• Published 10th Jun 2014
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SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Jealousy - Curify

Have you ever had a moment in life where you just sat there, motionless?

I am having that moment in real time.

She’s just sitting there with that unicorn she practically drools over whenever she speaks of him.

His grace, his dress, his personality! Ohh… she says as she daydreams about him while I help her with her fashion designs.

I’m tired of it.

I get angry when he’s hanging around her with his hoof around her neck, holding her close in his forelegs. That curly black mustache that lies upon his pompous face; what a joke.

I storm out of the club I was in, unable to bear the sight of her practically hanging around that rich good-for-nothing slob.

I just... need a new, fresh start. I need somepony to go for...

But where do I start?


Oh bu—

I fall to the ground, tasting that oh-so-great soil that I and many other ponies walk on daily. I slide on that dirt, my green and purple scales scraping along the rough earth. As I come to a halt, I groan and flip over, staring at the now deformed sky. I don’t remember the clouds contorting into shapes of Twilight’s treehouse. Maybe it’s a sign.

“Are you okay?” a scratchy feminine voice announces to my le—or is that my right?

I don’t know even more.

I attempt to sit up, my chest muscles aching from the hit I absorbed. I can’t even understand how I’m alive right now, I feel like I relived the experience of that horrifying king of the hill game with those dragons…

Never again will I get thrown off a huge gem pile of any sort.

“I…” the scratchy voice says again, my ears finally indicating that she is currently…

...to my right.

“I’m sorry,” she says in a melancholy tone, causing me to snap my attention to her. “I didn’t mean to smash into you, Spike.”

I sigh. Rainbow Dash used to have a hard time apologizing to me…

That is, until she realized that hitting a dragon several times in more places than one wasn’t the best idea.

“I understand, Rainbow Dash,” I address her, causing her to perk up. “You have a tendency to hit me as of late…”

Her eyes widen, her lower jaw slowly meets the ground, and a small tear escapes her.

This is something I have never seen Dash do.

“I’m sorry, Spike! I-I just had a bad night…”

Now this is something new.

“What’s wrong?”

She sighs and wipes her face of her lone tear with her right fore hoof. “Big Macintosh said he’s seeing somepony else…”

This causes me to raise an eyebrow. “I thought he was dating you?”

Her reaction to my question is odd, she shifts her attention to the ground as her facial expression softens. “H-he said we weren’t dating…”

I stare blankly at her, my eyes probably wider than any plate Twilight used to put her hayfries on. This must be a joke. Big Macintosh wasn’t like that. He would never leave Rainbow out to dry like this, right?

“That doesn’t sound like Big Mac…”

“It is!” she shouts, her head suddenly appears in my vision. “You don’t know what he’s like!”

Tears streaming down her cyan cheeks, her magenta eyes shimmering and gazing into mine, and those large wings practically rigid as they flare out for all to see; all of these are the signs of a dreadful breakup.

“I know I don’t,” my brain forces me to say. “But it sounds like you need a friend to comfort you…”

Her angered yet hurt expression suddenly changes. “I…”

“Rainbow Dash, c’mere,” I say, casting my arms out wide.

She sighs and comes forward, putting her neck around mine and nuzzling into me. “T-thank y-you…” she murmurs as she sits on her rump. “You’re so nice to me even when I’m hurting you…”

“That’s because,” I begin, a few tears threatening to escape me as I hold her close. “I’m hurting too…”

“Why?” she says behind my neck, still nuzzling me in my shoulder.

“Rarity was with another stallion,” I say flatly.

“Oh,” she responds with a subtle surprised tone of voice. Oh? That’s all she can respond with?

“She’s still your only, isn’t she?”


“What do you mean?”

“You don’t look elsewhere?” she questions while pulling away from me, gazing into my eyes. “You don’t seek somepony else?”

Somepony else?

“What are you getting at?”

“You’re dense,” she states with a huff, the hurt expression on her face returning with a vengeance.

“Now hold u—”

“No!” she shouts at me. “You’re just like him!”

“No I’m not Rainbow!” I shout angrily, causing her to fall back on her rump. “I’m not like him, a pony who disregards you and tosses you on the streets. Nor am I like Rarity, a pony who ignores my affections and goes after other stallions,” I state rapidly, trying to get my point across.


“Just let me finish, please,” I beg her, causing her to close her mouth. She sits comfortably on the ground and stares at me, allowing me to continue my rant. “I don’t know why you weren’t seen by him, you’re a beautiful mare with so much talent. You can travel quicker than anypony I’ve ever seen, you can knock clouds of the sky in ten seconds flat, you risk your life in order to save your friends…” I bring her close to me again. nuzzling into her fur on her chest. “And that just makes you the best pony anypony could ever have.”

I bet you I could paint the picture of Rainbow’s face at the moment: her eyes are wide open, tears slowly trickling down her face and her mouth is dropped open, allowing any fly to enter in with no hassle. I sigh and look up, seeing if my prediction is right.

It was close, except she’s looking down at me, her mouth closed as her lips twitched and quaked at the sight of me.

Then, within a split second, the rest of the world fades away, leaving me to the sensation upon my lips.

I return it back, only for the world to come back as quickly as it faded. I didn’t even know what happened, it was like I was staring at her the whole time while her muzzle my…

Oh, I’m an idiot.


I let out a drawn out hum in response.

“Wanna hang out sometime?”

As I return to reality, I see her—the real her.


I nod rapidly, a smile adorning my face for the first time in ages.

This was a great night.

Author's Note:

Written by Curify.

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