• Published 25th Nov 2013
  • 5,472 Views, 4 Comments

Neo Fantasia: Rise of a New Evil - PrinceUniversa

As peace is returning to Equestria, A new evil has risen and it is up to the mane 6 and an unknown ally to settle the score once and for all

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Chapter 8: A Saint's Devotion

Chapter 8: A Saint's Devotion

Castle of the Two Sisters
Nov. 2 2:30 P.M.

Nicolas managed to make it into the fortress gates without anything slowing him down. He rushes in the fortress and prays that even when they are corrupted, he can save them from the darkness in time before it becomes permanent.

Oni manages to bring the six bearers into the throne room where hopefully Nicolas will come into. He orders them to hide for now and waits until he shows up. Already, he felt his presence within the fortress. Oni knows that things might get very interesting once he gets here.

Nicolas enters the fortress with ease having no guards or anything for that matter protecting. He begins to wonder why there seems to be no guards at this time. He knows that Oni isn't that idiotic to not place at least some form of protection inside and outside the fortress. He was beginning to see that he was walking into a trap, "Figures that Oni would set one up for me." With a cautious mind going into play, he walks through remaining vigilant of the situation at hand. With each passing step, he looks aorund the place to see if there were any changes from the Castle of the Two Sisters itself. So far, there were no dramatic changes from the way into the throne room. Nicolas was beginning to get tense as he was close to the throne, what was going to happen once he gets there? With a deep breath, he takes one step into the throne room and was meeted with Oni right in the center of the room, "So, again we meet under these circumstances. Surprised you took a new look, last time I checked you were ponified."

Oni didn't listen to that last remark waiting only for his entry, "Well, being in that form really was uncomfortable for the time being." Oni turns around both staring at each other not flinching at the sight of the enemy, "What brings you here?"

"You already know Oni." Nicolas averts his gaze looking around the throne if any traps were to be noted. Seeing no changes in the throne room either, he asks straight away what was bothering him, "Did you do what I think you did to the six that came before me?"

Oni chuckled at the sudden question he bought up. He'd probably guessed from the tone that he was worried about his 'friends' and their current condition. He couldn't wait to see his reaction once he finds out, "You're the smart one, you should already know by now?"

His body suddenly went cold as ice from the answer, "So you did do it."

"What else do you think? I'll prove it to you in case you are trying to deny it." Oni calls them forth to his location. They all respond to their master's command and went there in almost a blink of an eye, "Well, how do you like the new looks they have?"

Nicolas was silent for a moment when seeing their corrupted state. He did not have a single word to describe the sight of them. All he wanted now more than ever was to free them from this corruption. Upon noticing their Elements, he sees their spirits trapped inside them. All of them were inhibiting their own Elements. Nicolas realizes that these six lost their spirits and the Elements reacted by taking in their spirits before they were gone from existance. Nicolas sees what he has to do to free them. He takes a deep breath and sternly looks at Oni.

Oni was baffled with the stern look. When he sees Nicolas enter his battle-ready stance, he realizes what he wanted to do. He smiled with glee that among all the things he might try, he would actually fight his own 'friends', "You really want to fight against your own 'friends?'" Oni was a bit surprised that he would go against his anyone he calls a friend. After much thought, he went on ahead and gave him what he wanted, "Fine, have it your way." Oni disappears into the unknown leaving the seven with each other.

Nicolas looks at each one of them eyeing one another. As what felt likes minutes passed all were looking at each other trying to wait for the first move. Having had enough of the waiting game, the six made the first move and went straight for Nicolas. Nicolas teleports out of the way and behind them. He delivers a horizontal slash from behind at almost blinding speed. The six narrowly dodged the incoming hit and decided to split up for the moment. Twilight casts a dark energy beam from her horn. Nicolas creates a barrier protecting him from the incoming attack. While he was channeling his magic into keeping the barrier up and running, Rainbow Dash flew above his head and went charging at him. Nicolas hears the slight changes in wind speeds and upon looking up sees Rainbow Dash charging at him. He dissipates his barrier and teleports out of the way. Upon making contact with the ground, Rainbow Dash created a rainbow-colored explosion that shook the foundation of the Castle. Nicolas went outside of the castle hoping to lure them out here. With more space to fight in, he might be able to put them down without hurting them though it was unlikely.

