• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH3: Fighting on a Full Stomach


With a flash and a pop, 5 figures stood at the center of a large, circular, football field length clearing, surrounded by trees. The 5 recognized their training grounds that they’ve used for the past 7 years, taking a few moments to take in the fact that this may be the last time that they spar here, for a while anyway. Everyone took some time to wander through some memories of some of their greatest moments in this area.

How does Luna do it, how does she keep this place so beautiful with all that we do?

"Ah made mah first crater right over there..."

"I'll sure miss that forest and all the cute little animals......"

"I should design a dress around this wondrous nature, maybe i'll get Shia to help me.....

"Heh, this place should be crawling with scorch marks for every time I messed the weather up...."

One by one their attention snapped back to one another and, with a single nod, each jumped (or flew) back to a separate section of the clearing. Each gauging the others and picking out a target, or in Twilight’s case, forming a strategy.

Twilight was the first to summon her Keyblade, that she called “Magical Element”. A mid-length keyblade decorated with a handle guard that resembled a tiara. Its shaft bore the signature marks of her 5 friends, and surrounding that, were two metal tubes, filled with flowing purple and blue magic energy, swirling from the handle to the teeth, that was shaped like a purple, six pointed star. Twirling it around her she settled into her signature backhanded stance with the keyblade behind her, and her hand out front ready to cast at a moments notice.

Unlike other keyblades, hers didn't have any extra skill that complimented her natural magical power, serving rather as an aim assist, and as an amplifier.

Dash had been next to summon her weapon. Short, light, and slim, it was made for speedy strikes with a handle guard made of cloud, pictures of weather states along the shaft, and teeth shaped like lightning, Rainbow Thunder (as Dash so awesomely calls it) appeared in her hand in a flash of static electricity. As soon as her weapon appeared, Dash spread her wings and took to the sky in a burst of speed, never losing her trademark smirk. Fighting while in the air was her way of making use of both flight and fight options.

Dash’s keyblade allowed her to manipulate weather in all of its states, she could make it rain, thunder, storm, hail, or, if at her most powerful, she could control the elements of nature themselves. Twilight often called it the most powerful keyblade, in the most ignorant of hands, due to Dash rarely using any of these skills and preferring to attack directly. Dash promptly told her to stuff it.

As one would expect, Rarity chose to be more elegant in her summoning. Dancing for all the world to see she spun like a beautiful swan, pulling her short keyblade out as she spun in a shower of sparkles. Glittering like diamonds in the sun, Radiant Gem's handle guard had been decorated in gems and precious stones of all kinds with a single blue streak leading up the shaft to a large diamond tooth. After being summoned, Rarity let go of the handle and let it float of its own accord and crossed her arms in a very ladylike fashion. In the blink of an eye her single keyblade split into 4 identical blades that floated around her according to her will.

Rarity’s power lies in her mastery of telekinesis and detection, while her keyblade had the power of being able to multiply itself making it the most unique keyblade and giving rarity her unique fighting style of being able to attack with multiple weapons controlled by her mind. When Twilight asked about it she had simply stated “Well i don’t want to get my own hands dirty now can I” in a very Rarity way.

Not wanting to be outdone by the fashionista, AJ decided to summon her's by driving her fist into the ground and dragging out a keyblade who’s shaft looked like the trunk of a tree, guard resembling the outline of an apple, and a small tree acting as the tooth. Built for strength, Scarlet Apple stood strong like the mighty oak tree. Its length from the ground to the handle reached up to AJ waist, and stood wider than her arm. Not having a formal fight style, AJ settled for swinging it onto her shoulder letting the keychain of an apple swing freely. She lifted it as though it weighed as much as a balloon rather than the 200 lb piece of metal that was. AJ lowered the brim of her hat to cast a shadow over her eyes and smirking a dangerous smile in order to look intimidating. Applejack was ready.

AJs keyblade’s power lies in it's control over the earth coupled with AJ’s natural inhuman strength.

Finally, after some prodding from Angel, Shy had decided to call her keyblade: Nature's Call. A peaceful mid-sized keyblade, its shaft looked for all the world like the trunk of a sunflower, leaves and all. Its teeth resembled a large pink rose that could act as a spinning projectile boomerang (although Shy would never use it.).

