• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 6,722 Views, 142 Comments

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: Equestrian Mis-Edventures - Barracuda cyborg

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Pilot pt1

Humble Ed-ginnings

To say the Ed's were scared for their lives would be a massive understatement. To be scared would be like not wanting trying not to make somebody angry when correcting them. With every living thing in the Cul-De-Sac wanting them dead, the correct emotion would be terrified or petrified. They were also feeling other emotions, though that was probably considering the fact they were now clinging on to dear life on the neighborhood’s carousel at the playground, along with all the other kids. Murder, or at the very least lethal maiming in the other kids’ eyes and showing with their actions. was a priority to the all kids, bar three of them.

“You dorks haven't seen the last of me!” The Ed’s longtime rival -Kevin- said in anger as he was flung from Eddy’s brother’s car.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The Ed's all screamed in unison as they and the car were flung from the roundabout with the force of a hurricane, taking them who knows where.

“DOOOORRKSS!” Kevin shouted in anger as he threw a piece of the park’s fence knowing he was not going to pound the Ed's into a pulp for a long time, possibly even forever.


Ed, Edd and Eddy didn’t know how long they were flying for, all Double D knew is that they had to crash eventually. Sadly, it seemed as if God himself was listening to the three and proved Double D’s hypothesis true in the form of lots of hard ground. With the sudden crash landing, they didn’t seem to be hurt much as the car seemed to take in the abuse. No, they only took any form of injury when the car gave out and exploded.

In the aftermath of the incredibly small explosion, car parts were littered around every which way. Ed was the first to surface out of the wreckage, though some people call being stuck inside a muffler not really being out of the wreckage. It was more like inside it really. The next was Eddy, who was soon somehow jammed inside of a car door. Ed caught a glimpse of Eddy’s trademark long hair poking out of the car door and was soon there to rescue Eddy from his Mustang prison. Finally Double D was just bouncing around like a Jack-in-the-box as the car blew up into pieces, now dangling for dear life on top of a tree, his seatbelt saving him from a ghastly drop. Almost. When he hit the ground, however, what came out of his mouth was nothing short than his temper breaking.

“I followed all the rules, lived a life of decency and principal, so why didn't I trust my instincts that one day these short sighted show games would go too far!”

That, surprisingly, was enough for Ed to break out of the muffler and hide behind Eddy in fear. He whispered, “Double D’s darkside makes my armpits sweat Eddy.”

Eddy stared at his towering companion for a good, long moment before asking, “What doesn't?”

“Lost souls are we, gentlemen, doomed for eternity!” Double D shouted dramatically, collapsing to the ground like a broadway actor in his last scene.

Eddy approached Double D and pulled on his cap. “Lighten up sockhead, haven't I always steered you right?” There was a quick pause before Eddy continued, “Don’t answer that.”

Ed began to wave his lumber arms around, “Oh, if I may partake in this chat, could we not joineth the circus?”

Eddy laughed, “Talk about stupid, low bro. If we're going anywhere I know a place so out of the way it’s practically invisible.”

Ed’s smile was as large as ever, “Wow, that must be far.”

Knowing full well of Eddy’s plans, Double D facepalmed. “Dare I ask?” No answer. He sighed, “And?”

The suspense, how little it may be, got to Ed, “Yeah Eddy! And?

“And if any of those losers find us there they’ll be sent back home in a full body cast!” Eddy exclaimed.

“Where are we going Eddy?”

Eddy paused for a good minute, probably trying to drum up any anticipation before shouting, “My big bros' place!”

Double D frowned at this, “Eddy, I have my doubts that of all people your brother would give us sanctuary.”

“What, are you kiddin’ me? We’re connected, like twins with freaky brain powers!” Eddy waved a hand at his friends and began to run, “Now come on! He’s waitin for us!”

Ed could not, like most other instances, hold his excitement, “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Your brother is so cool!”

Double D just stood there, contemplating about something. He reached in his cap and pulled out his labeler, and creating a tag that read, ‘Out of Order’. Putting it upon some collection of the wreckage and putting his label maker upaway, he began to follow his friends, calling, “Wait for me fellows!”


The trio were running through the field until they hit a large amount of apple trees, and after about ten minutes they soon saw a house.

Double D let out a sigh of relief, “Finally, sanctuary! Maybe we can ask them for room and board for the night, maybe even if they know your brother.”

“Wait!” Ed shouted, causing Double D and Eddy to stop, “This could be a trap set by the evil Klaxborks of ‘Attack of the Mutated Farm Folk,’ where they attack local farmer's brains and set them to eat anyone that enters their lair for Saturday brunch.”

Eddy waved a dismissal hand, “Yeah right Ed, like that will ever happen!” He turned to his other companion and pushed him towards the farm door, “Now Double D, knock on the door.”

Double D crossed his arms, “Fine, but I might have to agree with Ed here due to the surprisingly lack of livestock around here.’

Eddy tilted his head, “Well it's an apple orchard, what could livestock possibly do here?”

“I guess so.”

Without much argument, Double D knocked on the door and got a response in the form of a girl with a southern accent, “I’ll be there in a minute.”

When the door opened, Double D saw something he would’ve never seen coming. A burnt orange elongated face adorned with a stetson hat looked straight at him before the top barn door swung closed. He turned to his friends and asked, “Does anybody know if Equines should be allowed to be inside a house, much less than be able to open doors and close them?”

Again, Eddy tilted his head at the question, but then laughed, “No way sockhead! Why would you think, or even ask that? You’re supposed to be the smart one.”

Eddy pushed Double D aside, “I’ll open it this time and show you that there is no -”

What Eddy saw caused his brain to stop for a second or two. Not only was a horse in a house, but it also was orange and wearing a hat. Suffice to say, it’s been a weird day for him. The only one who reacted was Ed who yelled, “PONIES!” He also tackled it to the ground and began stroking the mane repeating, “Pet the pony... Pet the pony...”

The horse, or pony, pushed the poor lug away from it and did something nobody would’ve expected. It talked, and with the same southern girl accent Double D had heard when he knocked on the door, “Gah, it's a horde of hideous fish faced demon spawn!”

“Hey that only ⅓ true,” Eddy replied to the talking pony, which he didn’t even bother to question how it could talk, and pointed to Ed who waved.

Double D’s mind raced at the thought of a talking horse. Still, he found the words to say, “My most humble apologies. My friends and I were-”

“We need a place to crash and eat. You gonna help a friend out or what?” Eddy interrupted, earning a glare from Double D.

The horse, however, deadpanned, “If you plan on cutting that rude attitude out, I can see if I can talk to my friends to help you out. I would love to help you three...things, I really would, but there’s just not enough room on the farm.”

Ed’s smile somehow got bigger, “Oh boy, oh boy!” He paused for a second, “I forget what we’re doing.”

Double D smiled, “Let’s just follow the nice horse, Ed.”

In an instant the horse responded rather irritably, “Horse!? I’m a pony. Name’s Applejack, ma friends call me AJ,” She extended a hoof to the three, “You?”

Double D returned the gesture, “As a species, we are humans. I’m Edd, and my friends are-”

“I’m Eddy,” He interrupted a second time pointing to their other friend, “and this here is Ed. Don’t worry, he doesn’t really do much.”

“Pleasure to meet y’all...” She murmured arrogantly, now trotting out of the house. “Come on! I need to show you my friends and see if they can help.”

After a minute of silence on their travel, Applejack asked, “How did you folks get here in the first place anyhow?”

“Well,” Double D began, “It all started this morning…”