Oni who was at the pinnacle noticed Nicolas within the outskirts of the castle. Having seeing what was going to happen after the explosion he heard from within, he went on ahead and drew the spell circles.

Nicolas notices Rainbow Dash coming at him and nearly avoided a collision with him. He turns around and sees that others charging at him. He dodged each of their incoming attacks barely a few inches off contact. As he turned around he sees them readying themselves for another attack. Nicolas braced himself waiting for their attack. Twilight teleported all of them behind Nicolas as they try to pounce on him. Nicolas meets with the incoming hit by levitating his sword in front of them. They reacted and again split up. Nicolas looks around wondering where they went until he gets hit by a beam from out of nowhere. When he recovers from the hit he looks at the direction where the beam was shoot and sees Twilight and Rarity prioritizing on casting just magic. Nicolas looks and sees the other two pegasi coming at him at blinding speeds. Nicolas teleports out of the way only for him to get tackled by Applejack who was on the ground. The recoil from the tackle sent him almost crashing into the walls. Nicolas barely recovered from the tackle as he made contact with the wall and vacated a gravity spell around him allowing him to stand on the wall. Nicolas begins to channel some of his energy and casts a fire spell on Applejack. She dodged the spell and then slammed the ground splitting the earth below Applejack was only for him to see a present launched at him. The present hit him in the face almost making him unconscious. When he regains consciousness, he notices a beam being shoot at him. As he had no time to react, the beam made direct contact managing to almost burn right through his body. As the beam dissipated, Nicolas was breathing heavily from the hit. He tries to get up from the blast, but went back down as Fluttershy hit him on the back. Nicolas slammed into the ground and was reeling in from the pain. He tries to get up again, but falls down as the pain was too much for him. As he looked at the six who were laughing at him, Nicolas realized the futility of saving his friends. However, he wasn't gonna give up on this fight. He gets up ignoring the excruciating pain and with the last of his energy, casts his strongest spell on them. As he channels his magic into the horn, the six watch him at first, then without hesitation, attack him. Nicolas creates a barrier just in time before the initial hits. As the spell was done, he casts the spell on the whole castle itself. A white stream of magic was descending on the fortress from above. As the energy went through, the stream reacted from contact and exploded leaving a blinding white explosion.

Celestia and Luna were following Nicolas but weren't able to catch up to him fast enough. As they neared the castle, Luna noticed a white stream from above the castle and stopped Celestia. Celestia was very worried about him, but was curious as to why Luna stopped her, "Sister, why did you stop me?"

"Look up there." Luna points to the beam descending upon the castle. Both looked upon the stream as it passes through the castle. The magic exploded once it made contact with the castle blinding the both of them. For what felt like days, the blinding explosion intensified leaving the whole Equestria in an almost everlasting white flash. Once the explosion wore off, ponies began to question what that explosion was including the two princesses who were worried as to what was going on at the castle.

As the explosion ended, Nicolas fainted from using up all of his magic and of his injuries. Nicolas looked at the six with a broken heart as he was not able to save his friends. With his vision fading, all he could do was watch as life slowly drifted from him while they looked down at him cruelly.

Seeing that explosion made Oni realize that Nicolas resorted to using one of many of his best spells. He looked down at the front entrance to see him there unconscious. Oni was almost in shock to see him actually unconscious. Among all the fights to ever occur against each other, he wasn't involved in this one fight. That made Oni a bit annoyed that he wasn't the one to finish him off. When he see that there was a speck of life within the alicorn, Oni was smiling that he still would get the chance to do it, but how to end it was his question. After pondering about it, he came up with the perfect solution to end the angel's life. Oni calls the others and orders them to head inside the main room of the castle to prepare from the last act upon him. They obeyed and went inside. Oni looks upon the incomplete spell circle wondering whether to complete it or not. He decided to do it later and concentrate on giving the pain to his nemesis he wanted in a long time. With that done, he enters the main room prepping everything for the final outcome.

