• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 9,422 Views, 527 Comments

Wingbury Academy - Chesterfeather

[2nd person] You've just transferred to a new school, but Rainbow Dash isn't making it easy.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Lost Bits

One Week Later

“D-Did you make the team?”

Fluttershy leans forward as you scan the list of student names on the wall.

“Yep! Team number one.” Three teams per school and three ponies per team. That leaves nine slots. And I'm on the top team!

You hear a soft “woo-hoo” from Fluttershy as you take another peek at the list. “Looks like practice starts this afternoon. And my teammates are Fairweather and . . .” You clear your throat, stepping back.

“You can't read it?”

“I don't want to read it.”

Fluttershy floats closer to the list and reads, “Rainbow Dash.” Well, it can't all be peaches and cream.

“It's all right,” you say. “She's a good flyer, at least. That's for sure.” Fluttershy nods.

The two of you slowly glide along the hallways of Thunderhead Labs on your way to your next class. As you travel, you notice her flight a bit more jittery than usual. “Something wrong?”

“Oh, n-no. Nothing.” Her mane covers her eyes.

“Sorry about missing lunch with you today. I needed a little extra help with Early Equestrian History, and one question after class turned into ten.”

Fluttershy's stomach growls.

You cock an eyebrow. “Uh, how was lunch, anyway?”

“I didn't eat. Um, I wasn't hungry.”

“Oh. What did you eat for breakfast?”

“N-Nothing. I wasn't hungry then either.” Her stomach gurgles once more.

You stop moving and put a foreleg out in front of Fluttershy. “Why didn't you eat anything today?”

She sinks down to the floor as her wings droop low. Looking down, she mumbles something you can't hear.

“What was that?” you say.

“I couldn't afford it.”

“Oh. Did you forget your bits in your room?”

“I . . . I lost them.” Fluttershy shivers for a moment, then begins crying. “No, I didn't l-lose them. They were s-stolen from me!”

“Fluttershy, this is serious! How were they stolen?”

“G-Gilda. She's a griffon. She backed me against the wall and f-forced me to give them to her. She said she w-wants even more from me. I don't know what . . .” The rest of her speech becomes unintelligible.

A large part of you wants to say that she needs to be assertive and strong, but you realize this isn't the time for lessons. “Look. You need to tell somepony at the academy about this.”

“No! I c-can't. The last time I tried to get help, she t-terrorized me for weeks. I just can't!”

All right, plan B. “Then we'll talk to her ourselves and get your bits back.”

“She's horrible and m-mean! We can't talk to her. She'll—”

“We can, and everything will be fine.” You rear your legs, fanning out your wings. “I don't care who it is. We'll confront her together and get your bits back!”

Fluttershy sniffles but doesn't say anything in response. You glance at the hallway clock. “Uh, after class, that is,” you say, rubbing your neck. “We'll meet at the greenhouse, okay?”

As you rise up into the air to fly off, Fluttershy looks up at you. “You're a r-really nice pony. You're not going to turn into Rainbow Dash, are you?”

That bully. No, that nightmare. She used to be her friend, then betrayed her. “Never, Fluttershy. I promise.”


With the last class of the day all wrapped up, you surge across campus toward the academy greenhouse. Although used to grow mostly Everfree plants for study and observation, it was usually empty—except for Fluttershy, who often spent her free time there. Makes sense, I guess. This place is at the far edge of campus, away from everything else.

Upon arrival, you enter quietly. The greenhouse seems to exude an aura of warmth and calm. You sniff the air; a fragrant aroma wafts throughout. “Hello? Fluttershy?” you call out.

You hear a soft melody being whistled. Walking deeper into the maze of green, you see Fluttershy's beaming face, smiling from corner to corner as she tenderly attends to a row of flowers. About her are several butterflies, flitting with the same grace as your yellow pegasus friend.

“This is amazing! Everything here is so serene,” you say, matching her smile.

“I'm glad you finally came to see it.” She floats toward you. “When I'm here, I don't have to worry about anything.” I'm glad Fluttershy can come here. I just wish she didn't need to have a sanctuary in the first place.

“We'll get you your bits, but first . . .” You produce a daisy sandwich from your saddlebags, hoofwrapped in plastic from this morning. Fluttershy's eyes widen. “I usually keep something extra with me just in case, and you really should eat. So, here.” You place the sandwich on a nearby table.

“Oh, I can't take that from you! You didn't eat lunch either.”

“You really have to,” you say, shaking your head. “I've had breakfast, at least. It's not healthy for you to go all day without eating.”

She gives you a soft nod, then looks behind her. With a flourish, she flutters into the air and vanishes deeper into the greenhouse. A moment later, she returns with a delicate, purple flower in her teeth. “Th-This is for you.”

Fluttershy gently floats closer, holding its stem out for you. Gently, you pluck it from her mouth. As your face brushes against hers, a rush of nervousness and excitement washes over you.

“This is, um, Heart's Desire. It's rare and takes a long time to grow. I planted it last year in this greenhouse, and it finally bloomed yesterday.”

“You're giving this . . .”

“Please take good care of it,” she whispers, blushing.

“I-I will!” You tuck it away in your saddlebags, using care to ensure it won't be crushed. Fluttershy slowly begins eating, already glowing with renewed vigor.

Between bites, she looks over at you. “Thank you for the sandwich. I hope you're not going to be hungry at wingball practice.”

