• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 2,899 Views, 224 Comments

The Alicorn Academy - kudzuhaiku

Four Alicorns, four students, each Alicorn taking on a personal protege, each with a different lesson to teach. What will the four students learn?

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Ivy and her companions hurtled through the sky. Mare Nectaris pulled the small chariot solo, moving swiftly, tearing through the night. A massive flight of lunar pegasi filled the sky around them, with Luna at their lead.

It had been agonising waiting for the night to come, Ivy reflected. But it has been the only way that Luna and Celestia had agreed to allow Ivy to visit her friend Gala, who now lay sick in Ponyville Hospital.

Mare Nectaris had promised a swift flight, and she delivered upon her promises. The lights in the distance grew closer with every passing second.

The four companions all marveled at how the night kept growing quieter and quieter. It became difficult to talk to one another.

Ivy felt Brimstone squeeze her and she felt a little better.

The lights were very close now, and the chariot was slowing down. Lanterns had been left on the roof. Mare Nectaris slowed, her large wings pummeling the air around her into submission, a brutish growl escaped her throat as she guided the chariot in for a landing.

They landed with a clatter and a thump. Two dozen lunar guards landed all around them, surrounding the hospital and covering the roof.

The new guard were exceptionally good at what they did best. None of them were whole creatures. Missing eyes, missing ears, horrible scars, shriveled skin from terrible burns, all of them marked in some way. They were all consummate survivors.

Luna was wearing armor. It wasn’t that she needed armor, she didn’t, but the image she projected in armor gave the public what it needed. Comfort. A warrior in the night, there to defend them. Luna finally had what she had always craved. Ponies that appreciated what she did.

She clanked softly as she strode over the roof, walking to the door that allowed rooftop access. It opened as she approached. She stood, waiting, watching, guarding, as four foals walked towards the door in line single file. Mare Nectaris stood by.

Ivy walked down the hall, her claws clicking, surrounded by guards on all sides. It wasn’t long before they came to a door. It was partially open.

She stood, frozen, just outside the door, fearing what she would find. She felt a nudge, then another, and finally, a nose pressed against her long neck. She pushed her way through the door.

Gala lay in a bed, covered in a blanket, sleeping. Applejack lay in a bed next to her, her face still shiny with tears, her green eyes red and bloodshot. She looked awful.

Ivy crawled into bed with Applejack and hugged her. She closed her eyes and lay there in the dim room, feeling Applejack’s warmth, unable to say anything. She heard hushed voices out in the hall and the clank of armor.

Ivy felt the tears come and she did little to hold them back, sobbing as quietly as possible.

Quite some time had passed. Ivy was not sure how long. She may have been dozing. She was still held tightly against the orange pony she called her aunt. Somepony else was in the room. She rolled over, squirming, seeing a doctor.

“Who are you?” Ivy asked.

“I am Doctor Hickory.”

“What happened?” Ivy asked.

The doctor frowned. Stars shone in through the window.

He cleared his throat. “Gala was infected with parasites. Either through drinking bad water or swimming perhaps. We’re treating her with antibiotics and anti parasitic medication. She’s going to be fine.”

“LIAR!” Applejack roared. Coming from the Element of Honesty, the accusation was exceptionally painful.

Doctor Hickory cringed.

“There’s going to be a few complications.” The doctor said in a low voice.

“A few?” Applejack hissed, squeezing Ivy.

The doctor drooped.

“Gala is going to be deaf and mute. Her inner ear and her parts of her throat were badly damaged. At least she’ll live. We got to her in time. Others aren’t so lucky.”

Applejack was silent.

“Isn’t there something you can do to fix this? Magic? Something?” Ivy asked. Ivy saw Luna and Brimstone standing in the door. Luna was shaking her head no, her expression pained.

“This happens all the time.” The doctor said patiently. “Deafness is a common problem for a variety of reasons. The best we can do is chalk and a slate and trust in the good graces of ponies.”

“That isn’t enough.” Brimstone said in a low voice. “That doesn’t fix anything.”

“Best we can do.” Doctor Hickory offered.

“I don’t believe that.” Brimstone said.

“Brimstone, enough. This isn’t a good time for your defiance.” Luna said in a gentle whisper.

“No.” Brimstone said. “There has to be something that somepony can do. Something needs to be done. How can this problem be ignored?”

“Enough Brimstone!” Luna said in an angry whisper. “This has been a problem for a long time. Some things can’t be changed.”

“Yes they can!” Brimstone said, his voice rising. “If you want it bad enough.”

“Silence Brimstone!” Luna said, her voice becoming angry. “Some things can’t be changed, no matter how badly we want them.”

“THAT’S NOT TRUE!” Brimstone shouted. “You changed things for me because you wanted it.”

Luna stood there, looking as though she had been slapped. She stared down at Brimstone in a state of shock and surprise.

“Things can change.” Brimstone said. “You have to want them bad enough. Somepony has to care enough to make the change happen.” Brimstone turned his gaze towards Ivy. “Ivy, I don’t know how, but I promise, I am going to find a way to fix this for you. I will make it better. I can do better than a chalk and slate.”

Luna glared at the colt she called her own. “Brimstone, be careful with your promises.” She said, her voice low and sad. “If you fail to deliver, Ivy will be heartbroken.”

“I will not fail.” Brimstone said, his usual defiance turned up to downright belligerent levels. “We are beset on all sides with enemies and I can do nothing. We don’t even know who our enemies are at this point. You struggle, and you fight, and I am stuck in a castle unable to do anything. This is something I know I can fight. This is an enemy that I can engage. I will find a way.” He glared at his mother.

“You are my foal.” Luna said. “I expect you to thrash this foe. Do not return to me in failure.” Her voice was cold. “If you break Ivy’s heart, it will be a long time to earn my forgiveness.”

Brimstone swallowed, suddenly somewhat afraid. He didn’t show it.

Author's Note:

Next chapter. Brimstone's nemesis.