• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,511 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Wedding - Steadfast Hoof

“Where are you going?”

Rainbow Dash froze at the door. Only one pony could sound so coarse but tender. She clenched her teeth and forced a swallow passed the lump in her throat.

“Rainbow, are you okay? We have to go up soon. The procession is going to start.”

She tried, she tried so hard. she didn’t want anypony to see her this way, but a shuddering breath escaped her and she cursed herself as she heard him shift behind her.

“What's wrong?”

She felt a heavy weight on her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she turned around but kept her head low, hoping that he wouldn’t see her. Rainbow flinched when he gasped quietly.

“hey, hey, why the tears?” he cooed lifting her chin. Rainbow chewed her lip as her puffy rose eyes met his soft golden ones. She sniffed and sighed, looking down as she wordlessly hugged him. She smiled, breathing in the familiar smell of his prismatic mane as he returned the hug.

“D-Dad. I don’t think I can do this.” The words were painful and Rainbow had to fight back a sob as she clung tighter. Her father leaned back, and her eyes fell when she saw his frown. Again he lifted her chin looking at her as he spoke.

“Dashie, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. Nobody is forcing you—“ She cut him off with a glare. She took another deep breath and softened her gaze.

“It's not that, Dad. I love him. I love him with all my heart.” Her head fell back down and hot tears started to drip down her face as she tried to keep her voice steady. “And I know he loves me too, but…"

He pulled her in for another hug, stroking her withers. Rainbow melted. She didn’t care what anybody said: her dad was the best dad ever. He may have been cold in public, but he was always there when she needed him. And right now, she needed him bad.

“I don’t think I deserve him.”

She said it matter of factly. Her train of thought crashed when her father scoffed incredulously.

“What? Dashie, come on. What does that rock-muncher have that makes you think that he’s too good for you?”

He led her down the hallway and cracked open the ornate doors giving them a peak of all their friends and family whispering excitingly. At the end of the isle, standing in front of the alter and looking what Applejack would call "more jittery then a jackrabbit jacked on caffeine in a café" was Spike.

The dragon was pulling nervously at his collar and wringing his tail every few moments, but each time he did so a newspaper encased in a blue aura would bat him on the head and Rarity would lean over to fix his suit again. She muttered something in his ear, and he smiled nervously at her.

Rainbow smiled wistfully and relaxed as her dad threw a fetlock around her withers. His smile was soft but proud as he looked down at her.

“Rainbow, you said it yourself. You love him and he loves you, and you know what?”

Rainbow wiped her eyes and leaned against him, looking up curiously. “What?” she asked.

Her dad chuckled before jostling her a little. “I can see it. I saw it when you first introduced him, I saw it when you bought your home together,” he beamed at her and Rainbow felt her heart flutter, “and I saw it when you broke into the house, scaring the buck out your mother and I as you bounced off the walls telling us over and over that he proposed.”

Rainbow giggled quietly as she recalled the memory. “Yeah, I was so excited that I didn’t even give him an answer.”

They both laughed as her father gently brushed her back with a wing. Both of them peeked through the door at her mother sitting on a bench, looking almost as jittery as Spike.

“I'll never forget the look on your mother's face when you didn’t answer her when she asked if you said yes or not.” He smirked down at her. “If you weren’t such a fast flier I swear you would’ve been a goner when she chased you out of the house with that lamp.”

Rainbow only smiled and nuzzled into his chest.

“Baby, what's wrong?”

She pulled away and looked into his eyes, her frown had returned but she was no longer sulking. She gazed pensively at Spike through the crack and whispered meekly, “He’s a prince, Dad. He’s smart, kind, and I swear he can do almost everything. And he cares for everypony,” she looked down again, “and I’m just some dumb weather pony. I guess I just don’t know what he sees in me.”

“Rainbow. What—For real—I mean—"

Rainbow arched and eyebrow as her father groaned and facehoofed. He was rubbing his face as if she had said the stupidest thing in the world and her wings ruffled in indignation as she frowned at him.

“What?” she practically yelled before they both threw their hooves over her mouth. Luckily, a quick glance through the door told them no one had heard, and they both sighed in relief. Rainbow looked up as her father chuckled. Again she moved to yell but caught herself and hissed instead.


