• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 2,899 Views, 224 Comments

The Alicorn Academy - kudzuhaiku

Four Alicorns, four students, each Alicorn taking on a personal protege, each with a different lesson to teach. What will the four students learn?

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Brimstone Becomes Tangled Up In Ivy

The four companions sat at a table, looking out over their notes, pondering their shared assignment. It was a struggle to pay attention, to even think at all. Celestia’s assignment about Starswirl’s unification theory now seemed more important than ever, given everything that had happened.

There was a new sense of unity now, Minerva reflected. Sure, the Collective loomed as an elusive threat, and she assumed that there were still trouble makers out there somewhere, but in the castle and all around them, there was this strange new feeling that they were in this together. Much had changed, Minerva mused. She pondered her new sense of calm. She had protected Hoodwink. Minerva, tiny scared Minerva, had leapt into action and had saved a friend. Minerva Silvermane had made a difference.

It had caused her confidence to soar, and her companions had noticed.

Hoodwink leaned against the table, looking at all of the notes, most of them Brimstone’s. Brimstone and Minerva had a talent for notes that she did not. It had caused her some guilt for some time, as she felt that she wasn’t contributing her fair share. And then Hoodwink had discovered quite by accident that she could condense Brimstones long and detailed notes into something brief and readable, but still containing most of what was needed to convey the message.

Hoodwink was a natural born editor.

She slashed through Brimstone’s garrulous and verbose treatises the way Daring Do slashed through hostile jungles. She did it with a certain sadistic glee, chopping the words away, sometimes cruelly, with Brimstone protesting and lamenting every lost word. Hoodwink’s vocabulary had increased considerably over the past few days, having to flip through the dictionary, trying to make sense of what Brimstone had written. She had to frequently dig out the old dictionary too. The really old dictionary. Ye Olde Canterlot Dictionary. It was dusty. And smelled funny, the yellowed pages making her want to sneeze. She hated Brimstone just a tiny bit, resented him for making her learn the meaning of words like enculturation and acculturation, and how they pertained to the tribes coming together. She had to understand words like cultural fortification and ethnocentric animosity. Minerva kept waking her up and telling her that she was mumbling ‘Brimstone words’ in her sleep. Hoodwink felt like she could speak a different language now. Never in her life had she felt like she was talking to somebody who spoke a different language while speaking the same words. Not until she had met Brimstone. Minerva was pretty wordy as well, but Brimstone had her beat. By a longshot. Brimstone didn’t need his magic gas to kill ponies. No, Brimstone could bore a pony to death. By passing it a note. She lifted her gaze and glared at Brimstone. Brimstone could make a statue crumble from boredom.

Brimstone noticed Hoodwink’s gaze, feeling her eyes burning into him. She had been doing that a lot lately. He cringed. Perhaps if he looked apologetic, Hoodwink wouldn’t so badly butcher his carefully created and lovingly crafted notes.

What Brimstone didn’t know was that his notes were better than any assignment turned in by other students in class. And neither did his companions. Brimstone was buried under the crushing worry that he was going to fail, and that his mother and his aunt would be disappointed in him. And so his friends had tried to help him, all of them struggling to come up with a paper that was worth turning in.

Ivy’s tail began to scratch away at a scrap of paper with a pencil. Brimstone eyed it as it happened.

The paper said “Ow.” Nothing else. Written in beautiful flowing script. Ever since Ivy’s tail had discovered pencils, it occasionally liked to get a few words in. Ivy had no idea how it was possible, and it had even baffled her teachers. They had tested her. With a blindfold.

“Ivy, you alright?” Minerva asked.

“I’m fine.” Ivy replied, her voice sounding a bit more like its usual tone. “Just tired. I think.”

“Your tail says otherwise.” Brimstone said.

“I’m sore. I think I’ve been sitting too much. I’m not used to all of this sitting.” She eyed the wooden beams above. “Don’t feel up to hanging though.”

Brimstone scowled.

