• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 9,596 Views, 1,839 Comments

Raising Rainbow - Pizzema Forte

After an accidental pregnancy, Rainbolt is left raising an adorable, sweet and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash. Love will bring them closer, and time will leave them permanately embossed in each other's hearts.

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2. Telling the Parents

Rainbolt swallowed the pit of saliva that had formed in his drying mouth. Bullets of sweat leaked from his forehead. He knew the moment would come, and it was absolutely inevitable. Weeks prior to that, he would have figured the dreaded moment was to come years from then! Fate had taken a turn for the worse, however, and this was the consequence for giving in to lust.

“Do you think they heard you?” Firefly whispered after Rainbolt knocked.

“I don’t know… I’m sort of dreading the moment, so I may be knocking a tad quiet….”

Firefly rolled her purple eyes and took it in her own hooves. She banged her pink hoof against the door nearly three times.

“Coming!” Rainbolt heard a familiar, feminine voice sing from the inside of the house.

Rainbolt’s heart filled with dread further. The uneasy feeling consumed him and only forced more sweat, heart throbs, and trembles out of him. Firefly took notice to his nervous signs and sighed. This wasn’t going to be easy for either of them.

After what felt like an eternity, the two pegasi were greeted by a ravishing, aging pegasus. She had gray roots at the base of her lovely pink, purple, and crimson streaked mane. Her large, yellow eyes had beautiful, long eyelashes. Despite her older age, she lacked all wrinkles and impurities on her pretty, pink face.

“H-h-hello, Mother…” Rainbolt stammered upon seeing the mare. “I, uh… You remember F-Firefly, r-right?”

His mother’s smile faded and turned into a concerned expression. “Of course…” She moved to the side, allowing Rainbolt and his marefriend some room to enter. They gladly accepted the invitation and entered the vanilla-scented house. “Are you alright, Sweetie Pie? You seem awfully nervous.”

The periwinkle stallion took a seat on the couch. Firefly sat next to him and put her head in his chest.

“Well… We have some news…” Rainbolt started. “I just think Dad should be here to hear it…”

The pretty mare cocked her head and seemed a bit confused. “Alright… I’ll go get Spectrum… you two stay here…”

With that, Rainbolt’s mom flew upstairs, leaving the young pegasi alone with their worries.

“I am so, so nervous…” Rainbolt admitted.

“I am, too…” Firefly shyly stated. “I’m sure your parents won’t be as pissed as my parents, though…”

Rainbolt’s heart ached at the very thought. Since the day Rainbolt met his beloved’s parents, they didn’t like him. They even tried to force them apart at one time. When he had to admit his mistake to them, he’d probably end up dead or in a hospital. At least his parents would understand to a degree.


Firefly and Rainbolt perked their ears up at a booming, stallion’s voice. “This better be good…”

The married couple smiled, and sat in the black love seat directly across from the nervous, young lovers. Rainbolt took in a deep breath.

“Mom…Dad…I…I have something to confess…” Rainbolt’s eyes darted towards the red rug on the carpet beneath them. “I…I… I, um…”

Firefly wrapped her hooves around the young stallion for comfort.

“Well… I…I’m sorry to tell you this, but…” Rainbolt gulped. “Firefly and I… are…” Rainbolt paused and his tongue dried up. All he had to do was force the words out, and it’d be over. “Well… Some things happened and things didn’t turn out well…”

Rainbolt had the attention of everypony in the large chamber.

“What do you mean, Sweetie?” His mother asked in a soft tone.

“Well… accidents happen… and well we-“

Firefly interrupted her love. “Listen… To state it bluntly, we’re on the road to parenthood…”

The stallion’s parents blinked before tossing each other unsure expressions.

“Do you mean to say… you’re pregnant, Firefly?”

Both Rainbolt and Firefly nodded with hot shades of red masked their worried faces.

The parents’ faces went blank and then they smiled and giggled at the thought of gandfoals.

“Honey…We’re going to be grandparents!” Rainbolt’s mom exclaimed.

Spectrum wrapped his white hooves around his excited wife. “I know! Isn’t it wonderful?”

Firefly and Rainbolt both stared in shock at the old couple hugging and rejoicing. Although they were both surprised, neither were disappointed.

“I, uh… You’re not disappointed in me?” Rainbolt asked in a shocked tone.

His mother giggled. “Why would we be?”

“I don’t know… I mean, Firefly’s only sixteen…”

“We know…” His father started. “But you two are responsible. Rainbolt’s an adult with a job. I’m sure you two will make it through together. As long as you stick by each other's side and care for each other, it’ll be fine.”

Rainbolt and his marefriend smiled at each other. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad…

“Thanks you guys….” Firefly started. “For supporting us and all… I can only hope my parents act the some way…”

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Firefly whispered quietly in a nervous tone.

“I’m sure…” Rainbolt lied with very little confidence. “I practiced this a million times…”

That statement wasn’t a lie. That entire week, Rainbolt had recited his apology into a mirror a thousand times or more. Telling his parents about the misfortune had been a breeze. It may have been a harsh, cold, sharp breeze, but it was a breeze nonetheless. This, however, was going to be a hurricane.

