• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 9,596 Views, 1,839 Comments

Raising Rainbow - Pizzema Forte

After an accidental pregnancy, Rainbolt is left raising an adorable, sweet and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash. Love will bring them closer, and time will leave them permanately embossed in each other's hearts.

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3. A Rainbow is Born

Rainbolt hauled a hefty box into the living room of the new, much larger home they both sacrificed a lot to earn. Firefly picked up a part-time job, and put all her money into savings for the new home and things they’d need for the baby. Rainbolt worked any extra possible shift he could. They spent as little as they needed to get by and make ends meet, and sacrificed every last bit towards the arriving baby. The house was in decent shape, to say the least. There were a few plumbing problems, and minor issues with the structure, but it was perfect aside from that. It had two bedrooms, a nice bathroom, a spacious living room, a small, but cozy kitchen, and plenty of windows with a good sized yard the child would grow to love.

Caring for Firefly the past ten months wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. She had dramatic mood swings, a strange appetite, and worst of all, she had false births a few times within the past couple weeks. Those were not only scary, but they changed Firefly’s mood to quite aroused. It could have been far worse, but it was bad enough. Rainbolt loved her, cared for her, and tolerated her the whole way through, though.

“Is that the last one?” Firefly asked as Rainbolt set the heavy box down onto the cloud floor.

“Yeah…” He answered. “I just hope this baby is worth it…”

“I know… He’s getting awfully big…” She flew up and felt her growing belly, gently stroking her hoof across the bulging surface. “I wonder what he’ll look like.”

“It could be a she.” Rainbolt corrected. “The doctor said he wasn’t completely sure what its gender was.”

“But he said he was like, ninety percent sure it was a boy.” The mare argued.

“Whatever.” Rainbolt opened the box he’d just set down. “Ugh, more books. You are such an egghead.”

Firefly blushed. “Hey, you said I could bring anything that would make me more comfortable!”

The stallion simply rolled his yellow eyes in response. “And you’re going to read all these?”

Firefly gave her coltfriend a friendly punch in his arm. “Maybe. Plus, the kid might want to read some.”

“The kid won’t be old enough to read for a few years!”

“Still. Man… I can’t believe we have this entire house….”

“I know. We couldn’t have got it if you didn’t get a job.” He brought his marefriend inward and nuzzled her. “I’m very proud of you…”

“Awe… Thanks, Babe.” She commented and then put her hoof back on her belly as it made a gurgling noise. “Ugh, let’s get lunch! All this moving busyness has worn me out!”

“Sure thing, Sweetheart…” He gave her a little peck on the cheek. “Gosh, you pregnant mares have quite the appetite.”

She got a bit huffy. “You try having this thing! It eats all your food!” She pointed to her belly and Rainbolt giggled.

“Didn’t mean to offend you, Sweety. Jus’ saying.” He headed to the kitchen. “What are you in the mood for?”

Rainbolt didn’t receive a response for the longest time. Nearly ten seconds passed before he turned around and laid eyes on the little mare floating a few feet above him. Tears swelled in her purple eyes. Rainbolt immediately flew up and wrapped his hoof around her back, moving her closer to his torso and rubbing his hoof up and down the arch of her back.

“What’s wrong, Sweety?”

The mare didn’t response, but instead burst into a volatile mess of hot tears. Rainbolt embraced the mare securely. Man, she was so emotional.

“I-It’s goanna be okay, I promise! D-don’t be sad!”

Firefly sniffled and spoke muffled through tears. “I-I’m gonna be a mommy! I don’t wanna be a mommy! I-I’m too young!”

This fit. Rainbolt had witnessed her break down emotionally into tears over this before. She hated the idea of dedicating so much time to a child, and so did Rainbolt. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but he also knew they’d make it through together.

“It’s okay…we’ll make it through, I promise. This’ll all turn out okay.”

Firefly lifted her head. Her blue mane was wet with her own tears and her reddened face wrinkled in misery. “I…I don’t know… I’ve just been so emotional lately… It’s just…. Three weeks from now… We’ll be parents. Doesn’t that scare you?”