“Ivy, you don’t have to stay at the table with us.” Hoodwink said. “I’ve seen you up there, hanging, with a clipboard held in your hind feet so you can write. We know that you do your part. You don’t have to stay down here with us and make yourself uncomfortable.”

Ivy shrugged. “I’m fine.”

Minerva pushed some notes around, shoving a pile toward Hoodwink. “These need to be translated.” Minerva said, causing Brimstone to whine pitifully.

“Gimme those!” Hoodwink said, pulling the notes in.

“Hoodwink, be gentle!” Brimstone pleaded.

“No.” Hoodwink said, glaring at Brimstone.

Hoodwink looked at the notes. “Some of these are yours Minerva. And you’ve packed in some extra words.”

“I like watching you work.” Minerva said with a grin.

“You are a horrible pony.” Hoodwink said. “I’m telling Cadance.”

“No!” Minerva protested.

Ivy’s head hit the table with a thump.

“Ivy?” Hoodwink asked, nudging her with her hoof. Ivy was next to her, on her own cushion.

Brimstone and Minerva waited for a response.

“Climbing Ivy, speak to me this instant.” Hoodwink demanded.

“I’m hurting.” Ivy said.

“Hurting where?” Hoodwink asked, her tone becoming remarkably like her mentor’s gentle voice.

“It’s embarrassing.” Ivy said. “I’m hurting down there.” She added in a low voice. She clutched her stomach with her talons.

Hoodwink gently leaned Ivy back away from the table. She looked down and gasped.

Blood was on Ivy’s pillow. A small but steady trickle emerged from down below.

“Brimstone.” Hoodwink said, taking charge. “Run. Go get Celestia. Or somepony. Tell her that Ivy is bleeding. From a delicate place. Go. Now!”

Brimstone was on his hooves in a moment, pausing for only a moment at the door. He looked at Ivy, his face covered in grave concern, and then he was gone, galloping down the hall as fast as his gangly legs would take him.

Minerva fought to retain her calm, slowly coming around the table and sitting next to Ivy, throwing a foreleg around her shoulders. “Ivy.” Minerva soothed. “Celestia will be here before you know it. Why didn’t you tell us you were hurting?”

Ivy shrugged limply. “I didn’t know it was this bad.” She offered weakly. She leaned on Minerva.

“You’re cold Ivy.” Minerva said, pulling her friend close. She saw the blood and felt a twinge a panic.

And then anger. With her self. Ivy hadn’t thought twice about the blood when Minerva had been bleeding. Minerva steeled her resolve. The panic fled her body.

Hoodwink clutched them both.

Later… Much later…

Brimstone paced back and forth outside of the door. It was locked. He could hear voices inside, talking in low tones. Ivy was on the other side. It was driving him crazy. Minerva and Hoodwink sat huddled together on a sofa nearby.

Brimstone gave a faint knock, hoping that this time, it would be answered. He had knocked before. And the door did not open. Celestia had told him quite some time ago that he needed to be patient.

Brimstone was normally quite patient.

But not now.

“Brimstone, come over here and sit with us. Please?” Hoodwink pleaded.

Brimstone growled with increasing frustration. He stomped away from the door. He strode through the room, reaching the door and the hallway on the other side. He turned. He scraped the carpet with his hoof, testing traction, snorting, kicking out a hind leg, flexing his muscles.

He bolted forward with sudden speed, causing Minerva to cry out. He crossed the room in mere moments, and, at the last moment, angled his head away, slamming into the door with his shoulder. He bounced away, leaving the door unharmed. He fell to the floor, gritting his teeth, trying not to cry, out of both frustration and pain.

The door opened and Celestia stepped out. The door closed behind her. She looked down at Brimstone. There was a faint hint of anger upon her face. Brimstone stared up at her, defiant, his crimson eyes glaring with repressed rage.

Celestia’s look softened and she looked sad.

Brimstone rose to his feet, never averting his gaze.

He glared at her silently.

“Brimstone.” Celestia said gently.

