• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 6,124 Views, 472 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH2: Epic Meal Time

“Pinkie,” AJ began, finally breaking out of her stupor to look over at her fellow earthan.

The girl in question gleefully continued to excitedly bounce in place, despite the look she was getting from AJ. “Yes.”

“Ah get that your excited and all,” she droned, leaning back against the entrance to the kitchen.

Pinkie chuckled. “Uhuh.”

AJ just raised a brow a her. “And that this’ll be our last meal here”

“True, true,” Pinkie agreed, nodding.

“But dont'cha think this is a bit much?” she exclaimed, gesturing back to the three tables full, corner to corner, with various foods, desserts, drinks and beverages.

Pinkie took a moment to contemplate what AJ said. She looked over the tables, then back toward Dash and Twilight, both jaws currently dislocated and the former drooling. “Nope, not at all,” she giggled.

She quickly dashed over to the first table and began to point and identify each and every dish present on the table. “Over here, at the breakfast table, we have pancakes, waffles, flapjacks, pop tarts, cereal, toast, hash browns, bacon, eggs, ham, pork, sausage, pot pies, grits, oatmeal of all kinds, milk, coffee, milk coffee, tea, grape juice, orange juice, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, whole milk, soy milk, and finally...” she held up a small glass, ”water”.

There was a pregnant silence among the group. Afer a second AJ scoffed and crossed her arms. “What no apple juice?” she muttered.

“Uhhh, Pinkie...” Twi started.

“Over here,” she continued, moving over to the next table. “At what I call the nature table, we have salads, greens, tomatoes, carrots, sprouts, spinach, cabbage, those little green and white tree thingies that I like to play giants with, leeks, radishesheshe….”

“Radishes,” Flutters provided as she stepped into the room, Angel perched comfortably upon her shoulder.

“Right, radishes, onions, bananas, fruits of all kinds,” she glanced over at AJ who nodded approvingly, “and finally…” she held up another glass, “water”

“Oh goodie, now Angel and the others can celebrate with us too,” Shy cheered softly. She looked over at the white bunny sitting atop her left shoulder. As he looked over the table his mouth twisted and eyes began twitching, forming into an expression that could only be communicated as ‘Seriously?!’

“I’ll take some apples,” AJ said as she reached for the apples. However, before she could grab one her hand was deftly slapped away by Pinkie.

“Let me finish,” she chided, moving on to the final table of the trio. This final table appeared to be filled to the brim desserts that were just waiting to be identified.

“Finally, over here we have my personal favorite, the dessert table. Complete with mouth watering delights that would make the makers themselves weep from the sheer sight and smell of it. Sweets that would tantalize and stimulate all five senses at once.” She began, speaking in soft, theatrical voice that people would normally use to tease and tempt others.

She began motioning to a silver iced, decorated cake that resembled a holy ivory tower of deliciousness. “Cakes that would cause the brain to shut down from even attempting to describe the taste.”

“Cookies so delectable that your taste buds would flee from your very mouth in order to never taste anything less.” She teased, gesturing over a plate of chocolate cookies so beautiful that the smell alone made Dash begin to salivate.

“Donuts so perfectly shaped, so completely stuffed, that your eyes would glaze over just from the sight alone.” She sniffed at the donuts that, true to her word, looked so glazed, and stuffed with flavor, that AJ seemed to be hypnotized at the sight of them.

She reared up and proclaimed to the sky, “Crackers SO COMPLETELY… wait crackers?” She looked down to see what she what she had pointed at, only to catch sight of some plain saltine crackers sitting in between the donuts and the pies.

“How did those get here?” she wondered, her voice going back to normal. She promptly threw them into the trash behind her. “Anyway…” She began again in her silky sweet temptress voice “Pies so heavenly, they….”


“Yes, Twilight.”

Twilight, blushing, tried to regain her composure as she wiped her mouth. “I think… we get it.”

Pinkie looked around at the others, who were also drooling uncontrollably at her descriptions of the delectable delights. Even Rarity, whom had just entered halfway though, was trying to use her handkerchief to stop her watering mouth, but to no avail. Dash and AJ didn't even try to hide their lust, as they had already begun reaching for the food like zombies to flesh. Shy even had a demure little bit of lust in her eyes and Angel, had already helped himself to a carrot from the second table.

“Oh, well the water’s over there but otherwise…” She threw her hands in the air once again. “LETS EAT!”

At the sound of the pink bell, both Dash and AJ had grabbed plates and begun their attack on the buffet. While AJ made for the apples and ham, Dash’s speed allowed her to collect some donuts, some pork, a plateful of bacon, and some juice, in the same amount of time. Shy made a tiny plate full of items from the nature table along with some waffles. Rarity sat down and began to make herself a lady-like plateful of flapjacks with a perfectly cut butter square on the top, the entire thing was soon drenched in syrup. Twilight, after getting the last of her drool up, decided to stay back and ask Pinkie something that had been nagging at her.

