• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 9,422 Views, 527 Comments

Wingbury Academy - Chesterfeather

[2nd person] You've just transferred to a new school, but Rainbow Dash isn't making it easy.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Fight Fire With Fire!

Fluttershy sits on your bed, hooves held to her face. “I-I'm so sorry . . .”

Having told her the extent of her actions, you sit beside her and slowly rub her back. “Don't worry, Fluttershy. This isn't your fault at all. It's Rosewing, isn't it?”

She nods. Just how potent is this flower, anyway?

“How did this happen?”

With a deep breath, Fluttershy takes hold of your hoof in hers. “Two . . . two nights ago, I heard crying outside my door late at night. When I opened the door, Rosewing was sitting there. She started talking about you almost right away.”

“About me?”

“Yes. She said you two had been going out together, and she just found out you had been seeing Rainbow Dash too. She said she was heartbroken and needed somepony to talk to. That's when I noticed she was wearing the flower I gave you.”

“She stole that from me!”

She pats your hoof gently, but you sense her foreleg trembling. “I know. I didn't believe her, especially when I saw how the flower had been treated. I know you would never rip out its petals like that.”

All this time, she trusted me. You offer a wan smile, but it does little to calm Fluttershy.

“She told me about confidence. About being strong enough to take what you want. I didn't like what she was saying at all. Then she took out this . . .” she breaks away with a ragged gasp for air. “She took out this flask, and—”

“You don't have to say it.”

Fluttershy hides her face from you, breathing erratically. “She pushed me to the ground and h-held me down. I kept struggling but I couldn't d-do anything.”

“Stop, Fluttershy.”

“She forced it down my throat a-and—”

You grab her roughly. “Enough!”

Fluttershy continues to face away, now silent. As you hold her, you feel her shudder with each breath. She leans back against you as you cradle her with your forelegs, her breathing slowly returning to a normal pace. After a calm minute, she softly speaks. “I don't know what it did to me. When I came to, I was in Rosewing's room in the middle of the day and I could only remember bits and pieces of the morning.”

You stroke her mane quietly.

“She did this to me every day since,” she continues. “Before each drink, she told me, 'I'm doing this for your own good. You've always wanted confidence. I'm giving it to you.' And she kept telling me about you and how I needed to be with you. That I needed to do something about it. I guess I eventually did.”

You gently turn Fluttershy around. Tears along her cheeks, she looks at you with reddened yet still eyes.

She lowers her voice to a whisper. “I can never forgive her for what she did, but if she had never done this, then I would have never realized how much I . . .” she says, her voice becoming too soft to follow.

“Realized what?”

She gives you a wistful look, then shuts her eyes, shaking her head slowly.

You rise off the bed. Rosewing has done unspeakable things. To me. To Rainbow Dash. To Fluttershy.

You look back at her. As she rubs her eyes, you clench your teeth. I don't care what Rosewing has been through. I don't care about doing this the right way. I'm going to make her pay.

“Fluttershy. Let's go to the library right now.”

She gives you a puzzled look as she wipes away the last of her tears.

You hold your head high as you continue. “All this time, I thought we had to snare Rosewing by proving her guilt in everything she's done. Instead, we'll have her do it for us. We're going to research a little chemistry.”

“Chemistry? It's past midnight. We'll get in trouble for sneaking into the library!”

“It's nothing I haven't done before. Which reminds me . . .” You trot over to a nearby shelf and grab a flashlight, tossing it into your saddlebag. “We'll probably need this, at least.”

As you slide your window open, Fluttershy tugs on your tail. “Wait! Why do we need to study chemistry?”

You turn around and flash her a triumphant grin. “We're going to mix Rosewing a special drink. And I need your expertise.” You fly out the window. After a moment's hesitation, Fluttershy slowly follows.


Although an unceremonious entrance, the two of you tumble into the library's third floor through the roof access. “All right, we're in.”

Fluttershy glances around. “Are you sure we should be doing this? I'm nervous.”

“Don't worry. Nopony is here. We just have to find everything we can on Heart's Desire.”

“The flower?” She points toward the darkness. “The academy has a section dedicated to botany in the back.”

“I'll light the way.” Flashlight in teeth, you lead her to the bookcases near the far end.