“I can’t take it anymore!” He shouted.

“I know.” Celestia said, hoping that a gentle answer would turn away wrath.

“I need to know what is happening!” Brimstone demanded.

“We would all like to know what is happening.” Hoodwink said. “It has been a long time. We have tried to wait patiently. You haven’t been fair with us.”

Celestia stood there, looking at her student.

“Is Ivy OK?” Minerva asked.

“We cannot just keep sitting out here while Ivy is suffering!” Brimstone shouted.

“Ivy has been made comfortable. I promise you nephew, Ivy isn’t suffering very much.” Celestia said, hoping her gentle tones would have the desired effect.

“Then make us comfortable!” Brimstone growled. “We’re suffering too!”

Celestia frowned, her wings fluttering slightly and her brow furrowing. She took a deep breath.

“Ivy is growing up. Her body is trying to adjust and make changes, to prepare for when she reaches adulthood, even though it is still years away.” Celestia looked down at the angry yellow colt before her.

Brimstone stomped. “That doesn’t tell me very much.”

“Brimstone, this is very personal and private. Please try to understand.” Celestia said patiently.

Brimstone glared up at her.

“Don’t be so angry Brimstone.” Celestia said.

“I can’t help it. Ivy means a lot to me. I don’t want her hurting. So much has happened. I need to know she is alright. I’ve got all these feelings and I don’t know how to say them or talk about them. I’m angry and confused. And I want Ivy to be alright.” Brimstone’s angry face softened slightly. His ears dropped. “I’m sorry.” He said, dropping his head and avoiding his aunt’s gaze.

“Ivy is trying to pass an egg. It is very difficult and hard upon her body. She isn’t quite old enough but it has happened anyway. Probably due to the stress of everything that has happened, possibly jump starting her innate need to survive. Dragons have odd physiology. I’m not fully certain what is going on.”

“Ivy has an egg?” Minerva asked.

“Will it hatch?” Hoodwink added.

“No.” Celestia said, before more questions could be asked. “It is a false egg. Like chickens lay. Her body is simply trying to prepare for what comes later. She has been sedated slightly and has been given some painkillers. She’s drowsy and she slips in and out. She was sleeping peacefully until there was a thump upon the door.”

Brimstone looked guilty and his whole body slumped.

“This is awful.” Brimstone said in a small voice.

“No.” Celestia replied. “This is a happy occasion.”

“How is this a happy occasion?” Hoodwink asked.

Celestia took a deep breath and prepared herself for curious foals. “Ivy’s mother died giving birth. There were complications. Live birth presented an overwhelming number of problems for Ivy’s mother. Many of those problems could have been avoided if Ivy had been hatched. From an egg.”

“I still don’t understand how this is a happy occasion.” Hoodwink replied.

“It means that Ivy will be able to have offspring with out terrible risk to herself.” Celestia said.

Brimstone’s backside fell to the floor with a thump. He sat there, looking very confused, bewilderment contorting his face, his mouth left hanging open.

“Ivy is oviparous.” He finally said, closing his eyes.

“Brimstone, you need to stop reading and spend more time doing other things. As your aunt, I worry.” Celestia prodded him gently with a hoof. “Really. A foal your age shouldn’t know the word oviparous.”

“Since Ivy is awake, may I please see her?” Brimstone begged. “Please? I know I’ve been bad and I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking anyway.”

Celestia nodded.

“We want to see her too.” Minerva said. “But we’ll wait here and let Brimstone have a chance to speak with her. I think he needs a moment.” Hoodwink nodded.

Brimstone rose, took a few steps towards the door, and paused. The door opened. The room was dark. He felt a hoof on his backside, shoving him gently toward the door. He swallowed, suddenly gripped by a terrible fear.

He stepped through the door, trying to let his eyes adjust to the dim light. A yellow pegasus smiled at him warmly. Around her was coiled a long serpentine figure. He licked his lips, suddenly feeling nervous.

