• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 9,595 Views, 1,839 Comments

Raising Rainbow - Pizzema Forte

After an accidental pregnancy, Rainbolt is left raising an adorable, sweet and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash. Love will bring them closer, and time will leave them permanately embossed in each other's hearts.

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4. XOXO, Firefly

Rainbolt lifted the little baby up and down with his wings over and over again. The sweet, three month-old foal laughed lightheartedly and spread out her legs and wings on the ride. Her pink eyes were gleaming with excitement. Her father smiled widely on his back as his little girl giggled and smiled in joy. His wings lifted her up and down a final time as Firefly walked into their bedroom; which was at that point shared with the little foal’s crib, her stuffed animals, and childish decorations.

“Having fun?” she asked in a merry tone.

“Yeah, Dashie especially.” He continued raising and lowing the foal as he spoke. “She really loves playing.”

Dashie. That was the simplified version of her full name, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow obviously had come from vibrant, multihued mane she was blessed enough to get from her father, while Dash was simply from her natural desire for speed. She crawled fast, ate fast, heck, she was born fast! On top of that, athleticism ran in both Rainbolt’s and Firefly’s family, so she would most likely become an athlete, anyway. If she didn’t turn out to be an athlete, she could say the Dash meant she was dashing.

The pink-coated approached the happy pair. “She’s really is adorable….”

Rainbolt took notice to a certain sadness that lingered within the mares tone. “Something wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, no. Of course not. I’m just thinking about our family… and how well we’ve bonded and everything.”

“Yeah, it’s been really life-changing. And this girl is the highlight of my life!” He said, looking right at his giddy daughter.

“What about me?” Firefly asked.

“Rainbow’s the highlight of my life,” he restated. “You are my life.”

Firefly blushed and let out a long, “Awwwe!”

Rainbolt smiled at his marefriend. “Is lunch almost ready?”

“Yeah… Should be done in a few minutes. Dashie’s milk’s almost done, too. I’m letting it cool.”

Rainbolt hesitantly stopped bobbing the little foal up and down and her giggly smile faded. “Are you hungry, Dashie? Do you want some milk?”

Rainbow smiled and let out a cheerful squeal that warmed her parents’ hearts. She was way too cute.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Firefly said with a smile.

Rainbolt brought his daughter down and nuzzled her softly before setting her down on his stomach completely and giving her a warm hug and gently kiss to her forehead. Firefly made her way over to Rainbolt and locked lips with him for a few seconds. They both closed their eyes. Rainbow always seemed slightly confused when they touched faces like that. Firefly broke away.

“I’ll go get lunch served. Should be ready in a few minutes.” She notified him as she tossed him a wink and flew out of the room.

Dashie laid on her father’s chest, drooling and gurgling adorably. He put his hooves under the foal’s underarms and lifted her up. He spread his wings and flew upward, carrying the happy girl in his arms. Whenever Rainbow was carried by her father, she flapped her tiny wings madly, in some sort of attempt to fly. It was adorable when she did so. Rainbolt giggled and held the foal to his chest comfortably. That usually got her wings to calm.

“You’re so cute…” He said to himself as he opened the door and flew down the hall and into the kitchen, where his lover was setting out two plates of tomato sauce masked pasta and a bottle of milk. The sweet smell of tomatoes, herbs, and boiling water filled the air and forced Rainbolt to take in a big whiff. Even Dashie sniffed the air, smelling its sweet, delectable scents.

“Smells amazing in here!” He commented as he set the little foal in her booster seat.

“Thanks.” Firefly replied with a giggle.

Rainbow made a series of short, winy noises as she tried to reach across the table for her milk-filled bottle. Her parents giggled at her absolute cuteness and Firefly picked up the baby bottle. Rainbow didn’t even need to be instructed to open up; her mouth just formed a large circle with a hungry tongue in the middle. Firefly smiled and placed the tip of the bottle in her daughter’s mouth. She instantly closed around the tip and started sucking as if it were the final meal of her life. Firefly steadily held the bottle to her mouth, let her suck a few seconds, and took it out so she could breath. Whenever her mom took the bottle out, Rainbow would cry until it was placed back in her hungry mouth.

