• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 9,422 Views, 527 Comments

Wingbury Academy - Chesterfeather

[2nd person] You've just transferred to a new school, but Rainbow Dash isn't making it easy.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Midnight

Rainbow Dash, her mane stripped of its glow, trembles under your grip. You continue to hold her against a cloud far above the academy. As relieved as you are to see her once again, your mind brims with questions.

“Why?” you ask. “Why did you go to that room? Why did you let them hurt you?”

“You read the letter?!” she gasps.

“Tell me why!” you yell. She bites her lip, but you tighten your hold. “I'm not letting you go until you tell me.”

She shuts her eyes tight. “Because I like you!” she yells. “There! Okay? I couldn't let anything happen to you.”

“You idiot! I can handle anything those losers throw at me! You shouldn't put yourself in danger just for my sake. I'm the one who . . .” you trail off, pushing yourself off of her. “I'm the one who should be protecting you.”

You float in the skies, pressing a hoof to your forehead. Rainbow Dash lifts off the cloud and silently hovers before you.

“What did they do to you?”

Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath. “It was a whole group of ponies. I was blindfolded. They h-held me down and forced this chemical on me. They put it in my mane, my tail . . . I couldn't tell what was going on. They kept laughing the whole time.” She turns her back to you, sniffling. “I c-can't remember anything else. I passed out halfway through. I woke up somewhere behind the building.”

“I'm so sorry,” you say. For a moment, you look at her solemnly while she stares at the academy below. “But why all this?” you ask. “The suit, the hood . . .”

“I-I had to get my stuff back, so nopony would know what happened.” She points at her uniform. “I couldn't let anypony see me with this hair.”

“You don't have to worry about that! It will grow back to normal on its own.”

“It doesn't matter anymore. I'm never going back to Wingbury. I'm done.”

You grab her by the shoulders. “What are you saying?”

“I'd be a laughing stock! It's not just . . . them. Everypony would make sure I never hear the end of it.”

“That's not—”

“They took away who I am!” she screams. “They took away my own namesake! How can you call me Rainbow Dash after all this?” she cries, holding her white tail. “I'm nothing!”

“You're wrong! You're the fastest flier in all of Equestria. You're strong, brave, confident, cute, funny . . . you're just incredible.”

Tears run down her cheeks once more.

“I don't care what color your mane is, Rainbow Dash. I like you for who you are.”

You press your lips against hers. She recoils at first, but as you wrap your forelegs around her, she fiercely kisses you back. Wings beating rapidly, the two of you are locked in a passionate embrace in the skies high above Cloudsdale.

As you slowly break out of the kiss, Rainbow Dash whispers to you. “Th-That's the first time you called me by my name.” She strokes your cheek. “I liked hearing you say it.”

“Rainbow Dash,” you say, kissing her on the cheek as she calmly closes her eyes, smiling. “Rainbow Dash,” you whisper, kissing her once more. “. . . don't go, Rainbow Dash.”

She shakes her head. “I can't stay.”

“I can't imagine a Wingbury without you! I'll take care of those ponies myself—”

“No!” she says, “don't do or say anything! Please, you can't!”

“What? Why?”

“When they had me in that room, they told me that if anypony found out about this, they would come after me again. On campus, off campus, it didn't matter. They would get me, and they would pull you into it too. I couldn't even see who they were.”

“You can't let them get away with this! I bet Rosewing is the one—”

“Please!” she says, placing a hoof on your mouth. “Even if you find out who it was, leave it alone. Please . . .” She hovers away from you, staring at the far-off mountain range. “I-I have to go.”

“I want to see you again, Rainbow Dash.”

She looks into your eyes, the night wind blowing through her white mane. She reaches into one of her suit pockets, fishing out a key. “Here. Tomorrow night.”

“Is this . . .”

“Go to the observatory at midnight.” She passes you the key. “There's a small door in the back. You can open it with this key.” She slowly flies backwards, away from you. “Go there and I'll meet you one last time. Okay?”

You silently nod.

“I'm sorry it has to be this way.” She pauses for a moment. “Promise me you'll be there.”

“I promise.”

With a sorrowful look, she turns away and flies off into the horizon.


The Next Day

Those cowards! I can't believe anypony would do this. Why?!

I can't let Rainbow Dash leave. I have to convince her to stay. If she won't confront anypony about this, I'll have to handle it my own way.

“Are you all right?”

Fluttershy sits across from you at your usual corner table in the cafeteria.


“You're staring at the wall.” she says. “Are you okay?”

“Sorry, sorry. I've got a lot on my mind.” You take a quick bite of your sandwich.

“That's okay.” She looks down at her salad. “Um, you can tell me, if you want.”

You shrug, offering a nervous chuckle. “Ah, no, it's nothing, really . . .”

“Oh. Okay.”

