• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 2,899 Views, 224 Comments

The Alicorn Academy - kudzuhaiku

Four Alicorns, four students, each Alicorn taking on a personal protege, each with a different lesson to teach. What will the four students learn?

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Background Pony Interlude

Applejack lay on her back, staring up at the clouds, which is mostly all she did these days. Her hair spilled around her neck and shoulders, free from her usual ribbon. A long stalk of grass was in her lips. Her hat lay nearby. Her stomach was large and round, which Pinkie Pie had said made her look like a pumpkin with legs.

Maplejack lay napping by her side, his little freckled face resting on her hat.

A squat looking blue grey pony cautiously approached Applejack, head low, his wheat coloured mane covering most of his face.

“Stumpy.” Applejack said.

The stallion froze, not saying anything, not moving, waiting.

“Get on over here,”

Stumpy slowly approached, nuzzling Maplejack as he did so.

“How’s applebuckin’?” Applejack asked, knowing that she wouldn’t get an answer. Not from Stumpy.

Stumpy stood there and shrugged, and then looked off into the vast orchards. The trees were beautiful, and some were still full of apples.

The stallion crept even closer to Applejack, sneaking a kiss on her cheek.

“How’s babybuckin’?” He asked, his voice a low whisper.

Applejack’s eyes flew wide open in surprise upon hearing his voice. She wrapped her forelegs around the stallion’s neck and hauled him in for a loud wet kiss.

Stumpy was stunned, as always. He stood there, trying to regain his senses.

“Babybuckin’ is just fine. We have ourselves a good crop I think. Doctor says twins again.” She laid her head back on the ground and resumed cloud watching. “I’m gonna be laid up completely in a another month or two. Again.”

There was a thunderous crack overhead, causing Maplejack to awaken with a cry.

“That’ll be trouble.” Applejack drawled.

Stumpy took off with a trot, off to find chores.

Maplejack crawled up against his mother and snorted, angered from being awoken from his nap.

A rainbow coloured blur flew overhead, stopping suddenly over Applejack.

“Applejack, I’m so glad I found you.”

“What’s wrong now Dash?” Applejack asked.

“Who said anything is wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked, her tone wavering.

“You only come here when you’re in trouble.” Applejack drawled, yawning.

Dash landed, walking over to Applejack. She touched her friend’s belly with a hoof, and then she sat down next to Applejack.

“Jackie?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah Dashie?”

“I need to ask you to forgive me.”

“Why’s that sugarcube?”

“I haven’t been a very good friend. I’ve been a lousy friend. You’ve been down here, having foals and trying to make a family and run a farm and I haven’t been here for you.” Rainbow Dash hung her head dejectedly.

“We lead very different lives Dashie. You’re up there chasin’ dreams, I’m down here makin’ my dreams happen. We went different ways. I’m still your friend. Life’s just changed. That’s all. Fluttershy and I have more in common now I reckon. We’ve become a lot closer. More like how you and I used to be.” Applejack said, her voice slow and measured.

“Used to be?” Rainbow Dash said in a pained tone. “I’m a lousy Element of Loyalty.”

“So what’s the trouble Dashie?” Applejack asked, getting to the point.

“Who said there’s trouble?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Dash, I ain’t in the mood. Get to the point. And I’ll help you anyway I can.”

“I’m in trouble Applejack.” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“I knew that. Now get to the goldurn point. I’m cranky.” Applejack drawled.

“Applejack, I, uh, well, you see,” Rainbow Dash stammered, “I quit the Wonderbolts.”

“Say again?” Applejack demanded in surprise.

“I quit. The Wonderbolts. It’s over. I punched Spitfire in the nose and left her a bloody mess. Probably broke another academy record. I got sick of how she treated ponies. I was angry because of what they did to Soarin’ after his back got hurt that last time. They’re all awful ponies and I just couldn’t stand to be around them anymore.” Rainbow Dash took several deep breaths.

“Good for you, Dashie.” Applejack said, a certain happiness in her tone. “Those Wonderbolts were jackanapes. And you were startin’ to become one yerself.”

“I know…” Rainbow Dash rasped. “But there’s more.”

“In some trouble for punching somepony in the snotlocker?” Applejack asked.

“No Applejack.” Rainbow Dash answered. “I went out last night after it happened. Went drinking with Cloud Crasher. You’ve met him once. He’s a little younger than me. A recruit. He can make rainbooms. We went drinking and he quit because I quit, and one thing led to another and I really don’t remember what happened but apparently we flew to Los Pegasus and got married and I can’t remember any of it and I woke up this morning and found out and we both saw the marriage license in his saddlebag… We were in the same bed Applejack! And we both sort of freaked out and we’ve been playing a supersonic game of hide and go seek all morning and I’m sick of running away.” Rainbow Dash fell silent.

Applejack lay there, staring upward, saying nothing. She lay there for a long time.

“Dashie?” Applejack said softly.


“Pick up Maplejack and hold on to him for a moment. You’ll feel better.”

Rainbow Dash snatched up the foal in her forelegs, rocking back and forth on her haunches.

“Now Dashie, tell me, what are ya doin’ here in my orchard on yer honeymoon?”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, her face contorting as her brain melted down. Maplejack yawned broadly, seemingly unconcerned about being held by a pony in the middle of a nervous breakdown.

Silence fell upon the orchard.

The two friends sat there, Applejack staring up at clouds, and Rainbow Dash clutching a foal to her chest.

“Dashie?” Applejack finally asked.

Rainbow Dash said nothing.

“Time to settle down and do the right thing Rainbow Dash.” Applejack drawled.

“What’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What do I do?”

“Figure out your marriage. If you really want to break it off, do it, but remember, this time you’re hurtin’ another pony. Get your life sorted out. You were right for ditchin’ the Wonderbolts. Time for somethin’ new.” Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash and smiled faintly. “And come home Dashie. I’ve missed you somethin’ awful. Everypony has. Stop being a stranger.”

There was a loud crack overhead, causing Rainbow Dash to nearly jump out of her skin.

“Oh no!” Rainbow Dash moaned.

“Dash, don’t you dare fly away.” Applejack warned.

A stallion approached. He was charcoal grey and had a cinnamon coloured mane.

“Rainbow?” He asked, approaching slowly. “Ma’am.” He said, looking at Applejack.

“Ya got manners.” Applejack said, looking back skyward.

“I’m sorry I freaked out Cloud Crasher.” Rainbow Dash said in a strained voice.

The stallion said nothing but looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still holding Maplejack. They stood there, looking at one another for several minutes.

“You could try complimentin’ her. She’s got a big ego.” Applejack said helpfully.

“Yes ma’am, I know that.” Cloud Crasher replied.

“Oh!” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“Rainbow Dash, we need to sort this out.” Cloud Crasher said in neutral tones.

Rainbow Dash clutched the foal in her forelegs, burying her muzzle into his mane. She inhaled deeply.

“No.” Rainbow Dash said.

Cloud Crasher hung his head.

“There’s nothing to sort out.” Rainbow Dash said. “I freaked out. I over-reacted. I think we both did. But let’s face it, you and I have been chasing each other for a while now. The Wonderbolts can get stuffed. We’re better fliers. Faster fliers. I say we form our own team and compete. And after we’ve had some fun showing off, we can settle down and raise some really fast foals. And that’s all I’ve got to say about the issue.”

“Dashie,” Applejack said, “I’m about six up on you. Ya better get to babybuckin’.”

“Twins again?!” Rainbow Dash replied.