“She gets her appetite from you!” The young mare claimed.

“All babies have big appetites! She needs it if she’s going to grow big!”

“I was just joking with you! Don’t take it so seriously!”

The frustration and irritation found in Firefly’s tone was Rainbolt’s cue to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Sweetheart…”

Firefly smiled at her coltfriend and the usual sweetness returned to her voice. “It’s fine, honey. Baby’s gotta eat!”

As the bottle neared to only having a few ounces left, Rainbow denied entrance to the bottle, being completely full. Her stomach grew slightly achy and her ears went flat across her head. A strange pit formed in her throat and she longed to get it out. She strained, trying to backwards eat, if it were possible. She looked up at her mom with sad eyes. Her mom always knew how to help her. Like always, Firefly leaned down and gently pat Dashie’s back until she let out a soft burp.

“Well, Rainbow’s fed.” Firefly confirmed and sat down across the table from her lover, who’d already taken a few bites of his meal. “How is it?”

“Good… A little heavy on the herbs, though.” He commented in the most polite way possible.

“I like herbs. My mom used to use them in pasta all the time. And ravioli. She made the best ravioli.”

“I know; I’ve had it before!”

Rainbolt and Firefly lovingly smiled at each other. Once again, Firefly’s eyes carried something strange within them.

“Sweetheart…?” He asked. “Are you…Alright?”

“Yes, of course I am!” She said with false confidence. “Stop worrying about it, you’re starting to scare me!”

Rainbolt stared at her blankly and slowly went back to eating his pasta. Firefly did the same. The only noises that were heard for the rest of the meal were occasional gurgles from the foal and the clanking of forks against plates. They even set the dirtied dishes in the sink in pure silence. Rainbolt finally broke the awkward quietness as he shut off the running water that had run over the messy plates.

“Do you want to put Dashie to bed, or shall I?”

“I think I will…” Firefly stated with no hesitation. The mare flew down and unbuckled the foal from her booster seat and held her in her arms. Rainbow’s little hooves clutched onto her mother’s soft, pink fur as she was carried up to her bedroom and placed in her crib. There was a circle of spinning toys dangling above the foal, and a soft mattress beneath her. Firefly looked at her daughter and sighed.

“Mommy’s been thinking a lot lately…” Firefly started. “And Mommy’s had to make some very hard decisions lately. I love you, though… I always will…” With that said she leaned down and kissed her child on the forehead lovingly. Rainbow giggled cutely, which earned a grin from her mother.

Firefly tucked in the baby and turned around, leaving the small bedroom and peering in before shutting the door all the way.

Firefly made her way downstairs. Her coltfriend was reading the newspaper happily with a grin on his face.

“Dashie’s sleeping.” She stated.

Rainbolt looked up with a smile. “Awe, that’s good.” He sighed merrily. “I love Sundays. It’s truly the only day we all get to spend together as a family.”

“Yeah…. I guess…”

Although Firefly’s tone again lacked sadness, Rainbolt had learned not to question. Both remained silent not knowing what to say. Both were grateful when loud, shrill cries echoed throughout the house and caused a break in the silence.

“I’ll go check on her!” The stallion volunteered and rushed to the bedroom.

The rest of the day was absolutely wonderful. Rainbow awoke at nearly three in the afternoon. Rainbolt and Firefly spent a good amount of time playing with the filly. They flew her around the house several times. She loved being flown more than anything in the world. She’d almost pass out from lack of oxygen, she’d laugh so hard. They’d also tickle her, blow raspberries onto her stomach, and cuddle her. All options for play would always leave Rainbow a giggly mess. Her parents both loved hearing the little foal giggle.

