• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 9,422 Views, 527 Comments

Wingbury Academy - Chesterfeather

[2nd person] You've just transferred to a new school, but Rainbow Dash isn't making it easy.

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Chapter 5: Dealing With the Consequences

With a gang of griffons closing in on you, eyeing their prey, you and Rainbow Dash slowly back away toward the other end of the greenhouse. One of the griffons chains the exit shut.

“So much for the doors,” you say, breathing quickly. “Any ideas?”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes and licks her lips. “I'll take the four on the right. You take the weird-looking one on the left.”

“Rainbow-mane! We're not gonna fight them!”

Gilda gives an overt cough. “We can hear you, dweebs. Now, which one of you wants to get clipped first?”

You whisper to Rainbow Dash, your flanks almost against the wall. “Look, you need to get outta here. I'll keep these clowns busy while you go get help.”

“No way! I'm not running,” she says, looking you square in the eye. “We're in this together.”

“Somepony needs to do it! And you're faster than I am. I'll distract them so you can sneak out of here.”

“And exactly how would I do that?” Rainbow Dash sharply taps your foreleg.

“Well . . . one of those ceiling windows must be unlocked.” You nod upwards but don't look.

“So what? You can't fight five griffons alone!”

You subtly shake your head. “I'm not going to fight. It'll be like, uh, five-on-one wingball. Hey, if I could dodge the fastest flier in Equestria for two minutes, I'm sure I can dance around a few slowpoke griffons.”

“They're not that—”

“Time's up, dudes,” says Gilda, launching herself to the head of the pack. “Guess we'll have to brutalize you both at the same time.”

You throw an intense stare at Rainbow Dash. She softly nods. All right. Here goes nothing.

“I don't understand,” you call out to the griffons. “What makes you think you can get away with all this?”

Gilda adopts a menacing smile.

Time to get their attention. You take a shaky step forward and raise your voice. “You bully other students. You beat them up. Why haven't you been expelled?” From the corner of your eye, you see Rainbow Dash slip into a shadowy corner.

“You ponies really are slow. I got expelled last year, dude—I'm not a student!”


“I roam around this dorky academy all I want. I do what I want. I take what I want. And I'm gonna show you what happens to losers that get in my way.” She pauses. “Wait, where's Dash?”

You spin around. “Rainbow-mane? Hey, come back! Don't leave me here with—”

Gilda bursts into raucous laughter, and the other four griffons follow suit. “I knew that shrimp was all bark and no bite.” She turns to the other griffons. “Probably hiding in one of these bushes like a scared little pony.”

Hook, line, and sinker. “I-I don't care! I'll take you all on by myself!”

“You heard him, boys. Tear him apart!”

Gilda stands back as her four griffon cronies take to the air and vault toward you. Okay, I was wrong about the slowpoke part! They charge in unison, forcing you to leap into the air and soar above them. Looking over, you see them roar as they turn around to lunge at you once more.

Come on, rainbow-mane, hurry up and get outta here! You chance a quick glance upwards and see Rainbow Dash quietly jiggling each ceiling window, trying to find one that's unhinged. I'll have to stay low to make sure they don't notice her.

You land once more and buck the air behind you in a taunt. “Looks like flight school was right. Griffons really are slow!”

Five shrieks pierce the air as each griffon speeds toward you. Gilda herself spearheads the pack, her talons outstretched. You leap to the side, using your wings to propel yourself around them. I bought you a little more time, rainbow-mane. Hurry up!

As the pack comes to an abrupt stop, Gilda barks orders. “Circle around him!”

Responding to her call, the griffons come at you separately. Each swipe of their talons meets a quick aerial dodge. With each sudden mid-air maneuver, your wings become more fatigued. After a minute of weaving about, you find yourself relying on your legs rather than your wings.

I think this is it. My wings are burning! I can't handle this much longer. You gallop around them, your lithe pegasus body still more nimble on the ground. Despite your best efforts, you find yourself cornered, five griffons now surrounding you.

“Just crush him!”