“Do come in.” said the yellow pegasus, her nose crinkling slightly but her smile never breaking.

“Yes…” said the serpentine figure, “lets have a look at you. I can smell why Ivy likes you.” The figure said, his tone faintly teasing.

Brimstone suddenly wanted to bolt out the door, but that wasn’t possible. Celestia stood firmly behind him. He heard a click as the door shut. He looked at the bed, and saw Ivy, her head on a pillow, covered in blankets.

“This is Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness.” Celestia said, introducing the yellow pegasus. “And this, this is Discord, father of Ivy.”

Brimstone gulped. He stood there staring at them. He wasn’t even sure why he was scared. Terrified. What he was feeling was completely unknown.

“You saved my precious little monster.” Discord said. “Thank you. She talked about you when she was at home, visiting us after, well, everything that had happened.”

“Ivy isn’t a monster.” Brimstone said, his voice faint, his words catching in his throat.

Discord snorted, rolling his eyes. “You say that now, but wait till she eats your pottery.”

“Discord, now is not a good time.” Fluttershy said gently. “If you don’t mind behaving. Just a little bit. If that would be OK.” She added.

Discord coiled around Fluttershy a little more, gently moving, so her head could rest more comfortably against his side.

“You make such nice furniture.” Fluttershy complimented.

Brimstone slowly approached the bed. “Ivy?” He asked.

“My Prince?” Ivy said, her voice slurred.

Brimstone was taken completely off guard. He hadn’t expected this. He struggled, trying to find words to say.

“Are you hurting?” He finally asked.

“A little. Sometimes. It comes and goes.” Ivy took a deep breath. “I want popcorn.”

“Popcorn?” Brimstone said, confused.

“Pop pop. Popcorn.” Ivy said, as though that explained everything. “I’m hungry.”

Brimstone stood there, bewildered.

“She is heavily medicated.” Celestia said. “We didn’t want her hurting. This experience shouldn’t create a bad memory for her. It wouldn’t be fair for her later.”

Brimstone reared up on his hind legs, resting his forelegs on the bed. He pushed his head forward towards Ivy.

“You’re my best friend Ivy.” He said, suddenly wishing he understood what he was feeling.

Ivy giggled, smiling, showing double rows of teeth.

“I’ll tell you a secret.” Ivy said conspiratorially.

Brimstone leaned in closer, trying to listen.

“You’re not my friend.” Ivy confided.

Brimstone felt his heart sink. His world began to crash down around him.

“You are the most important treasure in my hoard.” Ivy said, smiling, her eyes wandering in different directions. “Special.” Ivy moved with surprising speed given her state, and planted a kiss on his nose. “Every dragon has to have something extra shiny.”

Brimstone stood there, utterly confused, his emotions completely unhinged by everything that had just happened. His heart began to thud painfully in his chest. He leaned against the bed, staring at her, not knowing what to say. He heard a faint giggle from Fluttershy’s direction.

Brimstone stood there, his mouth hanging open, unable to say or do anything. He struggled to do something, anything, something other than stand there and look like an idiot.

He failed.

Ivy began to make an odd sound, a rumbling throaty sound, soft, faint.

She was asleep.

He eased himself off of the bed, backing away.

“A stinky chunk of Brimstone is a fine addition to any dragon’s hoard.” Discord said, chortling. Fluttershy tittered at his words.

Brimstone stood there, his cheeks suddenly ablaze, a fire raging behind the skin of his face. He was completely at a loss for words. He was utterly confused. He turned to look at Celestia, who was smiling at him.

No, Brimstone realised, smirking at him.

The heat in his face doubled. He no longer wanted to be in this room.

His brain recoiled.

“My nephew is now part of a valuable collection.” Celestia faintly teased.

It was too much. Brimstone wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Heat built in his face, reaching alarming levels. His ears burned. Was it possible to die from embarrassment? Brimstone didn’t know, but he felt that he was about to find out.

No words could escape his throat. He stammered for a few moments, his mouth open and closing, thinking about the kiss planted on his nose.

