• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH61: The Truth Part 2

(Years Ago)

Shaking himself of his stupor, Spike, still down on one knee, looked up at Jinkei. The boy in question held Spike by the shoulder, his face full of worry.

Noticing this, Spike smiled. “I’m good, man, I dunno what happened. Random headache or something.”

Jin looked over Spike, checking for any weakness and helping him up off the ground. “You sure. I feel like that’s happened whenever you mention your sister.”

Spike looked at him weirdly as he got to his feet and tried to dust himself off. “Sister? I don't have one, man. Just a friend I travel with sometimes. Spike looked out into the sky, his eyes glazing over slightly, “I don’t know why I keep calling her that,” he muttered.

With a quick shake from Jin, Spike snapped out of it and continued. “Sorry, anyway, it’s been weird lately… but I’ll be fine! How’s Areth and the heartless?”

Areth stepped away from his recently fallen prey, his blade dragging along the ground. “I’m fine,” he muttered.

Jin leaned to the side to see what Areth had beaten and let out an impressed whistle. “Hot damn, my dude! Nice one!”

Areth stopped his grip on his blade loosening, if only a small amount from the praise.

Spike, now fully on his feet, turned to look at the worm and smirked. “Nice! Now all you gotta do is catch up to the two of us and MAYBE we’ll have a competition,” he said, shrugging and shaking his head playfully.

It was then that Areth dashed forth, in less than a second he had reached the two of them, his sword high into the air and ready to slam down…

Directly onto and through Spike’s head.



“Blizzaga!” Called out Twilight, raising her keyblade to the sky. In a flash of shimmering blue magic, several sharp icicles rained down from the sky, crushing several enemies in one go. Without wasting a beat for the spell to conclude, she dove forward, striking down enemies alongside her spell. Someone had long ago taught her not to rely on simply magic to do the work, that it was her body she should train more than anything. It was a lesson she still practised today.

Nearby, AJ did something similar, with a single slam of her keyblade to the ground, half a dozen spikes pierced nearby enemies, impaling them from below. Looking down, she glanced at her keyblade with a raised brow. More than a few recent memories from the previous world flashed through her mind. She let out a small mumble, imperceptible to anyone but herself, before rushing to crush more enemies.

Even Rarity, who had usually preferred to be further from the battle, had begun fighting deeper into the fray. Using the fencing and thrusting moves she had learned from her time training with Asuna she danced about the battlefield with thrusts and stabs that seemed almost too fast to catch. And the ones that COULD be seen were precise, practised, and deadly to any enemy they fell upon.

Areth watched on at the display of raw might and talent from behind the group. Even his fellow soldier, Talos, moved about the battle, ripping and tearing enemies apart with his broadsword and his own brute strength.

Areth could only grit his teeth, behind him lay only a few enemies, the most recent of which had been enough of a task that he had to stop to regain his breath. This was an action he soon regretted as it gave him enough time to survey the battlefield.

Rage welled up inside of the dragon, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest and the scar that laid above his flesh began to sting. Clenching his fists, he dove back into the fray, intent on making his mark even if it killed him.


(Years Ago)

Time slowed to a crawl for Jin, in one second Spike was throwing out some playful barbs, just like he always had. But then Areth started running.

“At him? No, the angle was off. He was running at Spike.

Why? A tackle? No, he wouldn't be raising his blade for a tackle…


Time rushed forward to meet him as Jin quickly pushed Spike out of the way with one hand, and summoned his keyblade to meet Areth's sword in another. The force of the clash nearly buckled Jin’s legs and almost forced him to his knees.

Spike, however, sat behind him back onto his butt staring up at the clash with wide eyes.

“I… huh,” he muttered, dumbfounded.

Areth stared down at him with bright yellow eyes. Spike knew those eyes anywhere, they were filled with darkness.

“Fight… me!” Areth ordered, struggling to push down Jin.

Jin, beginning to lose the battle of strength called upon his magic. In a quick burst, a dome of wind formed around him, shoving Areth back about a few feet.

Spike quickly got back to standing. “Dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean whatever I said to make you mad!” He quickly apologised.

A long time ago, someone taught him that sometimes an apology can fix a problem where fists could not, and to use his words instead of his body. He couldn't remember who, but even now he still practises that rule.

Unfortunately, Areth simply took a step forward, readying his blade. “I don’t care. Fight me!”

Now it was Jin’s turn. “We’re not gonna fight! What happened to you?!”

Areth let out a deep growl. “What happened? You happened, you half breed monster!”

Jin and Spike’s eyes went wide. Spike turned to Jin. “Why does he keep calling me that! I know I’m half dragon, whats wrong with th-”

“Nothing!” Jin yelled.

