• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 9,422 Views, 527 Comments

Wingbury Academy - Chesterfeather

[2nd person] You've just transferred to a new school, but Rainbow Dash isn't making it easy.

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Chapter 9: Truth and Lies

Everything seems hazy. Muffled, even. Where am I?

You find yourself soaring through twilit skies. The stars have just begun to appear overhead. In the distance, the last vestiges of the sun slowly disappear as the moon takes its place.

How did I get here? Why is my flight so effortless? I'm barely flapping my wings.

As you seamlessly float through the air, Rainbow Dash suddenly zips to your side. Her mane is restored to its former spectral glory. “Rainbow Dash,” you call out, “you're okay! How did this happen?”

She flashes a wide grin and winks.

You feel something brush against your left wing. You turn to see Fluttershy keeping pace with you, her graceful wings fully recovered. “You too, Fluttershy! I'm so glad to see you!”

She gives you a warm smile and nods.

The three of you fly together for several minutes. At various points, you try to get their attention, but at most they merely smile back at you. Soon enough, the three of you land upon a cliff overlooking the ocean.

As you stand at the precipice gazing at the horizon, you embrace Rainbow Dash, softly wrapping your right wing around her shoulder. “I'm happy you got your color back.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs your wing off and steps back. You look over to see her mane turning back to white before your very eyes. “What are you talking about?” she cries. “I've lost my color, and it's all your fault!” She pokes you sharply with her foreleg.

“N-No! I didn't want anything bad to happen to you.”

“Look at me. Look at me!” she screams. “This is all because of you! I wish I never got myself involved with you.”

Fluttershy's voice chimes in from behind. “She's right. All you do is hurt everypony.”

You spin around to see Fluttershy wincing in pain, her wings wrapped in a cast. “I didn't want this to happen!” you say.

She turns her nose up. “If you had just stayed out of my life, I'd still have my wings.”

Rainbow Dash shoves you away. “Just leave us alone! Nopony wants you!”

“Nopony!” says Fluttershy.

I can't process all of this! I can't think straight . . . You sink to your haunches, covering your face in your hooves as both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy berate you. “What can I do?” you plead. “What do you want me to do?”

Silence. When you look back up, there is no sign of Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. Instead, you see Rosewing towering over you. She grabs you by the shoulders. “You know what I want you to do,” she says, giving your face a rough lick. “Wake up, my little pony. Wake up . . .”


You snap awake in a barely-lit room. Your vision is somewhat blurry, and you are unable to recognize where you are. You try to spread your wings, but they don't respond—you quickly realize your legs and wings are completely bound by rope.

“Don't bother trying to move. You'll just waste your energy.” Rosewing slowly steps toward you, alone. She is wearing a half-mangled purple flower in her mane. That flower . . . that's the same flower Fluttershy gave me!

“Where . . . where did you get that flower?” As you speak, you taste a sweet, chalky flavor in your mouth.

“This?” Rosewing points to her mane. “Oh, it's a rare flower. It's called Heart's Desire. For the life of me, I can't seem to remember where I found this little treasure.”

You lean forward in your bindings. You try to speak again, but it takes you some effort to formulate the right words. “What have you . . . done to it?”

Rosewing uses a foreleg to push your body against the wall. “Heart's Desire can be used for many things. I had to strip off a few petals to make you a special drink. If you know how to mix things just right, it can produce some interesting effects.”

As she speaks to you, a light-headed sensation overtakes you. You shake your head in an attempt to dispel your daze. “What are you talking about?”

She brings a cup to your lips. “See this? Just a few sips and you can't help but speak the truth . . . speak what your heart truly desires.”

“I-I'd never drink this.”

She smirks. “Take a closer look.” The cup is already empty. “Give me a little more credit. I slipped it down your throat while you were asleep.”

No . . . no way . . .

With a wicked smile, Rosewing delicately touches your face with her hoof. “Now, let's see if it works. What will I ask you first? Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you!” She straddles your body, slowly stroking your face. “Tell me. You broke into my room, didn't you?”


“You weren't alone, though. Did you have somepony with you?”


“It was my darling Rainbow, wasn't it?”


“She saw all those pictures on my desk, didn't she?”

“Yes.” Why? Why am I saying this? Why can't I stop myself?

“How did she feel about all those lovely pictures?”

“She felt devastated. Horrified.”

Rosewing laughs. “Why don't you describe it in detail? I want to savor the moment.”

“She was trembling. She cowered by the corner on the verge of tears.”

Rosewing closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Yes, that's good.” She opens her eyes, smiling. “Tell me how she feels about her white mane.”