Celestia and Luna were able to recover from the explosion. As their vision began to return back to them, they slowly begin to realize that their uncle could be in dire trouble. As they begun to hasten themselves, they hear within Canterlot some of the ponies there panicking from seeing the explosion. They wanted head to the castle to help their uncle, but the panicking citizens was going to prevent them from helping him out. They head back to Canterlot hopefully to calm down fast enough for them to still get there fast. They begin to pray that what was going on inside the castle was helping their uncle. They'll soon realize what goes inside the castle isn't what they desired.

Castle of the Two Sisters
Nov. 2 5:34 P.M.

Nicolas's vision was a little blurry, but he was able to still see somewhat. He tried to move his body but for unknown reasons, wasn't able too. All of his senses were also going bizarre as he couldn't hear or feel anything. Nicolas wasn't able to fully understand what they were talking as he can hardly see their mouths moving. He was able to hear a laugh within their conversation. Nicolas knows well enough from Oni that a laugh from him is never a good thing especially if he sounds almost happy to do it, even though he has heard him laugh too many times. Nicolas was only able to make out one word, and hearing it almost made him faint, "Crucifixion." To actually go through it all was something Nicolas does not want to do. Even if were to avoid that fate, how was he able to escape if he is heavily injured? He wanted out of this room yet can't if his body can't respond. Nicolas was hoping that whatever Celestia and Luna are doing, they can get here fast or he is done for.

Nov. 2 6:46 P.M.

Calming the citizens was harder and much longer than they expected. The citizens were almost on a frenzy scattering everywhere in Canterlot. Even inside the castle the ponies were panicking from what that explosion was. Both Celestia and Luna split up, both doing half of the city they desired to calm down. For almost the whole night, both princesses managed to calm down all the citizens from the explosion and persuaded them to go to sleep. Having not noticed that it was nighttime for them, they decided to slumber and leave the princesses be. Now that the citizens were finally calmed down, the princesses can finally head into the castle. They could teleport there, but they decided to conserve their magic until they get there. They fly with great haste and went off hoping that they can save their uncle and the bearers, if they even can.

Castle of the Two Sisters
Nov. 2 12:42 P.M.

Nicolas fully recovered from his injuries and was awoken by a sound. He wakes up to find himself strapped on to a cross. He looks around to find Oni and the six looking down at him. Having realized that he going through the crucifixion, Nicolas tried to struggle out of the straps. Oni, seeing the attempt, was almost silent at that time, only giving away a snigger. He was enjoying this too much, he wanted to see his face of anguish once he begins, "Well, good to see you full recovered Nicolas. It wouldn't be fun if I were to do it with you not fully aware of what was going on." Nicolas became silent not giving in to what he says. He begins to see that escaping this may prove much more challenging. Having fully recovered, he tried to cast some magic to teleport out. Oni noticed him trying to teleport out. Having taking a step ahead, he disabled his magics to prevent him from escaping, "Nice try, but I disabled your magic." Nicolas begins to lose some hope of preventing the crucifixion. As he gazes at the six, all he could do was watch now as the event unfolds right in front of him, "Well, now that you stopped resisting, shall we continue?" Oni heads out of the room to get the nails. Nicolas tries once again to brake free from the shackles, but they were bound to the cross tighter than usual. He looks at them and notices that they were also enchanted with a spell to make them indestructible. Hearing the footsteps of Oni, Nicolas decided to go through this even if it does cost him his life. He's been through so many life-or-death situations, he gets the feeling like this one may finally put him at death's door. He looks through one of the many windows to see the beautiful array of constellations. Nicolas smiles seeing it only for it to go away as soon as Oni enters. He comes back in with nails and a hammer ready, "Not gonna say any last words?" Nicolas was silent not uttering a single word to him. Oni had expected some resistance like this. Nonetheless, he would rather do it now then later. Oni heads to the left side of the cross telling the others to head to the right and bottom of the cross. As they get into position, Oni begins by hammering down the nails through the hoof. The pain was so excruciating that Nicolas almost wanted to scream for mercy. He kept his mouth shut however not giving in to Oni's one desire. Oni hammers it down harder as it pierces through the hoof. The nail finally makes through it and exit out from the wooden cross. Nicolas's right side was bleeding badly dripping from the cross and onto the floor. Oni tells the bearers as what he did and all proceed as directed. With all of them going at it simultaneously, the pain was almost unbearable to him. Every second of the agony, Nicolas endured pain beyond his imagination. Even alicorns have their limit on how much punishment they can take and this was too much for him. As they finish hammering down the nails, he was losing copious amounts of blood and losing consciousness faster than he expected. Oni tells them to bring the cross somewhere where everypony can see him die. They obeyed and brought him to the front entrance. As they look upon the slowly dying alicorn, Nicolas manages to say his last few words to them before his untimely death, "My… friends. I'm very… sorry to have failed… you… Please… return… to the… the… the… l…i…g…h…t." As he finishes, Nicolas begins to lose all his consciousness and looking at the rising sun, smiles and closes his eyes. Those last words manages to ignite the spirits trapped inside the Elements and they fight the darkness to regain control over their bodies.

