• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,511 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Argument - Dangerbrony

It was a clear day in Ponyville. The breeze blowing through the town made it perfect to be outdoors. Numerous couples had taken advantage and were out on picnics or walks through the park. However, the one couple everypony thought would be out were still inside.

“This is all your fault,” hissed Rainbow Dash.

“Me?! What did I do?” Spike asked while gesturing wildly.

“You’re the reason we got stuck watching the library when we could be out flying. Look at the weather! This is the perfect day to practice tricks, but we’re practically trapped watching everyone else a have a good time. Not cool.”

“And that’s my fault? You were the one who agreed to help Twilight keep an eye on things while she’s out of town.”

“She only asked us because of you. She’d never let me watch this place by myself. She’d be way too freaked out about me messing something up. Which I totally wouldn’t anyway.”

Sighing, Spike decided to just drop the whole thing. Dash was impossible to deal with when she got like this. “Tell you what, why don’t you go outside and practice your stunts for a few hours and then we can have some lunch.”

Dash was conflicted. On one hoof, outside was gorgeous. On the other, this felt suspiciously like abandoning a friend. The war continued on for a few more seconds.

Finally, she asked a question: “What about you? You need more practice flying than I do.”

Spike knew his flying was not the best but he would never admit to that. So instead he decided to poke the bull.

“Please, even if I’ve only had wings for a couple months I’m still just as good as you are,” he said with a smirk. He knew that would get a rise out of her. And he was right.

“Woah, woah, woah. Put your money where your mouth is,” Rainbow said while glaring at the much larger dragon. “Why don’t we have a race and the loser buys the winner lunch?”

“Dash, I was going to buy you lunch anyway. Why don’t we make it more interesting?” This peaked Dash’s curiosity. She flew up to look him in the eye. From the look in his eye he either really though he could win or he was a really good actor. That was all she needed to know.

“What did you have in mind?” growled Dash.

“The loser is the winner’s servant for a day.”

“You’re on,” Dash said. Things couldn’t get any better in Dash’s opinion. Not only were they getting out of the library, but she was going to get a servant for a whole day. There was no way she was gonna lose this. “Where are we racing to, big guy?”

“I was thinking that we could race to Applejack’s and back. Sound good?”


The two headed to the front door, completely forgetting the reason they couldn’t go outside in the first place. Once outside they lined up and both went into starting positions. As if by unspoken agreement they both took off at the same time.

Dash took the early lead, though Spike was managing to keep up somehow. He knew he couldn’t beat her in a straight race but he had a plan to deal with that. As they approached Applejack’s barn, Spike started to decelerate as quickly as possible while Dash used a flip trying not to lose speed. Now was the only time his plan could work.

Instead of continuing to the barn he instead put himself just below Dash’s flight path. Timing it just right he he reached up and pulled Dash into a tight hug. Needless to say Dash was not happy about the situation. Glaring as best she could from between his arms, she exclaimed, “What’s the big idea?!”

“Oh, nothing much,” Spike replied with mischief in his voice. Before Rainbow had a chance to respond Spike started to gently rub the tip of his tail between her wings. Dash burst out laughing trying to speak between laughs but utterly failing. Spike flew leisurely to the barn and started back to the library. He had let up a bit on Dash but she was still breathing hard.

“That… so isn’t …fair!” she managed to get out between breaths. She tried to break free of his hold but his large stature proved too much. Resigning herself to her fate, she decided to enjoy the ride in her drakefriend’s arms. Flying with him was one of the reasons she wanted to be outside anyways. She wasn’t sure how long passed while they just flew casually through the sky.

Suddenly realization struck her like a brick between the eyes. “Spike?” she questioned hesitantly


“We completely left the library unattended.”

Silence filled the air for a few seconds as the implications sank in. Looking up at the sun Spike realized several hours had passed and took off at full speed towards his old home. Hopefully Twilight wouldn’t be back yet and they could act like nothing went wrong.

Bursting through the door they saw that Twilight was indeed waiting for them with a stern expression on her face. “So, care to explain what happened?” she began. The two looked to each other quickly and then burst out at the same time.

“It’s his fault!”

“It’s her fault!”

Dating or not, both feared what Twilight would do to them as punishment, and this brought them right back to where this whole thing started.

Author's Note:

Written by Dangerbrony.

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