• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 9,596 Views, 1,839 Comments

Raising Rainbow - Pizzema Forte

After an accidental pregnancy, Rainbolt is left raising an adorable, sweet and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash. Love will bring them closer, and time will leave them permanately embossed in each other's hearts.

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6. Happy Birthday!

Rainbow was growing fast. Way too fast. Within seemingly a week, she was already turning one. Her birthday party wasn’t an extravagant event, but a small bash between her and her father. Rainbow didn’t know what a birthday was, so her father explained that exactly a year ago she was born. He then explained what a year was. She didn’t get much that day, however. She was only one, and hadn’t shown much interest in anything except eating, sleeping, flying, and sucking on her hoof. He did give her a large, personal cupcake for her to munch on. It was chocolate with a thick layer of vanilla frosting on top, and decorated in rainbow sprinkles. That, along with his undivided attention. Rainbow loved attention.

“Dashie… Don’t eat it so fast or you’ll get a tummy ache…”

Rainbolt was sitting parallel to his daughter, who at the time was stuffing her face with the delectable treat. Frosting was smeared all over her cheeks and chocolate cake crumbs covered her mouth. The little filly’s pink eyes stared at her father for a moment. Her little hoof was stuffing more cupcake in her mouth.

“No!” Was her only protest.

Over the course of the six months, Dashie had learned to speak a little. She learned basic words and phrases like: no, yes, please, dad, daddy, food, more, thank you, sorry, what’s that? , I want it, give me it, and most importantly, I love you. There were a few odd and end words she knew, but the majority of what she said was came from the simplest phrases. Occasionally, however, she did say something intelligent or more complex for somepony her age.

Rainbolt watched as his little girl wolfed down the yummy treat. Each bite caused a new little disaster on her face. The stallion rolled his yellow eyes as Rainbow continued eating. She took in another bite and smiled at her daddy.

“You’re going to need a bath when you’re done.”

Rainbow crossed her hooves and gave her daddy her pouty face. Her pink eyes enlarged and grew teary, while her lower lip trembled and covered the top lip. She still hated being bathed. Her father crossed his hooves and looked down at the little pony with a serious expression.

“Rainbow, you’re going to get a bath.”

Dashie sighed. She knew by then that when Daddy said she was getting a bath, he meant it. She knew it was coming, so she began to more slowly eat her cupcake. Rainbolt smiled at her silliness. Unfortunately, Rainbow’s face and chest weren’t the only things covered in messy cake remains. The table beneath her was also covered in crumbs and smeared icing.

“Rainbow…. You’re making a huge mess…” He let out an annoyed grunt and grabbed a towel. Rainbow lowered her eyes as Daddy wetted the rag and cleaned up the crumbs the messy filly left. “You’re a messy kid, aren’t you?”

“Sowwy, Daddy….” Rainbow apologized with cute eyes.

Rainbolt chuckled. “No need to be sorry, Sweetheart, you’re only one years-old.”

Rainbow smiled and ate her finally bit of cupcake. She’d already ate all the icing, so she was left with only a little chunk of chocolate cake to consume, which she gobbled down seemingly without swallowing. Her plate was left with only crumbs, but her body with nearly an entire cupcake smashed into it. Rainbolt smiled at thoughts of the messes he’d make when he was a kid.

“Alright, Sweetheart. I think we both know what comes next.”

Rainbow frowned almost instantly and looked at the ground. Bath time sucked. She crossed her hooves and tried her pouty face once more. It yet again failed her. Rainbolt put his hooves under her arms and lifted her up out of her booster seat. She let out an annoyed grunt and tried hard to struggle her way out of her father’s grasp. She failed effortlessly though. She was lifted up and carried out of her booster seat and into the bathroom. Rainbolt closed the bathroom door and locked it behind him. Rainbow dreadfully rest in her father’s arms. The turn of a metal handle sent a stream of warm water out of the nozzle.

“It’s okay, Sweety… This’ll only take five minutes…” He reassured her as he removed her diaper and kissed the top of her head. She squirmed a bit as she was gently set in the luke-warm liquid. Rainbolt turned off the water when it rose a couple inches.

“Daddy! I no like it!”

“I know, Sweetheart…” He took the soap down from the nearby counter and tossed her a reassuring smile. “Just bare with it, I promise, you’ll be clean in no ti-“ His words were cut off by a loud banging noise. “I’ll… go get that. You stay right here!”

Not another moment passed before Rainbolt flew off out of the bathroom, leaving the wooden exit wide opened. He flew all the way to the front door and answered the knock. He smiled upon seeing his good friend.

“Morning, Dreamscape.” Rainbolt greeted. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Don’t you have work?”

“I’m on lunch break, remember?” He reminded Rainbolt, trotting inside. “Just wanted to see how Rainbow’s doing on her birthday.”

Rainbolt grinned. “She’s bathing at the moment. Thanks for remembering, though."

"How could I forget? It's the only thing you've been talking about for the past week! Wait....She's doing what at the moment?"

