• Published 16th Dec 2013
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Raising Rainbow - Pizzema Forte

After an accidental pregnancy, Rainbolt is left raising an adorable, sweet and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash. Love will bring them closer, and time will leave them permanately embossed in each other's hearts.

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18. A Very Special Somepony

The harsh snows and longs months of dreaded cold that consumed the winter began to fad slowly. Winter Wrap-Up Day took place early that February, and Rainbolt relished in the laid-back weeks of the spring. He loved being able to come into his office, get his assignment, and start working on it with very little stress. His daughter would pass out in her corner and he’d continue with his work until it was full and finished. The stallion would then proceed to briefly inspect the machinery for the next day’s use. If he had any hours in the night left, he’d take a nap until seven in the morning the next day.

Thankfully, that particular day just so happened to be a Friday, which meant the next day was one hundred percent work-free! He could longue around all day long without a single thought about work. He could get to bed early and get a full night’s rest! Just the thought made him drool in anticipation. Even working that night seemed to fly by faster when he kept the sweet reward of tomorrow in the back of his head.

As usual, Rainbolt started his night by opening the drawer of his desk. It would contain a large, yellow envelope with his assignment. This day, however (and many days preceding that one), it contained both a large, yellow envelope, and a small, white one. It was neatly addressed to his brother, but he knew he’d never send it. Dash had been waiting a very long time for a response, but Rainbolt told her he was probably busy or something. If their paths ever meant again, he’d try to claim it was lost in the mail or something. No matter what, though, he wouldn’t send that letter. Often times, he did consider playing as Moonstruck and pretending to write back, but if Dash and his sadistic sibling ever met again, the conversation of letters would be rather awkward. As long as Moonstruck never found their address, he’d be safe.

The stallion purged the thoughts of his brother and took out his assignment. Spring assignments were always the easiest; perfect temperature with nothing but the occasional rains. The stallion put his periwinkle hooves at the base of the envelope and tilted it backwards until his assignment slid out onto the desk before him. He took in a deep breath as he prepared to tackle his work. He stared at the familiar papers and mumbled to himself as he read in a quiet whisper.

“Okay, so we have Canterlot with a minimum of two hundred-fifty clouds and a maximum of three hundred-twenty-five… while the wind speed can’t exceed twenty miles per hour… But Fillydelphia has to have at least one hundred-thirty clouds, and can’t have any more than two hundred, but must not have wind speeds twenty percent higher than Canterlot, and any more than thirty percent of the clouds Manehattan does…Ugh… Damn weather and its existence…”

“Dad!” Rainbow hissed as she fumbled in her sleeping bag. “Please shut up!”

“Oh, sorry, Sweetie…” Rainbolt glanced at his filly who was ruffling around in her sleeping bag.

“It’s fine…you’re just so noisy!” She covered her floppy ears with her hooves and threw her head into her pillow with a grunt. Rainbolt rolled his eyes with a sigh.

“Sorry, Dash. I’ll try to be more quiet…” Rainbolt was about to take the pen back in his mouth to get back to work before stopping himself. “Also, I’d appreciate it if you asked in a more polite manner next time.”

Rainbow crossed her hooves and grumpily stared at the wall. “Fine!” Was her only response in a not-so-happy tone.

“Excuse me?”

Rainbow sighed. “Sorry, Daddy… I’m just tired…”

“I know, I know… Tired fillies are grumpy fillies.”

Rainbow yawned. “Sorry… I promise next time I-“

The little filly was cut off by the sudden opening of her father’s office door. The wooden door slammed against the back of the wall. Rainbolt flinched and Dashie smiled.

“Aunty Skies!” Rainbow cried as the green-coated mare entered Rainbolt’s office.

“Evening, Dashie.” She greeted calmly to her “niece”. “So, Rainbolt, how are things going?”

“I just got here…” the stallion admitted. “I promise to get to it right away, though!”

“Good! Today’s assignment’s a big one.”

“Big?! But it’s spring! Spring is never hard to do weather for!”

“Well, usually that would be the case, but…” She pulled the map from the opened folder and pointed to a spot lacking of all marks or symbols within Applelousa. “Right here’s a cherry orchard.” Her light green hoof then made its way to an area on the outskirts of Ponyville. “And right there is an apple farm. Both farmers are expecting a certain section of their crop to be ripe by March. Make sure you give them rain, but not enough rain to drown them. Make sure they get some sunlight, too. Also…” She pointed to Applelousa as a whole. “This whole town has tons and tons of apple trees. Don’t drench the town, but make sure to give them enough rain to support their crops. Also….” Her hoof directed Rainbolt’s eyes to a large section of Canterlot. Her hoof circled around the area to show the boundaries. “This whole area will be hosting a Hearts and Hooves Day parade this weekend. Don’t let it rain over there. Also, since it’s Friday, you will be doing weather for tomorrow and Sunday.”