Celestia was still smirking. Her eyes merry and full of happiness.

Brimstone felt the pressure building inside of him. He felt faint.

He suddenly exploded.

Celestia stood in the room, utterly shocked and surprised. Fear had filled her the instant Brimstone’s horn had glowed and she had placed a protective bubble around Discord and Fluttershy.

Brimstone had just vanished, exploding into a cloud of extra foul smelling green smoke. Harmless green smoke, Celestia noted. Well, mostly harmless. The foul miasma lingered and for a time, Celestia worried if she would ever be able to remove this new stench from her gleaming white coat. This new stench made Brimstone’s usual feculent funk smell fresh as a daisy. She gagged.

Discord chortled while Fluttershy coughed, and then gagged.

“That smells fantastic!” Discord said. “I wish Ivy was awake to smell this. It’d make her feel so much better.”

Celestia struggled to keep the contents of her stomach in check. Draconic entities, she thought to herself. Ivy would probably enjoy this horrible new stench.

“I can taste it!” Gagged Fluttershy.

Brimstone exploded back into existence, falling from some height, landing on top of his mother, who was very, very surprised and shocked to see him.

And smell him.

Strange new pain wracked his body.

Luna coughed and gagged, hacking, struggling in the battle to keep down the breakfast she had just eaten as the sun had been setting.

She lost her battle, her head lurching forward as the Princess of the Night created a new galaxy of recently eaten scrambled eggs with diced green chili peppers.

Luna struggled to regain her dignity as she snorted a troublesome chunk of chili pepper out of her nostril.

“Brimstone!” She cried, in a strained voice, feeling him on her back. He was hugging her long neck.

“Oh by the stars you STINK!” Luna shouted. “This is an all new level of olfactory offensiveness for you!”

“I exploded!” Brimstone tried to explain in a breathless exclamation.

“You finally winked like a proper unicorn!” Luna said, feeling an odd mix of joy and nausea. “You teleported!”

She stood there, her nose burning from both the stench and the lingering heat of chili peppers still lodged deeply in her sinuses.

“HUZZAH!” Luna shouted, causing the nearby windows to rattle alarmingly.

“That was winking?” Brimstone said. “Felt like I exploded. Hurts. I didn’t want to be there anymore and I don’t know what happened.”

“Winking always hurts the first few times.” Luna said. “You get used to it though. Becomes second nature to a unicorn that can wink.”

Luna coughed again, her eyes watering. The stench was deplorable and the air was still filled with a rotten green smoke.

“My colt can wink.” Luna said triumphantly. “Stink-wink.” She added.

Her stomach lurched.

One galaxy collided with another.

She lifted her head once again in triumph.

“You are mother’s little mephitis majoris! I am going to make a constellation for you to celebrate this occasion!”

“A skunk?” Brimstone replied.

“My skunk!” Luna said proudly.

Luna paused.

“What happened?” She asked, worried slightly, wondering why Brimstone would need to wink.

Brimstone explained everything that had just happened to his mother…

Quite sometime later…

Brimstone sat waiting in a small but comfortable room in his mother’s chambers. It was a new day. Hoodwink and Minerva were with Ivy. He took comfort in that.

He was about to have visitors, but he didn’t know who. He reclined on a sofa, looking at the painting on the wall. It was a moonlight night over the suggestion of trees. Faint outlines. Shadows. Not actual trees, just the general shape of trees. The real focus was on the stars and the moon.

It was beautiful, like his mother. Dark. Shadowy. Somewhat mysterious.

Luna was asleep, smiling, a look of indescribable joy on her face. He had seen it while he had been ushered into this small room to wait, when Celestia had led him in. She had wanted him to be in a place he felt safe and secure. For whatever reason. He didn’t know.

The doors opened and two alicorns entered. One pink, the other purple.

Cadance and Twilight Sparkle.

He nodded his head in greeting.

Both of them looked at him, smiling.