Within moments, she has already collected a half-dozen books on rare flora and herbalism, piling them on a nearby desk. “These should have what you're looking for.”

You set the flashlight down. “You must read about plants often.”

“I have to. I take care of most of the plants in the greenhouse.” She places a hoof on one book, Modern Herbology. “I haven't read them all, though.”

After lighting a nearby lantern, the two of you begin poring over each book, searching for anything that involves Heart's Desire in any way. “Here's something,” you say, scanning the pages quickly. “ . . . rare plant . . . one year to bloom . . . hmm, says here it's dangerous to ingest on its own. Need to mix it with other ingredients or it causes some kind of 'aptitude pox reaction.'”

Fluttershy's face faintly glows as the lantern's fire flickers. “I'm not sure what that is.”

“I don't think this book will help.” You shrug, picking up another book and rapidly leafing through it. As you work through its pages, you hear Fluttershy briefly squeal. “Did you find something?” you ask.

“Yes!” she exclaims. “Here, here.” She guides your hoof to her open book, Ancient Equestrian Potionmaking. “It's mentioned several times.”

You lean over. This is pretty old. The pages are musty and frayed. According to the book, Heart's Desire has many applications. Depending on the ingredients used, it produces a variety of effects. “There are several recipes here.” You read aloud to Fluttershy.


Synthesizing the following agents results in a dangerous concoction. When consumed, this elixir drives one to lust over the first living being they see.

Heart's Desire (2 petals)
Stonemurk (3 leaves)
Mireling powder (2 ounces)
Crushed Spelltuft root (1 ounce)

“No, this isn't it,” you say, turning the page to the next recipe. “Although it's certainly a scary thought.”


The careful mixture of the following agents produces a powerful solution, forcing the imbiber to act without restraint in pursuit of what is desired the most. The effect is so strong that one's consciousness is severed from the body's actions.

Wild Whisperwind (1 stem)
Heart's Desire (3 petals)
Toothpetal (1 root)
Ashflower ash (3 ounces)

You look at Fluttershy. “That must be what you drank.”

Even in the dim light, you see her crestfallen face as she remains silent. Your eyes wander further down the page to another familiar recipe.


The characteristic draught of the Heart's Desire plant is the tonic of truthtelling. The following agents combine to form a volatile compound that lasts for one day before losing potency. Drinking this potion obscures the mind, resulting in the inability to tell any falsehood.

Heart's Desire (1 petal)
Darkrose (5 petals)

Fluttershy looks at you expectantly. “Yes?”

You shake your head. “Just these two ingredients . . . but this is the one I'm looking for. Can we make it?”

She looks out a nearby moonlit window. “We have several Darkrose in the greenhouse.”

“And Heart's Desire?”

She hesitates for a few seconds. “Yes. Shall we make it?”

Nodding, you begin packing away the books, tucking the copy of Ancient Equestrian Potionmaking into your saddlebags. “Let's go.”


Inside the greenhouse, Fluttershy wastes no time getting to work. She plucks two Darkrose and strips their petals, a stoic look across her face. As you search the grounds for some Heart's Desire, you hear Fluttershy grind ingredients inside a mortar.

“Fluttershy, we still need Heart's Desire. I can't find any.”

“Oh, it's okay. I've already added the petal.”

You cock your head. “Where's the flower?”

“Don't worry,” she says, giving you an awkward smile. “It's all taken care of.”

While she grinds, you formulate your plan. “We just need to find a way to get Rosewing to drink this. When will you see her?”

“At lunch,” says Fluttershy, still working. “She has me visit her room.”

“I think that'll work. Would it be natural for you to bring her lunch?”

Stopping for a moment, she thinks to herself. “Yes, I think so.”

“Okay. When this is done, we'll pour it into a small bottle of juice. What does she usually eat?”


“Then I'll pack some for tomorrow. We'll meet in front of her room. After she drinks it, we'll guide her to the academy officials and let the rest work itself out.”

Pacing between floral displays, you nervously wait for Fluttershy to finish brewing the tonic. Minutes later, Fluttershy walks toward you, gently carrying a small vial filled with a nigh-translucent pink solution.

“Fluttershy, thank you.”

She sets the vial down and shakes her head. “It's my turn to be confident. And I have faith in you.”