Rainbolt gasped. “I know, ma’am. It’s that way all Fridays…. I was just expecting to maybe have an easier day today…and not have to be cautious of so much stuff...”

“Well, unfortunately, that’s not the case. You know if you want Saturday’s off to relax, you have to work extra hard Friday nights…”

“I know, I know… I’m not complaining…”

“Good.” Mrs. Skies smiled at her diligent worker. “Just get your work done, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Rainbolt nodded quickly. “Yes, ma’am. I hope you have a nice night…”

“Oh, I hope I do to! Mr. Skies always knows how to make my evenings worth it.”

“Awe, that’s sweet…” The stallion commented as he tapped his pen against the desk. “You two have something planned for this weekend?”

Mrs. Skies blushed and giggled. “That’s none of your business, Silly. Now, get to work before I fire you.”

Rainbolt chuckled at what he hoped was a joke. “Alright, ma’am. Hope you and your husband have a nice weekend.”

“Alright!” The mare replied as she headed towards the office’s exit. “You too, Rainbolt! Happy Hearts and Hooves day!”

With that, the office door was closed with a quiet click. Rainbolt’s smile remained as he dug into his much-dreaded work.

“Daddy?” Rainbow asked cutely from the back of the room.

“Yes, Sweetheart?”

“Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“I know, Dashie…”

“Are you going to be my very special somepony?”

Rainbolt turned to his daughter with a soft smile. He tried hard not to let out any awes. Rainbow was getting at a point where she didn’t like being considered cute, even if she was.

“Of course I will, Sweetheart… That’s so cute.”

“I’m not cute!” Dash protested with a huffy frown.

“Of course you’re not, Dash…” Rainbolt said as he rotated his eyes counterclockwise.

“So… Since you’re my special somepony, that means you have to get me chocolates!”

The stallion’s eyes went wide and he turned to his daughter. “What gave you that idea?”

“Mr.Snowflake said so! He said on Hearts and Hooves Day stallions buy their mares chocolates!”

Rainbolt sighed. “Alright… But Sunday…. The candy will be less expensive….”

“Okay! As long as I get candy!”

Rainbolt smiled at his daughter, who was now tucking herself under her sheets. She returned the grin and plopped her head onto the pillow.

“Night, Daddy…” She started with a yawn. “I love you….”

“I love you, too, Dashie. Goodnight….”

With those words said, Rainbolt turned back to his work, gathered up all his energy, and started on that night’s long assignments.

“Shhhh!” Surprise hissed to the giggling filly. “Just one more…And…There!”

Surprise started giggling along with the cyan pegasus as they beheld the masterpiece they’d worked on that uneventful morning. As Rainbolt was fast asleep after a long, hard night of work, the mischievous duo took the opportunity to draw squiggles all over his face in washable marker. They drew big, goofy circles around his eyes as he slept, freckles on his cheeks, a flower on his forehead, bunny on his chin, and random squiggles anywhere else they could fit them. Surprise drew while Dashie threw in ideas. Fortunately, Rainbolt didn’t awake through the entire process. He simply continued to drool on the table beneath him and snore.

“He looks so silly!” Rainbow chimed in a whisper.

“Oh, yeah…” She stated, trying not to laugh. “Imagine when he wakes up!”

The two ponies laughed as they imagined his first glance into a mirror. Although they tried to remain as quiet as possible, they were still too loud and made their sleeping victim’s eyelids twitch. Rainbow gasped in mid-laughter.

“He’s waking up! He’s waking up!” Rainbow hissed to her fellow jokester.

Rainbolt shifted his head and lifted his dreary head from his desk. He stared at the two, giggling ponies with half-opened eyes.

“What are you two giggling about?” He asked in a tired tone; something Surprise found very sexy.

“Nothing….” The white pegasus sang in a giddy tone before laughing again at the stallion’s odd markings.

Rainbolt shrugged and yawned. He was far too tired to be concerned with their suspicious behavior. “I’m just glad I get to finally go home….What time is it?”

“Almost seven!” Dash replied with a bright smile. She tried hard to contain her giggles.

“Seven…?” He said with a yawn.

“Well, more like six fifty-one, but you get the idea!”

With Surprise’s correction in mind, he turned his head to the clock above. She wasn’t lying.

“Why are you here, Surprise?” He asked, now starting to wake up a bit. “Your shift doesn’t start until nine!”

“I know, but… you know…”

“No… “ Rainbolt started hesitantly. “I really don’t know…”

Before the mare could reply or speak another syllable, Rainbolt’s office door swung opened. As usual, Mrs.Skies entered work a little before seven to collect Rainbolt’s assignment and make adjustments to it, although she very rarely had to. The moment she entered the small room, all three of the ponies turned their gazes to her. Her eyes went wide with shock as she stared at her employee that was a little too early, and her employee who had a collection of strange markings on his face.