The pegasus wrapped both hooves around his beloved. “No… losing you scares me. You’re my everything…” Rainbolt rubbed the back of her head and smiled. “This baby will only bring us closer. I’m sure of it.”

Firefly sniffled as her tears subsided. “A-are you positive?”

He bent down and kissed the mare on the lips. “Of course I’m sure. “ He put his hoof on her belly where the baby rest. “Three weeks and we’ll be given a miracle.”

Firefly smiled slightly with a giggle. “Alright… Now... Can I get some food in my belly?”

Rainbolt leaned in and kissed the beautiful mare goodnight. Their lips met and massaged each other’s for a good minute before breaking away. Their eyes met and twinkled with love. They were extremely haggard from unpacking and packing all day long. Man, what an evening. Rainbolt had dealt with tolerating irrational mood swings, extreme hunger, and excessive stomach illness for the past ten months. His pretty marefriend had to experience them. Neither knew who genuinely had it worse, though.

The young couple tucked beneath their sheets and snuggled their heads into their pillows, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. The smiled at each other slightly.

“Goodnight, Sweetheart…” Rainbolt finally said.

“Goodnight… Sleep well…”

She closed her eyes and stuffed her head into her soft pillow. That usually meant, “I’m going to bed now”. Rainbolt turned onto his opposite side and stared out his window at the night sky. Little shining freckles decorated the dark background. The moon’s glow was bright and full. The silhouette of an alicorn’s head could be depicted in one looked close enough. Rainbolt’s heavy eyes set on a shooting star that whizzed across the sky. Its trail was bright and multi-colored. He smiled at it moments before his eyes shut and he drifted into a land of dreams.

Loud, shrill moans of distaste could be heard as the stallion’s ears perked up and he awoke. He turned his head immediately to find his marefriend was bending over in pain. Her hooves were caressing her stomach and her ears were flattened against her head.

“UGH! He wants out!”

Firefly let out another long moan and Rainbolt wrapped his hooves around his marefriend. He held her close and rubbed her back comfortingly.

“Urgh! It hurts so bad!”

She grunted as she tried hard to suppress any more cries or moans. It was one of the worst pains she’d ever felt, nevertheless. It felt as though bullets were being shot into her lower stomach. If she had the chance to dig her hoof into her stomach and pull out all her internal organs, she would have.

“It’s okay…. Only three more weeks…”

The impatient mare cried out again and her eyes filled with tears. “I want this damned baby out of me!” she screamed in agony.

Rainbolt couldn’t say a thing. He could, however, comfort his darling. He held her close and held her hoof. She squeezed tightly as she tried hard to endure the pain.

“Do you need to go to the hospital?” He finally asked.

Firefly clenched her teeth as she leaned into his coat. She gave an affirmative nod as another tear trickled down her face. Rainbolt sighed as he put his hoof under his marefriend’s legs and shoulders before scooping her up into his arms. She nuzzled her head into his soft, fuzzy chest like a newborn foal. He held her so kindly and carried her so careful. He couldn’t imagine what pain she was going through. He nuzzled her kindly and carried her out of the room. He closed the door and his marefriend let out another cry.

“It’ll be okay, Sweety…” He moved his hoof down her back gently.

Rainbolt was practically at the door when he suddenly heard a odd, piercing sound. It wasn’t until he felt a strange, clear liquid running down his arms and body that his yellow eyes went wide. The sudden shock made both him and Firefly tense up. The clear, runny liquid dripped to the ground and the stallion almost felt sick in a sudden realization.

“My water broke!” Firefly cried.

Rainbolt’s heart began to pound faster than it had in her entire life. “W-we have to go to the hospital!”

“We don’t have time!” Firefly argued, squirming out of the arms of her lover. “The baby’s coming!”

Firefly laid on the ground and started whimpering. Her breathing became rapid and loud as her eyes watered. She laid sideways and felt the baby start to move within her towards the escape.

“It’s coming! It’s coming! It’s coming! It’s coming!” She repeated in a shrill tone.

