• Published 25th May 2014
  • 1,446 Views, 342 Comments

Itty-Bitty 2: Revenge of the Tiny - gallagsp the corgi

After the success of Itty-Bitty bite Sized Stories, many stories were left untold. Here are those stories, still under 500 words, still crazy random, still written by a man who thinks he's a Welsh Corgi.

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Breaking and Entering

Canterlot, Royal District, 22:00

Guards patrolled the streets nearest the palace, their armor glimmering as the spotlights struck the snow around them in the frozen night. Their spears and broadswords sharp enough to slice through bone. A lone Stallion in a dark cloak watched from the shadows. His eyes scanned the guards, taking in their routes, their strengths and weaknesses. The fabric across his face did little to stop his breath from showing, but it didn't matter to him.

Slowly, he made his way through the streets, dodging guards by ducking into slender door frames and behind garbage, using the shadows to stay concealed. Checking to make sure the coast was clear, he made a mad dash across the road to the low wall just before the gates. Luckily the streets had already been plowed, or his hoof steps would lead guards right to him. He froze suddenly, making himself as small as possible behind the wall as he heard hoof steps crunching through the snow. A guard, armor gleaming but neck wrapped in a scarf, stopped just on the other side of the wall. He looked around, and seeing nothing, continued on his way.

The cloaked pony jumped the wall and moved in the opposite direction the guard had went, using his own hoof steps to conceal his movements.

He swiftly made his way to the gate, eyes glued to the security booth. The guard inside was reading a paper. The pony slipped into the booth, wrapping his arms around his neck and throwing him to the ground. He then pulled the gate release lever, the iron bars groaned as they opened.

The noise must have been heard by a few guards, because soon spotlights were all shining toward the gate, where a pony in dark clothing stood in absolute terror. Guards ran his way, and he found himself surrounded by spears, swords, and crossbows.

The pony laughed and took off his mask, shaking out his blue mane. "Nice job boys, you stopped me before I reached the castle, however, I'm disappointing that no one saw me until a rusty gate gave me away."

"captain, you were being extra difficult tonight."

Shining Armor turned to the guard. "Any thief, or highness forbid, assassin that comes here isn't going to show up casually walking down the street. You need to be alert to your surroundings, look everywhere, and be alert at all times. Now someone get me a coat, i'm freezing out here."

Author's Note:

WOAH. WOAH. It's been a while since I updated. Trust me, I've been wanting to, and I've had this nagging feeling in my gut that I need to update, I need to publish something, but ya know, life 'n stuff, and a lack of ideas to write.

Yeah, actually I did put out a blog post a few days ago with kind of a sneak peak to something I've been working on in my spare time. If you haven't seen it, check it out on my blog. I put it up at a stupid time, so no one actually saw it. I'd like some opinions on it before I go any further with it. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Thanks a lot for your patience, ladies and gents!

By the Way, I see Shining Armor more as a "hands-on" kind of captain, one who actually participates in training his guards (playing against them, of course.) And in my head canon he actually was trained in the ninja arts to become a better soldier, hence the stealthy approach, and only attacking that one guard instead of running in guns-a-blazin'.