“…Good morning…Rainbolt, Surprise…”

“Mornin’ Mrs.S!” Surprise greeted with a gleeful smile.

“Morning, Mrs. Skies…”

“You, uh… You got a little something on your face….”

Rainbolt lifted his hoof to his chin. “Sorry, it was probably drool or something… Just woke up…”

The two jokesters tried hard not to burst into laughter. When Rainbolt’s boss noticed their suppressed giggling, she instantly caught on.

“Never mind. It’s gone… I just came up here collect the assignment.”

The mare traveled to her workers desk and grabbed the folder. Never once did her blue eyes leave the stallion’s face. He was going to ask why she’d been so glued to his face, but didn’t want to sound disrespectful.

“You… have a nice day, Rainbolt…” She said as she quietly as she flew away from her employee very, very slowly.

“Uh… you, too, ma’am….”

As his boss slowly closed the door with a very quiet click, he turned to the two pegasi.

“What was she acting so strange about?”

“Oh, who knows?” Surprise said as nonchalantly as she could force, but ended up bursting into chaotic shrills after a moment answering it. Rainbow couldn’t hold it in any longer, and she too burst into laughter at her father. The stallion looked at them both with a more serious expression.

“Alright, what’d you do to me?”

Surprise giggled and handed Rainbolt a mirror. He took it with dread in his heart and gaped when he saw his reflection. Black squiggles and pictures covered his entire face. He continued to stare a minute before tossing the reflective object aside. As the two pranksters saw their victim’s expression, they exploded into an even bigger mess of laughter.

“Really?” He questioned in disbelief. “What’d I ever do to you guys?”

His own little filly wiped a tear from her right eye and tried to get a grip on herself. “S-sorry Dad! Surprise is just the best at this stuff!” She laughed out harder, not being able to make another syllable.

“Don’t worry!” Surprise reassured. “It’ll wash off with water!”

Rainbolt took in a sigh of relief. “At least I have that…”

Rainbow was at last able to regain control of herself within that short period of time. “How about I go getchya a wet rag?”

“Thanks, Dashie…”

With that, the cyan filly left the room in a dash, leaving Rainbolt and Surprise alone together.

“So…” Surprise started. “How have you been?”

“Well, aside from waking up with marker on my face, pretty good. You?”

“I’m doing great… So… I was just thinking…” Surprise rubbed her neck nervously. “So…. You know how you owe me a favor?”

Rainbolt cocked his head in pure confusion. “I…owe you a favor?”

“Yeah, you know that time I found Dash in the woods during the camping trip, and you were all like, ‘I owe you one’.” Surprise quoted Rainbolt in her most generic stallion voice.

“Oh, right… Well, what do you want me to do for you? Watch your cat? Paint your house? Buy your groceries? Do your laundry?”

The pretty mare giggled. “Nice try, Silly Billy.” She pat Rainbolt’s head, and toyed with his messy, rainbow mane. “I…well… you know how uh… “ A heavy blush appeared on her face. “Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up and I was wondering if maybe…. You could uh… T-take me out…”

Rainbolt’s scribbled-on face was glowing a bright red, and had been since “Hearts and Hooves Day” left her mouth.

“Y-you mean l-like a date…?” Rainbolt asked shyly.

“Well, yeah… You know… just you and me and stuff…”

The pretty mare stared at the ground with a heavy blush and Rainbolt froze.

“I-It doesn’t have to be expensive or anything… I-It can just be a walk in the park or s-something….”

Surprise felt her eyes swelling with tears. What’d she just do?

“Surprise…” The stallion finally spoke. “I… I, uh… I… I know I owe you a favor, but…I-I wasn’t expecting it to be…” Rainbolt stopped as he saw the mare’s eyes swell with tears further. “I-It’s nothing personal, I just don’t… you know… I only think of you as a friend, and you’re a great friend, it’s just…”

“I’m not asking you to be my coltfriend, though!” She argued with tears filling her eyes. “Just give me one night and I swear I’ll make it worth it! Just one date! Y-You never have to speak to me again! J-just…please….accept this…”

An army of guilt invaded Rainbolt’s heart. He didn’t feel anything but friendly towards her, but… Her tears, her emotional argument, her desperateness… It all got to him. Maybe they could just go on one little date… that wouldn’t be so bad, would it..? What if he led her on, though? What if after that night, she became even more in love with him? Was she in love, though? Maybe it was just a little crush that would blow over. He just… didn’t want to make her sad. As a friend, he was concerned for her feelings, but at the same time, he didn’t want to go on the date. He wanted to spend that evening at home with Rainbow, but… Oh, what was he to do?