EVERYTHING” Areth yelled back. “You want to know why you’re really not allowed near the village!? Jin is lying to you!” he called, a sick crooked smirk forming on his face.

Spike leaned back, stunned by the news. “Lying? What-?”

Before he could question Jin. The boy raced forward and clashed against Areth once again, this time with the wind at his back, he pushed Areth back.

But only slightly.

“Stop it, Areth! What the hell is wrong with you!” he yelled, gritting his teeth. Jin looked deep into his friends eyes, searching for the familiar hazel eyes he’s so used to seeing. However, only yellow slitted pupils looked back at him now.
“I’m tired of him! I’m sick and tired of him making me look bad! I’m sick of his stupid magic, and your stupid keyblades!” he yelled, darkness beginning to emanate from his body. As it did, Areth pushed back, evening the clash and ending Jin’s push.

Jin, sensing the sick and disgusting feel coming from him, jumped back to gain some distance. “You know what? Fine, I’ll fight you! And when I win, I'll kill whatever darkness got inside of you!”

Jin at once threw his keyblade at Areth, wind forming around the blade, it zipped right towards him at surprising speeds.

However, Areth knocked it away with the flat of his blade, smirking at the weak attack. Though at once he knew what Jin’s plan was when he jumped high into the air.

Meeting the keyblade in the air, Jin grabbed it. “Air Javelin!” he called out plummeting down towards Areth in a wind boosted downward strike.

As Jin came at him darkness formed around Areth’s feet, pooling into a dark pool of energy. Without even moving, a sharp tendril emerged from the pool and rose up to meet Jin’s attack head on.

A shockwave rippled out from where the two met, brushing up dirt and dust. The clash didn't even last a full few seconds before Jin was sent flying backwards.

Spike could only look on in bewilderment as his friends furiously attacked each other. Jin soared around the fight, attacking at whatever angle he could. But the darkness protected Areth from most of the attacks, and the ones that it couldn't, Areth blocked on his own with his considerable strength.

As they battled, memories sparked within Spike’s mind. Two… girls? Fighting in a similar way. One flying around the air and another standing her ground. Spike’s mind BURNED as he tried to remember more. With a pained scream, he fell back to the ground.

Clutching his head, wisps of purple flames, and sparks of green electricity danced around his body.

Jin, finally getting the idea that the darkness acted as some sort of barrier around Areth, quickly gave up on outmanoeuvring and outspeeding Areth, his usual tactics in battle, and rather worked on using his magic to enhance his strength.

As he fought he realised that, with a constant stream of magic into his keyblade, he could imbue his elements into his weapon. And with that tactic, he stood in front of Areth and slashed at him. No longer could the darkness block his strike, Areth himself found himself being pushed back again.

This enraged the boy, even with this new power he was still somehow losing. Drawing deeper from this strange power, he felt his chest burning as power began to flow through his body.

Unable to hold what he dragged out in, he let out a roar of dark purple and black flames. Standing so close, Jin took the attack point blank. In a split second he raised up a shield, but his sudden work gave a shoddy defence. The flame tore right through the barrier and sent Jin flying in a heap of smoke and flame.

Jin’s scream snapped Spike out of his stupor. Memories could wait, his friends needed him, both of them.

Laying a ways back, smoking from the attack, Jin groaned. A sinister chuckle came from Areth as the remains of his attack wisped away from his mouth. However, before he could step forward, Spike appeared in front of him, both keyblades already out.

“You know,” Spike began, taking a step forward. “Jin’s probably the only one on this world that’s NOT fireproof. Kinda a dick move if you ask me,” he said, giving a small smirk. Looking over at Areth, Spike couldn’t find a single hint of a reaction, only small beady yellow eyes. The more he looked the less Spike could tell if this was his friend, or a heartless taking his friends form. Even his scales were beginning to grow darker shades of the blue they once were.

“If you’ve got something to say, then say it,” he said simply, readying his blades.

Areth’s eyes went wide and a crazed smile nearly took up his entire face. Leaning forward, he spread his wings ready to attack. “Sure,” he hissed, letting the word out slowly. Flames still flicking around his mouth as he spoke. “I’ve been waiting for this for months,” he mumbled, just audible enough for Spike to hear.

With a powerful flap of his wing, Areth leapt into the air and raised his large broadsword. As the power of darkness aided him, his sword gained a darkish aura around it.

“Helm Splitter!” he yelled as he slammed down onto Spike with his massive sword.

Crossing his blades, Spike met him without flinching, even as the ground beneath the two split, Spike wouldn't so much as move an inch.

