• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 2,900 Views, 224 Comments

The Alicorn Academy - kudzuhaiku

Four Alicorns, four students, each Alicorn taking on a personal protege, each with a different lesson to teach. What will the four students learn?

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Selecting Students

Four Alicorns gathered in a room. The room was small and cozy. A small table was in the center of the room, with cushions around the table. The cushions were occupied. Tea was set out upon the table, with things to eat and drink, cakes and tiny sandwiches.

On each wall of the room there hung a tapestry, each tapestry behind the princess it represented.

Behind Celestia, a symbol of the sun with two guard helmets set on either side. It was simple but the message was clear. Celestia was not one for complicated symbolism. She liked to make her point clear and simple. The white fabric was every bit as spotless as the alicorn it represented.

Behind Luna was a black tapestry with a crescent moon. Silver stars adorned the blackness. But if you stared at the image for a while, it would shimmer, warp, and shift, with the image becoming that of a massive lunar pegasi, standing majestically, with something awful and indescribable crushed under its hoof. And then the image would shift back, teasing the viewer.

Behind Twilight was a lavender tapestry with the image of her cutie mark, with a stack of books and a pile of scrolls. A set of scales stood near the reading materials, with the sun and the moon inscribed on the scales, passing one another in an eclipse.

Cadance’s was pink and seemed to radiate soothing warmth. In the center was a crystal heart. Below that were the images of several ponies. Two slightly larger ponies posed as adults, standing with two small foals between them. To stare upon the tapestry for too long caused an aching need for love and family.

Celestia chewed a bite of cake thoughtfully, looking at the ponies gathered around the table. Cadance was delicate and gentle, as always, taking tiny bites and little sips, her manners demure and perfect. Luna gobbled with gusto and enthusiasm in between sentences animated with hoof-gestures. And Twilight. Of all of Twilight’s lessons, table manners had always been a weak point. She scarfed and gobbled down a small pile of cakes. There was frosting on her nose.

The group was relaxed. Informal. It had taken a long time to reach this point, with Luna and Cadance taking the longest time to warm to one another. Genuine affection was present in the room, shared by all of them.

Celestia cleared her throat and took a sip of tea, lifting her head high.

“I believe it is time for a change.” Celestia stated.

The others paused, each turning to look at Celestia.

“As all of you know, I have taken on another personal student. A protege. Somepony that I believe is gifted and could do great things for Equestria.” Celestia smiled, a hint of pride animating her features. “And after a great deal of consideration, I would like to request that all of you do the same. I would like for our students to work together. I would like for all of us to teach, pass along important lessons that we have learned. To shape and mold Equestria’s future. Equestria has enemies. While we prosper, there are those that look upon on and covet what we have.”

There was an exchange of nods around the table, and the clink of silverware and teacups.

“I strongly suspect that I know who Luna will officially select as her student, but I am burning with curiousity to know who you two may have in in mind.” Celestia said, gesturing at Cadance and Twilight.

Cadance swallowed and cleared her throat softly, the sound like a small bird taking flight.

“There is already a filly that I have been helping. She has an odd gift. There’s been a bit of trouble.” Cadance’s eyes opened wide, her ears perked forward.

Twilight coughed lightly.

“Her name is Minerva Silvermane, from the Silvermane family. I should probably point out that all of the Silvermanes have odd talents. They are an odd family of crystal unicorns, and loyal supporters to the crown.”

Celestia smiled as Cadance seemed to stall.

“She, um, uh...” Cadance’s composure broke, a rare occurrence.

Twilight coughed and stared at something interesting on her plate.

“She opens doors,” Cadance said finally, “she has a keyhole as a cutie mark.”

“Doors?” Luna inquired.

Cadance hemmed and hawed.

“Did something happen?” Celestia said, getting to the point.

“Well, uh, you see, Minerva opens doors. She can enter into one door frame in one location and emerge through another doorway in a different location, just as easy as stepping through the door.” Cadance raised her head, looking directly at Celestia.

“So long distance winking? Teleporting?” Luna asked.

“No.” Cadance replied.

“Then please explain.” Celestia implored.

“She opens doors. And can go to other places. She stepped through one door and accidentally ended up beyond the mirror.” Cadance’s voice trailed off into a low whisper as she spoke.

Twilight let out a very unladylike grunt.

“Twilight and I had to go fetch her.”