Surprise looked at the stallion with further saddening eyes. Why would she do this? She shouldn’t have mentioned it! She really, really shouldn’t have! Ever since flight school, she’d envied seeing Firefly in his arms. She envied every tender kiss he landed on her friend’s lips. She only wished she could have been Firefly for one measly day… Just to feel that love and comfort she so desperately longed for. Even if Firefly would have never existed, Rainbolt would have never loved her, anyway. As sweet as he was, he’d still reject her. Who could ever appreciate a hyper mare? Nopony in Equestria would be tolerant enough to put up with her cheesy jokes… Nopony could love a mare who was always in everypony’s personal space… Her crazy antics… Who would love that? She was unlovable. How could she even consider he’d say yes to her? She was too… unlikeable. She’d never had a coltfriend before… She’d been rejected numerous times…Why would this time be any different?

“I…I…” Rainbolt started nervously. “One little date…? That’s it…?”

The anguish in Surprise’s heart instantly faded and her wings sprung up in joy. “A-are you saying yes?”

Rainbolt rubbed his neck nervously and blushed. “Yeah…As long as we’re just friends afterwards….”

Without warning or consent, Surprise tackled her friend with an affectionate hug. Her hooves tightly grabbed around his chest.

“Oh my gosh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Rainbolt giggled and affectionately pat Surprise’s back. “Yeah, yeah…”

For a long minute, Surprise didn’t let go. Rainbolt slowly put his arms around her and returned the hug lovingly. The white pegasus dug her head into his chest and nuzzled him sweetly.

Oh my gosh! She thought to herself. This is going to be the greatest night of my life!

Oh my gosh… Rainbolt thought to himself. This is going to be the strangest night of my life….

Dreamscape sighed as he allowed the little, cyan filly into his home.

“Listen, Rainbolt, I know I say I’m always here if you need me to watch your kid, but I would like to know ahead of time!”

“I know…. Sorry, Dream. I didn’t even know you’d have to watch her until today!”

“It’s fine… I’ve messed up worse before.” The stallion smiled reassuringly at his friend. “So… You and Surprise, huh? Are you ganna take her home and, you know…when you’re done with the date.”

“Huh…? What?! No! Dreamscape!” Rainbolt’s tone became a bit shrill and defensive as realization hit him.

“Hey, hey… Just sayin’. It’s not like you’ve had any action in like, over seven years!”

Rainbolt’s face lit up. “Shut it! That's personal!"

“Yeah, I know… Sorry if I offended you or something.” Dreamscape tossed his friend a smile.

“No, it’s okay… I really hope I have a nice time.”

“I know you will. So where are you taking your little mare?”

“To a little café down in Manehattan, and then a park. I’ll walk her home, and then everything will be back to normal…”

“Alright, well… I need to get back inside and see what the kids are up to… Just, you know… Make sure they’re not killing each other.”

“I doubt it.” Rainbolt replied with a smile, while Dreamscape slowly shut his front door.

Rainbolt turned around as the door completely shut.

“Alright…” The nervous stallion said to himself as he turned around and gazed into the neighborhood before him. “Let’s do this…”

Rainbolt raised his hoof to the wooden door inches away from him. He only hoped the unfamiliar house was the right one. It was a pretty house, to say the least; a cloud home very similar to his own. The house was pale white and seemed like a very old-fashioned house. A small garden of blossoming flowers rest outside of the patio. The patio was very welcoming and bright with a wooden rocking chair on the front near the window. The address given to him earlier was identical to that one, so the odds were for him. Quickly, Rainbolt knocked against the door four times and took in a breath.

“Coming!” He heard a familiar chime from the inside. Yep. That was definitely the right address.

Rainbolt’s heart beat nervously as he awaited for the door to open. Although Dash was jumping with joy when she heard the news, her father was still pretty unsure of himself. He hadn’t been on a real date in nearly eight years. Well, when he had been trying to get Dash a new mom, that sort of counted, but at the same time it was with nopony he’d truly known.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rainbolt was at last greeted by his hyper, sweet friend. Her eyes were happy and sparkly and her mane was poofy as ever. As usual, her lips were formed into a bright, cheery smile. He’d never seen her grin so wide and her eyes so wide with joy, which sort of creeped him out.

“Hey, Surprise…you look nice…” Rainbolt blushed and forced a smile towards his date.

“Thanks, you do, too… like always…” Her white face lit up and she put her hoof on the cute, black accessory around his neck. “I love the bowtie…” The little mare giggled at her friend and her voice became more shrill than usual.

“Thanks…” Slowly and awkwardly, Rainbolt pushed Surprise’s hoof off his neck and away. “So… There’s a little place in Manehattan I was thinking we could go to. 'Cause that’s where we grew up ‘n’ all. I thought it might be nice and go there, maybe reflect a little.”

The blush in the giddy mare’s face never subsided as she spoke. “That sounds nice… Which place are you talkin’ about, though?”

“You know? That place near our old school? The one that we used to go to hang out? The little gang we used to be a part of?”

The mare thought for a moment and her purple eyes suddenly went wide. “You mean the one that used to make the best French toast and always gave you a discount if you brought back an A on a test?”