“You really are a monster,” Areth hissed into Spike's face, “you didn’t even flinch!”

“Say’s who?!” Spike yelled! Just as he was about to push Areth away, he felt a deep impact against his gut. Looking down, he noticed two pitch black tendrils jutting up from the ground. However, like the attack before it, it failed to breach his defence. WIth a loud grunt, he pushed Areth away and took a step back.

Undaunted, Areth dashed right back at him with a series of darkness empowered attacks. “Everyone! You’re a plague! Half dragons are destined to destroy the world, just like they did before!”

Spike, likewise, blocked and parried each of his attacks. “I’m not even from here! Why would I destroy your world?!”

The corrupted dragon could only smile harder. “You don’t know anything! We know you, we know a half dragon was born here 14 years ago!” Once more he clashed with Spike, who had begun to lose his traction in the fight while listening.

Areth whispered directly into his face. “That dragon had violet skin and emerald eyes. He had an unmistakable scent, and absolutely RADIATED magical power. Just… like… you.” Before Spike could respond, Areth let out another point blank fire blast from his mouth, completely engulfing Spike.

Contrary to his prior statement, Spike was only partially fireproof, especially to magical fire. With a large jump, Spike moved back while he activated his own magic. After a moment or two, he managed to wash out the dark fire with his own green ones.

Falling to his knees, he began coughing. “I… *cough* was born here?” he choked out, coughing out the rest of the smoke.

Areth didnt allow Spike a moment to recover and appeared right in front of him with his sword held near his shoulder, ready to take a swing. “And you know what we tried to do?” he mumbled? His sword once again flared with dark energy as he took a batters swing at Spike.

“We tried to KILL you!” he screamed. Spike could only just barely defend against the attack, knocking a keyblade out of his hand and sending him sliding back.

“You’re lying!!” Spike screamed, quickly getting back to his feet and preparing to block with a single black keyblade.

Areth swung wildly at Spike, who could only defend. “You’re a plague, our legends are true! Just like every halfling, you’ll try to destroy this world!”

Spike went quiet, simply listening to his rant.

Areth’s voice began to turn as wild as his swings. “And if I kill you here! I’ll be a hero! I’ll never be seen as weak again! I’ll be the strongest on this world! I’ll be-”

Spike looked up at him with fury in his eyes. With a great slash, Spike completely destroyed the blade that Areth had been attacking with, the ground cracked under the weight of his strike and Areth himself was sent sliding.

Bright green flames began floating around Spike not from his mouth, they seemed to come from his very body. As he took a step forward, he finally spoke.

“All my life, I've wanted to know where I came from,” he mumbled. “And just when I finally think I've found it… turns out I'm just something they didn't even want?”

He stopped in front of Areth, who could only try to back away, the power of darkness fading from his eyes.

Spike stood over him, the ground burning under his power. “Bullshit,” he muttered, his eyes glazing over, a dull white light replacing his eyes. “There’s no world where they would try to kill a kid that hasn't done anything! They wouldn't!” he yelled, his voice cracking and his hand beginning to shake His flames grew in intensity, glowing a bright emerald colour.

“ENBLAZE” he muttered, at once Spike rose his keyblade to the sky as the flames raced to his hand, lighting up the weapon into a brilliant flaming blade. “This is all just the darkness talking! And I'll BURN it out of you if I have to until you tell the truth!”

“STOP!!!!” Jin yelled, in a burst of wind, Jin stepped in between the two, one arm stretched outwards, and another sitting limp at his side with burn marks running up the side. “Stop…” he repeated, looking Spike in the eye.

“Listen, I’ll tell you the truth, the whole story. But if you hurt him, all you’ll do is prove them right!” Jin said, taking a step forward. “You’re not a monster or a plague! Even your parents believed it when they saved you!”

This caught Spike’s attention, his eyes faded back into view and the flames around his keyblade dyed down slightly. “My… my parents?” He lowered his hand. “You… you knew my-”

His next words caught in his throat as Jin lurched forward towards Spike, behind him stood Areth, his arm held upright holding his broken blood covered blade. His eyes once more bore the usual yellow glow of someone held by darkness.

As Areth fell forward, all he could see was Spike dropping his keyblade and tackling Areth. It was then that his world began to go dark. From then on all he could hear was a single paned roar, and an even more painful scream before passing out.


“When i woke up,” Jin continued, looking down at the ground as he spoke, “Spike was carrying both of us back to the village and Areth was covered in blood, but I could feel him breathing… albeit faintly.

