• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,511 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Flowers - Vexy

Fête des fleurs, otherwise known as the festival of flowers, came around every year, but Spike felt confident that this was going to be the best one yet. It was like a second Hearts and Hooves Day, and with it came promises of second chances and second opportunities.

Rarity’s going to love this.

Before you roll your eyes, allow me to explain: every year, ponies from all over Equestria buy flowers for each other as a sign of love and friendship. Although many of the flowers aren’t edible, they’re often kept as a souvenir for days or even weeks after the festival. The festival originated from Prance, but was so popular that it was welcomed eagerly into Equestria.

This year, Spike had a bought several flowers from the Ponyville market. He skipped away from Roseluck’s stall with several more flowers in claw. He had a variety of different flowers, and each was for a different pony.

“Fluttershy!” he called as he spotted the pegasus in question buying her own flowers. She looked up as Spike called her name.

“Oh, hello Spike. Are you buying flowers as well?” she asked.

“Yep. I bought one for you,” Spike chirped, holding up a pink tulip.

She smiled. “You didn’t have to…”

“But I wanted to,” Spike chuckled, handing her the flower. “It means ‘Caring’, and there’s no pony more caring than you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blushed, “Thanks, Spike. I’ve actually just bought your flower. You can have it now if you like?”

“Sure,” Spike replied with a grin. He watched as she reached into her bag and pulled out a large daffodil with her teeth.

“It means ‘Chivalry’,” she replied proudly through her teeth.

“Wow, thanks!” Spike tried to hide his proud grin.

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy replied. “Are you going to buy any more flowers?”

“Nah, I’ve bought them all now.” Spike’s smile widened. “Now I just need to find everypony and give it to them. You don’t know where any of the others are, do you?”

“Um, Applejack’s selling apples at her stall, and Pinkie Pie’s filling out orders at Sugarcube Corner, but I’ve not seen anyone else all day.

“Thanks, ‘Shy.”

Before she could reply, Spike had skipped off towards Applejack’s stall. The dragon knew she’d love this flower.

“Fresh apples!” a voice with a southern twang called. Spike followed it back to its source. Sure enough, Applejack was selling apples at her stall, although today it didn’t look like she had many customers to be dealing with.

“Howdy, Spike. Here buying apples, are you?” she asked.

Spike grinned again. “Not today. I have a flower for you.”

“For me? Shucks, Spike, I didn’t think you’d be into country mares,” she chuckled and winked.

Spike blushed, “N-no!” he gasped. “It’s not like that!”

“What are you trying to say?” Applejack pressed, a smirk dancing across her lips.

“Wait! I don’t mean that! I mean…” Spike realized he had dug himself a hole.

“It’s fine, Spike.” Applejack laughed. “I’m afraid I haven’t had a chance to buy any flowers yet.”

“That’s okay,” Spike said quickly, brushing away the sweat that had been trickling down his head. “I have a flower for you.” He brought out a large purple tulip.

“Err, the purple one…” Applejack said slowly. “What does that mean again?”

“It’s a tulip, Applejack,” Spike chuckled. “It means ‘faithfulness’.”

“It’s not a declaration of love?” The mare tried to feign disappointment.

“I… err…” he mumbled.

She laughed again. “It’s alright, Spike. I appreciate the flower. I’ll be sure to drop by the library later with my own flower.”

Spike nodded, “Thanks, Applejack. You’ve not seen any of the others, have you?”

“I’ve not seen anypony all day,” she sighed.

“Oh, okay. Well I’ll talk to you later, then.”

“Bye, Spike!” Applejack called.

The dragon waved as the two departed, and he headed to Sugarcube Corner. If anypony knew where everypony was, it would be Pinkie Pie. Luckily Sugarcube Corner was right next to the town market, so he didn’t have to walk far before he had stepped through the door of the life-sized gingerbread house and the bell chimed.

“Heya, Spike,” a voice called from the kitchen, followed shortly after by its owner as Pinkie Pie walked out. “What brings you here?”

Fête des fleurs, Pinkie.”

Pinkie’s eyes shined knowingly. “You’ve got a flower just for little old Pinkie?”

Spike nodded.

“Ooh, Spikey-Wikey’s got me a flower… wait!” She gasped in horror. “That means I’m going to have to find one for you!”

“Pinkie, it’s fine—” Spike called, but the pink pony had already vanished into the ether. He sighed and turned around, only to bump muzzle-to-snout with Pinkie Pie.

“I knew I’d left it somewhere round here,” she giggled, holding up a large red tulip.

“Who’s that for?”

“You, silly!” Pinkie shook the flower closer to Spike’s face.

A rush of blood ran to Spike’s face. “Me?” he cried. “W-what?”

“Well there’s no one else here to give it to.” she rolled her eyes.

“B-but… it’s a red tulip.”

“Yep,” Pinkie replied proudly.

“But that’s supposed to mean—”

“That you’re my friend, and I love all my friends!” Pinkie chirped, oblivious to the squirming dragon.