As the Elements glow an illuminating rainbow, the darkness that once held them released their grip on them and dissipated into ashes. The bearers regain control over their bodies wondering what happened to them. Shaking off the dizziness, they look up to see their friend hanging on the cross. Realizing what happened, they immediately pull out the nails that held him on the cross and caught him as he fell to the earth. Noticing that he lost consciousness, the bearers try everyday possible to bring him back. They patched up the wounds he sustained from the nails, managed to return some of the blood he lost, and stop the blood loss. They were praying that he had within him at least a glimpse of life.

Both Celestia and Luna made it to the castle only to find what they feared to be true. They see the six holding Nicolas on their arms. They come down looking upon him. The six did not respond to the princesses and only look at him hoping that he lives through it. The two princesses survey the conditions he's under wondering if he has a chance to live. The chances were getting slim. The flowing mane and tail have almost begun to stop and part of his body was getting limp. Celestia fearing that she was going to lose another loved one, puts her head on his heart checking if there was a pulse. Nicolas's heartbeat was slowing down little by little until it completely stopped. Celestia, realizing that his heart was failing, tries to jumpstart the heart again. Everypony saw this and assisted in any way possible to jumpstart his heart. Each failed attempt to jumpstart his heart made the slowly realize that they may not be able to save him. All tried to deny that he was truly dead, but their minds otherwise were thinking differently. As they looked upon the alicorn, his body begins to fade. All of them panic at seeing this phenomenon and try to grab a hold of him, but their hooves go through his body. As the body begins to get less visible, they hear a voice within their heads. They slowly realize that the voice was Nicolas, "Do not worry about me, I will return someday. For now, all of you must complete the task at hand, do it for me…" After that, the body disappears from the world leaving behind the Element of Forgiveness.

Seeing a dead alicorn right in front of her, especially one so wise and gentle, and hearing what he said to them, made Twilight realizes that beating Oni now has a bigger purpose then just saving Equestria, "Come on girls, we still have unfinished business with him." Twilight looks upon her friends who stand up not fearing what they were facing against. Twilight picks the Element of Forgiveness and gives it to the princesses. The princesses look upon the Element wondering about it. They decided to decline the offer, "We can understand very well Twilight, but you keep it." Celestia gives it back to Twilight, "The six of you have better use of it than us." Both Celestia and Luna stood up looking at the spire of the castle. The spire was covered with an eerie-looking could covering much of the castle. As they turn their attention back to the six, they left already for the spire, "Shouldn't we help them sister?"

"We will, only when the need is most dire. Is that okay sister?"

Luna nodded looking back at the pinnacle of the castle, "How long do you think we have?"