One griffon throws himself toward you. With nowhere else to run, you leap to the air, but your weakened wings can't carry you far enough. You feel an icy talon grasp your hind leg, dragging you down as you collapse unceremoniously onto the ground. The remaining griffons rush over and press down against you, keeping you pinned. You struggle to move, but any attempt to escape is a mere waste of energy.

Gilda approaches, towering over your prone body. She roughly twists your head upward to meet her gaze. “I don't like ponies that make things difficult.” She then turns away, looking toward the far end of the greenhouse. “Hey, Dash! We've got your little friend. You'd better crawl out of your hiding spot.”

Silence. You look toward the ceiling, but she is nowhere to be found.

“Fine. Have it your way,” she sneers. “You get to watch us twist your friend's wings off.” She digs a talon into your left wing, grabbing it and stretching it to its length. “I want you to take a good look, Dash, 'cause we're gonna do the same thing to you!” She then leans in close to you, whispering in a hoarse voice. “This is going to hurt you. And I am going to enjoy it!”

Just as she raises her other talon, a shrill whistle pierces the air. The greenhouse doors are shattered as Coach Cloudmane bursts through, leading a large group of uniformed pegasi.

“Everyone freeze!”

Gilda suddenly gasps, loosening her grip. 'You're kidding me!” The other griffons immediately release you, vaulting into the air. They fly around erratically for a moment, then, sensing no escape, slowly glide back to the ground as the uniformed pegasi surround them.

Coach Cloudmane flies right over to you. “Are you all right, son? Did you get hurt?”

“Just fine, coach. No worries.”

“Rainbow Dash told me everything. We came as quickly as we could.” He sighs, wiping his brow. “You did well, my boy.”

Further away, Gilda kicks and screams as she is dragged away, her fellow griffons already in chains. “You can't do this to me! How the hell did you even find this place?”

You hear a distinct chuckle nearby. You look up and see Rainbow Dash's head poking out of an open ceiling window. She gives you a wink, smiling from ear to ear, before flying off.


The Following Afternoon

“I'm here. I, uh, brought some notes from class.”

You stand before Fluttershy's hospital bed. Her wings are propped open, neatly wrapped in bandages. She looks at you but does not say anything.

“Um, I know you can't study like this very easily,” you say. Ugh, can I make this any more awkward for her? “But I figured I'd at least read to you everything we did.

Fluttershy's eyes shimmer. “I-I'm sorry.”

You cock your head to the side. “What? Why?”

“I believed all those horrible things Gilda said. I felt . . . so helpless . . . that I just hung on to everything she told me.”

You shake your head. “No, don't be sorry! You didn't do anything wrong!”

Looking away, Fluttershy sighs. “I've been betrayed so many times and stepped on by so many ponies. When you were nice to me, I was afraid, so afraid, that it was too good to be true.”

You place a hoof on the edge of the bed as Fluttershy softly weeps.

Between quiet sobs, she continues. “All those things she said . . . they were like nightmares. My worst nightmares, and I thought they were coming true.”

“Enough, Fluttershy! I'm the one who's sorry. It's my fault for trying to reason with Gilda. If it wasn't for me—”

She reaches a hoof out toward you, wincing as her wing is stretched. “No! Please, don't blame yourself! It's not your fault. She was out to get me, whether you did anything or not.”

You step closer, walking to her side. “I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can do to make up for this.” Gently resting your head on her bed, you close your eyes. It should be me in this bed, not Fluttershy.

You lie still as she places her hoof on your head, softly ruffling your mane. “You are the kindest, nicest pony I know,” she says. “That's enough for me.”

Several quiet moments pass next to Fluttershy. When her food arrives, you help her eat, her forelegs difficult to move due to their proximity to her injuries. Afterwards, you spend the next hour going over the day's classes, earning a few light-hearted laughs as you stumble through some of the more difficult portions of Classical Aeronautics.

With visiting hours almost over, you begin to pack your notebooks. As you root through your saddlebags, you pick out a small, distinctly purple petal, placing it on Fluttershy's bedstand.

Her eyes widen. “Is this . . .”

You nod, looking at the lone petal. “I've replanted your Heart's Desire in my room. By the time I did, one of its tiny petals had fallen.” You turn back to Fluttershy. “I know it has many, but I couldn't bear to have one go to waste, so I decided to keep it with me. You know, for good luck. Now, I think you need it for a little while.”