“Empty. Hollow. She's a broken mare.” I-I can't stop myself . . .

“Oh, really? What do you think of white-mane now?”

“Her name is Rainbow Dash,” you say, gritting your teeth.

“Somepony that ugly doesn't deserve a name.”

“You're wrong,” you say assertively. “I think Rainbow Dash is as beautiful as ever.”

She leans back. “Excuse me?”

“She's an incredible pegasus. Nothing you do would ever change that.”

She gives you a blank look for a moment. “You would do anything for Rainbow, wouldn't you?”


“I see.” Her lips curl into a smile. “Then you'll just love what you're about to do for her. That picture you stole—who has it now?”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, how interesting! Tell me again. Who should I go after if I want that picture back?”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Mmm.” Rosewing cradles your face in her hooves, but in your bleary state, you cannot offer any resistance. “And what is she planning to do with that picture?”

“She's going to reveal it in the morning.”

“Is that so? Well, can you think of anything stopping me from stealing it back?


“And what is that, sweetie?”

“You don't know where she is.”

“That's right! You know, I'm really enjoying this game.” Rosewing gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. “Tell your girl Rosewing where Rainbow is.”

“I don't know.”

She wrinkles her nose, pausing for a moment. “Well, I guess we'll have to do this a different way,” she coos, ruffling your mane. “It's time for a little insurance.”

She lifts herself off of you, walking over to a shelf and retrieving a small electronic device. “You've done a lot of bad things at this academy. Sounds like something that should be recorded, don't you think?” She winks at you. “You don't have to answer that one.”

She turns the recording device on and speaks both your names into it. “I'm glad you decided to confess. Please tell me what you did to my room.” With a grin, she holds the device before you.

“I skipped class to sneak into your room with Rainbow Dash. We broke your window, went through your belongings, and stole from you.”

“I see. Have you ever broken into any other academy buildings?”


“Could you be more specific, dear?”

“I snuck into Thunderhead Labs and the observatory at night.”

“Interesting. How often do you sneak out of your room late at night?”

“Almost every night.”

“Very well. Finally, have you ever engaged in fights with any other students?”


“Oh? A little more detail, if you please.”

“I entered into a fight with Rainbow Dash.”

“A colorful history you've had with that mare, it seems. Tell us, what happened during that fight?”

A tear rolls down your cheek. “Rainbow Dash s-struck me.”

“Thank you for your honesty.” She clicks the device off. “Now, won't this recording be useful along with all of my other photographs of you?”


Rosewing stares at you silently for a moment, a disturbing smirk across her face. “You've been such a good little pony, answering all of my questions. Such a shame you're going to have your hooves full trying to find Rainbow and stop her from showing that picture. If you don't, I'm sure you know what will happen to the two of you.” She dangles the recording device in front of your face before setting it on the shelf across the room.

“Well then, we still have some time,” she continues. “Why don't we learn a few secrets about everypony's favorite blank flank?”

“Please, stop . . . Rosewing . . .” Your voice begins to break as another tear streaks down to your chin.

“Tell me about Fluttershy. When she saw those lovely letters you wrote in that observatory, what did you say?”

“I told her I k-kissed Rainbow Dash.”

Rosewing bursts into raucous laughter. “How perfect! Oh, that is just beautiful. How did she take it?”

“Terribly. She doesn't want to speak to me anymore.”

“What a shame. How do you feel about that?”

“I feel horrible. I hurt her. I don't think there's anything I can do to make things better.”

“Oh, you poor thing!” She giggles. “Don't worry. It's not like you lost much.”

“I lost a great deal. Fluttershy was truly special. I think I . . . ” you trail off. My head is starting to clear up.

Rosewing pets you softly. “There, there. How does it feel being forced to tell me your most pure thoughts? To have no control over what you say?”

“I hate you, Rosewing.”

“Ha! If that isn't from the heart, I don't know what is. I suppose that leaves just one more question.” She brings her face right up to yours. “What is your heart's desire?”

You don't respond. It must be wearing off!

“I asked you, 'What is your heart's desire?'”

You remain silent. This isn't over. All I have to do is pretend . . . and wait for my chance. After all, I know her weakness.

You look into her eyes. “Rosewing. You are my heart's desire.”

She takes a few steps back. “What did you say?”

“I'm in love with you, Rosewing. The way you handled me, the way you crushed the hearts of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy . . . I care for them, but after seeing you in control, I can't help myself. I despise you, yet I want to be yours, Rosewing.”

Mouth agape, she slowly edges closer to you. “Really, now? Do tell me more.”