Pinkie slammed a fist into her palm and her face lit up. “Ohhhhh so THAT'S where he got that cool scar from!”

Jin looked startled for a second. “A scar? Damn,” he muttered. “Well hopefully he’s doing alright and not causing trouble. I see him every so often when I have run-ins with them,” he said, looking up at the sky.

Dash raised a brow. “Yeah, he’s a soldier now, though I don't think the others like him a lot though.” She shook her head and smiled a huge jubilant smile. “Wait, no, forget about that. So you’re saying it was him that got corrupted, not Spike!”

Jinkei frowned, his face a mix of concern and shame. Unable to meet her eyes, he tried to interject. “Well… he-”

But before he could complete his thought, a loud rumbling ripped through the land. Snapping out of his conflicting emotional state, Jin immediately turned and jumped down from the cliff that oversaw the cave. Keyblade already in hand, he dashed towards it.

Dash herself also flew down, Pinkie quickly following.

“Yo what’s happening! What is that?!” she asked frantically.

Jin, reaching the bottom, took a stance a ways away from the cave. “That’s part of the story, and the reason I’ve been out here so long.”

Dozens of small heartless began emerging from the cave, and following them, came a slithering shapeless mass of dark energy. It bubbled and coalesced into a writhing blob, slowly taking shape outside of the cave.

“No way…” Pinkie muttered, watching as the mass eventually formed into the shape of the dragon they had fought before. However, having been probably the closest one of the girls to it the first time, noticed that it was a bit smaller than before.

She shrugged, thinking that maybe she and Jin had just done more damage than they thought. Meanwhile, Jin took a step forward.

“Actually,” he smirked. “With you guys here, we might actually be able to take this thing down now!”

“Hell yeah!” Dash cheered, bringing out Spiral. “Time to finish what I started! I’ll go high, you go low!”

She turned to Pinkie while Jin simply glanced down at her weapon curiously. “Pinkie, you take care of as many of the small fries as you can!

Pinkie gave a cheerful salute, before bouncing away.

“Hope, you’re a good shot,” Jin chided.

Dash smirked and rose into the air. “Just don’t get in the way!” With a quick charge, she let loose several bullets directly into the dragon.


The world shook around Twilight as her shield fell to pieces in front of her. The magical feedback of such an action raked her brain across the coals. She let out a pained grunt from both the mental and physical damage.

In front of her stood a dragon similar to the one they had seen when they first landed. However, this one was darker, and much more powerful. A dark aura wisped off it in waves, and its claw, or what was left of it returned to its side.

Behind Twilight, stood Areth, having been thrown back and targeted by the great beast. Pulling himself together, he readied his weapon. A single nod towards Twilight was all the thanks he gave.

Rarity, noticing that Twilight’s reflect spell had done some damage to it, raced to take advantage of the opening. With a wave of her keyblade, several identical weapons appeared around her.

“Twilight! I’ll distract it so take a moment to heal, darling!” she called out before shooting off the keyblades at maximum speed.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked, already applying a Cure spell to herself.

Rarity merely flipped her hair and smiled. “Don’t you worry about me, dearest. I’ve learned a few new tricks. Just watch!”

True to her word, as each keyblade reached the dragon, they exploded into hundreds of glittering shards. The dragon let out a roar as the explosions rocked against its body and hundreds of thousands of shards and shrapnel pierced its hide.

The attack, while flashy, was not enough to be lethal, but more than enough to be annoying. The dragon lunged at her with a newly reformed claw. Having aimed for this action from the start, it was a simple act simple to dodge.

Inching from behind Twilight, Areth moved to the Dragons blind spot and began a charge. However, before he could take a step forward, he was dragged back by Talos.


Without another word, Talos charged in Areth’s place. With a hearty battle cry he sheathed his blade, leapt onto the back of the dragon and began scaling it with his claws.

A deep growl escaped Areth’s lips as he fought the urge to ball his still armoured fists and dig the claws into his own palms.

“If only I still had that power,” he growled, his voice a hoarse guttural sound. He flinched, a pang of pain stabbing through his throat.

Shaking it off, he leapt back into the fray.

Author's Note:

Twilight's Notes
Section: "En-spells"

"When I was a child, Master Luna caught Rachelle using a spell called "Enlightning" which channeled her magic into her weapon. She said you can do it with any elemental magic. "Enfire, Enblizzard, Enwater."

I suppose it helps out when fighting something with a specific weakness. However, when I asked her whether you can channel tier two spells into our weapons, like Fira or Bizzara, or even higher spells like Blaze or Flare, she seemed quiet and said that its next to impossible... But I wonder what a higher level En-spell would look like?"

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