• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 6,722 Views, 142 Comments

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: Equestrian Mis-Edventures - Barracuda cyborg

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A familar ring to Ed

The citizens of Ponyville were all up in a frenzy; normally this was accounted to a town meeting, a party led by Pinkie Pie, or news of re-elections coming up, but this wasn't one of those times. "What's all the hub bub?" Eddy asked.

"Seems that there's some sort of social gathering." Double D assumed given that everyone in town was just as confused as the trio of friends.

"Is it Friendship day!?" Ed asked with glee as he began to hum the 'friends are there to help you' song.

"Don't remind me of that." Double D said before shuddering, "I'm still finding fruit under my hat."

The uttering had finally went down as soon as a large puff of smoke had appeared, "Fillies and Gentlecolts; after months and months of reimaging, be prepared for an amazing comeback."

The Ed's were shocked at the voice from within the smoke. A familiar voice, a voice that sent chills down their spines.

"Behold the Great and powerful TRIXIE!" The smoke cleared to reveal a light blue unicorn in a purple cloak and hat. She began to send sparks to amaze the crowd, which worked on all but Twilight and the Ed's.

While Twilight merely sighed and rolled her eyes, the Ed's could not help but actually laugh louder than a hyena in a laughing gas factory.

"Ah jeeze, here I thought we were gonna be dealing with Shovel Chin, but it sounds like he's on helium!" Eddy shouted out of his own laughter.

The trio's laughter had gotten so loud that the show mare had taken offense to it, "Who dares to insult my voice?!"

"Despite everything, I cannot believe her voice surprisingly does sound like Kevin." Double D added, having more control over his laughter.

The Ed's instantly shut up as the unicorn stepped up towards the trio, "And what is the deal with you three... sea monkeys?"

"Trixie, these are some of my companions." Twilight stated, getting in between them, "And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try anything extreme with them."

Trixie laughed, "Really Twilight? Being friends with those things is one thing, but what could there be so important that I shouldn't mess with them?" Twilight tried to speak for the Ed's but of course Eddy responded to Trixie's big mouth with an even bigger mouth.

"Well I bet you thirty bits that I can get lumpy here to do something so ridiculous that even you can't do it!" Eddy exclaimed as he pulled in his friend in as Ed simply waved towards the audience.

"Very well." Trixie said, "Bring your best and I will see you by noon."

"You're on!" Eddy responded as he dragged his two friends away as Trixie disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Moments Later

"Make fun of me will she..." Eddy mumbled as he was digging through the town's garbage dump looking for something specific.

"Eddy you don't have to try and prove anything to her." Twilight said, "Trixie is nothing but a show boater."

"Oh I ain't gonna prove anything." Eddy responded as he pulled out two walkie-talkies, a roll of tape, and a monster toy, "But I know someone else that can, now help me with this bed!" Twilight reluctantly helped Eddy pick up the broken and dirty mattress, all the while Eddy laughed maniacally knowing he on the path to easy money.

Later that Day

When the time for the challenge arrived the only members on Eddy's side which lead Trixie to laugh at how it seemed Eddy had threw the match.

Ed was standing there awkwardly until he heard yet another familiar voice, "Hey you!" Ed quickly looked around to see where the voice was coming from. This went on for a while until he saw a green monster figure, "Approach me mortal, for I the great Baron O' Beef Dip have returned!"

"Baron, you're alive!" Ed exclaimed as he hugged the figure completely ignoring the walkie-talkie haphazardly taped to the toy's back.

"I never left to begin with fool!" The Baron replied. Every last pony was just confused seeing Ed act like the toy was a real creature, which lead to Trixie trying to figure out with what Eddy had meant with his challenge.

"What are you're commands my master?" Ed asked

"First off, hit your head against a tree!" The toy said, Ed quickly followed as the toy commanded and rammed his head into a tree. Trixie saw the oaf's action and tried her best to replicate it, luckily she just went through the hole Ed left behind.

"Now bend over and pick up a rock with your mouth." Baron O' Beef Dip added to the list of commands he wanted Ed to obey. Ed and Trixie both followed the commands, but only Trixie was successful as Ed kept eating his rocks.

This went on for a while until the tie breaker had come to the Baron's mind, "Now eat a mattress."

Trixie and Ed looked around until a mattress had suddenly appeared by the tree Ed had practically destroyed, "Yum!" Ed exclaimed as he made a mad dash towards the bed.

Trixie was still trying to process what the command was going on before she saw Ed, "Good Lord man!"

Ed had somehow wrapped his mouth around the mattress and proceeded to devour it like a snake does to an large egg."That hit the spot." Ed said, satisfied from his meal.

"Okay, Trixie can do whatever that thing demand, but I will not submit myself to needless taxing of my digestive system!" Trixie exclaimed as she picked up the toy, "Baron O' Beef Dip, you shall not make a fool out of Trix-"

"DON'T LET HER TOUCH ME!" The toy shouted, causing Trixie to drop it. Ed Picked it up back up to protect it.

"Obey me mortal. Wolf down the non believer!" The Baron commanded. That command sent chills down Trixie's spine as Ed began to mindlessly walk towards the show pony.

"I shall obey! Must eat non believer!" Ed said as he began to chase Trixie in a circle.

"Here, take the bits!" Trixie shouted as she pulled out a bag full of bits, "You win!" With that Trixie ran out of town, leaving all but three now what was going on.

"Very funny Eddy, now make him stop before we lose sight of him." Double D said snapping Eddy out of his laughter fit.

"Take five mortal." Eddy spoke into the walkie-talkie, stopping Ed into his tracks.

"Gotcha Baron, but what else do you command?" Ed asked as he held the toy closely towards his ear.

"Yeah get me and your friends some sandwiches." Baron replied. With that Ed ran off to get whatever he needed for sandwiches.

Double D, Eddy and Twilight all gathered around to grab the toy, "Well Eddy I guess you were right." She said looking at the toy.

"Yeah, you really can fool anyone with the right bait and voice." Eddy said as he grabbed the bag of bits.

Double D looked at Twilight and Eddy and knew there were just some things that couldn't change, "I think that's the last time we should try this scam." Though there was some things that could.

"As much as I love pulling off all these classic scams, I think we should avoid that scam since it was a huge waste of time and tape." Eddy said before the hand that was holding the bag of bits was suddenly crushed under a hastily made sandwich.

"Baron O' Beef Dip is pleased now." Ed happily said with a toothy grin as the sandwiches began to drip sauces and fall apart.

Author's Note:

Yep, having Trixie at the end of the last chapter wasnt just some cheap joke. decided to use her in this chapter.

Fun fact for those who dont know: Trixie's VA actually did voice Kevin when Ed Edd n Eddy was still running. So Ed and Double D aren't the only ones with Pony counterparts.

And remember never question the Great Baron O' Beef Dip, or his believers will wolf you down.