"That will depend. Let us hope that they can do it."

Twilight and friends ascend to the top not stoping until they made it. While they were climbing the castle, at the spire, Oni managed to complete his spell. This was his very first time actually using the spell, many times he tried to complete and always it was stopped abruptly him Nicolas and his friends. Now with it finally completed, he can now do what he desired for so long, "Finally, it's about time I finally turn a world into an apocalypse."

Twilight and friends finally made it to the top hearing what he said, "Not on our watch!"

Oni was rather a bit annoyed at them for not finishing it before they were freed. He does give them some credit, not giving up even after what happened, "Tch, so you made it. I might give you some credit here and now, but you're too late!" As he said that, the spell had become active and shot a beam towards the sky. The others covered their eyes from the blinding sight. As the beam made contact with one of many clouds, it split at multiple directions hitting several areas. At those areas, demons from his world had begun to spawn spreading the chaos at those areas. Having expected this to happened, Nicolas had planned ahead and put each of his friends at different locations where they may spawn. All of his friends heard the dreadful news of his death and went on protecting the citizens from them. At the spire, Oni looked at them with a morbid look on his face, "Welcome to the end of your world."

All of them wanted to beat the living daylights out of him for killing a good friend. They each looked at each other and having shared some nods, they wore the Elements and leaped at Oni.

"Pathetic." Oni creates a dark barrier around himself preventing them from touching him. To his dismay, the Elements became active and dispelled his barrier. Without any time to realize what just happened, he was hit full force from the Elements. He was pushed back from the recoil almost into the beam. He had begun to realize that the Elements had changed drastically from the last time they used it, "No, it is not possible to hurt me with those… How did it hurt me?"

"That's because we gotten a lot stronger the last time we met." Twilight pulled out the forgotten Element and showed it to Oni, "This once belong to your enemy. The one alicorn we understood just like Celestia and Luna." Twilight putted it back where it was and returned her gaze back to her. Having gotten this far, it seems like they could finally beat him.

That is, until, he reveals one last trick that surprised them all, "Not yet, I'm gotten too far to be stopped!" Oni pulls out a dagger and stabs himself at the heart. Everypony was almost in shock and confused as to why he did that. When he pulled out the dagger, the blood from the dagger begins to react and surrounds Oni. Within the blood vortex, Oni physical body was changing, his hooves became claws, his horn now split into two and became demonic, and his wings have bony protrusions. His whole body now has become that of a demon. As the blood vortex disappeared, his true form was revealed to the bearers and seeing it made them go into a state of fear. For the first time in their life, to see a demon up close and personal made them paralyzed with fear. They may have faced villains beyond their calling but to face a demon is something they never expected, "Haha, you're all paralyzed with fear. You've never faced a real demon before haven't you?" They were all silent walking a few steps away from the monstrosity that was Oni. Oni walked closer to them while they were walking back further and further from him until they reached the edge of the castle spire. They looked back at Oni who was over their heads. As they couldn't move at all, they begun to realize that they may actually feel death, "Say your prayers for it will be your last words you say." Oni goes to deliver a strike above them and all of them brace themselves for it.

"Do not give up! Not when you are this far!" Twilight rose her head first when a barrier surrounded them blocking Oni's attack and pushed him back. All the others react from that and see two ponies, one of them was a unicorn and the other was their dead alicorn friend. They look back at them and give a vote of confidence, "Don't worry about me girls, death has no grip on an angel itself." Nicolas smiles at them reassuring that they can beat them. The other unicorn however had a different view of that, "Please big brother, if it weren't for your angelic blood, you would have faced death there." Nicolas was a little urked from that but it was true anyway, "Come on Euria my sister, you don't have to be like that you know, haha."

Everypony was trying to process what was going on especially Oni who he witnessed his death, "Hold on, Nicolas we saw you die and then you faded from existence. What's going on here!?"

Nicolas laughed a bit from the sudden question but at the same time he was still serious about this battle, "Never mind about that, all of you are our best hope."

