• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 6,722 Views, 142 Comments

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: Equestrian Mis-Edventures - Barracuda cyborg

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Evil Tim's and the Gourd’s Reckoning

Crows were flying all around town square as Twlight and her friends did their best to fend off the ever growing menace, "I don't remember Crows migrating around this area until Zap Apple season!" Applejack shouted as she fended off a flock of the winged fiends.

"Well they must be coming for a reason." Twilight replied, "But for what reason?"

With all the chaos they did not notice the large figure shrouded in darkness. "Who dares to summon I, Evil Tim!" The figure looked around and saw his birds flying around aimlessly and realized what was going on. "Oh jeez, is that boy in the green jacket here?"

Twilight looked up, "You mean Ed?"

"Yes." Evil Tim Replied, "He tried this summoning thing once and this exact thing happened."

"So what happened then?" Rainbow asked as she shook off a flock of crows.

"I simply told them they had two more chances to actually use my powers for something." Evil Tim said as he pulled all the crows towards him, "Now where did they run off to?"

"They're back home." Pinkie Pie said as she attempted to feed Tim's crows.

Tim sighed as he pulled out a sort of list, "Well... could you be so kindly as to tell them they have only one summon left?"

"Well..." Twilight began, "We don't exactly know where they are; but since you do, could you help with that?"

Evil Tim sighed as he put away the list, "Very well, just hold still." The being kneeled to Twilight and touched her horn, "There you now have an instant way to teleport to Peach Creek."

"Thank you sir."

"Yeah whatever, just tell those punk kids to stop summoning me without any purpose!" With that Evil Tim took off with his flock of crows.


Peach Creek

The Eds were having a laugh as the they walked across the alleyways of their Cul-de-sac when a portal opened up. “What in heavens name is that?” Double D questioned, his answer was soon answered as Twilight came out.

“Whew, it’s just Twilight.” Eddy stayed with a sigh of relief; after all they had experienced anything could happen at this point.

“Guys!” Twilight exclaimed as she wrapped her wings around the trio.

“It’s glad to see you again too.” Double stated, “Its been awhile, but what brings up the sudden visit?”

Twilight pulled out a small note, “Apparently some one named Evil Tim showed up and asked about you guys.”

“What did he say this time?” Ed asked with enthusiasm.

“He said to stop summoning him without any purpose, and you have one chance left.” Twilight replied.

“I knew that whole idea seemed too familiar!” Eddy exclaimed before dragging Ed to his eye level, “You really need to consider something else to read than that stupid comic Lumpy.”

“But it worked Eddy.” Ed replied with a big smile.

Eddy simply ignored the big oaf and looked at Twilight, “Say, you wanna hang out for a while?” He asked, “I mean we got nothing else to do today, right guys.” The other Ed’s looked around.

“I guess I could postpone reorganizing my fossil collection for a day.” Double D said as he flipped through his day planner.

“I haven’t a clue what we’re doing guys.” Ed added as he pulled out a calendar page; not that it really helped the boy as it was for February of 1987.

“Great!” Eddy exclaimed, “Now we can catch up.”

“Is Eddy alright?” Twilight whispered to Double D.

“He had a little time to reflect on some things when we got back home.” Double replied, “It’s actually an interesting story.”

Throughout the afternoon the trio told Twilight their ventures; from confronting Eddy’s older brother, becoming accepted by the rest of the neighborhood kids, up to the point all of the bad luck they had endured transferred exclusively to one of the other kids: Johnny 2x4.

“So, he became the Cul-de-sac punching bag?” Twilight asked, “That seems a bit... harsh.”

“My guess is that the universe had to readjust since we got popular.” Eddy stated, “Besides, I’m still annoyed with him with that party thing. I’m just glad he passed out so we could get out.”

“Plus I doubt we could stay there for a sapling to grow into a full grown tree.” Double D added, “We would have to move it outside for any proper growth to take action, and just taking care of it while dancing in a circle would’ve be-“ Double D rambled before being stopped by Eddy.

“I think she gets the idea Sockhead.” Eddy said before looking around, “Yep, everything seems to be finally turning around for us.”

“I wouldn’t say that Eds!” A voice sounded. The group began to look around frantically until a familiar piece of wood came flying towards them.

“Plank’s gone mad!” The Eds exclaimed as they tried to run around before being blocked by a barrier of trees.

“This is like the cliffhanger to the two part finale of Attack of the Vegetable Invaders of Chlorophyx!” Ed exclaimed as he became utterly terrified of the surrounding trees, “Soon enough the invaders will attack us and use us to power their ships for their attack on earth!”

“Ed please.” Twilight sighed as he pulled the big guy back into reality, “Obviously this is that Johnny kid just trying to terrify you guys.”

“Who is this Johnny you speak of?” The figure asked before jumping down into the tree barrier, “It is I, the Villainous Gourd and his cohort Timber the Dark Shard!” The figure was obviously Johnny just dressed up as a cartoonish super villain with a decorative autumn squash for a mask instead of a watermelon.

“Really Baldy?” Eddy asked, obviously annoyed with the boy’s antics, “Just give it up already!”

“Never fiendish Eds!” Johnny exclaimed, “Despite what the others say, there is no forgiveness for what you three did!”

The Eds just let their ‘friend’ ramble on with his monologue as they looked at Twilight. “Yeah... he didn’t take us becoming popular well.” Double D said.

“If by well you mean going full on lunatic, then yeah I think the did!” Eddy exclaimed.

“Have you guys tried talking to him about it?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, but he just keeps rambling on to himself.” Eddy replied.

“Now prepare for your destruction Eds!” Johnny exclaimed as he pulled out a crown of broccoli.

“NOT BROCCOLI!” Ed exclaimed in fear as he ran past his friends crashing into both Johnny and the trees.

“Quick, lets get outta here!” Eddy exclaimed as he and the others ran out of the lumber barrier, and hopefully try to calm down Ed from his panicked state.

Johnny got back up and picked up Plank, “I will get my revenge, mark my words!” He began to laugh so crazily the Joker himself would tell him to calm down before being stopped by his wooden companion. “What?” Johnny asked, “There’s no time? It’s the end of the story?” Johnny just looked around in utter confusion from his friend, “What Story?!”


Author's Note:

Wow... this took me a good time to finish up. Quite honestly I was just indecisive on how I wanted the story to truly end, but hey better late then never. And so this story comes to an end, thank you all for reading and sticking around for this crazy story of mine.

Have a fantastic day or evening (whenever you are reading this).