“We need to talk Brimstone.” Twilight said, smiling.

“Yes.” Cadance said. “Consider this a special lesson.”

Brimstone froze. Suddenly, he wanted to be elsewhere. What were the Princess of Love and the Princess of Magic doing here? A nagging suspicion formed.

“Oh no,” said Brimstone, “no embarrassing talks needed. I know all about how little foals are formed and I am not some innocent little colt.”

Cadance tittered softly, smiling, her eyes going wide. “I told you he’d figure us out Twilight.” She said, a faint teasing tone in her voice.

Twilight smiled distractedly.

“Really, there is no need for this.” Brimstone said.

“Oh, but there is.” Cadance said gently.

“Yes,” Twilight agreed, “there is much to be said.”

Brimstone groaned and wondered if he could make himself stink-wink again. These two deserved a gassing.

He worked up his best glare and turned his baleful crimson eyes upon them.

It did nothing.

He scowled.

“Equestria needs you.” Cadance said, her face suddenly very serious.

“You. You are putting me on. Trying to pander to me, hoping that I will do something you want. Cease being duplicitous and get to the point.” Brimstone said in aggravation.

“I told you so.” Twilight muttered to Cadance. “You owe me a milkshake.”

Cadance scowled.

“Equestria really does need you.” Cadance said again. “There is a unique opportunity here. We would like to ask you for your help. Ivy is a unique creature of draconic heritage.”

“Which is Twilight’s area of specialisation and study.” Brimstone interjected.

“Allow me to finish.” Cadance asked politely.

Brimstone nodded in agreement.

“Ivy is very infatuated with you, as I am sure you know.” Cadance said, her tone hopeful. “And I know that you feel something toward her. You are still young, but probably just old enough to understand that something is there. I can sense it. It is very strong and it comes from your heart. I felt it in the Crystal Empire, when you were there, and I can feel it now. And it has grown. A lot has happened in a very short amount of time, and you are probably struggling to understand what you are feeling. And how it affects you. Am I right?”

Brimstone nodded, silent.

“Ivy has been in and out, talking to Celestia in her medicated state. She has very strong feelings towards you. Exceptionally strong feelings. Very possessive feelings.” Cadance paused and looked at Twilight.

“We heard about what was said to you.” Twilight said, picking up where Cadance had left off. “Dragon hoarding can lead to problems. Sometimes. There can be issues.”

“Does this have something to do with Ivy’s egg?” Brimstone asked.

Twilight looked flummoxed. “Maybe,” she said, “I hadn’t thought about it. Spike grew alarmingly when he felt greedy. Ivy may have experienced a surge of adulthood.” Twilight scowled. A notepad popped into existence and she began to scribble something down.

“Anyway,” Twilight continued after a moment, “Ivy has become very possessive of you due to her feelings of infatuation. There is some mild concern about how she may behave. There is a lot we don’t know. And we’d like to know. But we can’t do that alone…” Twilight looked at Brimstone meaningfully.

“There is much that both of us would like to know for our studies, student of Luna.” Cadance said.

There it was, Brimstone thought. He’d been waiting for something like this. He took a deep breath.

“You want me to keep notes about my budding relationship with Ivy.” Brimstone stated in a knowing voice. He took a small amount of smug satisfaction in beating them to their delivery. And also the pun. “So you can study them. Figure out love and how it develops. How it grows. Between species. You want my perspective, and you think you can talk me into it because I am one of your students.”

“We hope that we can convince Ivy to do the same.” Twilight said. “Discord isn’t very forthcoming with information and he isn’t a good study subject for a variety of reasons.”

“Such as?” Brimstone asked. “If I am to be part of this, I want you to be upfront with me. Or no deal. No holding back. If you do, than I will.”

Cadance’s mouth fell open with shock, her ears folding back. Her eyes widened.