With a heavy heart lingering in both of their chests, Firefly lifted her trembling hoof to her own front door and knocked on it four times. Rainbolt gulped as he heard a grumbling pony approaching. His heart felt like exploding out of his chest. Even the thought of a torturous, long death seemed far more pleasant than confessing this to the parents of the teenage pony he’d unintentionally impregnated.

At long last, a gruff, pink-coated stallion answered the door. His already unenthusiastic mood lowered further when he set eyes on the periwinkle colt.

“Why’d you bring this one?” he asked in an angry tone.

Rainbolt cleared his throat. His nervous heart beat much, much faster in his presence. “Sir, I uh… have something important I think you should know…”

The stallion’s blue eyes widened and he nodded. “Come in…” Although his tone still carried its usual disgust towards the world, it was quite gently.

“Thank you, sir…” Rainbolt replied shyly as he entered the small apartment. Crooked paintings hung from the walls. Beer bottles trashed the messy floor. The odd-smelling shelter must have been home to a million diseases. The first time Rainbolt ever visit the house, he’d nearly thrown from the stench of rotting barf. On the couch rested a golden-coated mare with a cigarette dangling out of her mouth and an emptied beer bottle to her side.

“Ma’am?” Rainbolt started to get the attention of the alcoholic mare. She lifted her head up slightly to acknowledge him.

“Why the hell are you here?” She asked.

Rainbolt blushed and stood in place where he was. Maybe if he started out on a brighter note, the news itself wouldn’t seem as bad. Maybe he wouldn’t get a bullet through his skull.

“Well, I, uh… I’d like to start off by saying how amazing and wonderful my life has been since I met your daughter….” His statement went practically unheard by the parents. “And, umm… thank you so, so much for allowing me to visit your…wonderful home…” Firefly’s mom grew increasingly bored. She took her cigarette from her lips and blew a cloud of smoke into the atmosphere. Rainbolt tried his best not to cough. “I… to get to the point… I…we…I thought…” Rainbolt nervously rubbed the back of his neck and sweat heavily. “We…we….” His arid throat was growing dryer and caused his pitch to go up. “Well… a while ago on my eighteenth birthday… I, uh… I may have agreed to…” Firefly watched with an anxious heart. She’d begged him to do the explaining to her parents. The last thing she wanted to do was tell them about it. “I agreed to…you know…” He blushed heavily. “I-Intercourse and stuff….”

That bit of news was enough make the mare drop her burning cigarette from her mouth. Without hesitation, she grabbed the nearby beer bottle and chucked it at the stallion. Rainbolt moved out of the way and the glass shattered against the filthy wall behind him.

“Mom!” Firefly cried. “We both agreed! Please don’t get mad at him!”

“Oh, yeah. You ‘agreed’!” She screamed. “What’d he do? Drug you? Seduce you? Did he rape you?”

“No! Of course not!” Firefly argued with a heavy blush.

Rainbolt didn’t know how to react. He was already being assaulted verbally and with bottles, and they didn’t even know their daughter was pregnant!

The mare turned her attention to the stallion. She was panting heavily in anger. Her usually yellow face was bright red from lividness.

“Listen here, you little piece of shit…” She started to corner the fearful stallion. “If I ever find out what happened wasn’t one hundred percent consensual, I will personally hunt you down and rip off your head!”

Rainbolt gulped and his ears flopped against his head. “Y-yes, m-ma’am!”

“And if you get my daughter pregnant before she’s twenty, I will destroy you!”

“Well…I… C-could you maybe specify what you mean by ‘destroy’?” He asked nervously. His heavy heart throbbed and sweat fell from his nose.

The mare grit her teeth. “Does it matter?”

“I, err… N-No, ma’am… I-It’s a g-good thing I-I’m sterile…” He lied with a chuckle and blush.

“Oh…” Her anger calmed nearly instantly. “You are?”

“I…I…Well…” Rainbolt glanced at his marefriend. Her face was worried, confused, and scared. Rainbolt didn’t know what to think of it. If he were to lie, he could end up in a far worse situation. If he told the truth, it would be evident what he was hiding. “I…I…” He swallowed hard. “N-no m-ma’am…I… I can have kids…”

The mare blinked. Her anger wasn’t rebuilding but her suspicions were growing by the second. “Why’d you lie?”

“To calm you down…”

“Oh… It worked…” was her only response.

“G-good…” Rainbolt looked in the eyes of the previously furious mare. She had been so angry, but she seemed far calmer than before. Rainbolt smiled. “So… A-are you a little more okay with the whole s-sex thing?” he forced out.

“I…I guess.” She shot her husband a glance who simply shrugged.

“I started having sex when I was fourteen, so it’s fine by me.”

“So…” Rainbolt started. Maybe then was the best time, since everything had calmed down. Even Firefly and Rainbolt’s heart rates dropped dramatically. “S-since it’s more okay… H-how okay are you with the fact she’s…” Rainbolt paused and her parents both turned attention to him. “P-pregnant?”

“Wait…” Her mother started. “She’s…WHAT?!”

Rainbolt shrunk back into the nearby corner and covered his face with his wings. “P-please don’t kill me…”

Author's Note:

So... This is a chapter I WAS going to originally put in the story, but didn't. Better late than never though, right? You may have seen this in a blog post, but if not, enjoy! I hope you like it, and sorry it wasn't too long. Also, you can expect another chapter update by the end of the day! Thanks for reading!