• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH21: Mirror Image

“What do you mean 'you don’t know where to go!” screamed Dash as she and Twilight bolted down the tower corridors.

“Well excuse ME if I had to stay behind to fight a demon murdering, gun happy psychopath! What’s your excuse?”

“I had to hang back and help you out. Like the loyal friend that I am,” she said proudly.

Twilight dodged another attack from a demon passerby. They were in a hurry, and the number of demons seemed to be increasing so much, fighting them all seemed impractical at this point. “You didn't think to ask them where they were going?”

“Not like any of us know where to go normally. We always just sorta… show up in the right place.”

“Dash that’s… actually kinda true now that I think about it. How do we know where to go?”

“See! All we’ve been doing so far is going places, and solving puzzles.”

“You know what? Forget it! This is giving me a headache. We need to find out where the others are.” Twilight suddenly stopped running, a brilliant idea popping into her head. “Pinkie! She could just summon us right to her!”

“Well, I kinda told them that we’d catch up on our own… and for Pinkie to not use her magic.”

Twilight had to resist an urge to slam her forehead into something. Luckily, another idea popped into her head. “Up… that’s it! We just need to head upwards, follow the way we were going before.”

Dash raised her eyebrow in disbelief, “Seriously? That’s it?”

“Do you have a better idea?” Twilight hissed.

Dash flashed her wings into existance and flaped them a few times, “No... but I can fly. So I could say the same thing you said and it would be better automatically.”

Twilight deadpanned and continued to move forward. “We need to find another elevator, or some stairs or…”

Twilight and Dash exited through a door into an open room with what seemed to be dozens floating cubes all moving in different patterns, and at different heights. Some spun, some circled the area, some stayed in place, and others moved to form stairs for a few seconds before separating.

Twilight moved to the center of the room, looking up she saw a door directly above the one they came in from, only it was at least 30 feet higher. “I… guess this works.”

Dash floated down next to her. “So… up huh? Hey Twi, remember what I said about flying.”

“No. Now are you gonna carry me up there or not?

She seemed to think about it for a second. Suddenly Dash closed her wings and fell to the ground. “Nah, you wanna have a race?”

“What? No, we’re in a hurry. We have to meet back up with the others.”

Ignoring her, Dash continued. “Obviously, the others had to have passed through here. Right? So these blocks must be some kind of platforming puzzle. Let’s see who can figure it out first.”

Twilight looked at her stupidly. “Rachelle, we do not have time-”

“ONETWOTHREEGO!” Dash zoomed off to what seemed to be the lowest flying block, this one had the simplest pattern of moving back and forth in short paths. Being the natural athlete that she was, she easily hopped up on top of the large block.

Twilight sighed once more, face in palm. “To think she was crying in my arms not 30 minutes ago,” she mumbled. “Hold on!” She too ran over and hopped up on the block.

“This won’t be much of a race if we both make it up there at the same time,” she groaned.

“I thought you were smart Twi, there’s probably more than one path of blocks leading to that door.”

Twilight looked around, realizing that the jock was right. With so many differently sized blocks moving around in so many different patterns and directions, there could be any number of different paths to reach the door. Calmly, Twilight climbed off the block she was on and sat cross legged in the back of the room, leaning against the wall.

“Twi?” Dash climbed off and walked over to her, “You alright there?”

“I’m okay, just keep going.”

“Pfft, I bet you’re probably just gonna follow me.” Dash ran back and began climbing some of the blocks.

12 minutes later, Twilight sat in the same crosslegged position, leaning against the exit, thirty feet above Dash who was just forced to jump down after taking the wrong path up.

“Oh come on!" Dash groaned, "There’s got to be at least a hundred ways up there! Why can’t I find one!”

“No clue, maybe you should fly up here,” Twilight teased.

“Shut up, how’d you get up there so easily anyway?”

“I sat back, watched how the blocks moved, and mapped out the easiest path.”

“That’s cheating!”


“You used your magic!” Dash accused.

“No, I didn't.”

“Yes you did! I saw you!”

Twilight flinched back, “Alright, I may have used a slight slow spell on the blocks.”


“And, I MAAAAAAAY have used haste near the end. But in my defense, I thought you were catching up to me.”

“See, now get down here and try again, differently!”

Twilight groaned and dropped down to ground level. She groaned again when Dash smiled at her and patted the top of her head despite being shorter.


“Dash that took way too long,” Twilight yelled as she ran up the stairs circling the outside of the tower, it wouldn't be long now until they reached the top.

“Not my fault I won.”

“You did NOT! You followed the path I took and jumped past me at the last block! By the way, I thought you said that was against the rules.”

Dash flew past her, smirking the entire way, “I said that I bet that you would do it. It was never a rule against it, Twilight.”

Twilight glared at her fiercely, “That’s cheating.”

“Just admit it, I outsmarted you.”

“No you di-agh!” Due to their argument, neither girls realized that they were running right into a wall of darkness. Twilight squirmed, everything around her consisted of nothing but darkness, and thick shadow. Eventually, she emerged into a dome shaped, solid gray room.

