• Published 13th Jun 2014
  • 22,991 Views, 803 Comments

Prince of the Sun - TornadoBlitz

A young man with surprising leadership skills meets the most important day of his life, his death. Many would expect that to be that however fate has other plans.

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At the Ascot

As I woke up to see mother’s sun once again, I heard voices from outside the room. One of them I recognised to be mothers. Curious, I stayed as quiet as possible and listened in. My legs were still too weak to carry me, otherwise I would have gotten out of the crib and leant close to the door.

“Your highness, we were thinking about what we discussed about Prince Mythic meeting other nobles and an opportunity has just presented itself to us.” Went the voice, which I recognised as Duke Fancy Pants. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I remembered that name.

“I still can’t believe they are judging my foal right now. He’s barely 3 weeks old and yet they’re judging him like he’s fully grown stallion noble. They also insult me for thinking I cannot run this kingdom, despite ruling it for longer than any of them have been alive.” Mother said.

Yea, you tell them mum I thought

“Your frustration is well warranted, your highness.” Duchess Fleur de Lis said “We share your opinion of these atrocious rumours spread by minor nobles. As we say though, there is a way have the prince meet nobles and dissuade any rumours in one fell swoop.”

“How?” Mother asked.

“Well, The Ascot, your highness.” Fancy pants said.

I was confused by what Fancy Pants had just said. I knew of The Ascot, back in my old world it was one of most famous horse racing courses. It also had a long history with nobility, wealth and social status with many patrons, even to this day, donning the traditional black and white garments. This lead me to my confusion, if ponies are the ruling species of this world, or at least Equestria, who does the racing or more importantly what?

“As you know, your highness, The Ascot is one of the most important dates on the social calendar for many Equestrian nobles.” Fleur de lis said “Any noble worth their social status will be there. The rumours about your abilities being weakened were all but quashed with your rather spectacular showing at the summer sun celebration. Now, if Mythic were to appear at the Ascot as our guest, it will continue to show that you are not sheltering him away and that you fully intend for him to be a social prince.”

“I see…” Mother said “It is an interesting thought and if it puts an end to these ridiculous rumours, at for a little while, then let’s do it. I have governmental duties on that day so I cannot attend but I will make sure that Sunbeam does. Just promise me that no matter what, Blueblood is not allowed near Mythic. Blueblood never misses the Ascot and I don’t trust him near my child after his outburst.”

“Of course your highness.” Fancy pants said “We will make the preparations for Mythic. We promise that the prince will have a splendid time. We thank you once again for hearing us out.”

With that, I heard hooves moving and then the door opened and mother walked in. She knelt and smiled at me.

“Good morning, my foal.” she said. “It seems you’ll have something to do this weekend.”

I smiled back at her, looking forward to my first social call as a prince of equestria. Thankfully, I would be with Sunbeam so while I was a bit sad that mother couldn’t come with me, it was nice to know that I wasn’t going to be alone. Besides, mother was an ruler of this country so it wasn’t like I could blame her for that. Something she had though, caught my attention:

They also insult me for thinking I cannot run this kingdom, despite ruling it for longer than any of them have been alive.

What did that mean? and how old was mother? I couldn’t speak so I couldn’t ask and even if I did, I had too many awful memories of asking women that question in the old world. While I certainly wouldn’t ask up front, I would have to try a different tact.

A few days later I found myself back in the blue suit I had been wearing for the summer sun celebration, on the back of Sunbeam and being accompanied by Duke Fancy Pants and Duchess Fleur de lis towards a massive stadium. Both Fancy Pants and Fleur put on their best clothes for the occasion and even Sunbeam had a magnificent dress on. As they walked towards the stadium, the weight of this day began to start hitting me. My former father used to talk my ear off about first impressions in regards to everything, from introductions to interviews.

Now more than ever, I realised just how important that this would become. For many nobles, this would be their first time ever seeing me and even though I was foal, some of the more petty nobles would take this as their first introduction to me, if mother’s words from a few days ago were to be correct. This always happened to me when big events such as parties or interviews happened, and all the regular emotions came back to haunt me. Unlike the summer sun celebration, mother wasn’t here and that combined with this new foal body, those emotions were increased tenfold.

“Excited, little prince?” Duchess Fleur de lis said, “I remember my first ascot.” she sighed with a dreamy look on her face. “You’ll have fun, trust me.”

I looked at her confident demeanour and couldn’t but feel that she wouldn’t lie to me about these things. Maybe I was overreacting to this and it would just be a fun event for me and prove that mother wasn’t hiding me away. After all Sunbeam was here too, so I didn’t have reason to worry. Apart from one thing.


From what I remembered from Mother’s conversation, he never missed this event and just even thinking about him being next to me with no mother around was scary. Although, Sunbeam was here and if Blueblood tried anything, mother could potentially continue with her threat about removing him from the royal family. Considering how little I was, I would have to rely on the fact that Sunbeam and the others would protect me from him.