“Don't worry about it! I'll be just . . .” Oh crap, practice! “Fluttershy! I'm going to be late for practice! I'm so sorry, I forgot!”

You unhinge your saddlebags, placing them inside a storage bin. “Uh, as soon as we're done, I'll come right back for you, okay? We'll take care of Gilda together.”

“Okay. I'll wait for you.”

You jolt into the air and out of the greenhouse.


“Figures that Fairweather would be feeling under the weather.” Rainbow Dash looks at you with half-lidded eyes. “I bet he isn't really sick.”

Having arrived at wingball practice just in time, you join up with your assigned team, only to find that your third team member is out with the featherflu. Leaving me stuck alone with everypony's favorite pegasus.

Rainbow Dash continues, “How are we supposed to practice strategy with only two ponies? The first match of the season is in two weeks! We have to plan formations. Hey, are you listening?” Well, at least she's talking to me again.

“Nothing we can do now,” you say. “Let's just practice tackles.”

Rainbow Dash groans loudly. “That's not going to get us anywhere! Besides, I've figured you out. You can't outfly me anymore.”

“Oh, yeah? Why don't you show me?” You fly high above the field. “Come and get—”

Before you can finish, Rainbow Dash rockets forth. She stops mere inches away from your face, then taps you on the head. “Consider yourself tackled.”

“Okay, point made, rainbow-mane. If formations are so important, why don't we practice a two-pony formation for now?”

“I guess that's all we can do. I'll ask one of the assistant coaches for a ball.” She streaks away in a spectrum of colors.

You look around the stands; there are a surprising number of students that have come to watch the academy's first wingball practice session. These ponies must take it pretty seriously. Scanning the stands, you spot something distinct, a figure that seems to stand out. A griffon—hey, that's Gilda! Perfect! I'll take care of this right here, right now. You cut across the field, heading straight for her. As you land, she flinches, taking a step back.

“Whoa!” Gilda yells, raising a claw in defense. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”

“Gilda,” you call out, raising a hoof toward her, “we need to talk. Return Fluttershy's bits.”

She scoffs and turns her head away. “You've gotta be kidding me!”

“This isn't a joke. Give them back!”

She gives you a cockeyed stare. “What's a namby-pamby pony like you going to do about it?”

You spread your wings wide and bare your teeth. What do you think?

Gilda slowly smiles. “Okay, okay! Fine. I'll give them back! Getting pestered by losers is not worth it,” she says, shrugging. “So, where is she?”

“The greenhouse.”

“Good. Then I'll go pay her back right now. Satisfied?” Not waiting for a response, she fans out her wings then streaks away in a powerful gust of wind. See? All it takes is a little assertiveness and initiative. I wish Fluttershy were here to see this. You dust off your hooves in victory when a voice catches you from behind.

“What're you doing here in the stands?”

You spin around. Rainbow-mane.

Rainbow Dash floats before you, wings flapping, forelegs crossed. “We're here to practice, not socialize.”

“Sorry, I was just—”

“You don't even care about wingball!” she says. “You don't take practice seriously, and I haven't seen you at the field all week. Why'd you even join the team? You're just going to bring us down.”

“And why do you care, rainbow-mane?”

“Because I hate losing.”

“I realized that last week, when I whipped your flank at tryouts.” Oops, couldn't resist!

Rainbow Dash snarls at you. “That's not even the point. You don't have any teamwork experience. You're not even that fast—you're just an egghead that joined the academy last minute!”

“An egghead? I wish. I almost blew up Highwind Hall during Chem because I couldn't figure my way around the lab equipment. I don't think I'm allowed to turn on the gas nozzles anymore.” I wish that was a joke.

She snorts in laughter. “You serious?”

“Yeah. I just get by in my studies.”

“Then how the hay did you get into Wingbury so late?”

You point toward the field. “Wingball. Coach saw me in Manehattan and worked me through admissions. I'm going for an athletic scholarship. That's why I won't bring the team down.”

“Figures.” She flips her mane. “Just don't get in my way. I need to win.”

I can't take any more of this stuck-up pony. “I don't get it. Why do you act the way you do?”

“Excuse me?” Rainbow Dash flies up to your face.

“It's like you don't give a flying feather about anypony.”

“It's either pick on others,” she says, raising a hoof toward you, “or get picked on yourself. That's how it is.”

“Then why were you so nice to me on my first day? Why would you help me in the first place?”

“I didn't know who you were. I didn't know you were the transfer.”

You throw your hooves in the air. “Why should that make a difference?!”

She turns around, facing the field. “I didn't want to be seen hanging out with some blank flank loser.”

That's it. “Oh, that makes sense. I'm just not cool enough for you or your cool friends. I feel a lot better now—thanks, rainbow-mane!”

“It's not like that!”

“No, it's exactly like that. But you know what? I don't care. I thought you were really nice, but all you care about is yourself.”

“Hey, I did you a favor! I could have beaten you up!”

“Oh, thank you so much for sparing me! I could really feel the love. What a hero you are!”

She leans back, mouth agape. As she floats in the air, stunned, several ponies from the stands take notice of your argument and fly over.

Rosewing emerges from the crowd, laughing. “What're you doing with this loser, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash looks at you with narrow eyes. “I'm gonna wipe the floor with his flank.”