It made up for its low strength, by having the ability to control plants automatically in order to protect it’s owner, (Think Gaara’s sand if you need a reference.) as well as having powerful healing powers. Similar to Dash, Shy also took to the air with Angel on her shoulder, looking as meek as can be.

Silently, the 5 competitive friends stood at a standstill, ready for whomever made the first move.

That person turned out to be none other than Applejack, who, in an act of characteristic speed, and characteristic strength. Slammed her blade into the ground, she sent 4 shockwaves in four different directions. The shockwaves broke the ground, creating a path aimed directly at the other 4 even though two of them were unaffected except for the resulting flying rocks.

Reacting swiftly the two magic users quickly dodged the shockwaves and aimed their attacks at their chosen targets. Deeming Dashes dangerous speed a threat, Rarity quickly sent 3 of her keyblades toward Dash’s airspace. Simultaneously, Twilight chose to send a fira spell at AJ in retaliation, figuring that key keyblade would most likely be stuck in the ground for some time.

Once more simultaneously, both Rarity’s and Twis attacks were parried, both by Dashes lightning fast reflexes and, more impressively, AJs decision to not try and pull her blade out, but rather, to drive it into the ground deeper. Raising a slag of earth to block the incoming midsize fireball. Acting quickly, AJ lifted both her blade, and the rock, out of the ground, and with one mighty swing, sent it barreling toward Twilight.

Seeing the incoming projectile, Twilight chose a more physical strategy, opting to jump onto the rock and launching off as it passed by her. While in the air she cloaked her keyblade in a thundera spell and threw it toward AJ with astonishing speed. “Thundera Strike Raid”

All AJ need to do was hold out her hand to catch the blade “That all ya go-” she couldn't complete her tease, when the spell that covered the keyblade jumped off of the blade, and started shocking AJ out of her hat. Her earthan resilience had caused the spell to be less effective than it normally would have been on someone like Rarity. By the time the spell finished shocking her Twi’s blade had shimmered and disappeared, reappearing back in Twilights grasp as she landed back on the grass

“Like it, I just came up with that move” Twi said, wearing a shining smirk of her own.

“Oh so ahm your test subject now eh” AJ asked in a teasing tone as she picked up her hat, sat it back on her head, and placed her keyblade back on her shoulder.

“Calm down, it was your idea to come out here wasn't it? You knew what this was!” She chastised as she settled back into her natural stance.


“Ah suppose ah did” As soon as the last word left her mouth, a slab of earth jutted from under her feet sending her soaring toward Twilight readying a down slash. Remembering too late that AJ was primarily a close ranged fighter, Twilight was slow to react but rather acted on instinct and raised a barrier. Also forgetting that she was up against the strongest physical member of her group, her hastily made shield didn't even slow AJ down as she broke through and hit the ground. Instinct acting to save her once again she blinked herself away at the last moment saving herself from the resulting earth shattering shock wave. Appearing a few yards away. Locking eyes with AJ as the dust cleared they both smiled a wide smile both knowing how much fun the other was having. They also know that the fight had only just begun.



“Rarity have I ever told you that your powers are annoying?” Dash said as she skillfully maneuvered herself along the sky, effortlessly dodging Rarity’s 3 heat seeking missiles.

“You may have mentioned it once or twice, darling” She answered as she stood on the ground watching Dash fly along the sky dodging her every attempt to make contact.

“Well it is” Dash said before she suddenly speed up, disappearing from the sky and appearing behind Rarity to attack, only to be blocked the keyblade that Rarity had held behind. “You should get up close and personal like this”.


Rarity turned her head back to look at Dash and smiled her sympathetically with a hand on her cheek. “Why, Rachelle, I didn't know you felt that way. Oh you must have been so frustrated to have tried to take me from behind like that.” Dashes face flared red at this remark but before she could respond Rarity continued. “But i'm not one to submit without a fight so ill give you a little more challenge.” on cue the other three keyblades appeared back in Rarity’s proximity and promptly, split into 6, making a grand total of 7 simultaneous floating weapons that Rarity could control individually.

