• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 6,723 Views, 142 Comments

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: Equestrian Mis-Edventures - Barracuda cyborg

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Ed-zilla: The Manehattan Project

After many hours the group had finally made it to the bustling city of Manehattan; though the girls had been there beforehand, the Eds couldn't help but be remembered of one of their previous endeavors. "Wow, we even got the shoe shining stations right!" Eddy exclaimed as he noticed a colt shining the hooves of a elderly stallion.

"What the hay are you going on about?" Rainbow asked, completely confused as she and the others saw the trio run around gawking at all the mundane things within the city. To them, the billboards seemed to be amazing.

"Sorry, it's just this city reminds us all of this faux city called 'Ed-Tropolis'." Double D explained, "It was this foolish idea to bring the big city to our quite cul-de-sac."

"It wasn't a total loss." Eddy stated, "We practically ran the place, and so many scams were pulled off all within the same day."

The duo began to recollect about the day and laugh until they noticed that Ed had a strange look on him. His eyes began to twitch as drool rolled down his mouth.

"Are you alright big guy?" Pinkie asked as she tried to get Ed's attention, but with little to no avail.

"Is he alright?" Rarity asked Ed's companions.

Ed began to laugh crazily, "I am a monster!" Eddy and Double D could only think of one thing at a time like this; Ed-zilla had returned with a vengeance.

Rainbow and the other girls were confused at what Ed was talking about, but it was apparent something crazy was going on with the lumbering oaf.

"Quick, we need to detain him before he gets too far!" Double D said as his terror was overtaking any and all rational thought he had.

"Oh come on. What's the worse he can do?" Rainbow asked, totally skeptical over the overreactions. That was until Eddy was served 'one hurt, hold the onions' with the aid of a taxi carriage. "Okay, I'm convinced."

"Right." Double D said, "Pinkie Pie, please assist Rarity with both the luggage and Eddy. Rainbow and I shall stop Ed's little... episode."

"Are you sure you two can handle this?" Rarity asked as she and Pinkie began to dig through the debris.

"Don't worry, Ed trusts me. I just hope we can keep the damages to a minimum." With that the two ran off towards the path of destruction.

Pinkie and Rarity were worried what could happen, but were soon delighted that they found Eddy. "Hey if you two find any teeth lying around... they're mine." Eddy told the two girls before passing out.

The destruction that Ed was leaving behind was full of devastation at every corner. Carriages flung off of the roads, streets full of holes taking the form of Ed's head, and cabbage carts reduced to junk and coleslaw, "He's an animal!" Rainbow exclaimed seeing the mayhem.

"He can be worrisome at times, but this is just appalling!" Double D replied as he began to gather some of the debris in order to craft something to help them.

"What are you even gonna do with all that junk anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"You'll see." Double D replied as the two ran up to Ed, who was in the middle of ripping out a tree out of the very ground. "Edward, stop this this instant!" Double D shouted getting Ed's attention. The voice wasn't really getting to the thick headed boy, but the attire that Double D was wearing got his attention. "Do you honestly think this is appropriate at all? Look at all this chaos you're leaving in your wake!"

"Whoa, that chicken is trying to reason with that crazy fish ape." A stallion said to a couple of mares hiding within the bushes.

"And here I thought that they were all cowards." One of the mares replied as they continued to watch the talk down.

"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." Double D continued. Ed simply roared in response, it seemed that Ed wasn't going to listen; until Rainbow surprised Ed with a bucket of ice cold water.

"Hi Double D, what's with the chicken suit?" Ed asked, completely forgetting everything that had happened in his Kaiju rampage.

"What is with you Ed?!" Rainbow asked with more annoyance than anger. Even though she was angered with Ed, she had been around the big lug to know he couldn't help himself.

"I am a monster in a boy's body." Ed said before sat down in the dirt, "I am sorry guys."

"At least you know we forgive you Ed." Double D said taking off the head of the chicken costume, "But that doesn't mean you're not off the hook mister."

"He's right." A large stallion in a blue uniform said as he stepped in on the three. "I'm officer Iron Clad, and I have a little agreement for you three."

"Oh jeeze..." Rainbow said.

"You three are to clean up whatever mess that guy has caused." The officer stated.

"Is that all?" Rainbow asked.

"It's either that or prison." The officer flatly replied.

"Luckily I have tape!" Double D retorted as he pulled out a large roll of duct tape.


"Thanks for helping me clean up guys." Ed said with a grin on his face as he put some of the debris into a dumpster.

"Well it would've taken the entire day if we didn't help." Double D replied, putting the finishing touches on the newly repaired cabbage cart.

"Besides, we want you to come with us with to the Wonderbolts Social." Rainbow added as she tried her best to fill in the holes Ed had made.

"I just hope Eddy is fine." Double D said before he felt a hand around his shoulder.

"Don't worry Sock head, I've been through worse." Eddy said with a gap filled grin, "besides I kinda wanted to see Ed for a quick bit."

"Yes Eddy?" Ed asked, happy to see his friend was not crushed.

"I got something for ya, some thing from the hotel." Eddy said, holding Ed's attention and suspense. He suddenly pulled out a large spear of broccoli and waved it in front of Ed.

"Not broccoli!" Ed shouted before making a mad dash for anywhere but Eddy and the wretched vegetable.

"This is for pounding me with a taxi you lummox!" Eddy shouted as he chased Ed all around the newly refurbished street before crashing into the cart once again.

"My cabbages!" The cart owner shouted before looking at Double D and Rainbow.

"I can fix that... again." Double D said in a defeatist attitude as Eddy and Ed were once again they heralds of destruction and migraines.

Author's Note:

Only one part remains of the Manehattan story, and the Wonderbolt social is coming soon. Who knows what shenanigans the Eds will get into.

Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter: Freshly Baked Ed's