• Published 25th May 2014
  • 1,445 Views, 342 Comments

Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny - gallagsp the corgi

After the success of Itty-Bitty bite Sized Stories, many stories were left untold. Here are those stories, still under 500 words, still crazy random, still written by a man who thinks he's a Welsh Corgi.

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Have a Cigar

Shining Armor opened the door and stepped into the office. The door slammed shut behind him and he heard the lock click into place, trapping him in the room. He looked around the room, taking in the details.

The walls were wood paneling, no doubt some exotic jungle wood, and probably illegal. The huge desk was a similar looking wood. The large window behind the desk was covered by blinds with large flowing curtains off to one side. A large trophy case displayed pictures in frames, and contained a grenade on display. The leather-clad chair behind the desk had a few small scorch marks in it, no doubt from the usual occupant's habit. An ash tray overflowing with ashes and a stack of papers sat on the desk waiting. A ceiling fan slowly spun on the ceiling, doing hardly anything to fight the heat.

The door opened again and another pony stepped inside. He was taller than Shining Armor, and had a thick beard. His beret sagged to one side and his sunglasses prevented Shining Armor from seeing his eyes.

He sat down and opened up his desk, pulling a wooden box out and opening it. Shining watched as the lid flipped open, revealing a relatively new technology to Equestrians- a gun. The pony reached around it and pulled out a cigar, offering it to Shining Armor without a word.

Shining took the cigar and nodded his thanks. The pony lit the tip for him and he inhaled it deeply. Shining blew the smoke out through his nose while the pony lit his own cigar.

"Now," He said, "What brings the captain of the Equestrian guard to Hoovana, I thought you Equestrians had an embargo against us."

"Equestria does, but not the Crystal Empire."

"Yes, I had heard the rumors about the return. So I am speaking to more than just a captain then, is that correct?"

"It is. But I come here as a diplomat, not a prince. The empire is willing to open up trade of specific goods in exchange for monetary compensation and our goods."

"Was this the Princess's request?"

"No, this is a personal request. I may be born Equestrian, but even I know that this embargo only hurts both nations. I am offering something I did not have the power to do as captain of the guard. Hoovana gets some modern industry, and I get a decent cigar from someplace not so strict about growing tobacco."

"So you smoke?"

"Occasionally, yes."

"Well then, come with me and we'll discuss the terms." The pony said, standing and walking out the door. Shining armor stood and followed.

Author's Note:

Think "Fidel Castro" when you think of the pony Shining Armor is talking to, it makes it more believable that way. Also, couldn't think of a pony-pun for Cuba, so the whole country is Hoovana

I do not endorse smoking of any kind. I don't do it myself but I'm not going to stop anyone else. If they want to ruin their body that's their choice.