• Published 25th May 2014
  • 1,446 Views, 342 Comments

Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny - gallagsp the corgi

After the success of Itty-Bitty bite Sized Stories, many stories were left untold. Here are those stories, still under 500 words, still crazy random, still written by a man who thinks he's a Welsh Corgi.

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Mercenary Ties

Twilight walked swiftly but calmly down the hallway from her royal chambers to one of her new castle's many meeting rooms. To either side of her marched two guards, armed with large spears and heavily armored in their brand new steel plate armor, one of Twilight's many investments as princess. Twilight approached the large wooden doors, stopping shortly before them before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly to calm her nerves. She nodded and her guards opened the doors for her. She stepped inside gracefully, but with power and determination, as only a mare on a mission could accomplish. The other beings in the room all stood at her presence, and only sat with a wave of her hoof. She quickly sat down on her large thrown, before addressing the other occupants.

"Ladies and Gentlecolts, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules of raiding and pillaging to come speak to me. I understand you may be confused, as your simple barbaric minds usually are when your weapons are not stained with the blood of innocents, but rest assured I am not here to bring you to justice. That can wait. On the contrary, I have a proposition for you all."

"You dare mock my kind?!" One of the others yelled, a brave looking Griffin warrior covered in animal pelts and studded armor, "You dare call my tribe barbaric?"

"Ah, yes, Great Khan. What a pleasure for you to join us." Twilight addressed the Griffin. "Let's do some math, not you're strong suite but try to follow: In the last four months you have conquered over twelve-thousand square miles of land, destroyed or enslaved thousands of people, and done many other attrocities that quite honestly, I should have my guards kill you for right now. But I have a better idea."

"What do you propose?" Said a Unicorn with a braided mane and tail, her cloak concealing celestia knows what kind of dark magics.

"I Propose a truce." Twilight said, "Temporary, mind you, but I propose a truce to get something we all desire." She grinned. This was the moment. "You all have your reasons for not settling down, but probably your biggest reason is a single pony... Celestia."

The others showed expressions of shock, confusion, or curiosity as to where this was going.

"Here me out. I request a truce, Celestia may be powerful, but I know her weaknesses. I studied them for years as her student, and now it is time for the student to become the master. I request your assistance, great generals of the world, to bring down Prrincess Celestia..."

Author's Note:

I AM BACK BABY! Did you guys miss me? I've missed me. And with season 5 coming soon I've decided to brush off the dust covering my brain's writing center. Sorry if these upcoming chapters are a little weird or not my normal style, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.