“Erm, thanks, I guess?” Spike mumbled and took the flower in his free claw, trying to hide his discomfort. Pinkie didn’t seem to notice, however.

“So what did you get me?” she asked.

“I, erm, got you a pink rose.” He singled out the flower in question and handed it over awkwardly to her.

“Ooh, pink—just like me! Thanks, Spike!” she replied. “Pink roses must suit me.”

“Heh, yeah,” Spike said awkwardly. “Hey, you don’t know where any of the others are, do you? I’ve already seen Applejack and Fluttershy.”

“Well…” Pinkie said slowly. “Twilight said she was heading back to the library about an hour ago, and Rarity was in here with a load of flowers just before you came—” Spike unconsciously bit his lip nervously. “—I’ve not seen Rainbow Dash, though.”

“Okay, thanks Pinkie.”

“No problemo! See you, Spike,” she called as Spike walked out of Sugarcube Corner.

Right, that’s three down. I guess if I don’t know where Rainbow Dash is, I’ll just go and see Twilight first.

Spike tried to convince himself he wasn’t putting off seeing Rarity, but it wasn’t working. Shaking away the thought, he ran back to Golden Oaks library. Bursting inside, he found Twilight nose deep in a book, as per usual.

“Spike!” she gasped as he bursted in. “You made me jump.”

“Sorry,” Spike giggled, “but I have a flower for you.”

Twilight grinned. “Let me guess. A geranium?”

“Not this year,” Spike replied smugly. “I thought that this year I’d get you something different, so I decided to get a yellow rose.” He plucked the yellow rose from the bunch of flowers he was holding.

She took the flower. “Oh, Spike… wait, do you have a red rose as well?” Twilight pointed to one of the flowers that Spike was trying to hide behind his back.

“No!” he said quickly, and Twilight raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously. “Well, yeah. It is, but it’s for Rarity.”

Twilight giggled. “Are you planning on telling her?”

Spike considered the question. “Not yet.”

“Well I’ll be here reading when you get back.”

“I’ll be back soon,” he assured her as he rushed out the library to find his next friend, Rainbow Dash.

He realized he might have his work cut out for him, however; Rainbow Dash being a pegasus meant that she could be just about anywhere, even in the sky. And Spike lacked wings.

Huffing at his predicament, he walked over towards her house anyway, hoping that she would be inside. Perhaps she would hear him if he called out loud enough.

On the way there, he inspected the two flowers he had left in his hand. Rainbow Dash had been a really difficult pony to choose for. He’d spent a long time thinking about what he would get for her. In the end, he had settled on a pink rose like Pinkie’s. It didn’t really feel that spectacular, but he didn’t think Dash would be that interested in flowers anyway. Especially ones you can’t even eat.

Suddenly a shadow fell over Spike. He looked up. Rainbow Dash’s cloud home loomed over him.

“Rainbow Dash!” he called.

There was a moment of silence before she answered.

“Hold on a sec.”

What followed could only be described as the sound of plates being smashed on the floor and angry cats. That couldn’t be the case, though, because Rainbow Dash didn’t have any cats.

She flew out the door in one piece, however, albeit looking a little worse for the wear; her mane was messier than usual and her wings looked like they needed preening.

“Heh, sorry about that,” she said.

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“Just woken up, so.”

“Woken up? It’s almost evening,” Spike protested.

“Yeah well, I slept in, okay?” Dash huffed. “What did you want?”

Spike blinked and realized he had come to bring her a flower.

“I brought you a flower.”

Rainbow Dash visibly perked up at this. “You did? I don’t really get many flowers.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? I thought you had flowers being thrown at you every year.”

She chuckled quietly. “Not really. So what did you get me?” she asked excitedly.

He smiled and held up his hand.

Only to realize he only had one flower left.

The red rose? Where did I put the pink one?

Rainbow Dash’s jaw hit the floor.

“A red rose? F-for me?” she couldn’t believe her eyes. “S-Spike, I didn’t think…”

“I… err…” Spike gasped, desperately scrabbling for words. This wasn’t going the way he had thought it would. “Dash, I don’t know where—”

“Nopony’s ever given me a flower like this, or even a dragon!” she squealed, pulling Spike into a tight hug. “That’s so cool!”

“I’m glad you liked it, but—”

“Listen I know this sounds kinda dumb.” Dash interrupted, breaking the hug. Spike looked at her, but she was too busy focused on the floor. “But I just wanted to say—” She looked up and her eyes met Spike’s. “Thanks, Spike.”

Before he had time to react, she leaned over and kissed the dragon on the cheek.

Spike’s eyes widened, but before he could even blink, Rainbow Dash had launched off back into her house, her face more red than the rose she carried.

“I—but—I didn’t mean…” Spike searched for something to say, but he couldn’t find any words. He glanced at his claw, but realized he had no flowers left.

He turned away from the floating house and made his way back to the library. Meanwhile, his mind furiously attempted to dissect and understand what had just happened.

Did I just tell Rainbow Dash that I love her?

Author's Note:

Written by Vexy.

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