“Dash?” she called out, seeing that her friend hadn't emerged with her. Turning around, she realized that there was neither an exit, nor and entrance to this room.

“Rachelle?” she called out.


Still no response.

“Twilight?” Dash called out. She too had flown straight into the wall of darkness, and ended up in the dome of gray. “Yo, Twi, you in here? Are ya messing around with the invisible spell again, cuz this isn't funny.”

“Rachelle Dash, if you’re playing some kind of prank on me, it’s not funny!” Twilight yelled, hoping that calling out her friends full name would elicit some reaction.

“Damn,” cursed Dash. “Where the hell am I anyway?”

Such language does not befit a lady. Came an eerily familiar voice.

Dash instantly turned around, summoning Rainbow Thunder in her hand and going on the defensive. “Who’s there!”

Rachelle, darling…… I’m not here to fight you.

Dash scoffed, “Puleeze, obviously you are. Because you’re really pissing me off right now.

More foul language~ Maybe we should get some soap, for that dirty mouth of your’s.

Dash continued to wave her keyblade at nothing, “Cut the crap and show yourself.”

I suppose so. It would be a shame to hide a face like this anyway.

Like, you really need to chill out

Twilight pointed her keyblade toward where she thought the voice came from, only to see that she was still physically alone in the room. “I’d be more relaxed if I knew who I was talking too!” she shot back.

Hmm good point, I’d hate to hide a body like mine anyway.

For both Twilight and Dash, mounds of darkness began coalescing in the center of the room, soon the mounds began rising and slimming, taking on a more human like form. Eventually, they completed their transformation, throwing both Twilight and Dash into shock. Both of them would later describe it would say that it was like looking in a mirror that had been warped, twisted, broken in several places, had a sorry note pasted on the front, and wasn't a mirror.

The women admired her body and clothes, “Absolutely gorgeous! Right, darling?”

Dash could only stare at the figure in front of her, dumbstruck and confused. The figure in front of her had her face, but her hair was longer, silkier, and more styled, almost as if it had near perfect constant care. She had her body, but instead wore a long dazzling pink dress and high heels. Overall she looked beautiful, like something straight out of Rarity’s modeling magazine.

Twilight’s double was equally as different. Her’s had shorter hair that was styled differently, with longer bangs. A violet low cut tank top on that showed off her cleavage as well as cut off short jeans. Overall she looked like someone who knew how to show off her body.

“Wh-wh-wh-wh-What the hell!!” Dash screamed.

“Tsk tsk tsk, what have I told you about language, darling.” Now that Dash could hear it clearly, it sounded just like she did, except softer and less boyish.

“Forget that! Who are you?”

“Why can’t you see? I’m you,” she replied, giving Dash a shocked look.

“No you’re not!”

“Like, yes I am, Twilight,” Twilight’s clone said, sounding like a typical popular girl would.

Twilight didn't look convinced, “Explain to me, in what context, is that supposed to be me.”

The other Twilight smirked. “I’m you if you had friends.”

Dash took a small step back in response, “What?”

The other Dash giggled, “Oh, you really should do something about all that fuzz in your ears. I said, that I’m you if you acted like the proper lady that you are.”

“I think you got the wrong one, aren't you supposed to be haunting Rarity?”

“No, I’m who you wish you could be.”

Dash looked confused. “I want to be Rarity?”

“No, darling, I’m one who can freely express her feelings without restraint. One who’s not afraid to be beautiful.”

“So... Rarity?”

Other Dash sighed, “Yes, I’m the you who wishes she could be more like Rarity.”

“Ohhhhhh... Yeah no, I’m good.” Dash began walking in the other direction. “So can you point me outta here?”

“I’m also the one who knows how to grab Spike’s attention.” This caused Dash to stop in her tracks. “I actually like being called Rainbow by the way, it matches my hair after all. Rainbows darling, Rainbows!”

The fake Twilight flipped her hair, “Haven't you ever wondered what it would’ve been like, to have not found the keyblade, to have never met Spike, to have a real family and real friends?”

Twilight didn't miss a beat. “Never in my life.”

The other Twilight laughed loudly, “Don’t lie to yourself, it’s not cool.”

“I know I’m not lying. I couldn't have come this far if I was, I wouldn't have even got my keyblade if I wasn't completely sure that I love the life I have.”

“Even after having your world thrown upside down by Spike’s return?”

“It’s what I wished for,” said Twilight, her voice as solid as iron.

Both Twilight’s looked at one another before the clone nearly fell out laughing, “You're too much you know. Fine, you pass, I guess someone already got to you. Guess I’ll forget the third question, seeing as how there’s not a single thought of doubt in your mind right now.” She began to walk towards Twilight, who instinctively put up her guard. The clone turned misty for a second but solidified as a more identical copy of Twilight. Clothes, hair, and all.