“Why did you make so much for us? I mean, you must have used up everything in the fridge and then some. Even with all seven of us we wouldn't be able to eat it all before leaving.” She glanced over to the third table and frowned. “And why dessert with the breakfast?”

Pinkie looked around thoughtfully at her friends all having a good time enjoying the food she made, bringing a bright smile to her face. “Because, Twilight, we may go to worlds where we won't be able to eat like this naturally, so I want us to have something that we can fall back on. We’ll store whatever we don’t eat on the ship and eat it if we feel homesick or we need emergency rations.”

Pinkie’s eyes momentarily fell downcast, and her smile became somewhat more melancholy. “This may be the last time I get to cook for you all on this scale, so I want it to be memorable.” She said as she looked back up at Twi with bright hopeful eyes, eyes that Twilight saw every time she found herself in a dark place, eyes that she knew betrayed their owner’s deeper hidden thoughts. In the end she decided to take what Pinkie said at face value.

Smiling, Twilight nodded and gave the girl a tight hug.

“Twilight, Pinkie, darling,” called Rarity, lightly dabbing her face. “Hurry over here and eat something before these two eat up all of the food.”

“I’ll be right over” Twi chuckled as she looked over at Rarity and the two trash compactors that were known previously as Dash and AJ.

“Man those two can EAT,” she thought. “I’d say it was an earthen or avian thing but they’re both going at it like it’s a competition… must be an athlete thing then.”

Letting go, Twilight nodded towards Pinkie. Both turned to make their way towards the first stable.


Dash slumped back over her chair, grinning stupidly. “That… was… amazing,” she said, letting out a large belch

“Rachel darling! Watch your manners.” *burp* “Excuse me… like that, I suppose,” Rarity said, looking away in embarrassment.

“Shoot mah Grannie could burp louder than that, allow me to demonstrate.” AJ took in a long breath, but before she could release it, someone else belched a burp so loud that it shook the table they were all sitting at.

Instantly, locating the source of the burp, everyone looked toward Fluttershy. “WHOOOOWEE, shucks girl I didn't know you had it in yah,” cheered AJ. “Color me impressed.”

Dash gave her a thumbs up. “Nice one!”

Twilight could only stare at her. “Wow.”

“Shia!” Rarity gasped. “Darling I expected better, at least say excuse me next time.”

By this point Shy had buried her face so far into her long pink hair that one could only discern that she was blushing from her burning red ears. Eventually she managed a tiny whisper. “Thank you all, but that wasn't me,” she said as she almost imperceptibly noded towards the furry felony of the great belch.

Angel Bunny sat on the table in front of her, leaning against her arm and wearing the biggest smirk his bunny face could fit and then some. Everyone else at the table decided to imprint their jaw marks on the table as the gears started to turn in their heads. Dash was the first to respond.

“NICE little man, you're alright” She said as she reached over to pound fists with Angel.”

“Well I’ll be…” AJ muttered as she adjusted her hat.

“Oooookayyyy,” said Twilight, still staring.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Well, anyway I must say, Diane has really outdone herself this time.” Rarity began, in an attempt to change the subject. “From what you all told me, those pastries were not exaggerated in quality, not one bit.” She looked around. “Where is Diane anyway?”

It was Twilight who answered this one. “I don’t know, she left after we ended that food fight. Maybe she already ate some beforehand.” She surmised.

“Maybe she went to go offer some food to Master Luna,” Shy squeaked, her face still cooling down from the earlier misdirected praise.

The five friends nodded in agreement and nestled into a comfortable silence to reflect on all the greedy awesomeness that just occurred due to their mutual Pink friends kindness.

Eventually, AJ was the first one to break the silence. “Ah reckon’ that we should all go and work this off, can’t leave home on a full stomach ya know.”

“Isn't it on an empty stomach?” questioned Dash

“Ya’ kno what ah mean, so yah all up for it” She said as she looked for confirmation from the others.

The others seemed to think about it for a second as they all read each other thoughts like only best friends could do. Wordlessly they all joined hand as Twilight chanted a quick spell.

In a bright purple flash of teleportation, they all vanished to the training field.

Author's Note:

First fight scene coming next chapter, may be a little short as i'm still new at that and are just testing the waters for future fight scenes.
Once again, criticism and error point outs are welcome

2016EDIT: Also since I forgot to describe the rest of the characters outfits I'll just put this here. It's a comp of the character designs that i drew at the time of writing this chapter. Like the chapter itself, it's horribly done but I feel you guys should at least have a visual reference while I get to cleaning both the designs and the chapters up. Like AJ some of these designs are based on Xelim's with his permission and other's I've altered.

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