"What do you mean!?" We have no chance against him! Even the Elements seem to have little to no effect on him!"

"You may want to listen to her, they have no effect on me since they have never faced such a monster before."

"Maybe, but there is something else that we can do." Nicolas and Euria look at them and begin channeling all of their energies. They begin to glow as their magic enters the six bearers. As they were transferring all of their magic into them, the six begin to feel the energies flowing within their bodies. With time, their bodies become surrounded with a rainbow and ascended high into the sky as their bodies begins to produce many physical changes.

Each one of their manes and tails became flowing like that of Celestia and Luna having their own motifs. Pinkie's changing shape like a cloud compared to the usual flow, Rarity's sparkling like the many jewels she has, Fluttershy's having some flowers on her, Rainbow Dash having the normal mane but flowing and extending, Applejack with her mane and tail set ablaze, and finally to Twilight whose mane and tail were like that of the sunset. They also gained some wings and horns depending on their race. For Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, they gain horns. For Rarity and Twilight, they gain the ability of flight like the pegasi. And finally for Pinkie and Applejack, they received both horn and wings. As the transformation ended, they flew right down to the castle falling like a shooting star.

Landing perfectly well, they look at themselves to see what happened to themselves with shocking results, "W…Wha…What just happened to us?" Oni was more shocked at what he is looking at than the six themselves.

Nicolas and Euria both looked at each other noting on what they did, then responded to the question that Twilight asked, "Can you see what happened yourself?" They laughed a bit having asked a silly question like that.

Twilight and friends realized that they became alicorns. Rainbow Dash and Rarity were almost ecstatic upon seeing that they were alicorns, the others had mixed feelings about the transformation. Twilight was wondering how would Celestia react seeing in her current form. As much as they were pondering about this, they suddenly remembered the current crisis at hand and looked at Oni who was charging at them. They weren't so sure on what to do to meet with the incoming attack. Then, Rainbow Dash went in front of him and rained lightning bolts from the sky surprising even herself, "Woah, did…did I do that!?" Rainbow was so shocked about what she that the others begun to gain a significant idea on the new powers they were gifted. They looked at the brother and sister who were smiling at what they did. Twilight, still baffled at what happened asked Nicolas and Euria what they did, "Could you two please explain what you did to us?!"

Before Nicolas could talk about it, he casted a time spell pausing the whole Equestria and those caught in it except themselves and the six, "We transferred about half of our power to you. We are very strong but even we have our limits, so the best thing we decided was to give what we said before, half of our energy to you. As a result, this transformation occurred." Nicolas looked upon the sky seeing the many constellations. Having expected this to happen, he was determined that they will finish where he left off. He looks back at them noticing that his spell was wearing off quickly. Having not enough time to finish what he was going to say, he tells them very quickly what he wished to say, "Can you finish Oni for me?"

They all looked at each other with a determined look on their faces. With the power they were given from Nicolas and Euria, they were more then happy to do it for them, "We can, just be ready to return once this is all over, okay?"

Nicolas was happy to hear that from them. All he could do was watch on and hope that they can do well, "Of course I'll come back, now go for it all of you." Nicolas walks back and disappears along with Euria and lets the six do what they were born to do. He also dispels his spell and resumes all time allowing everypony to move once again. As time slowly returns back to normal, the six look upon the demon who, realizing what happened, looks at them and begins the fight to the bitter end.