Dash only had time to gulp before she bolted back to the sky to gain some room and fight off the incoming attacks. Some time had been spent working her speed to block seven simultaneous attacks before an idea struck her. She had realized whom she had been battling and did the one thing that would distract her opponent long enough to get a hit in. She broke away from the blades and raised her own to the sky and said “Don’t call me Rachel” before causing rain to fall.

As expected, Rarity, in order to protect her hair, dropped everything to get out of the oncoming downpour. Dash took the opportunity to come down and strike her opponent while she was distracted.

Re-gathering her wits, Rarity summoned a singular keyblade to block Dashes air strike, but Dash decided that she wanted to go for a combo. In order to block the additional strikes, Rarity had been forced to summon more and more blades to defend from the onslaught of speedy strikes. Eventually she’d reached her breaking point and let out an explosive wave of telekinetic energy, pushing Dash away. Staring at the sky that had been cleared by her outburst she started to get genuinely upset “Rachelle you ruined my hair, how could you.” She began to look genuinely upset briefly before returning to anger.


Summoning as many blades as she could and been to shoot them at Dash like missiles, not bothering to keep control of them after they’d been dodged, but rather letting them disappear and shooting more. Dash maneuvered like the expert flier that she was, avoided each and every attack. Locking eyes with Rarity, and see the smallest hint of a smile, Dash knew that she’d been enjoying this, no matter how angry she tried to look.


Thanks to no one attacking her, Shy had ample time to create a small bush on some far end of the clearing for her to hide in…...

……..and BOYYYYYY was Angel pissed about that. He stood in front of her and sent his owner a volley of angry gestures and nose wiggles that roughly translated to <Why the hell are you behind this bush again? You do this EVERYTIME! IN THIS EXACT SPOT NO LESS! I’m surprised that it isn't a permanent part of this place>

“Oh, well it’s really scary, all of this fighting i mean. Oh and you shouldn't curse like that Angel.”. She stated, fully comprehending everything that the bunny had said. She flinched at the sound of more rocks being crushed and metal clashing.


The bunny facepawed (which in honesty looked really adorable and made a cute puff sound) <This isnt fighting, they aren't out to hurt you. This is sparring, it’s more like a game, and don’t you have like one of the most powerful skills here?> he wiggled.

“Well we’re all pretty strong now, but-”

he somehow interrupted her with a nose wiggle and a gesture.<But nothing! You get out their and you show them what you can do! Your powers are beautiful and amazing and you should show it to them>

A pink tint came to Shy’s already pinkish peach colored face as she considered what he meant and responded.

“Oh...well if you really think so….then ok” she cheered softly but with conviction. She hesitantly emerged from her hidey hole to asses the current situation.

Rarity had resorted to launching keyblades at Dash like missiles but she had quickly adapted, knocking a few keyblades back toward Rarity who had to either consciously banished it to had to dodge out of the way. AJ had decided to do whatever she could to keep close to Twi so she couldn't use her more powerful long ranged spells. Resulting in Twi dodging around and occasionally striking back with either physical attacks, magically enhanced attacks, or close range spells..


Taking a deep breath and mustering her courage, she decided to take advantage of everyone’s distractions and get a sneaky sort of hit off. She sent some vines tumbling under the ground toward her opponents . Everyone had been taken by surprise at Shy’s attack, but they each reacted as they normally would have. Twi cast flash shield to burn the vine, Dash simply dodged and cut the rope, Rarity stuck a keyblade into the ground to stop it from moving. AJ…..just wasent fast enough so she got caught.


“CONSARN IT!” she yelled as she hung upside down by the vine created by Shy.

“Oh My are you okay? I didnt hurt you right?” Shy worried as she flew over to AJ and started to inspect her.

“No, no its good, It reminded me about how much faster i have to get, i'm the slowest one here besides Rarity.

“Wait” Twi interjected ”Do you guys hear that?”

“Hear what” Dash asked, wanting to get back to the spar.

“That boinging sound…..”


“See, there, it just got louder.”

“Yeah, now that you mention, ah have been hearing this sound for a might second?

“What is that dreadful noise.” Rarity asked, slightly irritated.

“Um Twi…….” Dash began as she pointed towards a large figure approaching from the East side of the clearing.


All Twi could do was face palm at this new sight. “Oh god Pinkie why, not him”


Author's Note:

Yep >.> first fight scene.....how was it?

Criticisms are welcome

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