Rainbolt nervously flew down to her and held her hoof tightly while rubbing her back in the most comforting manner he could. He felt her trying to push the baby out and the tenseness she was carrying.
She gripped his hoof tightly and tried to calm down. She gritted her teeth and let out a moan of distaste as the baby’s hoof poked out her. The little hoof was in an eggshell bubble, along with the rest of him they had yet to see. Rainbolt drew his eyes away from her as the baby made its way out further. Firefly only began to sob heavier and let out the occasional scream or cry through the hard task. The baby’s other hoof and head came out the hardest. The pain-consumed mare had to put all her strength into getting that much of the baby out. Her belly moved inward and outward trying to get the foal out of her. Her heart raced and sweat fell to the floor. She pushed harder and harder as minutes passed by.

“IT HURTS!” She screamed as the foal’s lower midsection was being forced out of her. Rainbolt continued to hold the mare’s hoof, which was now suffocating under her firm grasp. He tried hard to make her feel more comfortable in her moments of misery.

“J-just a little more… He’s almost out.”

Firefly let out a grunt and gave one last push with all her might. Her body then laid limp. She couldn’t take it anymore. She was far too weak to move another inch.

“P-please…. Just pull him out…”

Rainbolt gave a quick nod-which went unnoticed by his marefriend- and made his way to the struggling foal, whose hind legs were still stuck inside his mother. He grabbed its slippery front legs until its little kicking legs came out with a pop. Firefly let out a long sigh of relief as the foal came out. Rainbolt sat at the end and opened up the thin, wet sac cradling the foal. It easily opened to reveal a dripping wet, cyan foal. His eyes were shut closed and covered in his mother’s sap. His vibrant, multi-colored mane was drenched in smelly fluids. He was breathing and attempting to stand, but slipped over the sac that once held him delicately. He starting crying out at his failed attempted to walk. Rainbolt’s smile turned to a frown as he grabbed the messy newborn and held it in his arms.

“Awe, don’t cry! Please don’t cry! It’s okay!”

The little foal didn’t stop crying completely, but did feel more peace in his daddy’s arms. His little hooves clung to his father's chest and tried to get closer to the stallion.

“What’s he look like?” Firefly asked, panting.

Rainbolt smiled and lowered the little foal into the mare’s view. She smiled slightly at the cute baby.

“He looks just like his daddy…”

Rainbolt nodded and Firefly’s ears perked up for a moment. “Wait…” She reached out her hooves and Rainbolt gently set the newborn in his mother’s arms. She carefully tilted the baby and stared for a moment. “It’s a girl….”

Rainbolt looked confused. “It is?” Firefly nodded. “Oh....” He couldn’t think of much to say after that. “Should I wash her off?”

Firefly smiled. “Would you, please?”

Rainbolt nodded and took the little foal away from her mother. The foal seemed confused at why she was being tossed back and forth between parents. She struggled a little as she was picked up and carried into her father’s arms.

“You rest here, and I’ll wash her off. Try to think of a name while I’m gone?”

Firefly smiled with a nod and Rainbolt flew to kitchen, holding the slippery infant. He placed the small foal in the kitchen sink gently. The cold metal on her back made the poor foal whimper.

“Shhh….” He said as he took a cloth from the cabinet and wet it with cool water. “It’s alright, Sweetheart.”

Rainbolt took the light blue rag and pressed it gently to his daughter’s face, wiping the excess goop off. He slid the rag across her eyelids gently and to her other cheek, cleaning it with care. The moment the thick, sticky fluids were removed from her eyelids, she opened her eyes with a few blinks. They were a beautiful shade of pink. She looked up at her daddy. Her eyes smiled, but her mouth remained agape.

“Awe… Hello, there Beautiful…” He moved the rag to her belly and smiled. “You came early, you know? You still had another three weeks.” The little foal seemed even more confused. Her eyes wondered around, examining the house. A cute, little wine escaped her mouth. Rainbolt giggled. “You’re such a cutie pie. Just like your mommy.”

Rainbolt took a second to wipe some gunk out of the little, fluffy mane on her head. She made a gurgly noise as saliva dripped down her chin. Rainbolt smiled and wiped off the spit before rewetting the rag and proceeding to wipe off her back. For arriving a bit early, she seemed quite developed and healthy. He’d have to get a doctor’s appointment to know more, but that wasn’t important. What was important that was he and Firefly had a sweet, adorable, and lovable, little foal to cherish for years to come.