• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,512 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Qualification - Steadfast Hoof


No matter how hard she requested or debated, she had been scheduled for time off. Her record had numerous accolades, she was in her prime, but still she was kicked to the curb.

Rainbow ground her teeth hotly and slicked her hair back. The summer air was warm against her exposed muzzle. Her body suit was doing well to insulate most of the temperature thanks to its enchantment. She snorted, her head a muggy soup.

“Come on, Dash. It’s just a few months. You’ll be back in the fight before you know it.”

Rainbow Dash jolted, she nearly locked up before continuing her easy pace under the warm stars. She clicked her dry mouth, giving her partner a look.

“*tch* I know, Dust. It's just stupid, and I know it’s going to feel way longer than that. I just can’t believe they’d think I need a break. Me! I can fly circles around any royal guard. I can outmaneuver flies! I mean come on! Ugh.” Rainbow sagged.

Her partner glided closer, her blonde mane buffeting in the breeze. She gave Rainbow a sympathetic smile. “I know, girl. I get a little itchy in my time off too, but you just don’t realize how high strung you can get out here.” She punched her lightly on the shoulder. “Visit your friends and family. Hell, find a nice lay, it’ll help you relax.”

Rainbow Dash groaned as Lightning Dust giggled. Rainbow checked her aside. “Seriously Dust, I got better things to do than go chasing for some flank.” Lightning Dust guffawed, causing a playful chase between her and Rainbow. “Geez, will you grow up already. I swear, little Thunder is more mature than you.” Dash swatted her with her tail as she lazily passed.

“Thank you!," Lightning said in between giggles. "My baby is such a smart cookie!” Lightning beamed as she thought about her waiting filly.

“Ugh, that wasn’t a compliment.” Rainbow rolled her eyes before gazing off. Both enjoyed the calm flight, Dash’s expression unreadable, while Lightning Dust watched her, smiling almost maternally.

“Hey, They’ll be more than happy to see you again. Just focus on them, It’ll be fine.” Lightning brushed comfortingly against Dash.

Rainbow bowed her head, her expression tense. “Gee, I hope so… I mean I haven’t seen him in a really, really, long time. Yeah, it’ll be fine. Probably… Right? Dust? Wait, why are you looking at me like that?”

Dust had a wide grin. She licked her lips mischievously before playfully saying, “Oh nothing, it’s just,” she glanced at Dash, “ I didn’t say him, Dashie.”

This time Dash really did lock up.

Lightning had to fight down her giggles, rolling her shoulders she prepared for the plummeting pegusus. Lightning shot off, rocketing through the sky. Even though Lightning Dust had a better record, Rainbow still held the title of fastest pony alive, but, as always it was just barely. Rainbow was hot on her tail.

“You better keep your mouth shut, blabberface!” Rainbow barked as Lightning darted away flitting around just out of reach. Throwing kissy faces.

“Aw, is the little filly embairwissed? Why? Is it love?”

“I mean it! Come here! “

“Oh, I bet it’s because he’s all frilly and soft, your own personal teddy bear to huggle and snuggle. Is the tough Dashie scared that everyone’s going to hear about her honey bunny?” Lightning dodged a murderous tackle, smirking as Dash chased her all the harder.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m just going to tell everyone before we head out!” Lightning chortled while Rainbow roared after her.

Both lost themselves to the chase, pulling off stunts that even the most fearless daredevil would think twice before trying.

Over time their flying became more competitive, one banking on a dime and the other putting some flourish on it, each move more outlandish than the last.

Lightning gasped as she clipped a cloud that Rainbow deftly shot around. Rainbow slowed down, looping around her grumbling friend with a whoop.

“HA! 7 to 6! Looks like the mythical Lightning is losing her touch!” Rainbow cackled smugly as they drifted towards a river.

“Yeah, well, I’m still two up on you from last time, Rainbow Crash.” Lightning laughed when Dash punched her in the shoulder.

They quenched their dry throats before plopping down next to each other. The night air was cool as it kissed their coats. Lightning tossed her sweaty jumpsuit away before stretching out. Her aching muscles glowing satisfyingly. Dash was nearly asleep, lying on her back. Again Lightning smiled softly at dash before settling down, closing her eyes.

“Hey, Dash?”


“Can I at least guess?” Lightning smirked when she heard Dash groan.

“Fine. Just promise not to tell anyone, please?”

“Stick a cupcake in my eye. So… your friend's brother? What was it? Big Smith?”

Dash snorted. “Big Macintosh, and no, not him.”

Lightning hummed thoughtfully before really thinking about her friend. Her best friend. She shifted to her side, looking at Rainbow Dash.
Understanding danced across her features before she shifted back, a contemplative look on her face.

“Oh, so, him?”

“Him who?” Dash’s voice was inquisitive, but Lightning caught the fear.

“No, I’d actually be anxious too, if it was like that.”

“Oh?” Rainbow anxiously whispered.

“But, heh, I can totally see you guys together.”

“…Really?” She smiled at Rainbows hopeful tone.

“Yeah, the more I think about it, it just seems… cute.”

Lightning laughed as she heard Rainbow roll away.

“Oh man, was I right about that teddy bear stuff? I was just teasing.”

Rainbow groaned.

“Oh, shush. It’s not that bad. Me and Laney cuddle all the time as well. It’s so soothing right?”




“So, how’s he in the sack?”

“Oh my gosh, Lightning, I hate you so much, please die.”

Lightning held her sides as she roared with laughter. Rainbow just hid under her hooves, wishing something would come and just squish her.

Author's Note:

Written by SteadFast Hoof.

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