Firefly dug her muzzle into the baby and blew a raspberry. Rainbow laughed loudly and struggled underneath her mommy.

“Awe…she’s so cute when she laughs!”

Firefly nodded her head in agreement. Dashie smiled adorably and unshielded her belly, asking for more. Her mother dug her muzzle into her again and Rainbow once again burst into volatile laughter.

“Hey…” Rainbolt started. “Don’t you think we should give her a bath? I mean… She didn’t exactly bathe yesterday…”

“Rainbolt!” Firefly snapped. “You were supposed to bathe her last night while I was at work!”

“I know… I’m sorry. I forgot…Are you going to beat me up?”

Firefly sighed and looked at her daughter. “I guess we’ll have to do it now… You know you could have told me this hours ago!”

“Sorry, Sweetheart…”

Firefly ignored Rainbolt’s apology and carried to the restroom and ran luke-warm water into a plastic, yellow container just big enough for Rainbow. The little foal’s eyes went wide. She may have only been three months old, but she knew what running water meant. She tried to struggle herself out of Daddy’s grip, but he kept her secure with minimum effort. Unfortunately for Dashie, the water filled her miniature tub within a minute. Firefly placed her little tub within the bigger tub and smiled at Rainbolt.

“Dashie, are you ready for your bath?”

Rainbow turned into her father’s chest and her ears flopped down, not even wanting to look at the water. She hated bathing more than anything, but knew at this point that it was inevitable. Ignoring Rainbow’s obvious unwillingness, Firefly took the foal, slipped her diaper off, and placed her gently in the water. She instantly started splashing, purposely getting her parents wet in vengeance.

“Awe! She’s so cute when she’s angry!” Rainbolt commented.

The young couple began to wash the little girl softly with warm rags. They lightly cleaned her face, ears, belly, back, neck, and Rainbolt always allowed Firefly a moment to clean her more…private areas. They’d then proceed to use a special brand of foal shampoo for her rough mane and tail. They’d rinse the soapy suds off thoroughly, making her squeaky clean.

“Alright…” Rainbolt finally started. “I think she’s had enough.” Rainbolt lowered his hooves to pick up his daughter, but she reluctantly wined and tried to grab at the water as she was slowly taken from it.

“Oh, so now that we take you out of the water you want to go back in?”

Dashie didn’t answer he mom, but simply waved her little hooves at the beautiful liquid. Rainbolt sighed and dipped the little pegasus into her previously despised bath. She happily giggled and splashed her hooves in it. Her excitement and love for the water only lasted around five minutes, however. She quickly grew bored and held her hooves up to be taken elsewhere.

Rainbolt smiled and grabbed his daughter with care. He wrapped a soft, pink towel around her and dried her off thoroughly. Her mother had already went downstairs to start making dinner. Tonight’s meal remained a mystery to them both.

After a long dinner, more playtime, and a short session where Firefly read a few chapters of a book to her daughter, Rainbow Dash became increasingly tired and warn-out from the long day. By only six in the evening, she was already nodding on and off to sleep. Although Dashie always fell asleep around six, she always woke up crying around five am to wake the whole house up and receive her well-desired attention. Her parents smiled at the tired, little girl and Rainbolt smiled.

“I think it’s time our little foal had a good night’s rest, don’t you think?”

“I agree completely.” Firefly replied as she picked up her daughter with gentle hooves and a sweet smile. “Are you ready for bed, Dashie?”

Dash replied with a yawn and a cute smile. Firefly headed to their bedroom and placed the tired little foal in her crib with a warm grin. “I love you, Dashie… Sweet dreams….”

White sunlight seeped through the opened blinds and shone directly over Rainbolt’s face. His eyes opened and his hooves immediately shot up to shield them from the harsh rays and he turned around to see…a wall? It wasn’t normal for Firefly to wake up before him, but alas, the usual spot she’d sleep in was an empty void. Rainbolt lifted his dreary head and looked around the room. His rainbow mane stuck up in all directions and his yellow eyes were boarded with crust. He thought a moment, and looked at the clock. Ten am? She would usually just be waking up and preparing for the afternoon shift at her job. It was pretty peculiar for her to not even be in bed.

