• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 2,901 Views, 224 Comments

The Alicorn Academy - kudzuhaiku

Four Alicorns, four students, each Alicorn taking on a personal protege, each with a different lesson to teach. What will the four students learn?

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Remembering Twilight's Lesson

Ivy hung upside down from a tree branch by her tail. She clutched a watering can in one of her hind claws. It was half full and sloshed a bit as she squirmed.

She was surrounded by those she loved, and those that loved her.

She was suspended above a garden. Her garden. Celestia stood nearby, covered in grass stains, with a disheveled Twilight by her side. Her mama stood next to Twilight.

All around her were faces, looking at her. She swallowed.

Hanging upside down was the best way to get the blood to her brain, allowing her to think. Her mind raced. She fidgeted nervously, causing the watering can to slosh some more. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

“Climbing Ivy,” Twilight began, “do you remember your lessons?”

Ivy remained silent. She closed her eyes, trying to will the words to come. She felt something close around one of her ears and give it a gentle tug. She turned her head and opened her eyes, seeing her father. He was rightside up, just the way he should be. Ivy felt better.

“I remember my lessons.” Ivy stated.

“Well?” Twilight asked.

Ivy reached down with her claw, gently caressing a pea plant. The side of her talon-finger stroked a leaf, her claw angled away from the delicate greenery.

“I can guide growth,” Ivy started, her voice rising slightly, “I can encourage growth.” Ivy paused, feeling the plant spring to life at her touch. It grew visibly, several pea pods growing exceptionally large. “But I must never corrupt growth.”

One of the pea pods was as large as a regular sized cucumber now.

“I am Climbing Ivy, and I must be content with small magic. I can enhance nature, increase its potential, but I must never work against nature.” Ivy took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.

“And who has taught you these lessons?” Twilight asked.

“You Twilight. You explained to me the nature of my magic.” Ivy paused and reconsidered, remembering what Twilight had rehearsed with her, and Ivy made a decision to go against what Twilight had instructed her to do. “And my father, Discord, has taught me why I should be content with small magic, and has given me good reason and understanding as to why I should never corrupt nature. It will lead me down a path from which I might not return.”

Ivy opened her eyes, and looked at Twilight. Twilight’s eyes were misty.

Ivy tilted the watering can in her hind claws, letting some water sprinkle down.

The peas below her had grown immensely. She plucked a cucumber sized pea pod and held it in her talons. She held it for a moment, feeling its heft.

She held out the pea pod to Celestia.

Celestia stepped forward, and took the pea pod with her magic. She looked down upon it, feeling a faint hint of awe. She had lived for a very long time and moments like these were rare and treasured.

The pea pod didn’t feel corrupted. Celestia probed with her strongest magic, taking in the pea pods essence.

It was just a pea pod. A very large pea pod. It wasn’t a flesh eating pea pod, or a poisonous pea pod, or even an exploding pea pod which might kill a pony or a creature that ate it.

Celestia looked at Ivy fondly.

Chaos magic lingered in the pea pod. Celestia reflected upon this. It was neither good nor evil in this state, it simply was. Like a storm that formed over the sea randomly or a rainbow appearing from a waterfall. Random magic produced by nature, wild, untamed. Raw.

Celestia lifted the pea pod to her lips, pausing. It smelled like a pea pod.

Celestia took a bite.

One enormous pea snapped from the pod, along with the outer flesh of the pod itself. It was sweet. The pea popped in her mouth. It was, quite possibly, the finest pea she had ever eaten. She imagined them hot, but not mushy, with lots of butter, salt, and pepper.

“Climbing Ivy, filly of Fluttershy and Discord, student of Twilight Sparkle, I would like to accept you into the Alicorn Academy, a school for those with gifts of magic.”

Celestia gazed into Ivy’s eyes.

“Would you like to come and be a student?” Celestia asked, her tone gentle and inviting.

Fluttershy buried her face against Twilight and started weeping.

Ivy listened to her mother’s sobs and hung there thoughtfully.

“I guess this means leaving home.” Ivy said in a small but brave voice.

“Yes.” Celestia stated. “It does.”

“And remembering my father’s lessons, I know how badly things could turn out for me.” Ivy paused, reflectively. “I wouldn’t learn from my father’s mistakes if I kept myself stupid.” Ivy continued, scowling at her own words. They didn’t sound quite right, but she didn’t know how else to say them.

“Are you saying that you want to take responsibility for your actions Ivy?” Celestia commented.

Ivy thought for a while before giving an answer. “Something like that. I think. I have a lot of ponies that love me. I can say that I love them back, or I can show them. By being grown up and doing the right thing.” Ivy scratched an antler. Something still didn’t feel right.

“That’s my sugarbooger!” Applejack exclaimed.

Ivy suddenly flooded with relief. Applejack, always honest, was never one for false praise. Ivy almost cried from relief.

She felt forelegs wrapping around her and squeezing. Her father. His embrace was warm. Ivy took shelter in it.

“Ivy.” Discord’s voice tickled her ear, causing it to flicker. He dropped his head even closer, letting go of her completely.

“My beloved Ivy, I need for you to remember something.”

She nodded, unable to speak.

“You are the only one in the world that is rightside up. It is everypony else that is upside down.” Discord whispered faintly.

Ivy took in her father’s nonsensical wisdom. She was going to have to spend some time thinking about what her father had said.

“Your father knows what he is talking about.” Celestia said faintly. “Your perspective and your viewpoints are an asset. Do not forget them.”

Ivy looked at everypony around her. So many hopeful eyes.

“Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“Yes Celestia?” Answered Twilight.

“You have made a fine selection.” Celestia turned to look at Twilight.

“I know.” Twilight said confidently.

Author's Note:

It was so satisfying filling Celestia's mouth with delicious green pea-ness.

This chapter was always intended to a short transitional chapter so the main bits of the story could get a move on. But it was a moment that I wanted acknowledged.

The next chapter involves more trains. And a social worker with a motherly cutie mark.