The six dodge his charge and begin their assault. Having already gain most of the knowledge of many spells thanks to Nicolas, the six have access to many tricks and spells that they are accustomed too. While in the middle of dodging, Rainbow Dash once again rained down lightning on Oni hoping to get while he was still charging. Oni anticipated it and dodged it as well. With them being alicorns now, Oni now decided to cast his own spells. Oni created a spell circle instantly from below one of them. He raises his claws and a pillar of darkness was released from it. Twilight teleported out of the way and counterattacked with a beam. Oni created a barrier reflecting it into the sky and also countered attacked as well. Applejack went right in front of Twilight and stomped the ground making a rock wall. As it was holding off the attack, Pinkie went behind him and pulled out her cannon and went in it. She launched herself right onto Oni. A direct hit and he was sent flying before he recovered from the hit. Oni made multiple copies of himself and all simultaneously attacked them. The real Oni, however, hid among the shadows and channeled some of his darkness into his palms. While the alicorns fended off each horde of himself that were coming at them, Oni slowly managed to channel enough of his energy into his hands. As they finished the rest of the horde, Oni finished his spell and slammed the sphere onto the ground. The sphere grew ever so larger when it made contact with the ground and almost engulfed the whole castle. Twilight created a barrier around herself to protect herself from it while the others fled from the sphere. When the sphere stopped growing, the five tried to enter it. As they made contact with the sphere, they were pushed back by an unseen force. This made them annoyed, but over time they begun to realize that not everypony went out of the radius of the sphere. While they trying to find anyway into the sphere, Twilight dispelled her barrier wondering where she was. Inside the sphere was nothing but pitch-black darkness and it was hard to where she was going. When she tried to do an illumination spell, the spell got disrupted preventing her from emitting anything that shines. When she begun to wander aimlessly looking for a way out, Oni appears in front of her. She reacted despite not being able to see him. She wondered where her friends were wondering if they can make it. She used telepathy to speak with her friends who were struggling to get inside the sphere, "Hello? Can you guys hear me? Please respond!"

The five hear Twilight in their heads. The four were freaking out a bit from hearing her inside their heads, Rarity on the other side didn't mind as she learned this spell before just never used it in her life, "Calm down you four, it's just telepathy, don't freak out over it." Everypony being baffled was expected, "I'll talk about it later. Let's just hear what Twilight has to say. Twilight, we are here, we're having trouble entering the sphere darling. What is wrong on your part?"

"You girls can't enter? That's a problem, that's means I have to face Oni alone." Twilight was worried if she can handle Oni alone. Even with the strength of an alicorn, she was not fond of fighting her battles on her own especially those who are powerful beyond comprehension. Sure she has done some from time to time, but for the most part, she had her friends to support her back. To actually face something that doesn't even exist in Equestria when the whole world is on the line, it putted a lot of pressure on her.

The five friends hear only silence from Twilight making them wonder if she was getting worried. Considering the situation she was in, it's no surprise that she would get worried. They decided to give her some morale support even if it's only a little, "Twilight, don't give up yet. You can do it, you just need the confidence to do it."

Despite it being only a few words, it added a boost of confidence to her to continue the fight against Oni, "Thanks girls. Guess I'll try to do this alone."

The five were happy to hear that from her but were wondering what to do if they can't help Twilight. Rainbow Dash suggested an idea and to her surprise, it was the first smart thing that she said, "How about we assist Nicolas's friends that are scattered on the five major towns?" The five looked at each other wondering if this was okay. They decided that this would be best for now, "Okay, if everypony is ready now, we can go now. I call Cloudsdale."

"Canterlot for me, you all could probably can guess." The four didn't mind and just shrugged at the answer.

"I call Appleloosa, I need to see Braeburn and see if he can do anything along with the buffalo."

"I'll stay at Ponyville, it's my home and I want to keep it safe. I know it's kinky isn't it? One time I went…"

"Um Pinkie, I think we get the idea. I'll go with you Pinkie, you don't mind right?"

"Uh huh, I'll like some help at least."

The five looked at each other one last time and after they nodder, they split up into their destination. While they were heading to their location, inside the sphere, Twilight was staring face to face with the demon himself wondering what to do. Oni noting her, decided to tell her one last thing before the real fight begins, "I know you're wondering what I might do before we fight, I'll tell you it but only because you're going to face oblivion once I finish the sphere." Oni putted another sphere on his palms and fused it with the other sphere. The result made the sphere expand covering much of the old castle and inside the sphere, the two teleported somewhere Twilight doesn't know. The fight against Oni was heading for its climax.

Author's Note:

Credit of the "ascended" alicorn pic belongs to Sapphiregamgee. Go check him out :)