While her dad was having a little conversation without her, Rainbow noticed the opened door quickly. This was her escape! She smiled and crawled out of the tub. She struggled to make it out over the edge. Her hind legs kicked and she eventually fell to the ground with a thud. Her wet body squeaked against the tile floor as she arose to her hooves and started galloping out of the restroom, nearly slipping several times. She was beyond happy to be out of the cursed liquid As she entered the hallway, she heard her father speaking to a friend of his.

“Are you crazy?” The light blue-coated stallion said with a gaped mouth. “You can’t leave that young of a child unattended in a bath! She could drown!”

“There’s only like, three inches of water in there!” Rainbolt argued. “Plus, I don’t think she’ll drown. She can sit straight up! Also, we’ll hear her splashing or screaming!”

Dreamscape grunted and rolled his eyes. Some ponies just didn’t know how to properly parent. He didn’t blame Rainbolt, though. He wasn’t any better when his daughter was first born.

Well, whatever they were talking about, it certainly didn’t concern the rambunctious one year-old. She was free as she could get. Her body was still wet and covered in mushy, soaked cake crumbs and runny frosting. It was then the visiting stallion peaked over Rainbolt’s shoulder and saw the foal. No! She was caught! Dreamscape nudged Rainbolt, telling him to turn his attention to the area behind him. He saw his daughter dripping wet with food, water, and a little shock in her eyes.

“Rainbow! I told you to stay in the bathtub!”

Rainbolt flew to his daughter, planning to pick her up and hold her closely until they no longer had company, and place her back into her bath. It wasn’t until Dash screamed, “No!” and swiftly ran under him that his ears perked up and he turned in shock. Her defiant spirit sent her soaring past her father, Dream, and right through a window. Rainbolt couldn’t move in shock. When he snapped into reality, he let out an annoyed grunt and flew after her. Why was she being so irritating?

The annoyed and a bit worried stallion flew out of the door. He saw his baby flying skyward towards a small neighborhood. He rushed upwards towards her as fast as his wings would carry him. To his surprise, Rainbow was much faster than him. She was quick, quite agile, and she knew it damn well. She soared upwards into the neighborhood and Rainbolt fallowed closely behind. She dodged the multiple ponies she swooped by with ease. Rainbolt had a more difficult time doing the same time. He mumbled out many apologies to his fellow pegasi as he dodged them tirelessly.

“Rainbow!” He finally shouted. “Get back here! Please!”

Dash giggled, and looked back. She blew a raspberry in her father's direction. This only angered the stallion further and sent him zooming towards the young filly. Unfortunately for Dash, Daddy's wings were much stronger than hers and allowed him to have twice the endurance. She was growing weaker by the second. Her heart thumped vigorously and her wings and back ached. She could sense her father merely seconds away from catching her, though.

Rainbow's nervous energy kept her going. She took a moment to look back at her father, who was only inches behind her. That’s when she crashed into somepony’s chest, knocking her over along with her little filly, who fell onto the cloud layer beneath them. The small filly instantly hooked to her mother’s leg and whimpered. Rainbow was too distracted by the little mare she hurt to notice her father come right up behind her and grab her hoof.

“Rainbow Dash!” He said in a firm tone. He was trying hard not to yell at her. “How dare you run from me and deliberately disobey me like that?! Bad, Bad girl!” His teeth were gritted as he lectured the young filly. He felt like hitting her, but kept all his anger bottled up. He didn't want to honestly hurt her. “I am very, very angr-“

His speech was cut off by a small mummer. “Um, excuse me?” The mare said in a quiet voice. “I-I’m sorry, but… P-please don’t y-yell at her. She’s very young a-and doesn’t know right from wrong…”

Rainbolt turned his head. “And the only way to get her to know right from wrong is to show how it makes you feel.”

The red-maned mare shook her head. “N-not necessarily…” Shyly, she approached Rainbow and looked down at her. “Listen, Sweetheart… I know that you’re young and want to have fun, but you should never do it in a way that could hurt other ponies’.”

“I didn’t hurt ponies.” Rainbow argued with a confused expression.

“But you did… You were flying, and you accidentally hurt me… What if I were a little filly, and got seriously injured?” Rainbow lowered her eyes as the mare continued. “What about your father? You may not have hurt his body but you hurt his feelings.”

“I… I didn’t….” Rainbow’s eyes were trembling when she took her dad’s feelings into consideration.

The mare put her hoof up to silence the young filly. “He’s probably disappointed that you’d disobey him like that. Why would your daddy tell you to do something if he wasn’t one hounded percent sure it would keep you out of trouble? Do you think your daddy’s proud of you right now?” Rainbow silently shook her head, shamefully. Rainbolt watched, shocked at how well she was getting it through to his daughter. “Deary, you’re a mess. You should go home with your father and clean up your coat. Do you understand?” Rainbow nodded and the young pegasus knelt down, giving her an affectionate nuzzle. “That’s a good girl.”

Rainbolt stared with his mouth lowered. “Wow…that was amazing.”

“Th-thank you. Being gently with children of her age is an easy way to get them to learn. You don’t always have to yell to get your point through. I’m not saying you shouldn’t show them discipline, but it’s sometimes better to handle things gently.”