“From the moment you forced that kiss on me, I've been so confused. But now that I say it out loud, I'm sure of it. Forget those other losers. You are the mare I want. You are the mare I need. Use me, Rosewing. Use me however you wish!”

With wide eyes, she brings her face right up to yours and strokes your face gently. “Oh, I'll use you. I'll make you do whatever I want. And you'll enjoy it, won't you? You'll love to do what I tell you, my little pet.” She stares deeply into you, tracing your body with her eyes. “Yes, this is perfect. Just perfect . . .”

Time to close the deal. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash . . . forgive me for what I'm about to do.

You lean forward and kiss Rosewing. She immediately responds by jumping on top of you. The two of you spend the next two minutes wildly kissing, Rosewing caressing your bound body. All worked up, she roughly whispers in your ear, “Your wings. Give me your wings.”

“They're yours,” you whisper back.

Softly moaning, she gives your closed wing a quick lick, then uses her teeth to cut the ropes binding your wings. As the ties come loose, your legs slip out of the ropes. “Open your wings,” she murmurs. You spread them open, and she begins to sensually run her tongue across their length, her hooves slowly rubbing them.

Just when you feel she has lost herself in your body, you lurch forward, shoving her off of you. She tumbles backward as you hop into the air, soaring over to the far shelf.

“What are you doing?” she cries. “No!”

You grab the recording device and hurl it to the ground. Rosewing runs toward you, but she can only make it halfway before you grind the device to pieces. It only takes you a few quick stomps with your hooves to reduce it to dust.

She stares at you, speechless. You march over to her, prompting her to take a few steps back. Her flank now against the wall, she sinks down to her haunches. “Please don't hurt me!” she whimpers.

You glare at her. “Let me know how Chesterfeather High works out,” you say, leaving the room.


The Next Morning

I'm exhausted. No sleep last night. Stupid academy and its Saturday course schedule. I'll probably doze off in the middle of class.

At the same time, I don't think I could fall asleep knowing what had happened—and what will happen.

As you walk the corridors of Highwind Hall shortly before first period, you see Rainbow Dash standing in front of her locker, blankly staring ahead. “Hey!” you call out. “Rainbow Dash!”

She twitches slightly, but doesn't turn around.

“Hey, it's really nice to finally see you at the academy. Did you go down to the admistrator's office?”

“Yeah. I went down there, all right.”

You spin her around, forcing her to face you. “And? Whoa, what happened to your face?” You notice her cheek is slightly swollen.

She meets your eyes for a moment, then looks down. “Well, when I got there, Fluttershy was waiting outside.”

“Fluttershy? Okay.”

“She needed help. She asked me to follow her.” Rainbow Dash bites her lip.

“I'm with you so far.”

“When we turned the corner, she bucked me across the face and knocked me out. When I came to, the letter and the picture were gone.”

You cock your head, stifling a laugh. “Uh, no. Not buying that one.”

“Hey!” she yells. “I'm serious!”

“Look, just be honest with me.”

“I am! Go ask her yourself,” she says, pointing down the hall. Sure enough, you see Fluttershy standing near the water fountain at the end of the row of classrooms.

You briskly fly toward her as Rainbow Dash follows. “Fluttershy—”

As soon as you call her name, she takes several steps back, a frightened look plastered across her face. From around the corner, Rosewing walks over and places a hoof on her shoulder. “It's okay, Fluttershy, I'll take care of it,” she whispers. Turning to you, she shakes her head, “Why don't you leave Fluttershy alone, you bully?”

“What?” You stare at her in disbelief. “Me?”

“Yeah. You. I had a long talk with Fluttershy very late last night. We were candid with each other. We found out we had a lot in common . . . we were both played by you and Rainbow.”

“No, no. This is all wrong.” What the hay is going on here?

Rosewing tightens her hold on her. “Can you imagine how heartbroken we felt when we found out that the very flower you gave to me was the same one she gave to you?” She points at the remainder of the Heart's Desire, still clipped to her mane.

“I didn't give that to you!”

“Look, I don't want to argue with you. Just leave us alone, okay? You've hurt us enough.”

You shake your head. “Fluttershy, I . . .” you stammer. “Look, I'll work this out later. Why did you hurt Rainbow Dash? You stole something very important from her!”

Fluttershy shoots you a cold gaze. “Somepony once told me, 'It's either pick on others, or get picked on yourself. That's how it is.'”

Rainbow Dash hangs her head low.

“That's enough,” Rosewing says. “Fluttershy is off-limits, you meanies. Stay away from us!” She wraps a wing around Fluttershy, guiding her away. As they walk down the hall, Rosewing turns her head back around.

With a naughty grin, she blows you a kiss before whispering something into Fluttershy's ear.