“That is the one…” Rainbolt and Surprise started migrating away from the mare’s home as they spoke. “Maybe after we could go for a quick fly or walk around that one nice, little park for a while. I could then fly you home and we could part ways. How’s that sound?”

“That sounds really, really nice…So…What’s Dashie think of this?”

“She was actually pretty shocked and a bit upset. I had already promised to be her very special somepony this year, but I think all she wanted was the candy.” He chuckled and continued on. “After I told her I’d still get her chocolates she felt a lot better, and was even pretty excited.”

“Well, I’m glad she’s happy. You have a pretty good kid on your hooves.”

“I know!” Rainbolt chimed with large amounts of pride. “She’s really been a ton of fun to bring up so far…”

“I’m glad for you. I mean, some foals nowadays are just awful! My nephews, for example. They once pushed a four year-old off a cloud and then laughed.”

“What?! That’s awful… She…did live, right?”

“Oh, yeah! The cloud was only like, six feet off the ground.”

As the two approached the boarder of the neighborhood, they unfurled their tucked up wings and swooped into the sky below. Their flight led them in the direction of their desired destination.

“I’m just glad she didn’t get seriously hurt….”

“So am I!” Surprise said as they soared through the sky. They were facing the west horizon. The large sun was making its way beneath the cloud layer, and painted the sky wild shades of pink, vermillion, red, and little dabs of purple.

Alright, Rainbolt…so far, so good… Just try to make the best out of this… Who knows? It may even be fun….

A little, silver bell rang to notify the small café of the couple’s arrival. Surprise trotted in happily with an irregularly paced heart. For her, that evening was going to be fantastic. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind of that. For her companion, however, he was still nervous. Never once had he imagined himself in such a strange situation.

At that time in the evening, the little eatery wasn’t too packed at all. There was a young couple at a booth near a window, a single, old stallion sipping coffee, and an irritated-looking mother with three whining children. As they entered, they both noticed a sign that read, “Please seat yourself” with a drawn-on smiley.

“Booth or table?” Rainbolt whispered to his date.

“Table… Booths are too boothy…” She replied in a harsh tone.

“I, uhh…. Alright. Table, it is…”

With that, the two pegasi ventured deeper into the café and found a seat at a nearby table for two. The table was near a window and they both had a fantastic view of the setting sun before them. Surprise didn’t even glance at the picture perfect setting sun, however. She stared deeply into her crush’s eyes and smiled. Rainbolt stared back, a bit uncomfortably.

“So…what do you plan on getting?” He asked Surprise and started looking through a little menu they had at each and every table.

“French toast, like always.” The pretty mare started playing with her yellow mane cutely as she smiled at the stallion before her.

“I’ll probably get the same thing.” For entertainment, the stallion flipped through pictures of the various items they served at the diner. “Wow… All this looks so good. I’m gettin’ kind of hungry.”

Surprise smiled brilliantly and took the opportunity to have a little fun. “Hi, Gettin’ Kinda Hungry, I’m Surprise!”

The stallion dropped his menu and stared at the mare for a good minute, slowly absorbing the joke.

“That’s not funny, Surprise….”

The mare giggled lightheartedly. “I’m not bein’ funny.”

“No, you’re not!” Rainbolt growled in a not-so-serious tone.

Surprise smirked at her date. “Don’t be like that, Gettin’ Kinda Hungry… There’s no need to get upset…”

“Surprise, I’m serious.”

“Really?” She said cocking her head. Rainbolt nodded affirmatively. “That’s funny! I thought you were Gettin’ Kinda Hungry.”

The stallion did nothing but sigh and roll his eyes. There was really no use arguing with her any further. It would only make him more stressed, and that was something he didn’t need. Maybe there was some way he could change the subject. Just about any topic would have satisfied him at that point. During one of the most fortunate of times, a waiter at long last came to their table. He had a dark green mane and soft, peach coat. His eyes were a light hue of crimson. He emotionlessly stared at the couple.

“Can I get you a drink or something?” He asked with less emotion in his voice than his facial expression.

“Sure thing!” Surprise chimed with a grin. “I will have some French toast and a sweetened tea, and Gettin’ Kinda Hungry over here,” Surprise nudged towards her date and he blushed heavily. “Is going to have the same thing with some lemonade.”

The unicorn illuminated his horn and scribbled down some notes with a long, exaggerated sigh.

“Anything else?” He asked in a bored tone.

“Nope! That’ll do it!” Surprise chimed cutely.

“Alright, your food will be done soon…”

With that, the stallion trot away with the order ready to be placed. Surprise smiled to her friend, who was still rather embarrassed from her not-so-cute nickname for him.

“Surprise…” He hissed. “Why would call me that in front of him…?”

The white mare shrugged. “Who cares? Not like you’ll ever see him again… ‘Sides, he knows we’re just joking around…”

Rainbolt sighed heavily. “Alright… just… It made me feel strange… Also, how did you know I would order lemonade?”