“What? How? The mirror cycle takes a long time… How were you able to go and fetch her?” Celestia asked.

“Twilight tampered with the mirror. It took some magical tinkering but she made it work. It responds to Twilight’s commands now. We went through the mirror and found Minerva. Her magic doesn’t work in that world. She couldn’t open a door and return. She was terrified and confused.” Cadance looked at Twilight, who was ducking her head low and avoiding Celestia’s gaze.

“Twilight Sparkle, is this true?” Celestia inquired.

Twilight nodded.

“Twilight, please, look at me. Do not be ashamed. I’m not angry.”

Twilight looked up at Celestia as she squirmed on her cushion.

“You found a way to alter the mirror.” Celestia stated. It was not a question.

Twilight nodded.

“And you crossed over with Cadance to retrieve a lost foal?”

Another nod.

“And all of this happened, and neither one of you thought to contact Luna and I?”

“We didn’t want to trouble you, we were confident that we could resolve the issue ourselves. We did. We came, we found, we returned. It was my responsibility and Twilight helped me out of a terrible mess and it was intended to be a secret between sisters.” Cadance explained in a huff, her usual carefully measured words gone from her.

Celestia and Luna smiled.

“I am impressed.” Celestia said finally.

Twilight took a deep breath and stuffed a whole cucumber sandwich into her mouth. She chewed with relief, taking solace in food.

“I have no idea what Minerva is capable of,” Cadance stated, “but she is a deep well of raw magic. I believe that her talent should be explored, so it can be understood. I’ve had Twilight researching old records and notes, and nothing like this has ever been put to paper before. It is a talent that seems unique among talents. I’ve been schooling Minerva on magical theory already, when I have spare time. I’m not very good at magical theory...” Cadance finished with a mutter.

“We all have our strengths and weaknesses.” Luna said.

“What does a former pegasus know about magical theory?” Cadance asked. “I’ve been worried that I’m doing more harm than good. Strong magic in the Crystal Empire is rare. Mostly, the unicorns there shape and mold both rock and crystals. There is very little variation. There is nopony else in the Empire capable of even beginning to understand Minerva’s potential.”

“Which is why I’ve made my proposal,” Celestia said, “so exceptional students can be nurtured. We are in a unique time for Equestria, with four of us.”

“I’m not even sure I understand Minerva’s talent. It is beyond my scope and scale.” Twilight offered.

Celestia paused, thoughtful. That was a rare admission from Twilight.

Cadance pursed her lips and looked at Luna.

“How is Brimstone?” Cadance asked.

“Angry.” Luna said without thinking of a better reply.

“Angry?” Cadance asked.

“Well yes. All his talent allows him to do is sit and make stink all day, occasionally gassing other ponies. But he’s showing promise.” Luna beamed.

“How so?” Cadance asked.

Luna leaned forward, a smile spreading over her face, her eyes widening. “Not long ago, under intense concentration, he released a cloud of sneezing gas. Nightfisher and Hailstone sneezed for hours. It is a major breakthrough. He can do more than just make strangling gas. We’ve been trying to encourage him to see if he can make sleeping gas. And Nightfisher believes that he could magically create the gas we need that makes the airships fly.”

“That’s amazing!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I’m so proud of my foal.” Luna stated.

Luna paused.

“My ward.” She corrected, looking sad for a moment.

“The magistrates can go get stuffed.” Cadance said, an unusual edge in her voice.

“Now now,” Celestia soothed, “the magistrates make sure the ponies that are our citizens have a say. We have a constitution now. And they feel that an adopted foal does not make for a possible heir. We must respect their decision.”

Luna sighed.

“But privately amongst ourselves, we all know that Brimstone is Luna’s foal. She has been exceptionally patient with him, did what was believed to be impossible, and saved him from a terrible fate. Luna isn’t going anywhere. Who falls next in line doesn’t matter.” Celestia reached over and nudged her sister.

“And the magistrates do not want another Blueblood situation.” Luna added.

There was a shared cringe, wings fluttering, ears flattening, sour looks all exchanged, all at once.

“Brimstone is nothing like Blueblood. Brimstone is smart. Witty. Considerate.” Luna scowled. “Blueblood is none of those things.”

“Moving on,” Celestia interjected, “Brimstone isn’t just smart. We’ve had his IQ tested. My nephew is off the scales, just like Twilight.” Celestia beamed at Cadance, and then Twilight.