The doppelganger continued to walk towards Twilight, literally phasing into her body as they met, causing it to flash golden for a split second. A single thought ran through her head.

You have tamed my power. But know this, untamed doppelgangers can be omens of death to anyone who’s seen them.


Rainbow hopped backwards from where she stood, “Please, calm down, I’m not here to fight you.

Dash slashed down on the spot where her own doppelganger jumped from. Everything about her clone was graceful, from the way she simply hopped out of the way of danger, to how she spoke calmly while doing it.

“Then stop talking in riddles!”

Rainbow landed softly at the other end of the room. “Darling, we really must get you a book or something.”

Dash pointed her keyblade directly at her, electricity crackling around the blade. “What the hell do you want?”

“I merely wanted to ask you a few questions,” she replied.

“If you’re supposed to be me then shouldn't you have the answers?”

“As the one asking the questions I’d knew the right answer even if I wasn't you.”

“Then what’s the point?”

“I wanted to test something. So, will you answer my questions?”

“Only if you answer mine.”

Rainbow began to pout playfully, “Oh well that’s unfair, I just answered three of yours.”

Dash began grinding her teeth and reluctantly threw her arm down. “Fine, ask me three questions.”

Rainbow smiled cheerfully, “Fine, question number one; What is the name of your keyblade.”

Dash smirked, holding up her weapon. “That’s easy! Rainbow Thunder. Awesome right? Came up with it myself.”

Rainbow shook her head, “I’m sorry darling, but that’s wrong.”

“What!? How do you know?”

The clone merely held up her hand. “It’s real name, is Spectrum Skies.” The moment Rainbow said the name, Dash’s keyblade was wrenched out of her hands and into Rainbow’s in a bright flash.

Dash could only look down at her empty palm. “What the... How did you do that!?”

“My dear, keyblades are intelligent. They can pick their owners, and they have their own names. You’ve been ignoring your’s all this time.”

“What, but Pinkie calls her’s Candy Cane and we all know that’s not it’s name!”

“True, it’s real name is Laughter’s Sake, but Pinkie already shares a strong bond with her keyblade, one that you have not yet gained.” Rainbow released the keyblade and let it shine back into Dash’s hands.

Before Dash could say anything, Rainbow continued her quiz, “Question Two! Where is your hometown?”

Dash looked slightly confused, and a little angry. “I’m a drifter, I don’t have a hometown.”

“But what about where Twilight and Spike found you?”

“I was just passing though, I wasn't gonna stay.”

“So you don’t have anywhere that you hold close to your heart?”

“Hey you fake, the only home I need is where my friends are!”

“Well, we’ll see about that when it’s just you and Twilight.”

“What was-

“Question Three!” she interrupted, getting on Dash’s nerves. She slowly began to walk forward. “When you were small you once made a certain promise to a certain someone. To this day, can you remember what it was, and have you kept it? Answer before I come too close or you fail~” she sang.

Dash mind raced with possibilities. “Wait hold on, that was two questions!” She got no response as Rainbow continued to walk forward. Dash began panicking internally, Damn, I though that would at least buy me some time. Well she at the other end of the room… Wait is she picking up speed? No no! Focus! I don’t normally make promises, so this should be easy… except I’ve broken most of them! “Was it when I promised not to prank Shia?”

Rainbow continued to walk forward at the same pace, her peaceful smile fell slightly.

“Uhhh, ummm. Not to burn any more of Twilights books?”

No response

“Don’t use dog poop instead of eggs on halloween! Always meet Spike to prank on AJ?”

Rainbow’s face fell further, she was almost half way at this point, and her original had not come any closer.

Dash began banging the side of her head. “C’mon C’mon! I know, I promised I would be responsible with my keyblade abilities.”

Rainbow began to look sad. The more she walked forward the more disappointed and sad she looked.

Dash soured her memories to find the promise she made. However, it was too late Rainbow’s face was now inches from hers. Dash didn't notice until now, but her eyes as red as she thought them to be, they had a pinkish tint to them, which meant her own eyes did as well. She also noticed that said eyes seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Rainbow dropped her head in complete disappointment. “You just aren't honest, Rachelle.”

“Honesty’s AJ’s thing!” Dash shot back.

Rainbow shook her head. “Not just others. You aren't honest with your keyblade, yourself, or your friends, and this saddens me greatly. I guess… in a way, you’ve kept your promise.”

“Wait, what how am I not honest, and what promise!”

She looked directly into her own eyes, now with singular tears flowing. “You didnt even get one answer correct. I-I’m sorry.” Without another word Rainbow phased into Dash’s body, causing it to shimmer darkly for a split second. The voice sounded out around her once more.

You’ve failed to tame me, therefore you will not gain new power. Beware, untamed doppelgangers are a source of great misfortune. We will meet again, and hopefully...

Dash’s hearing failed and her vision began to swim. She suddenly felt light headed and queasy; her sight suddenly flashed white as she fell to the ground, unconscious.

Author's Note:

Such character development... I think... I dunno, I'm not the one writing it.

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