Surprise smiled. “Oh, Bolty, you act as if I’m not supposed to know these things…”

The stallion’s face twisted as his confusion grew.

“I… Huh? I didn’t know what you were going to order…”

“Well, duh!” She replied as if it were obvious. “That’s because you're not nearly as observant as I am!”

Observant? Rainbolt did pay attention to detail, but not so much that he foresaw what Surprise would order that night. Heck, he didn’t even know he would be going on a date until that morning! Yet, Surprise…there was something not quite right about her…

“Well…. I…I appreciate that you know me well enough to get me a drink without me asking. Uh, thanks… I guess…”

“Anytime, Bolty!” his coworker chimed brightly.

Rainbolt tossed his friend an awkward smile and remained uncomfortably quiet. He searched his mind for something more to say, but couldn’t think of a single topic. Silently, he simply stared at the happy mare he’d taken out. It was almost strange as he began thinking about it.

So… Rainbolt thought to himself. You’re on a date…with Surprise… This is just too weird… She’s usually so annoying and crazy and a cheesy, yet this isn’t bad at all. I mean, it is a bit creepy she knew what I was going to order, but she hasn’t been too bad, even if she did embarrass me ten minutes into the date… She’s actually kind of pretty when she’s not being irritating or overly chummy. I mean, I wouldn’t make her my mare, but… this isn’t nearly as awful as I thought it’d be…

The stallion’s thoughts were disturbed by two large glasses placed on the smooth table with a clank. One glass was filled with ice and a sweet, yellow liquid. Surprise’s glass was filled to the brim with a brown liquid and nearly twenty cubes of ice. Both drinks had lemon wedges on the rims of the glasses and straws that deeply penetrating the sweet juices. Surprise almost instantly wrapped her lips around the straw and began sucking up the sweet tea, never once glancing away from her handsome date. After robbing the glass of nearly half its liquids, she broke away and smiled at Rainbolt.

“Wanna sip?” She asked.

Rainbolt shook his head. “I… have my own. Besides, I have a bad habit of backwashing…”

The mare giggled. “Pssh! You act as if I wouldn’t mind a little backwash!”

The stallion’s face lit up and he chuckled a bit nervously. “That’s, uh… Surprise, you really are silly…”

“And?” The white pegasus asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“And, it’s…well.. Nice… I think…”

The young couple’s food came within ten minutes of them ordering it. Before them was set two plates of well-made French toast and a side of mixed fruits. Both orders had the pony’s drooling. The French toast was thick and fluffy with powdered sugar covering the top. Steam rose off the yummy food and both pegasi took in a big whiff.

“Mmm….” Surprise moaned as the scent traveled through her nose and awoke her mind. “Smells so good…”

With her mouth, the little mare grabbed a pitcher of syrup and poured it over top of her delectable meal. Gooey rivers of thick, sweet sap flowed over her French toast and fell onto the ivory plate below. Only when her food was drenched in the syrup did she stop to begin eating. Rainbolt on the other hoof, put nothing but little hunks of creamy butter on top of his. The sweet diary product melted and was absorbed into the well-prepared bread. Their forks noisily clanked against the plates below them as they ate. Neither of the two ponies got to go out to eat that often. It was such a shame Rainbow wasn’t there. She would have really liked the place. Although, Rainbolt wasn’t too comfortable taking his little filly to the large city, anymore, it still would have been nice to bring her to that café at least once.

“Wow…This taste just as good as I remember!” Rainbolt commented.

“I know, right!” Surprise agreed with a gleeful smile.

Surprise took another greedy bite of her delectable dinner. The wonderful flavors mixed in her mouth and made her smile grow wider. Although Rainbolt’s meal was calmer, it was still delectable to the fullest, and satisfied him perfectly. While eating, they both remained rather quiet. The familiar taste gave them time to reflect on fond memories of visiting there when they were young and in flight school.

“Hey!” Surprise suddenly spoke with a mouth full of half-chewed French toast. “Remember that time we came here and the manager kicked us out because we all started a food fight?”

Even though “us” had been referring to both Rainbolt and Surprise, it was also referring to the small group of six he had as friends in fight school. He remembered getting caught up in a lot of trouble. Most of the time it wasn’t his fault, and he was usually the one to send a very long apology letter to whoever it was they may have harmed in the process of being teens.

Rainbolt swallowed his bite of food. “Oh yeah!” He said with a large smile. “And like, half the diner participated because they were mostly from our school!”

“And Dreamscape literally passed out because he was supposed to be watching us!”

Rainbolt laughed at the old memory. “Oh, gosh! That was hilarious! Remember that mom with her foals when she started screaming at us and then her kids started spraying condiments everywhere!”