“He lacks magic though,” Luna said dejectedly, “all he can do is make clouds. No levitation, no fine manipulation, nothing. He shows no signs of ever doing any of those things.”

“There is more to a unicorn than just magic…” Twilight mumbled around a mouthful of scone.

“That’s very nice of you to say Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said.

Twilight swallowed, annoyed. “ I mean it,” Twilight stated, “if I get in a pickle, I want Rarity with me. While she has some magic talent, her creativity is far more valuable and useful than any spells that she might cast. Rarity can think her way out of trouble. And has. Many times. She can think of what to do when I am falling apart from the pressure. I can’t even begin to count how many times Rarity has pulled my backside out of the fire. I trust in her friendship first, and her thinking second. Her magic is barely even considered.”

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said, her voice rasping slightly, “for giving me some insight.”

Twilight stuffed an entire slice of jam and bread into her muzzle. She smacked her lips and began to chew.


“Yes Celestia?”

“Are you alright?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Are you eating for two?” Celestia accused bluntly.

“NO!” Said Twilight defensively.

Celestia smirked gently.

“High level magic requires a high level of calories to fuel. I’ve been experimenting. I have to keep eating or else I become terribly fatigued and I begin to lose cognitive functions. I become a little neurotic.” Twilight smacked her lips and licked the jam from her muzzle.

“If you were eating for two, it would make me very happy…” Celestia teased.

Twilight glared at her former teacher and stuffed a pimento cheese sandwich into her mouth.

“I don’t have time for romance.” Twilight grumbled around her mouthful of food.

“Oh, I MAKE time for romance,” Cadance said, “Shining and I both get grumpy if we don’t get our personal time.”

“Ugh,” Twilight grunted, “well I don’t have much time to spare. And now I’ll be taking on a student. A group of students. It is going to cut into my personal studies.” Twilight paused, a shrewd look on her face. Her eyes narrowed and she did her best to look clever.

“Which reminds me,” Celestia commented, ignoring Twilight’s theatrics, “any ideas for a student Twilight?”

Twilight wiped her muzzle with a napkin, her face breaking into a grin. She had just thought of a way of having her cake and eating it too. She looked down at the tea cakes on the tray in front of her.

“I do infact, have somepony in mind.” Twilight said, snatching a tempting tea cake with her magic and studying it. “How many calories do you think this is?” She asked, becoming distracted.

“Twilight!” said three alicorns.

Twilight stuffed the tea cake into her muzzle, chewed a few times, and swallowed. She was aware of three pairs of eyes staring at her. She took a private moment of smug satisfaction in making them wait.

“Climbing Ivy.” Twilight announced. “I’ll take her on as a student.”

“Twilight,” Celestia interjected, “as much as I love little Ivy, she is not a unicorn.”

“A unicorn is more than their magic, and magic is more than a unicorn.” Twilight said, sitting up straight and preparing herself. “Ivy has magic. She grows plants. It isn’t harmonious magic like we have, but it is magic. I’ve been studying her for quite some time. Like Brimstone, she can’t levitate things, or manipulate things, or any number of other spells a unicorn can learn, but she can summon nullfire and grow plants. She is a magical creature of unique dragon heritage. Her gifts should be studied and encouraged. If I take her on as a student, I can continue my study of dragons and find time to be a teacher.”

Celestia said nothing, but looked at Luna.

“Ivy is more than she appears.” Twilight stated. “In observing her, I’ve learned a great deal about how forest dragons might affect their ecosystem. When she climbs trees, her claws pierce the bark, causing sap to run to the surface. Bugs eat the sap. The trees grow thicker bark, becoming hardier. Some bugs help to spread pollen. She encourages natural plant growth. But she can also grow plants by focusing her will upon them.”

“Besides. Having a school for gifted unicorns and not allowing other creatures entrance is speciest, which I feel is even worse than tribalistic views. We have enough enough troubles right now with tribalism, due to The Collective.” Twilight spat out the last word like a curse.

“Celestia,” Cadance said softly, “it would go a long way in showing solidarity. A public example. Peace between the tribes and peace between the species.”

Celestia paused, thoughtful.

“We must lead by example.” Luna commented thoughtfully.