Instead of going into the main entrance, which was already developing a large queue, our party took a detour round to the side where a unicorn guard stood beside a velvet rope. The guard levitated the rope away and allowed us to pass. The party made its way up the stairs, finally reaching the top to reveal the private box. It was clear that it had been specifically tailored for nobles and rich ponies, with its comfortable looking red chairs and extensive buffet table. From where we were in the stadium, we had a great view of the track. What also showed that this was a private box for the rich was the ponies that currently occupied it. Heads held high, posh sounding accents from the conversation I could hear and the attire was incredible posh suits and dresses, similar to what we were wearing.

It was definitely a place of high wealth and status. I began to understand what Fancy Pants had said about this being a massive social call. Dancing the minefield of other nobles while keeping a noble bearing on your own, it had to be difficult.

A large number of the present nobles noticed our party entering and immediately gathered around us. Many noticed me and after getting over their initial shock at my presence, they started talking in excited tones.

“Welcome young prince, welcome to the ascot.”

“You were right Fancy Pants, Princess Celestia would allow her son here. It’s good to see the young charge amongst us.”

“Welcome your highness, a pleasure to meet you.”

Though it was hard to see, I could see Sunbeam rolling her eyes.

“He’s just a foal, he can’t understand you.” She said, under her breath.

I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. Oh yes I can, Nanny Sunbeam I thought.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat. “While some of you already know who this child is, allow me to formally introduce him. The first born foal of Celestia, the first male alicorn and the proclaimed prince of the sun, Mythic Light.”

The nobles bowed to me before rising up and the conversations continued. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis directed Sunbeam to the nearby seats near the front, where Sunbeam sat down and placed me between her hooves. From what I could see of the track, and seeing a parade of ponies below, it seemed that horse racing was the same as the old world, just without jockeys. It did make me wonder though…

“Here is program for you, Sunbeam.” Fleur de Lis said with a smile “Maybe you and the little prince would like to place a bet here and there.”

I looked towards Sunbeam’s flank and saw the bit purse that mother had given her. It was clear that if we wanted to, we could play.

“I’m not much of a gambler…” Sunbeam said “But, it doesn’t mean we can’t play a couple of times, does it Mythic?”

I beamed at her. While I wasn’t a gambler myself, if Sunbeam was going to play, I would play to. I looked at the program and, sure enough, the ponies all had ridiculous racing names. I couldn’t help but laugh as I looked down the list. Some things never changed, no matter where you were. Out of all the things he had seen so far, I was glad that this stayed the same.


Blueblood was on the other side of the private box, surrounded by a few friends, looking upon Mythic Light with a constant scowl.

“You’ve been looking at the foal as if he’s about to kill you.” went a voice and Blueblood turned to see one of his friends, Radiant Jewel, strode towards him. The beautiful mare had an ruby coat and a white jade mane.

“Let’s just say I’m not too fond of my new cousin.” Blueblood responded quietly.

“Blueblood…” she started “He’s a foal, he doesn’t have any control over magic, show me the foal who does.”

“While that particular incident I will not forget but something different crosses my mind.” Blueblood said “I’m fine with auntie having children, in fact I am very happy that she has that opportunity, but why did she have to pick Golden Sword, of all ponies to be with?”

Radiant Jewel rolled her eyes “He may have been a commoner, but he was well respected in these circles. You’re acting as if your mother found a homeless pony to have a child with. I can’t believe you are not seizing the opportunity that has been presented to you.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow as Jewel continued.

“Unlike you, Mythic Light has a direct line to the throne. If Celestia should fall, Mythic Light will be looked upon to take charge along with the other princesses. But that is an unlikely event. In any case, he will need direction and guidance from us, the nobles, on how to play the political game. As a family member you are closest to show him the ropes, as it were. This is a chance for you and it’s slipping, don’t waste it.”

Radiant Jewel then walked over to Sunbeam and Mythic Light, where she introduced herself. Blueblood thought about what she had said. Her logic was sound, Mythic Light would need teaching about politics and apart from his two aunties and Cadance, he was the closest. If he apologized, maybe Auntie Celestia would let him show him the noble hangouts and how to act like a proper noble of Equestria. A smile started appearing on Blueblood’s face. There was a chance that he could earn forgiveness and give himself a powerful new ally if this worked out. In fact, it was a brilliant idea. Mythic Light was young and impressionable and with the help of his noble friends, Blueblood could mould Mythic Light into a noble pony grander than anypony before.

Perhaps I was wrong Blueblood thought Mythic Light, you could be an ally to me after all.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait guys, college decided it was going to be a major annoyance to me and put me throw heck in the last couple of months. Things have straightened out now and I am ready to writing again. Thank you for your patience and comments.