You give her a warm smile. “Be careful until tomorrow, okay? I'll see you then.”


The Next Day

This is it.

You stand before Rosewing's door in the mares' dormitory, minutes after the start of the academy lunch period. Fluttershy gently pokes your shoulder. “Um, are you sure she will drink this? Maybe we should think of something different.” She takes a cautious step back.

“No, no, we have to take care of this now,” you say. “This drink will only last the day, and we can't make any more. Just act . . .” you trail off, thinking. “Just act the way Rosewing would want you to act.” You give Fluttershy a soft nudge forward.

“Um, okay.” She softly knocks on Rosewing's door. No answer.

“She didn't hear you, Fluttershy.”

She tries once more, this time a bit louder than the last knock. As you hear hoofsteps within, you quickly hide behind a nearby corner, poking your head out.

The door creaks open. Fluttershy gasps. “I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.”

“Flutters, Flutters,” says Rosewing. “You came back on your own this time. And you brought me lunch! I take it things went quite well last night.”

“Y-Yes,” she stammers, taking a careful step inside the doorway.

“Tell me, when you came to, were you in the loving hooves of an appreciative young colt?”

“Yes. It was, um, nice.”

“Good, good. That's what I wanted to hear. Come, Flutters, sit.”

Fluttershy turns around slowly, giving you a worried look before shutting the door behind her. You briskly walk over and press an ear against it, but can only listen for a few seconds before a voice from down the hall startles you. “What are you doing in the mares' dorm?”

You quickly turn around. Rainbow Dash glides down the hall wearing a confused look. You raise a hoof to your lips and shoot her a fierce glare, but she doesn't stop her advance.

“You know, you can get in trouble if you're here without an escort.”

“Not so loud,” you whisper.

She frowns. “What's the deal, anyway? Rosewing in there?”

You back away from the door and softly speak into Rainbow Dash's ear. “Rosewing forced Fluttershy to drink something to alter her mind. That's why she's been different lately.”

“No way!”

“Yes! And now it's her turn to drink. We made a truthtelling tonic.”

Rainbow Dash pauses for a moment, then gasps. “You can't!”

“Lower your voice!” you harshly whisper. “She'll hear us.”

“Forget it!” Rainbow Dash pushes you aside and violently knocks on the door. “Rosewing! Stop! Don't drink—”

The door clicks open. Fluttershy awkwardly exits the room, a hazy-eyed Rosewing slowly ambling behind.

Rainbow Dash takes a step back. “Hey, are you okay?” she asks.

Rosewing casts her a slow, lazy gaze. “No. Don't . . . don't ask me anything, Rainbow. Just walk away.”

Eyes narrowed, Rainbow Dash immediately turns toward you. “I can't believe you! I never expected this from you!”

“This is the only way!” you yell back. “Why would you even defend her?”

“Look, I don't like her, but I don't want to hurt her.”

“We're not hurting her. We're learning the truth.” You turn around. “Rosewing. Tell Rainbow Dash what you did to Fluttershy.”

“I poisoned her. I held her down and made her drink something to give her what she wanted. The confidence to kiss this loser colt.” Rosewing points at you.

Rainbow Dash flinches. “Why?” she asks. “Why would you do that?”

“Because of him. I wanted to pull him away from you, so I used her.”

“I don't understand.”

“If I could get him to fall in love with her, then you would be all mine.”

“No,” says Rainbow Dash, stepping backward. “That . . . that doesn't make sense.”

“I want you, Rainbow Dash. Everything I ever did to you, everything I did to your stupid friends . . . I did it because I wanted to make you mine.”

A tear rolls down Rainbow Dash's cheek. “Why couldn't you just be nice? That's all you needed to do. When you told me about your wings, I wanted to believe you were a good pony on the inside. I wanted to be your friend, Rosewing! Why didn't you just let me be your friend?”

“My wings . . .”

“Yeah. That's it, huh?” Rainbow Dash leans into her face. “Your messed up wings. Is that why you acted this way?”

A small chuckle escapes from Rosewing. “My wings are fine. They're not messed up at all. I lied to get special treatment. I lied to get other ponies to feel sorry for me.”

The color drains from Rainbow Dash's face.

“I lied to get you to do what I wanted.”