“Discord has a greatly altered state of mind due to living for thousands of years. He has suffered horribly and his mind was terribly corrupted by his magic. It would only produce flawed results if he agreed to share with us. Which he hasn’t. He is very secretive and private about his love for Fluttershy.” Twilight took a deep breath. “On the other hoof, Ivy is young. A blank slate. In the throes of her first infatuation. She views other ponies as her hoard, something we haven’t really experienced or had a chance to study. And you are her favourite trinket.”

“So am I to recreate your friendship studies as I try to figure out Ivy, making notes about our personal and private discoveries?” Brimstone asked. “Am I not allowed to go through the embarrassing and awkward moments of my first crush alone and unmolested, able to just enjoy it as it happens?”

“Nopony is forcing you to do anything.” Cadance said guiltily. “If you say no, there will be no consequences and nopony will be angry at you.”

“But there will be consequences.” Brimstone said.

“I assure you, there will not.” Cadance assured.

“And I know for certain there will be.” Brimstone retorted.

Cadance became flustered and made a most unladylike wordless utterance.

“Knowledge lost has consequences.” Brimstone said flatly. “Like burning a book or ignoring a rare once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Twilight smiled in relief.

“I consent.” Brimstone said. “But I want access to your findings. Ivy and I both. Full disclosure.”

Cadance nodded. “Thank you Brimstone, for being reasonable.”

“Yes,” said Twilight, “thank you Brimstone.”

That afternoon…

Ivy sat up in the bed. She felt weak and woozy. And a little sore. She had trouble focusing her eyes. Before her, sitting on a small pillow on a tray, was her egg.

It was lumpy and somewhat misshapen. Like her father’s pottery. It was somewhat metallic. Woven through the shell were bits of copper, silver, and gold. A faint flicker of gem flakes sparkled. It had been cleaned up and brought to her.

Brimstone sat on the bed close by, close enough to touch. He was silent. Her parents were close, sitting together, as they almost always were, watching her. The room was crowded with those she loved, and those who loved her.

Celestia stood looking at her.

“What do I do with it? Ivy said, her voice still somewhat slurred.

“What would you like to do with it?” Twilight said from her chair in the corner.

“It won't hatch.” Ivy said.

“No.” Celestia said. “It will not.”

“It is just a little part of me.” Ivy said.

“Every part of you is important.” Minerva said.

“Yeah.” Hoodwink agreed, stepping closer toward the bed.

“Perhaps the best part of you.” Brimstone said, his voice low.

“I dunno that I understand Brimmy.” Ivy said, wobbling slightly.

“You can take something very small and precious and place it inside of an armored shell, to protect it and allow it to grow, until it is large enough to hatch. And then be protected by you.” Brimstone said, his voice choked with emotion. “You are going to be a good and protective mother someday Ivy.”

Ivy began to sob slightly, as did her mother.

Discord looked on, his face unusually serious, stroking his chin with his griffon talons.

Ivy pulled Brimstone in for a hug, squeezing him, and ending it with a light kiss on his cheek.

Brimstone sat next to her, blushing.

“Twilight?” Ivy asked, trying to regain control.

“What Ivy?” Twilight said.

“Can you study it without breaking it?” Ivy asked.

“Of course Ivy.” Twilight said. “I doubt it will break easily. Dragon eggs are magically hardened. It takes strong magic to make one open and hatch.”

“I’d like to know more about it.” Ivy said. “What it is. How it is made.”

Ivy fell over backwards suddenly. She lay on her back, looking upward. “I feel funny.” She commented. She giggled for a moment, tears still on her cheeks. “When you are done studying it, I’d like it back. My dolls can keep it safe.”

“I have to be an eggsitter?” Discord asked. Fluttershy poked him with her hoof. “Do I get a nice apron?” He asked with a faint cackle. Fluttershy was about to give another poke when Ivy giggled. Fluttershy scowled, but her hoof retreated. “You’re lucky mister.” She said in a faint hiss.

“Brimstone?” Ivy asked.

“Yes Ivy?” Brimstone replied.

“Will you be my special somepony?” Ivy asked sweetly.