Fluttershy beams brightly at you.

“Well, I think it's lucky, at least. I didn't exactly ace today's Draconic Literature test, but I like to think it works.” You offer a nervous smile as a single tear runs down her cheek. As you get up to leave, you chance one more question. “Fluttershy, when will your wings recover?”

Her smile slowly fades. “They won't know for another week.”

“Why not?”

“I-I'm not sure.” She looks away.

You shake your head. “Don't worry. I bet everything will be fine.”

Fluttershy offers a meek smile as you leave the room.


Later That Night

Tap tap tap.

You stir in your bed. Cracking open an eye, you peek around. Scant moonlight from the window casts a pallid glow upon your room.

Tap tap tap.

No, that noise wasn't in my dreams, then.

One eye still closed, you summon the willpower to sit upright, pushing your bedcovers off. You check outside your window. A darkened silhouette of a pegasus stares back at you. I hope I'm still dreaming.

“Hey, open up!”

You unhinge the window and slide it open. “Rainbow-mane.”

“I-I just need to fly. I need to clear my head.”

You turn to your alarm clock with half-lidded eyes. “At two in the morning?”

“There's something about cutting through the cool night air. Soaring through the silent skies. Nothing but the moon and stars, nopony in sight.”

“Sounds like I would ruin that.”

She shakes her head. “I-I want to fly with somepony. The only other friend I had here wasn't really into night flying.”

I wonder why. You look at her as she draws her face into a desperate frown, ears hanging low. With a slow sigh, you shrug. “Well, I'm awake now. Okay, let's go.”

“All right!” Rainbow Dash somersaults in the air. When she comes to rest, she pokes her forelegs through the window. “C'mon, I'll pull you out.”

You stretch your wings, then approach the window, letting Rainbow Dash yank you out of your room. As you tumble outside, you flare your wings and catch the air, hovering before her.

“See? Easy. Just follow me, okay?”

Hooves outstretched, she streaks off into the night. You soar behind her, taking a deep, calming breath as the crisp night wind whips through your mane.

You match her movements as she surges high above Cloudsdale. Despite her incredible speed, you find yourself effortlessly following, the exhilaration of the flight purging your fatigue. Her expressions are pure; even at such a fast pace, she maintains a wide grin. You put on a quick burst of speed to bring yourself side-by-side with her.

Rainbow Dash turns to you. “Isn't night flying so awesome?” she yells.

You nod vigorously. Tears form at the corners of your eyes from the piercing wind, but you wear the same unbridled smile. You fly closer, wings lightly grazing her, as you each slow down to a more manageable pace. “You do this often, rainbow-mane?”

“I get this urge, this impulse to fly. It happens some nights.”

“Well, I'm glad you brought me along. I like it. Not sure how I'm gonna fall back asleep now, but I like it.”

Rainbow Dash wraps a foreleg around your neck, grinning once more. “Stick with me. I'll show you all sorts of cool stuff.” You keep smiling, the two of you now flying as one.

Releasing her hold on you after a few moments, she points toward a faraway mountain peak. “Come on,” she yells, “I'll race you to that mountaintop!”

“You're on!”


One Week Later

“All second-year students, please report to the academy auditorium. All second-year students.”

The school PA system crackles as the announcement echoes throughout campus. Almost immediately, your fellow Chemistry II classmates abandon their workstations, the air now humming with excited chatter.

You slip off your lab goggles. “Well, I guess we'll have to burn these crystals tomorrow.”

Your lab partner, Rainbow Dash, leaves her goggles on for a moment longer. “Aww! And we were just getting to the good part.” As she pulls them off, she glances out the window. “Hmm.”

“What is it?”

She doesn't respond as she leaves the classroom, motioning you to follow. Once you enter the hallway, Rainbow Dash hooks a foreleg around yours, pulling you away from the crowd of ponies working their way out of the building. “Hey, what gives?” you say.

“Let's skip the auditorium.”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“It's probably gonna be something lame like raincloud safety. Who cares about that? Besides . . .” She leans closer, nearly brushing against your face. “I wanna show you something cool.”