“Rainbowshine was right you can be a bit dense sometimes. You should count yourself lucky she’s not the one walking you up there, otherwise she’d tell you to buck up after she beat some sense into you with your flowers.” Rainbow wanted to yell at him but settled for trying to melt through his skull with her glare.

He smiled softly at her before biting his lip, his eyes taking a mischievous glint.

“Tell you what, I’ll see if I can talk Velvet into turning you into a dragon if you ask him yourself.”

Her eyes widened “What? For real? You think you can convince Velvet?”

He just spat on his hoof, extending it out towards her. She moved to do the same.


“Spike! If you do not behave this instant I swear I will glue your claws together!” Rarity hissed through a clenched smile next to him. Their eyes were on the two ornate doors, and Spike was sweating bullets.

“But what’s taking them so long? Twilight said they’d come out at twelve. It’s already twelve-thirty!” he practically hissed through a smile that was much more forced then Rarity’s.

Just as she was about to retort, the doors opened and the music started up. Everypony stood a little straighter and all hushed as the flower girls hopped down the aisle, followed by Rainbow Dash and her father, Spectrum Bolt. Lastly, carrying Rainbow's dress was Fluttershy. She followed after them with a beaming smile on her face that easily outperformed everypony else's, even Pinkie's. Well, except Rainbowshine's. Rainbow Dash's mother dabbed a few tears along with Princess Celestia, who waved proudly at Spike.

Princess Luna smiled down as the couple settled next to each other. Spike gazed at Rainbow, smiling softly but his face almost fell when she only smiled meekly and looked everywhere but at him. He noticed a deep blush across her face. When the room calmed down, he was surprised as her uncertain smile turned into a determined frown. Luna cleared her throat to start the rather short invocation/declaration of intent/ring exchange/pronouncement, but she stopped when Rainbow pulled her ear down and spoke fervently into it.

Everypony watched in confusion and spoke in hushed whispers to each other. Luna frowned but nodded. She raised her head, powering up her horn, and shot a beam that created a bubble over Rainbow and Spike.

“Pardon the delay, but the bride wishes to have a last minute question with the groom before we begin.”


“Dash, what are you doing? Do you know what Twilight and your mother are going to do to us!?” Spike cried, grasping his head.

“Yes. I’m willing to risk it because I need to ask this, Spike. Please hear me out.” She stood straight with grim determination. He blinked before straightening out.

“Um yeah, is something wrong? Is this because Twilight choose to have the pianist instead of that rock band?” Rainbow facehoofed and sighed.

“No, Spike. It’s not because of the band.”

‘Well, is it because you had to wear—“

“NO! It’s nothing like that,” her ears fell as she scraped a hoof across the ground, “nothing like that at all. The wedding’s great. It's perfect.” She sighed before looking at him. “It’s just why me spike? Why choose somepony like me?”

“Dash, what are you talking about? I love you—“

“And I love you too.”

Spike's heart fluttered in his chest and it had nothing to do with the fact that Rainbow Dash was standing in front of him while hiding behind her flowers. They let the words hang before she swallowed, her face red.

“I know you love me," she whispered. "It’s just… why?”

Spike blinked at her a couple of times before biting his lip. Rainbow just stared at him waiting.

“Rainbow truthfully, I… I don’t know why I love you. It’s just a feeling I can’t explain, but it’s one I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life feeling.” He walked over to her and draped a wing across her back pulling her close. He placed his head atop hers. “You make me happy, you understand me, and you put others before yourself.” He looked at her with a smirk. “Do I really need to say this? You’re a great pony, Dash. I love you because you inspire others to do their best because…” He brought a claw up, motioning with it before scowling as he tried in frustration to find the right words. “…because you’re you, damn it! And I love you. That’s why!” he yelled, looking around as if challenging anyone to say differently.

Rainbow simply gazed at him, searching his eyes for any trace of doubt or deception, but he remained steadfast. Her fiery eyes cooled, leaving moist pools that blinked before twinkling as she sighed into his chest.

“Thanks, Spike. I needed that. I really did.” She pulled back wiping her eyes and smiled sweetly up at him.

“And—” She stretched up and pecked his lips before smothering into him. “—I do.”

Author's Note:

Written by Steadfast Hoof.

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