letter.” Luna mused, “Another invitation for Mythic to another kingdom. What is that…Seven?”

“Twelve.” Celestia replied, pulling out a box of letters with locations ranging from Prance to Saddle Arabia. “I received a couple from Gran Caneighra and Rustallion a few days ago.”

“Impressive.” Luna said “Speaking of travel, you and Mythic are soon to take a trip to the Crystal Empire, are you not?”

“Yes we are, Luna.” Celestia said, “Should be a wonderful visit for Mythic. It will be the first time he will meet Flurry heart. But while we are gone, I need you to finish the project. Everything else is coming, it is up to you now.”

“Be at peace, my sister.” Luna reassured. “All will be finished before your return. Raven, Sundancer and Sunbeam is providing their expert support as well.”

“Excellent.” Celestia said. “Now if you excuse me, I shall retire for tonight and prepare for travel. Good night, dear Luna.”

“Pleasant dreams, dear sister.” Luna replied, heading for the room in question.

Oh little light. She thought Have we got a surprise waiting for you.


I had expected to be going up to the solar chambers but strangely, why Nanny Sunbeam was carrying me towards the gardens. As we approached the door, Mother strode in from the other corridor. No matter how many times I saw it, her stride and stance made her look like a goddess in my eyes.

“There’s my little light!” Mother cooed, lifting me over to her with her magic and placing me on her back. “How’s he been, Sunbeam?”

“A joy, your highness.” Sunbeam replied. “Nopony has a problem with Prince Mythic, a pleasure to be around.”

Mother looked upon me fondly. “You make me so proud, don’t you.” I blushed and mother looked at Sunbeam. “Thank you Sunbeam, that will be all for tonight.”

“As you please, your highness.” Sunburst said, curtseying and heading to the servants quarters.

“Now, Mythic Light…” Mother began, looking at me fondly. “Before I take you to bed, I wanted to show a very special place.”

Celestia opened the door and headed out into the gardens, past the hedge maze and past her private garden and started heading downhill. I had never gone this far out before, not with mother or even Discord when we talked. Then I saw where mother was heading; towards a lake with an island in the middle. The island had a small grove upon it. As she reached the edge, Mother lit her horn and I felt magical restraints around me.

“Don’t worry, my light.” Mother cooed. “I won’t let you fall in.”
It was then I realized what she was going to do. Without hesitation, Mother entered the water and when it came up high enough, she started swimming through it, her magic keeping me in place on her back.

Even her swimming technique is beautiful I thought as I watched her. In fact, everything about Mother was beautiful in my eyes. Her grace and elegance, the way she walked and how she held herself, even how she was when she played with me. She reminded me of a maiden from a song I loved back in the old world.

Truly she was both fair and handsome, with a neck just like a swan, all that was missing was her hair to be tied up and hanging over her shoulder with a black velvet band.

As the water became shallower, Mother stood up and walked into the grove. At the center of the grove was a small pool. Steam drifted from the water and up towards the heavens.

A natural hotspring? I thought. The lake mother just swam through was warmer than I expected.

“Time for a bath.” Mother said, before lifting me off her back and standing me up on the side of the pool. As she entered the pool, I noticed a smooth rock platform underneath the water. Once Mother had settled into the water, she turned to me and tapped the platform. I gingerly put one hoof forward and touched the water’s surface. The sting of the hot water hit me immediately and I pulled backward.

“It’s OK, Mythic.” Mother said softly. “Nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a little hot water.”

I slowly moved forward again and put my hoof in the water again. With mother helping me, I entered the water and relaxed.

“Well done, darling…” Mother cooed and she started tending to me only a mother could. Her gentle touches and cooing almost brought me to sleep. I pulled my hoof up trying to reach her… but all I managed to do was splash her.

She stopped for a second before a mischievous grin emerged on her face.

“You cheeky little…” Mother said as she gave a small splash back. The battle was on, both sides unrelenting in the splash war, vying for dominance. Eventually mother won out but I was had held my own against her and that was good enough for me… for now.

Mother took me out of the pool and we lay beside it, drying off.

“My little light.” Celestia cooed. “This was my favourite spot when I was pregnant with you. I could come here and relax, alone with you. Sometimes I felt you kicking inside me and I just knew you enjoyed the time here just as much as I.”

As soon as I was dry, Mother drew me closer, right next to her belly. I felt so warm and safe next to her as I listened to her heartbeat. As my eyes began to close, I felt mother drape her wing over me and she started singing a gentle tune. I smiled and curled up near her. I may have had another mother before, but in my heart, Celestia was my only mother and I loved her like only a child can.

She was my mother and I was happiest when I was near her.