Rainbolt’s yellow eyes then caught an even stranger sight. Rainbow Dash was sleeping in her little, white crib. Her dinky hoof was shoved in her mouth and coated in dripping saliva. Normally, the first parent to awake had the responsibility of getting up and cooking for the kid. Often times it was him, but this morning it should have been Firefly…

Confused, Rainbolt took his little baby from her comforting crib. She moaned angrily and took her hoof out of her mouth. Her weary eyes locked on him madly. She did not like being woken up.

“How’s it feel, Dashie?” he teased with a smile.

Dashie wined at her dad after being rudely awakened.

“Oh, hush it!” He said in a joking manner. He couldn’t be legitimately mad at the cute little face.

Rainbolt made his way to the little kitchen, preparing to warm his daughter some fresh milk. He set the cute little foal in her booster seat and went into their little, white fridge. He set sights on a gallon of milk made from homemade baby formula. He took it out and set it on the nearby counter. He grabbed a small pot from the cabinets above him and poured some of the special milk into it. He took a moment to look around. When he was positive his marefriend was still absent, he took a large gulp of the sweet milk. It tasted beyond amazing and its flavor was superior to any milk he’d ever tasted before. The sweet milk crawled down his throat and left a tingling sensation on his pleased taste buds.

“Mom’s got you on some good stuff, Dashie!”

The small pot was placed on the nearby stove and set to ‘warm’. He sighed as he smelt the distinct smell of baby milk in the air. Rainbow grew excited when the beautiful scent reached her nostrils, as well. Rainbolt turned to his daughter and he smiled widely. His yellow eyes then noticed something…He didn’t notice before. A white piece of paper stood out on the brown dining table. Maybe it had a connection to Firefly’s absence. He went over to the white slip and picked it up. He could immediately tell it was her mouth-writing.

My Dearest Rainbolt,

As you know, I love you dearly. You’ve been there for me for the past two years, and honestly, they’ve been the most amazing years of my life, but… I’m just not ready to be a mom yet. I hope you understand. I love you, I really do. I love Dashie, too. But I just… don’t love the responsibility. I need to go back to high school and get an education, you know, make something of myself. I’ll miss you very much… this was all just… too much for me. I hope you understand. I hope Dashie turns out well in life. I know you’ll do a fantastic job raising her. This was the hardest decision of my life, but I’m sorry… I’m too young and I have too much life ahead of me. So, with this… I’m breaking up with you. Maybe if I never got pregnant this would have worked out, but…you know….Anyway, I’ll miss you and Dashie dearly… You’ll always have a place in my heart,



Rainbolt had broken into a wet, sobbing mess halfway through the letter. It was the hardest thing he ever had to read. She… abandoned him… She abandoned Dashie… She abandoned them all.

“THAT BUCKING CUNT!” He shouted through his cries. How could she do this?

Rainbow looked both confused and sad. She didn’t understand what was happening, and she too broke into tears. Rainbolt heard the shrill cries from behind him and went to go hug the little foal.

“No, Sweety…It’s okay…” He rubbed her back comfortingly. “It’s okay, Daddy’s here…” Salty streams continued to run down both of their faces. “You’re a good girl, Dashie… I’m so sorry you have to see Daddy like this…” He leaned down and kissed his baby. “It’s just you and me now… You’re all I have left of Mommy….”

Rainbow’s tears dried from the comfort of her father, who was experiencing more emotional pain than he had in his entire life. He looked down at his sad little girl.

“I promise…we’ll be okay… The lack of your mommy will only bring us closer… I’m positive.”

Author's Note:

Here, a very good friend of mine has done a reading (Chapters 3-4):