Rainbolt smiled a bit. “Thanks… I mean, I’m new to this whole parenting thing. It hasn’t exactly been easy or anything…”

“I understand. When me and my husband- Dreamscape- were first-“

“Wow! Wait? You’re Dreamscape’s wife! He’s one of my coworkers! He talks about you quite a lot, but I’ve never actually seen you! Dewdrop, right?”

The little pegasus blushed and smiled. “Yeah… Now that I think about it… He has mentioned something about a single dad he worked with before. He may have mentioned you a few times before that, though.”

“Wow… Well, I hope you have a nice day and forgive my daughter for the, uh… disturbance. Maybe through time our kids could become friends.”

Dewdrop smiled at her shy, little filly. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. There’s no need to be afraid. They’re good ponies.”

The little filly remained hiding behind her mother’s hooves. Her teal eyes looked up at Rainbolt. She had wavy, hair in the same style as her mother’s, except her mother’s was red. She also got her beautiful shade of yellow coat from her mom. Dewdrop giggled.

“Don’t worry, she’ll grow out of her little shy phase eventually. Well.. I think I should be going. It was nice meeting you, though.”

The mare hoisted the filly onto her back once more, and wondered off into the distance. Rainbolt sighed.

“Come on, Rainbow, let’s go home!”

Rainbow looked up at her daddy with cute, trembling eyes. “Daddy… I’m sowwy…”

“Awe…it’s fine, Sweetheart…” He thought for a moment and then frowned. “Listen, I know you’ve most likely learned your lesson over this, but don’t think you’ll get away with things this easily in the future. When you’re older, you’ll do wrong things. even though you already know they're bad.”

Rainbow gasped. “I… I’m not bad…”

“I’m not saying that, Sweety… Just remember; I won’t always be nice enough to let you off the hook.”

“Okay Daddy…” Rainbow’s ears drooped down as she mounted her father’s back.

Rainbolt soared home, wondering if he were being too lenient with her. She was only one, and it was her birthday, so he did all in his mind to keep his thoughts off the recent event. He swooped down on his front doorstep and smiled. He opened the door and let his daughter dismount from his back. Dreamscape was lazily lying on Rainbolt’s couch.

“Hey, Rainbolt. See you caught the little troublemaker.”

“Yeah… I met your wife. She talked to Dashie about what she did, and I’m pretty sure she’s feeling guilty about it. Dewdrop really does know how to talk to kids…”

“She does. Fluttershy’s a great kid. She hasn’t been through the whole ‘terrible twos’ phase. My baby knows how to say all the right things to her if she does get in trouble. You know, my wife used to be a motivational speaker.”


“Yeah, her parents were both working in weather. They assumed she’d be a weather pony, too, and gave her an appropriate name for one. Turns out she hated trying to be a weather pony, so her name never fit her too well.”

“Oh… that kind of sucks. It’s a pretty name, though. Your daughter looks a lot like her.”

“Yeah, I know… So, are you going to punish the little rebel or let her off the hook?”

Rainbolt looked at his daughter. Her chest was still covered in cake remains, so his first priority was getting her clean. She was feeling guilty… But then again, she’d have to learn to learn to take responsibility for her actions. It wasn’t like he hadn’t put her in time-out for little things before. Rainbolt took in a breath and sighed.

“I don’t know… I mean, I know she could’ve hurt somepony…but…”

“And she disobeyed you directly!” Dreamscape added.

“She could have hurt herself, too…”

“And she didn’t even think about the consequences!”

“I know… but…”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s her birthday. She’s only one. What if she ran off to someplace dangerous?”

Rainbow didn’t hear the rest of their argument. Guilt consumed her heart once more and she walked off into a nearby corner, stuck her nose in it, and silently stared at the wall. The argument continued another minute before Rainbolt noticed his daughter’s location.

“Dashie? What are you doing?”

The little cyan filly remained silent and lowered her eyes from the wall to the cloud floor.

“Rainbow, answer your father!”

Again, Rainbow remained silent and her pink eyes began to water.

This time Rainbolt went over to his daughter and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Rainbow, answer my question….”

The little pegasus shed a tear. Her head turned to her father, and she almost immediately looked down at the ground.

“Dashie’s not allowed to talk…she’s in time-out.”

Author's Note:

Yes, I'm aware I may have made Rainbow speak a little more than most one year-olds, BUT remember Baby Cakes? They both spoke, and at the time they were only one month old. From that much, it's safe to assume ponies mature a bit faster than humans.
Also, thank you all so so so so so so so so so so so so much for reading! :D I'm so, so happy this got featured! Thank you all for reading. I've enjoyed writing this so much, and I can't wait for later chapters! Thank all of you who've been enjoying this story as much as I have! Thank you all who have read this, and didn't particular like it, but gave it a chance, anyway.
Also, there aren't going to be a lot of chapters revolving around ages 1-5. Honestly, there's not a lot that can happen in those years of one's childhood. There's going to be A LOT more coverage for ages five and up.
Also, for those who have commented wondering about this: Firefly WILL make another appearance in later chapters.
One more thing: Firefly isn't the only G1 pony appearing in this story. Let's just say I'll leave the other one a surprise.
Thank you all for reading. I love you! ^.^