Surprise giggled with a snort. “Oh, yeah…those were the days… “

Rainbolt smiled and went back to eating his meal in silence. Frankly, as much as being young again sounded nice, it wasn’t the most…joyous time in his life. For one; it was at the time he was dating Firefly…not particularly something he wanted to remember. Secondly, it was at a time his brother was growing increasingly more…insane. He was also bullied quite frequently back then. He had worn braces, and wasn’t very attractive. He was often times called rude names over being quite wimpy, and not making a single sports team, even though it was supposed to be his special talent. Rainbolt had sort of given up on what he was “meant” to do in life and went on working at the Weather Factory. It had been that way ever since.

“So…” Surprise started after a long minute of silence. Rainbolt and she were nearly done with their meals at that point. “I know you said you wanted to go to a park or something after this, but… My tummy’s kind of full, and I don’t feel like walking that much, and well, it’s getting pretty late… I was hoping that maybe we could go back to my place and… Well, do something I always wanted to do with a stallion, but have never been given the opportunity to…”

Rainbolt blushed heavily. She wasn’t referring to…sex…was she?

“I…I-it depends on what you wanted to do and how late it is when we return home…”

“Oh… I mean, if you were willing to do it with me, it’d mean so, so much… I’ve never actually had a coltfriend… I know I’ve asked a few colts, but none have agreed. They all said it was a bit too romantic to do with somepony they weren’t dating…” She sighed heavily. “Not to imply we’re dating or anything, it’s just… I think it’d be the perfect way to end the night…”

Before Rainbolt could say a word, a small slip of paper was placed on the table before them.

“Pay at the front.” Were the only words he spoke.

“Uh, thank you, sir…”

The stallion walked away from the table with no response.

“Looks like somepony’s all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day…” She assumed hesitantly.

“Yeah, I guess… He didn’t seem like he was in the mood to talk, though.”

Surprise simply nodded in agreement, and Rainbolt cleared his throat to speak once again.

“Listen, Surprise, I think maybe you should tell me what you wanted to do ahead of time…”

Surprise blushed heavily. “I… I’ll tell you when we get to my house… if you don’t want to then, we don’t have to.”

Yep. It was sex. It was most definitely sex. Rainbolt sighed. For that moment, he’d keep his suspicions in and wait for them to be confirmed later that night.

“Alright, Surprise…” He replied hesitantly. “So… Are you ready to get out of here?”

The mare gasped. “Before eating my fruits? Don’t you know an apple a day keeps the doctor away?”

Rainbolt giggled. “Alright, but you do realize those are strawberries, watermelon, and grapes, right?”

“Doctors have many mysterious fears!” The mare argued. “And I am not going to see a doctor anytime soon!”

With her point proven, the white pegasus took in a large bite of the delicious mixture with a smile and thoroughly chewed.

“Okay, you do that. I’ll go pay the bill, alright?”

Surprise nodded and her coworker picked up the white slip of paper and headed to the cash register. On his way he read the total price and the items that tallied up and added on to it. The grand total was only fourteen bits. Not too bad for a date.

Rainbolt’s eyes looked up from the bill only to notice a bored mare at the register before him. Her eyes were half-opened and her mouth remained in a frown. Her blue mane was tightly held back in a bun. Her silver eyes carried a little bit of disdain towards the approaching customer. Silently, Rainbolt set the bill on the counter before him. The mare glanced at him, shook her head, and pushed a few buttons on the cash register.

“That’ll be fourteen bits, sir…” Her tone was as bored an emotionless as the waiter that had served him early.

“Of course…” Rainbolt replied and dropped a small bag of bits on the counter. There were fifteen in the bag. It was the estimated price of the meal, and turns out he wasn’t too far off. “Keep the change.” He said with a smile.

Quietly, the mare rustled through the bag and counted the individual bits, dropping fourteen into the register with bored eyes.

“Thanks…” was her only reply.

Rainbolt simply nodded and turned away. He flinched to see his beautiful date standing right behind him with a wide grin. Surprise giggled as he jumped.

“Did I scare ya?” She asked gleefully.

“I, uh.. yeah… Ready to go?”

“Yep!” She chimed.

“Alright, just, let me leave a tip and we’ll get going…”

“No need! Already left one.”

Rainbolt smiled at Surprise. “Thanks, but you know you really didn’t have to do that… I told you I’d pay for everything…”

“Yeah, I know… But I left him a little more than a tip…” Surprise commented as she walked out of the café.


“Oh, nothing…Let’s just get home so we can maybe possibly do what I wanted to!”

With that, the little mare shot into the cool, dusk air and Rainbolt quickly fallowed behind.
I really hope this isn’t leading to what I think it is…

The young pair landed on the patio of Surprise’s welcoming home. She smiled at Rainbolt, who at the time was feeling more nervous than ever. His heart raced and sweat formed on his forehead.

“Here we are!” The mare exclaimed. “Now, let’s get inside and take the rest of the evening to do something rather relaxing…”

“Again…” the stallion started. “What exactly are we doing…?”