“Ivy is not a unicorn. Magical theory is pony-centric. The field of magic study is focused around how unicorns summon magic and channel it. I’m not sure how Ivy would fit in to a school specialising in unicorn magic.” Celestia said. “I don’t know what we could teach her.”

“I had serious doubts about what could be learned from a study of friendship,” Twilight commented, “I thought that friendship being magical was sentimental tripe. Magic was something that could be studied and measured. Friendship didn’t seem very scientific.”

“Ivy has chaos magic.” Luna said flatly. “Small magic that can influence the world around her and change things from one state to another. We know very little about this kind of magic, and what little we know is theory or learned from observing Discord. Our perceptions may be tainted because of our observations of Discord. If friendship can influence and effect harmony magic, what might it do for chaos magic? And, more importantly, we don’t want Ivy feeling isolated or unwelcome, shut out. Discord started out with minor alteration magic. What we choose today could have a profound effect on everypony’s future.”

Celestia shuddered visibly.

“I don’t understand something.” Cadance said, butting in.

“What?” Luna asked.

“Unicorns can grow plants.” Cadance said.

“Yes they can.” Luna replied. “But the food, even if edible, is horrendous. Tastes foul, looks bad, and it is not life sustaining. If you try to survive on it, you will sicken and die. Which is why we need the earth ponies and their passive magic they have, and their connection to the earth.”

“Also,” Twilight added, “one very important thing to note. It takes more calories to make the magic to try and grow the food than the food is capable of returning, resulting in net loss, meaning that unicorns trying to magically grow food will starve to death.”

“So Ivy is different somehow?” Cadance inquired.

“The food Ivy grows is delicious. I’ve eaten it.” Twilight replied. “I’ll admit, I was nervous the first time after my own failed experiments. I’ve managed to grow food that actually tastes halfway decent, but was nutritionally worthless.”

“I still have doubts.” Celestia said.

“Ivy has a cutie mark.” Twilight offered. “And cutie marks are harmonious in nature.”

“Really?” Celestia said. “Ivy has a cutie mark? And nopony told me?”

“She does. I’ve seen it. I was there when it happened.” Twilight said.

Celestia took a long sip of tea and reflected. A cutie mark on a creature of chaos. It struck her as being particularly chaotic. It worried her slightly. It challenged everything she thought she knew about the world.

“It is a little sprouting bean,” said Twilight, interrupting Celestia’s thoughts, “a little green bean with a sprout creeping out of it and a few leaves.”

Luna extended a hoof over the table. “So Fluttershy controls the fauna and Ivy controls the flora? How peculiar. A complimentary talent even though they are not blood related, just as we sometimes see in pony families and foals birthed from their parents. Fascinating.”

“I have a hypothesis that magic ignores actual bloodlines and focuses on family ties. But I have no way to prove it. It is merely a hunch. Friendship has magic though. Unique magic. Family is bound to have its own unique magic. At some point, I need to study adopted orphans and catalogue what sort of magic talents they develop.”

Three alicorns stared at Twilight suddenly.

“It was part of my studies on Ivy…” she said, trailing off, “studying her dragon heritage is only a small part of what I’ve focused on. And it’s made me completely change the way I view Spike.”

Cadance and Luna turned their gaze away from Twilight and focused on Celestia.

Celestia felt their eyes, and could sense unspoken words. She began to choose her words carefully.

“Ivy is very dear to me. I would never want to exclude her from anything, or have her excluded from our society. I see wisdom in the opinions presented and believe that it is time for a change. I see great value in unicorns learning to cooperate with other magical creatures and finding common ground. Twilight has been very convincing, and I believe she is right.” Celestia’s eyes moved, meeting each alicorn in turn.

“So are all of you in agreement on this?” Celestia finished.

There was an exchange of nods.

“Well then, this is just the excuse I need to ditch my royal duties and go visit with Ivy. I can’t wait to tell her the news.”

Twilight heaved a sigh of relief.

“We should go together.” Luna commented after a moment of thought.

“No need, I can handle this.” Celestia said.

“Why should you get the day off?” Luna snapped. “I like spending time with Ivy too.”

“You visit Discord every week. And Ivy.”

“Yes, I have friends. I leave the castle. And Fluttershy. I visit Fluttershy. You forgot her in your list.”

Celestia scowled.

“Somepony should stay here.” Celestia said.

“I will stuff this tea cake in your ear sister…” Luna challenged.