I can't worry her with this. Besides, I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be fine. She's just overwhelmed by everything that happened. She can't just leave the academy—

“—the wall again.”


“You're staring at the wall again.” Fluttershy frowns.

You shake your head. “I'm sorry. Really, I'm okay, Fluttershy.” Get it together!

She looks up at the ceiling, then back to you. “If it's your classes, we can study together tonight.”

“Actually, that's a good idea. Are you sure you don't mind?”

“Oh, not at all! I'd love to. I think it would be fun. You can, um, come to my room.”

“You got it! I'll meet you after dinner.”

Softly smiling, Fluttershy takes a drink. Between sips, she nervously shifts her eyes to another table.

“Is there . . . something going on?” you ask.

She blushes. “Rosewing, is, um, looking at you.”

You turn around. Head resting listlessly on her hooves, Rosewing stares right at you. As soon as you meet her gaze, she licks her lips. You turn back to Fluttershy with a clumsy look. “Are you done with lunch?”

She nods.

“Great. Let's get outta here.”

The two of you leave the cafeteria. As Fluttershy walks off, Rosewing's voice catches you from behind. “I guess you can't call her rainbow-mane anymore, huh?”

You spin around, eyes narrowed. “What did you say?”

“Look, your marefriend is gone. Forget her.” She traces your flank with her foreleg. “We can have lots of fun together. I know how to treat a colt . . .”

You knock her hoof away. “Why are you acting like this? I just don't understand.”

She glances over her shoulder, then canters behind the cafeteria building. You follow her, but as soon as you turn the corner and the two of you are alone, she pushes you against the wall, holding your shoulders back.

“I want you. I want to take you from Rainbow Dash. I see the way she looks at you.”

Stunned, you remain wordless.

“And now she's gone. So stop fighting it,” she says, bringing her face close to yours, “because you're mine now.” She forces herself on you, giving you a rough kiss.

You push her off, spitting on the ground. “You're disgusting! What makes you think I'd want to go along with this?”

“I don't care if you want to or not. I'm going to make you.”

You scoff at her. “I'd rather have my wings clipped.”

Laughing, Rosewing shrugs. “Well, I guess I can't force it.” She turns around, taking a step away, then looks back. “By the way, I hear Fluttershy's back.”

You glare at her.

“Oh, don't give me that dirty look. I'm just making conversation.” A sly smile creeps along her face. “You know, I haven't been to the greenhouse in so long. Like, forever.”

“Stay away from her.”

“Oh yeah?” She flies right up to your face once more. “You listen closely, blank flank. You will do what I tell you, or I'll turn that pretty little Fluttershy into—”

“No!” you yell. “Don't you dare touch her!”

Rosewing giggles. “So which one is it, huh? Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy?”

What . . . what does she mean?

“Nothing to say? That's what I thought.” She turns her back to you, brushing her tail against your face. “Look at you, getting worked up over two mares! Playing with their hearts . . . why, you're almost as bad as me!”

“It's not like that at all!” you say, standing sternly.

“We'll see about that. Meet me behind the library at midnight.” She jumps into flight, flipping her mane. “Unless you want Fluttershy to leave the academy too.”

As she flies off, you notice a strange patch of white on the tip of Rosewing's tail.

. . . Did she say midnight?


You arrive at Fluttershy's dorm. Stepping up to her door, you clear your throat and knock.

You hear her muffled voice through the door. “Um, just a moment.” She opens the door with a smile. As soon as she lays her eyes on you, her smile widens and she motions you in. “Oh, I hope you didn't mind me asking you to come here.”

“No, are you kidding? I was really glad when you offered.” You look around you. “Besides, I've never seen your room.”

Fluttershy's room is simply but gracefully decorated, each ornament and picture lending a warm touch. Despite the schoolwork that looms ahead, you feel comfortable here. As you admire her room, you see Fluttershy slowly testing her right wing.

“Your wings, how are they feeling?”

“Stiff, but they're a little better than yesterday, I think.” She folds her wing back. “Shall we get started with Early Equestrian History?”

“Sure. We're covering the establishment of monarchy, right?”

“Yes. Section 13-B.”

You lie next to Fluttershy on the floor, the two of you comparing notes and working on your class assignments. As you each flip through the pages of your books, your forelegs occasionally brush together, each accidental graze evoking a slight blush from her. As you reach a lull in your studies, she sits up on her haunches.

“I wonder where Rainbow Dash is these days,” she says.

“Ah, yeah. She's been gone for a while.”

“I wanted to see her again, to thank her for what she did for me.”

I want to see her again, too. Why did things have to happen this way?

Fluttershy places a hoof on your wings. “Are you okay?”


“Your wings are tense.” She runs her foreleg across your extended wing. “You haven't been overworking them, have you? Did you hurt them during wingball practice? Oh no, you didn't strain them when you were carrying me, did you?”

