• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH53: A World Touched By Fire

“You’ve found what?!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle, her hands slapping the dashboard below Luna’s hologram. Her mouth lie agape, and her eyes twinkled brightly at the news.

Luna merely held up her right palm. At once Twilight leaned back from the console, seemingly regaining her composure.

“Indeed my students. After careful study, we feel as though this world is the one you described.” She gave a quick glance to the girl left of Twilight. “Pinkie, if you would?”

With a grin and a salute, Pinkie pushed a small button and brought up the local map of the area. On it the team could see their ship close to the world they had just left, surrounded by several other nearby worlds.

Luna nodded and, with a few more clicks, one world zoomed into focus. A few members of the team cringed at the sight if it. Just like the last time they looked at it, it was charred all around as lava poured out from the three volcanoes on its surface, and dark clouds surrounding the world.

Rarity could only stare at it, her face contorted in disgust. However, she was the first to speak. “Err… Master Luna… are you sure it’s this world.”

The girls turned back to their Master just in time to hear her response. “Indeed, my sister and I are fairly sure with our guess. This is the world that Spike must have talked about, however,” she looked at Rarity, “it did not always look like this. Pinkie, would you activate the code i gave to you”

A quick succession of clicks later, and the image transformed itself. No longer was it the black ball of soot it was a moment earlier, now the world was as green and full of life as the most sprawling of jungles. The volcanos, once active, now lie dormant with three white clouds circling each. On screen Twilight noticed that every so often she could make out small winged creatures flying around the world.

“Before, we suspect that this world was called Draconia, haven of the Dragon races,” Luna began. “Once upon a time it reigned as one of the most powerful races known to the Masters. But about five centuries ago, the world began to grow corrupt and dark.” At her words the world gradually grew darker. Tendrils of darkness began appearing and wrapping around the world. Finally, the world vanished in a black mist.

Luna continued her story as the kids turned back to her. “To the shock of many, the world fell into darkness. Many dragons became heartless, and the Masters of the time spent almost a century fighting back against irregularly powerful heartless and nobodies. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not restore the world.” As she finished a small light emerged from where the world had disappeared and in a flash the world returned.
“It was only recently that our Master and her team were able to recover it. But, five years ago something happened. A calamity befell the world, and it became as you see now. Nobody knows the cause, and nobody has been to the world since its return.”

Twilight immediately raised her hand. “Why has nobody been there?”

Luna shrugged. “Most of the Masters were busy around that time with students, and the ones who were free didn’t feel there was any urgency.” Her eyes fell to the floor, and her tone softened. “Had we known about the link to your brother, we may have made the trip personally. So now it falls to you, do you-”

“We’ll go!” answered Rainbow Dash without a second thought. “If it has to do with Spike, of course we’re gonna check it out.”

Luna’s expression remained downcast for a few more moments before leveling them at her eager student. “We must warn you, this could be very dangerous. On the off chance it has nothing to do with him, the danger that caused that event could still be there.”

Jackie simply tipped her hat and took a step closer, a confident smirk playing across her lips. “Well iffn’ it is some scary dragon or something, I’m sure we can take care of it if we work together.”

Pinkie popped up next to her. “Yeah and who knows, we may find something cool there!”

Luna couldn’t hold back a small smile. “And you, Rarity?” she asked, looking at the girl in question.

Rarity, whom had been looking away from the group, sighed. “If we go at least we’ll be able to get that dreadful image off of the map. Hopefully it looks better on the ground,” she said, her voice lowering to a mutter.

Twilight smiled at her friends and turned to face Luna’s hologram. “Then we’re decided. Thank you and Master Celestia so much.” As she said that she bowed. Her action was soon mirrored by the rest. With one wave from Luna the girls raised their heads.

“Well then, we wish you all the best. Exercise caution my students, I truly cannot say what awaits you. Maintain a clear mind, and you’ll find your way. May your heart be your hearts be your guiding keys.”

And with that, her image vanished, leaving the girls to prepare for their next adventure.


Dash leaned back in her seat and stretched. Around her the ship groaned and vibrated. Having just landed she could feel the engines settling.

Sighing in relief she spun her seat around to face the pilot's seat. “If you can land a ship like that, why do we need to crash into every world?” she asked, a single brow raised.

Pinkie blew a quick raspberry and leaned over onto her console. “Because it’s boring! That was too smooth.” Quickly, she pepped up and started moving the steering wheel back and forth, much to the nervousness of her companions. “A landing needs to be rocky and fun! Don’t you think”

“No,” said the rest of the girls, all glaring at her.

AJ stood up from her seat and moved towards the door. “Welp, no use in sitting around here. Let’s bite the bullet and see how bad this place is.”

Nodding, Twilight followed suit and, after a small groan, so did Rarity.

Pinkie, meanwhile started typing away on the keyboard, eliciting the attention of Rainbow.

Leaning over her shoulder, Dash spied on her friend’s screen.

Just as quick as she started Pinkie finished up and a voice flared to life around them.

“Parameters set,” said the AI interface.

“What did you do?” asked Dash, looking around. By the door, the rest of the group shared her curious look.

Pinkie smiled at her friends. “I just set the ship to teleport us here automatically if anything happens to us. Maud will have to stay summoned, but Master Luna wanted me to do this just in case.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s a good idea. We can never be too safe. Though I didn’t know the ship could do that.” She sighed and shook her head. “Never a dull day is it…”

And with that the door opened, allowing the group to leave. However, as Pinkie started to follow, she felt a pull on her arm. Behind her, Dash glared.

“You mean if Spike shows up right?” she asked, her voice low and even.

