• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 6,707 Views, 142 Comments

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: Equestrian Mis-Edventures - Barracuda cyborg

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An Ed in the woods

"Hurry up wide load!" Eddy exclaimed as he just casually walked in front of the three mares he crossed with his Thingamajig fiasco. Ed seemed more interested with the ground, but with the consequence with crashing into every tree in existence.

"I'm a woodpecker Eddy!" The lovable oaf replied as he started to drag his face into the ground, " 'Cept with dirt."

"Just remember small fry, we ain't taking no funny business from either of y'all." Applejack stated as she cut off Eddy, "This trip is supposed to be relationship buildin'."

"Yeah, so none of your slick talk." Rainbow added before looking at Ed quizzically, "Though I'm not sure what's with him."

The trek had been a tedious one until the group made it to the spot. "Now to start the campfire." Pinkie stated as she grabbed a economy sized jumbo bag of 'Ready for S'more' marshmallows.

Setting up the camp would've been faster if Eddy didn't waste all his time making Ed do his part of work, "Trust me monobrow, I got an idea to have some real fun with the camp fire." Eddy stated as he rubbed his hands maniacally.

"How are you gonna do that Eddy?" Ed questioned as he gathered more wood for the fire.

"I thought of revising something from those Urban Losers..."

Night Time

"There's something magical about fires that make you want to stare into it all night isn't there girls?" Pinkie asked as she and Ed continued to roast every marshmallow in the bag.

"I'd have to agree with you on that Pinks." Eddy replied, "So much that it reminds me of this little story."

"A story?" Applejack asked in a cynical manner.

"I highly doubt you could tell a camp fire story." Rainbow said with a cocky smirk.

Eddy's grin grew as the words came out like a chilling wind, "Well it's something called... the cutie mark eater." As the night went on the story became more and more frightening than what they had initially thought when Eddy first mentioned the story. It didn't help much since Eddy acted out the story, "AAHHH! Don't come any closer!" He exclaimed, "But it just kept coming towards her, staring at with it's one eye. She ran into the woods hoping for safety, but she could hear it coming for with every step." At this point the ponies and Ed were cowering in total fear as he acted out the monster's grisly voice, "I want to eat your cutie mark!"

Pinkie was the first to scream as she ran into Ed's jacket for safety as Rainbow and Applejack grabbed each other as Eddy just rolled around in the dirt and laugh like a total madman, "Oh jeeze, you guys outta see the look on your faces! There's no such thing as a Cutie mark eater, I made it up!" Just as if the universe was listening, the winds began to grow more violent and the fire that had helped enhance the story had suddenly died out leaving the group lost in the dark.

"Oh no..." Ed commented, "This is like the story, soon enough the monster will come for us and feed us to the minions of Hades!"

"Ed, I told you that I made the story up!" Eddy shouted, "It's as real as Sockhead's love life." Despite the macho façade, Eddy was just as terrified as he was with how the story transitioned into real life. Truly it was getting pretty weird for everyone, but as long as there weren't any rustling bushes then they would be fine.


"Okay this is getting pretty scary." Rainbow stated, "Why couldn't you tell a story about something else like a crazy snail wizard!"

"I don't think this arguing gonna get us anywhere." Applejack said flatly, "I think we can all agree that we should try and get to somewhere brighter."

Soon enough a monstrous growl came from within the darkness sending chills down everyone's spine. "SPONGE STAMPEDE!" Ed exclaimed as Pinkie popped out of his shirt and the two ran through the trees leaving nothing more than dust and twigs.

The remaining three campers silently looked at each other and decided to follow suit. "Ya know Eddy..." Applejack tried to say through her short breaths, "Despite what happened with that idiotic scam of yers, I still consider ya'll semi-decent folk!"

"Yeah, I mean you got me to give you my spare room, you have to be somewhat cool enough to fool me to do that!" Dash added.

"Save the apologies for later!" Eddy responded towards the two mares, "keep running!"

Eventually the five had made it back to some familiar roads and began to collect their breath. "Well I guess that's one way to get the blood pumping." Applejack jokingly said as Pinkie finally jumped out of Ed's jacket and shook out any and all remnants of the oafish boy's personal belongings from her mane.

"I think this was a trip worth remembering." Eddy said before being stopped by Rainbow Dash's wing.

"Not so fast short stack." The rainbow speedster said, "I don't know what was going on in those woods, but all I'm gonna say is that if you two apologize... then we'll forget that dumb scam you pulled off."

The two boys looked at each other and simply nodded, "As long as we're still gonna forget my humiliating defeat, we're golden." Eddy soon said.

"Yeah, even though it was pretty funny Eddy." Ed said as he began to laugh. The laughter was contagious and everyone began to laugh about the other day.

"Now all I wanna know is what the heck that thing in the woods was." Applejack said as the group began to walk back towards their respected homes.

"Who knows." Eddy said as he began to start his casual stroll, "I just hope we don't have to deal with whatever that was."

Meanwhile back in the woods

The rustling continued as a voice quickly followed, "Hello?! The great and powerful Trixie requires some assistance in finding her hat; the wind had blown it off, and I working on an empty stomach isn't helping much.!"

Author's Note:

Holy Cow, does it feel great to update this fic again. Sorry to anyone who has been watching this stories preogression. After countless retries of working on alien animal mercenaries and the misadventures of a bird and bear; it just feels great to continues the wacky ventures of 3 friends trying to pull off scams while on the lamb from their fellow cul-de-sac peers.

Anyways, hope you had a great time reading this. Have a great day.