“No, no! Everything is okay. I guess I'm just feeling stressed.”

“Would you, um, like me to help your wings relax?”


Fluttershy motions you to her bed, directing you to lie down. She carefully works her hooves into your back, massaging the base of your wings. As she kneads your back, her hooves gradually work their way to your wings, delicately rubbing them.

“Oh, that's really good,” you say. “Where did you—”

“Shhh,” she whispers.

After a few more minutes of gentle caressing, she helps you back up. You sit on her bed, flexing your wings. “Fluttershy, that was . . . amazing.”

“I-I'm glad you liked it.”

“You're a really special pony. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

Fluttershy looks at you with wistful eyes. She raises her forelegs and leans on your shoulders. “I feel the same way about you,” she whispers. As she leans closer, you both close your eyes, lips meeting in a tender kiss.

You open your eyes to see Fluttershy wearing a mirthful smile. She gazes at you for another moment before glancing at the clock on her wall. “Oh, it's gotten late. Um, I guess that's enough studying for today. Would you like to work some more tomorrow?”

“Yes, I'd really like that.” You likewise look at her clock. What—11:50 pm already?! “Uh, thanks for everything, Fluttershy. I guess I'll head home now.”

“Oh, but it's almost midnight. You can get in trouble if you go out this late at night. Why don't you stay—”

“It's fine, I'll just scoot on home real quick! Really, don't worry at all.” You hastily slide books back into your saddlebags.

“Okay.” Fluttershy looks around awkwardly.

As you slip on your saddlebags and start heading toward the door, you stop short and turn around. “Thanks for everything, Fluttershy. I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night.” She smiles as you dash out of her room.


Having deposited your saddlebags through your room's window, you soar through campus, keeping low to avoid attracting attention. You hold the observatory key in your teeth.

Only a few minutes until midnight. I'll just have to hope Rainbow Dash is there early and that Rosewing is willing to wait.

You coast into the observatory, its front doors unlocked. You ignore the stairs leading up, instead flying directly to the door in the back. After some slight fumbling with the key, you manage to unlock it.

You find yourself in a small office. Judging by the cobwebs and dust, the room has not been used for several years. Empty bookshelves line the walls. An ornate wooden desk rests against the far side of the room. She's late.

You walk over to the desk, avoiding the use of your wings to keep the dust in the room settled. Atop it is a single sheet of paper. Curious, you take a closer look. Wait. This is addressed to me!

I'm sorry I couldn't be here. I just can't handle this right now. I don't know what I'm going to do, but until I decide, I can't stay at Wingbury. Please don't hate me for doing this. One day, I hope I have the courage to tell you how I truly feel.

Please write me back. I'll come by and pick up your letters at night.

Yours forever,
Rainbow Dash

Two teardrop stains dot the bottom edge of the paper. She put a lot of effort into her writing. It's not her usual scrawling.

With a deep breath, you step away from the desk. This is Rosewing's fault. She drove Rainbow Dash away. Now she's threatening Fluttershy. It's time to settle this.

You jet outside the observatory, gritting your teeth as you surge toward the library's rear. You arrive quickly to see Rosewing standing alone. As you land in front of her, she smirks at you.

“You're a little late, blank flank. Did you have another date or something?”

“Shut up.”

She shrinks back. “Hey, I'm here to apologize—”

“No, you're here to tell me exactly what you did to Rainbow Dash.”

“I don't know anything about Rainbow Dash. I heard she's been missing for a couple days, is that right?”

You growl at her.

“Now, now, is that any way to act toward somepony who's trying to make amends?” She shrugs. “Look, all I want is one thing, and this is all over. I'll never bother you again.”

You shoot her a grim look. “Tell me.”

“I want you to kiss me.”

You step back. “You're sick. You have a problem.”

She gives you a devilish grin. “Kiss me, and I'll leave you and Fluttershy alone forever. Your little Rainbow Dash, too.”

“I have no reason to believe you.”

“You also have nothing to lose. Just a kiss. What's the harm?” She steps closer to you. “That's all I want.” She takes another step forward. “I just want to taste you one more time . . .”

You stand rigidly as she brings her face right up to yours. Hovering an inch away, she waits for you to act. You slowly close the gap, locking lips for a brief moment. She slides her tongue into your mouth, but you instantly jerk backward.

“There. That wasn't so bad, was it?” She licks her lips.

“We're done. Now leave, and don't bother us ever again.”

“I know you liked it.”


“Oh, fine, fine. A deal is a deal,” she says, flying away.

You sick freak.

I'm going to win Rainbow Dash's confidence back. And when she returns to Wingbury, we're going to make you regret this, Rosewing. You'll regret everything. We have all the evidence.

It's time for my own brand of retribution.