Her semi-serious mood immediately vanished as Pinkie readily took her head and smooshed it against her chest.

“Oh you’re too serious, Dashie,” she giggled. “No this isn’t just for Spike, it’s for anything. Who knows, we could be attacked by a giant lava monster for all I know,” she said, shrugging. With another chuckle she moved to touch her forehead with her friends.

Sparkling baby blue meeting magenta, their eyes locked with one another. “I just want to make sure my friends are safe, all of them,” she whispered.

The two stared at each other in silence, for a moment.

Then, at once, Pinkie’s look soured and she leered at her friend. “And lately you seem to keep trying to kill yourself. So… yeah…”

Dash’s eyes shrank under the accusation. Unable to keep eye contact, she had no choice but to avert them completely.

Then, at once Pinkie dropped Rainbow and skipped out the ship, leaving Dash alone to rub her cheek, eyes glued to the floor in shame, she slumped her way out of the ship.

Joining the team, outside, Dash took in the same scene as the rest.

Vast landscape met her eyes, however, just like the view outside the world, all she could see was shades of black. Black sticks that may once have resembled trees, black dirt, black mountains. And to wrap it up the entire world was covered in a thin dark mist.

The world’s only saving grace from the bleak colour was the glowing red magma flowing from a volcano in the distance.

Immediately, Dash had to cover her mouth as she let out a fit of coughing. Running up to her, Rarity offered a blue hankerchief that Dash readily took.

At the front of the group, Twilight leaned down and picked up some of the dirt. As she expected instead of sliding through her hands like sand and dirt should, the flakes she picked up either flittered to the ground or flew away on the breeze in broken pieces.

“Ash,” she identified, her speech muffled by a purple handkerchief. “All the grass here has been burnt to ash. What could have done this?”

AJ stepped up next to her and looked around. To her mouth was a orange handkerchief provided by Rarity. “The volcanoes might be a part of this but the lava hasn’t even reached here yet.

“So I guess we need to look around?” asked Dash. Smirking behind her handkerchief, she turned to the group and threw a thumb towards the mountain behind her. “You guys wanna check out the active volcano.”


“I was joking!” Dash yelled from behind the group, her one unoccupied arm held up to the sky.

In front of her, led by Twilight and AJ, the group strode towards the closest of the three volcanoes. As they walked, Pinkie spared no amount of glee in noticing their footsteps through the ask sounded just a bit like crunching snow.

“Yes,” sighed Rarity from just a few feet in front of her, “we heard you the first two times. And again, “I agree with her” she yelled.

Up at the front, Twilight could only roll her eyes before casting a glance over her shoulder. “For the last time,” she yelled back,” we’re not strolling right up the mountain, Jackie and I just want to try and find out if it was forced to erupt or is it erupting naturally.”

Dash let out a groan. “Fine, how much closer then. ‘Cuz fire and lava is cool and all, but I’d rather not burn to death.”

“Damn it,” cursed AJ. “We don’t have to have our faces pressed up against it, just a bit closer is fine for us to use our magic,” said AJ.

“Actually,” said Twilight, coming to a halt along with the group. Looking up she could see that the group was close enough to see volcano in its full glory, but just far enough that its flow of lava was a safe dozen or so yards to either side of them. “This should be good enough.”

She turned to the group. “Alright, I’ll scan it with magic to see if it was involved in some way…” she trailed off as AJ walked up next to her.

“And ah’ll check the earth to see if someone got a bit too worked up,” she finished.

Both summoned their Keyblades in their free hands. While Twilight held her’s up towards the mountain, AJ angled her’s down towards the earth. In a matter of seconds, their Keyblades lit up with their respective purple and orange colours.

Then, after about a minute of silence, both girls lowered their blades and glanced at each other in confusion.

Pinkie was the first thing besides the soft sound of blowing wind to make a noise.

And that noise was a sneeze. That sneeze was followed by a giggle at said sneeze.

“Sorry! I’m glad I’m already holding a tissue,” she said, accentuating the statement with a sniffle. “So what did you find?”

Twilight answered first. “Well there was definitely strong magic involved, with very negative emotions fueling it.”

AJ nodded in agreement. “And whatever it was, it set off some serious earthquakes, just enough to kick start the volcano.”

“I’d like to wager a guess it was a battle, but I can’t for the life of me determine any signs there was one.” Rarity observed.

“That’s a pretty good guess,” replied Twilight, still looking at her Keyblade. “The residual magic feels more like a burst, rather than a directed spell. It almost feels as though somebody set off some sort of explosion.”

“Well can’t you, like, figure out who’s magic it was?” asked Pinkie.

Twilight shook her head. “We’re too far away from where the burst started. At this point it was more like just a wave of regular fire and shockwaves.”

“So… like a domino effect,” reasoned Dash. “Somebody threw out some crazy ass spell and threw the whole world out of whack?”

Twilight finally looked back to the group, her eyes far more serious than they had before. “Not just that, there was real darkness involved. There are heartless still on this world,” her eyes narrowed, “and they’re strong.”

The group had collectively been taken aback by the statement before sharing glances between each other.

Noticing the fact that everyone, even Pinkie, had taken her message seriously, she continued. “Alright then, we have two options from this point. We could-”

Suddenly, a scream pierced through the winds and echoed through the area, tearing the group's attention away from Twilight and towards the mountain.

“Looks like you’d better narrow those down to one!” Immediately, Dash took to the air and led the charge towards the screams origin.

Without further comment the rest of the girls followed.

Author's Note:


for now...

But yeah I'm making it a habit to get at least some writing done each day during school.

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