“Something…” Surprise replied in a suspicious tone as she unlocked her door, and held it opened for Rainbolt to enter. He did with a nod and heavily thumping heart. What was that freaking mare planning?

With a wide smile, Surprise closed her front door shut and flipped on a light. Her house was actually quite nice. There was a red rug in the middle of the living room, and a couple recliners around it. She had an upstairs, a very clean kitchen, and small living room all visible the moment one walked in.

“Nice house…”

“Thanks…now… as for the, uh…thing I wanted to do…” A heavy blush smeared across Surprise’s white face. She grabbed the stallion by the hoof and dragged him into the living room. That only made him more nervous. She let go of his hoof when she was in the center of the room. There was a miniature radio on her coffee table. She smiled sheepishly as she turned it on with the single touch of a button on top. Rainbolt stared in wonder as music was suddenly heard. The music was instrumental, and came at a very slow tempo. Surprise looked up at her date and smiled. “I… I…” She cleared her throat. “M-may I have this dance?”

Rainbolt’s face lit up and his eyes went wide in shock. “You…all you wanted to do was slow dance?” Surprise nodded and smiled cutely. “Well, why didn’t you just say so?”

Gently, the stallion wrapped his hooves around the mare’s lower back and beneath her wings. She blushed heavily and smiled as she slowly began swaying. Her hooves carefully ran up Rainbolt’s chest, over his shoulders, and wrapped around the back of his neck.

“I… I thought it would sound weird or something…”

“Oh, please, Surprise! This is nothing compared to what I thought you meant!”

Surprise smiled as she swayed in her stallion’s comforting grasp.

“That makes me so, so happy to hear…” She giggled lightheartedly and swayed to the peacefully music. “So… What did you think I meant?”

Rainbolt’s entire face morphed into a bright shade of crimson.


Same shit, different day. Every single day, Clover woke up, went to work, and went home exhausted. The same customers came in. The same whining children spilt juice everywhere. The same old ponies complained about their food being not properly prepared. That day, however, was way worse than any average. That day was the well-dreaded Hearts and Hooves Day. Couples would come in and make kissy faces at each other, talk all lovey-dovey, and drink off the same damn straw. The very thought of it made the stallion want to throw up his guts. At least, it was at long last the end of the day. The majority of ponies had left with their lover, and hopefully they would never return.

Clover took in a deep sigh as he approached a table he’d recently seen a happy little couple at. They disgusted him secretly, despite how nice they seemed to be. The stallion’s horn illuminated as he picked up a couple of dirty plates and set them on his cart full of other filthy dinner remains. As he went to pick up his tip, he noticed it wasn’t scanty as usually. Whoever had tipped him left not a few, but nearly eight bits. That was far more than he ever received from nearly anypony. Clover gasped and stared for a moment in disbelief. Then, another thing caught his eye. Something he should have seen before. A little, white piece of paper with red mouthwriting and a little illustration in the bottom corner. He set the generous pile of bits on the table and picked up the note. He held it inches away from his face and read it within his mind

Heya Clover! (I know your name because I read your nametag!)

I know you don’t know me or anything, but I saw how sad you looked when you delivered our food and stuff… I can’t really say I know what’s on your mind, but I can say this: Whatever it is, I’m sure it can be overcome. Maybe it’s because you don’t have a very special somepony today… that would make me sad. The stallion who took me to eat here is just a friend… It sucks, too, I know… But he agreed to take me out because he’s caring and sweet, and that’s why I love him. I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, I’m saying this for encouragement. Listen, I gave you eight bits. I can’t control you or anything, but I hope you spend it on some candy for yourself tomorrow! Or maybe, you’ll spend it on somepony else. Don’t think I didn’t see you looking at that sweet, little mare at the register! I also saw that pretty mare looking back at you! If you’re feeling lonely, don’t be shy to ask her out. I was shy, too, but look at how my evening turned out! Why not get her some roses and ask her out? The night’s not over yet, you know. Or if anything else, break out a radio and ask her for a dance! That’s what I’m going to do when me and my date get back to my place! It’ll be so, so awesome if he says yes! You shouldn’t feel sad or upset, because somepony cares about you. I mean, look at me, I’m a complete stranger, and I gave a little in hopes you’d smile. I hope the rest of your evening is a blast!

From your friend,


The stallion stared at the paper a good minute before he looked back at the mare handling the cash register. She was twirling her little locks of hair with her magic… She was genuinely a sight to see. He looked back at the note, and for the first time all that day, his lips curled into a large, inevitable, smile.

Author's Note:

By the way (If any of you are wondering) Rainbolt and Surprise dating was just a one-time thing. It won't be a constant theme. I just wanted to see them go on a date, and give Surprise a nice Hearts and Hooves Day. Eve though this is my current plan, I'm constantly changing my mind about things, and could very well change it. The majority of this story was written on an impulse, after all.
Also, sorry for the lack of Dashie.